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Impact of different initialisation methods on the

quality of sea forecasts for the Sicily Channel

L. Fazioli, A. Olita, A. Cucco, C. Tedesco, A. Ribotti & R. Sorgente

To cite this article: L. Fazioli, A. Olita, A. Cucco, C. Tedesco, A. Ribotti & R. Sorgente (2016)
Impact of different initialisation methods on the quality of sea forecasts for the Sicily Channel,
Journal of Operational Oceanography, 9:sup1, s119-s130, DOI: 10.1080/1755876X.2015.1114804

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Published online: 10 Jun 2016.

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VOL. 9, NO. S1, s119–s130

Impact of different initialisation methods on the quality of sea forecasts for the
Sicily Channel
L. Fazioli, A. Olita, A. Cucco, C. Tedesco, A. Ribotti and R. Sorgente
Institute for Coastal Marine Environment of the National Research Council, Oristano Section, Oristano, Italy

An operational ocean forecasting system provided numerical predictions on the main
hydrodynamics in the seas around Sicily. The system is evaluated using an independent dataset
of sea surface temperature (SST) satellite observations. A set of specific numerical experiments
are carried and the simulated SST data was compared with the satellite data observed at
selected dates. Two kinds of initialisation techniques are adopted to generate different initial
conditions: ‘slave mode’ and ‘partially active mode’. The accuracy of both approaches is analysed
to individuate the optimal nesting strategy. The results show that the partially active mode
improves the forecasts, resulting in a model accuracy increase of up to about 30%.

Although this initialisation method, referred to in this
The accuracy of a weather or ocean forecast is closely paper as ‘slave mode’ (SM), allows a reduction in the
related to the range of prediction, defined as the amount amplitude of the external gravity waves, the ocean forecast
of time in advance for which the prediction is made. As short-range time up to 24–48 hours is already affected by
in Lorenz (1965), only periodic components such as tides spurious signals, even if it is partially smoothed (Gabersek
can be predicted into the far distant future; the accuracy et al. 2007). This could result in consequences for model
of predictions for weather and ocean behaviour decrease applications requiring an extremely high level of skill in
as the range increases and systems become more and hydrodynamic input fields, e.g. search and rescue,
more complex, resulting in an increase in the chaotic (or decisions in case of marine emergencies, the transport
poorly known physics) aspect. Failure to produce perfect and dispersion of pollutants (Coppini et al. 2011; De
forecasts of a non-periodic variable on any scale depends Dominicis et al. 2013). An alternative way is to initialise
on a number of factors, ranging from the availability of and optimise the initial condition from the coarse resol-
observational data for calibration/validation and assimila- ution model n days before the prediction start, performing
tion to the initialisation procedures and choice of model. In a short-range time simulation (known as a hindcast) fol-
sub-regional ocean forecasting, the initial condition used lowed by the short-range forecast. This methodology is
to start a numerical prediction (Zodiatis et al. 2007) is con- referred to in this paper as ‘partially active mode’ (PAM).
sidered one of the most important source of uncertainty. The aim of this article is to evaluate both of these initi-
An initially negligible error, indeed, can be propagated alisation techniques by applying them to a Sicily Channel
and amplified during numerical integration, thus inducing Regional Model (SCRM) based on the Princeton Ocean
considerable errors in the forecasted fields. Commonly, a Model (POM), analysing the initial conditions and their
way to initialise such models without any assimilation pro- impact in short-range forecasts of up to three days. We
cedure is to downscale the initial solutions from a coarse- validated, through statistical scores, sea surface tempera-
resolution model into a high-resolution model grid. A way ture (SST) fields calculated for the initial conditions versus
to optimise such initial interpolated fields in sub-regional an independent satellite dataset. The same approach and
ocean forecasting is the use of tools for reducing spurious statistical treatment is also applied to the coarse model,
oscillation, e.g. the Variational Initialisation and Forcing the Mediterranean Forecasting System (MFS) in which
Platform (VIFOP) method (Auclair et al. 2000). The gen- the SCRM is embedded. Moreover, we examined the per-
eration and propagation of spurious high-frequency oscil- formance of the SCRM, statistically quantifying the quality
lations, due to the incorrect dynamical balancing of of predictions by following a forecast-cycles scheme.
interpolated fields, during the spin-up time are signifi- The model is implemented in the Sicily Channel,
cantly reduced using VIFOP (Gabersek et al. 2007). otherwise known as the central Mediterranean Sea

CONTACT L. Fazioli

© 2016 Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology

(Astraldi et al. 1999; Ciappa 2009; Sorgente et al. 2011). 1987) finite difference scheme for the numerical inte-
The region extends in longitude from the eastern Sardi- gration of primitive equations. Continuity, motion and
nia Channel to the most southerly Tyrrhenian Sea, and conservation of temperature and salinity equations are
in latitude from South Sardinia down to North Africa’s resolved, allowing for hydrostatic fluid and the Boussi-
shores, including the whole sea off the Tunisian coast nesq approximation. The horizontal viscosity and verti-
and the western Libyan coasts. cal mixing coefficients are respectively computed using
The seabed topography is extremely irregular, ranging Smagorinsky’s (1993) approach and Mellor and Yama-
from depths of 30 m (wide shelves, like the Lybian Shelf, da’s (1982) turbulence closure scheme for geophysical
and a lot of banks, like the Medina Bank and Skeki Bank) fluid dynamics set in POM. The model bathymetry
to depths of greater than 1000 m in narrow channels (Figure 1) was obtained from the US Navy Digital Bathy-
close to island continental shelves (like near Pantelleria metric Data Base (DBDB1) at 1/60 deg by bilinear
and Malta) until reaching a depth of about 3000 m interpolation into the model grid.
along the Ionian slope. The SCRM has a spatial resolution of 1/32 deg and is
This area has attracted a great amount of scientific 30 sigma levels denser near the sea’s surface thanks to the
interest because of the presence of different water mass logarithmic distribution along the water column. The
interchanges in both easterly and westerly directions time-step imposed is 4 s for external integrations and
(Astraldi et al. 2002). Such interchanges influence water 120 s for internal integrations. The SCRM lateral open
renewal, as well as both the heat and salt budget of the boundary conditions are computed through an offline
entire Mediterranean Basin. Hydrological investigations one-way asynchronous nesting technique (Sorgente
(Manzella et al. 1990) and several experimental studies, et al. 2003; Oddo & Pinardi 2008) using the MFS (Tonani
using surface and sub-surface drifters, have shown a com- et al. 2008; Pinardi & Coppini 2010), thus scaling the
plex circulation (Poulain & Zambianchi 2007). The sea- model solution from the coarse to the fine grid.
sonality of water mass properties has been studied using The MFS is a basin-scale sea-circulation model for the
high-resolution numerical models (Sorgente et al. 2003), whole of the Mediterranean Sea, which has been in use
while mesoscale dynamics and their relationship with since 2000 and was developed by National Institute of
physical forcing have been highlighted by analysing the Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) in Bologna
kinetic energy components using modelled variability, (Pinardi et al. 2003). It runs at regular grid of 1/16 deg
both in space and time (Sorgente et al. 2011). In the Med- of horizontal resolution and 72 unevenly spaced vertical
iterranean Sea, in the months ranging from January to z-levels (Tonani et al. 2008). Every day, a 10-day forecast
April, the SST is at the lowest spatial gradient of the
year. These more simplified conditions make it easier to
compare the different initialisation techniques. We quan-
tified the impact of initial conditions on the numerical sol-
ution, taking advantage of the maximum possible number
of model predictive capabilities. The averaged results illus-
trated in this paper refer to two groups of numerical exper-
iments representative of the winter season for 2010–2011.
The manuscript is organised as follows. An overview
is given of the models, the initialisation procedures
used, the observational dataset and the main statistical
metrics adopted for use with the validation tool. After
this, the validation results for the initial condition assess-
ment and the evaluation of forecast cycles are discussed.
In the final section, conclusions are drawn and the exper-
iment which attains the best possible result in terms of
accuracy is highlighted.

Forecast set-up
Figure 1. SCRM model bathymetry at 1/32 deg built through
The SCRM is a free surface three-dimensional hydrodyn- interpolation of the US Navy Digital Bathymetric Data Base
amic model based on the POM (Blumberg & Mellor (DBDB1).

is operationally provided starting on Tuesday from a run

of 14 days of past analysis and each of the successive 6
days, until the following Monday, from a model
An interactive air-sea module is used to put the SCRM
through a high-resolution (limited area model, 10 km
horizontal resolution) weather prediction system called
SKIRON (developed by Atmospheric Modeling &
Weather Forecasting Group of the Athens University,
see Kallos et al. 1997; Kallos et al. 2005), which is oper-
ationally available on the National and Kapodistrian
University of Athens server. The SKIRON operational
Figure 2. SCRM operational forecast chain (red bars) in SM. Note:
system provides 5 days of hourly forecast fields of 10 m
The initial condition for each forecast cycle (full green circle) is
wind speed, 2 m air temperature, relative humidity, pre- provided by the MFS forecast downscaling; the forecast cycles
cipitation rate, total cloud cover and downward and are evaluated at day D.
upward radiations.
At the air-sea interface, the coupling assumes that the
VIFOP was used to reduce the amplitude of spurious
net shortwave and the downward radiation are provided
oscillations following the beginning of numerical inte-
by the SKIRON model at 1-hour intervals, while
gration. Incorrect dynamic balancing of interpolated
momentum, turbulent heat and water fluxes are calcu-
fields leads, in fact, to the generation and propagation
lated by the SCRM using the bulk formulae through
of high-frequency oscillations during the spin-up time
the simulated SST. Surface momentum fluxes are calcu-
(Gabersek et al. 2007). Once these ‘false’ external gravity
lated using the computed drag coefficient of Hellerman
waves were reduced, it was possible to perform a reason-
and Rosenstein (1983).
able validation of the forecast as early as the first day
The model ran four times per experiment, each time
simulated (Figure 2).
generating a three-day forecast of temperature, salinity
and velocity (daily average). The validation was performed
from the initial condition at day D (D cycle) up to the third Partially active mode (PAM)
day of the forecast (D-3 cycle), then a single SST satellite The initial conditions are obtained by SCRM in hindcast
observation was used for each experiment. Ten observa- mode, starting the model one week earlier through the
tional days, selected from the periods January–March downscaling of MFS analyses of temperature, salinity
2010 and January–April 2011 (shown in Table 1) were and current velocity. The seven days of numerical inte-
chosen and the corresponding model experiments were gration spreads out the initial spurious wave and frees
selected. The operational chain of both methods of initia- up the model to produce its own dynamics before
lisation and the cycle schemes used are described below. switching from hindcast to forecast mode. The open lat-
eral boundary conditions are provided by MFS analyses,
while the weather fields of analysis are provided by the
SKIRON model and used to compute the air-sea inter-
Slave mode (SM) action through heat and momentum fluxes. For each
In order to initialise the SCRM, the MFS three-dimen- time-step of the weekly model hindcast, a relaxation
sional data of temperature, salinity and currents were procedure towards satellite SST data is applied to the
downscaled directly to the finer sub-regional grid. Such modelled heat fluxes. This procedure of relaxation uses
a method makes the SCRM initial condition dependent operational satellite data, provided on a regular grid at
on (i.e. slave to) the sea status provided by the coarse 1/16 deg of horizontal resolution, performing a first
model. The sub-regional dynamics thus begin to develop bilinear interpolation on the finer SCRM grid point.
from the first forecast day. This implies that any noise is Every weekly hindcast releases a restart file, which con-
mainly spread over the surface field. tains all the necessary parameters to describe the physical

Table 1. Number of MODIS satellite SST grid points available for each day considered.
2010 2011
04/02 06/02 18/02 24/02 20/04 08/01 07/02 24/03 25/03 27/03
Available 34,656 19,880 17,777 33,102 30,457 28,083 18,800 21,463 29,701 19,966
SCRM domain coverage (%) 77.4 44.4 39.7 73.9 68.0 62.7 42.0 47.9 66.3 44.6

state of the water column and initialise a forecast. In this Optimal interpolated sea surface temperature (OISST)
way, the SCRM partially loses the slave condition due to satellite data, operationally produced and provided by the
the coarse model becoming ‘partially active’ in the initi- Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate of the
alisation phase, at the point when the system switches National Research Council (ISAC-CNR) (Santoleri et al.
from hindcast to forecast mode (Figure 3). 2008) through an optimal interpolation procedure, were
used to make an SST nudging during a weekly hindcast
of the operational chain of PAM. The near real time
Satellite data multi-sensor (NRTv1) was used on a daily basis, obtained
In order to assess the quality of the modelled SSTs in from the advanced very high resolution radiometer
terms of error and skill score, the SSTs derived from (AVHRR on board NOAA-17 and NOAA-18) night-
Level 2 MODIS-AQUA (Moderate Resolution Imaging time data. They cover the whole Mediterranean Sea
Spectroradiometer-AQUA) data are used. The winter with a regular grid with a horizontal resolution of 1/16
season was chosen as the period best suited to evaluating deg and are provided in NetCDF format; the estimate
different kinds of model initialisation techniques in of the error (EESD) made during the interpolation pro-
terms of model performance detection. In the summer, cedure is also included – in other words, the EESD can
high SST variability, associated with short-lived be considered a quality value of the satellite data mainly
phenomena that are smaller than mesoscale, can be a related to cloud coverage.
source of additive errors.
High resolution satellite data (about 1 km of spatial
resolution) are interpolated on the SCRM regular grid,
computed at 3.5 km of horizontal resolution. The num- Forecast and observational data are needed for statistical
ber of satellite data points within the model grid, when metric calculations in order to quantify the level of agree-
cloudiness is absent, is equal to 44,770. Because of an ment between the modelled and observed SSTs.
uneven spatial predictive ability of the model, high levels In this section we evaluate the correspondence
of cloudiness could mask the points at which the model’s between the mean forecasts and mean observations
predictions are most or least accurate, so the satellite data (bias) as represented by observations (accuracy). These
are selected by choosing a minimum of 40% of available statistical metrics (scores), defined in Murphy (1993),
points. This percentage has represents the main criterion give a measure of discrepancy between the known satel-
for choosing the satellite data used to validate the fore- lite observations, OMODIS(x,y,t), and the corresponding
cast output to ensure that enough points are used to sig- values forecast by the model, Tf(x,y,t) at each forecast
nificantly represent the different areas. cycle.
As the model’s initial condition is set to 00:00, a selec- The model forecast fields are checked by calculating
tion criterion was to start satellite data around midnight different types of statistics between Tf(x,y,t), and OMO-
(± two hours). DIS(x,y,t). Model accuracy is defined through the

Figure 3. Operational forecast chain (red bars) in PAM. Note: The initial condition for each forecast cycle (full red circle) is provided by
seven days of hindcast (black bars); the forecast cycles are evaluated at day D.

metrics bias and root mean square error (RMSE), defined relaxation to a satellite SST data most affected by errors.
by: Thus, the average contribution of the EESD for each
experiment during every seven days of hindcast (here-
bias = T f (x, y, t) − OMODIS (x, y, t), (1) after 7-EESD) is considered (Table 2).
 The 2010 RMSE values (Figure 4(a)) range from
RMSE = bias(x, y, z)2/N ,
(2) 0.34°C to 0.62°C for PAM and from 0.48°C to 0.65°C
for SM. Almost insignificant is the difference between
where N is the number of comparisons in the case of
the RMSE obtained from the two methods at 4 and 6
temporal RMSE(x,y,t). For the case of spatial RMSE(x,y),
February 2010, as the 7-EESD values are between the
N is the number of grid points. To estimate the skill of
lowest observed, reaching 22% and 15%, respectively.
the models, the sea surface temperature skill score
The RMSEs of SM and PAM, indeed, reach 0.47°C to
(SSTSS) is computed using the standard deviation
0.49°C, showing negligible differences. During 18 Febru-
(STD) of the temperature that defines the model variabil-
ary 2010, the RMSE of PAM reaches its maximum value
for the whole of 2010 of about 0.62°C, remaining very

2 2 close to the RMSE of SM, which is 0.64°C. In the week
STD = (T f (x, y) − T f ) /N , (3)
preceding the initial condition, moreover, the cumulative
SSTSS = (1 − RMSE2 /STD2 ). (4) value of 7-EESD reaches one of the higher percentages of
about 31%. During 24 February, we find the highest
SSTSS is positive (negative) when the forecast accu- RMSE in 2010 for SM, of about 0.65°C, while the value
racy is higher (lower) then the standard deviation calcu- for PAM is 0.57°C. Even more striking is the difference
lated for the SST of the model with respect to a mean in the RMSE registered for the experiment of 20 April
value. 2010. Using PAM, in fact, we have one of the lower
SSTSS = 1 when the RMSE = 0 (perfect forecast); RMSEs of about 0.35°C, departing from the SM value
SSTSS = 0 when the error computed is equal, in absolute of 0.14°C; the 7-EESD peaks at around 33%.
value, to a deviation by the mean value, RMSE = STD. The 2011 RMSE values (Figure 4(c)) range from
Such indexes are applied both to our forecasts and to 0.47°C to 0.81°C for PAM and from 0.51°C to 0.85°C
the coarse model providing the boundary conditions. for SM. On 8 January 2011, the PAM experiment
SSTSS(x,y) and RMSE(x,y) are plotted in time-series reached a RMSE of 0.82°C against the 0.84°C of SM.
to show the mean performance of the model during While maintaining the RMSE values of PAM lower
the forecast cycles ranging from the initial condition than the SM one in the days selected for 2011, only on
(D) up to the third cycle (D-3) in both modes. Thus it 24 and 27 March are appreciable differences found
is possible to quantify the SCRM’s ability to make predic- between the two modes. The RMSE of PAM obtained
tions by comparing the model’s results from the two are respectively 0.62°C and 0.47°C. During 2011, the
different starting points for the initial condition D. maximum difference between the PAM and SM
To evaluate the spatial variability of the RMSE for all RMSEs occurs on 27 March when the 7-EESD is about
cycles in one single shot, we created a summarising index 13%, representing the lowest average percentage in the
we called 4Ie, which allows the error made by the forecast whole 2010–2011 dataset considered.
(s) in respect to a single observation day D to be rep- As expected, it is observed that the MFS and SM initial
resented spatially. This is computed on the basis of the conditions have very similar RMSEs because of the sub-
biases(x,y) of the model against the observation for regional fields that are a downscaling of the coarse one.
each cycle. Despite the dependence of SM on the MFS, the following
examination of the forecasting cycles shows their differ-
ent predictive abilities.
Results In order to gain further insight into the different
effects of the two initialisation modes, different par-
Initial condition assessment
ameters such as the surface temperature, surface current,
The RMSE computed using the modelled and observed averaged surface (ks) and total kinetic energy (kt) of a
SST(x,y) is shown for the initial conditions (Figure 4(a representative day are evaluated. Since 20 April 2010 is
and c)). The percentage of available grid points at each the day with the lowest RMSE and the largest differences
evaluation day (Table 1), depending on the cloud cover between the two initialisation modes, this point was cho-
detected by MODIS, is also plotted (Figure 4(b and d)). sen for assessment.
One of the factors which could cause an increase in the Observing the bias of the SST at the initial condition
RMSE of the initial condition obtained in PAM is a (Figure 5), one can see that the higher values, more than

Figure 4. SST RMSE for the MFS initial condition (green full triangle), slave mode (red full circle) and partially active mode (black full
square) for selected days in 2010 (Panel A) and 2011 (Panel C); available rate (%) of MODIS-SST (black narrow bar) on the SCRM grid for
selected days in 2010 (Panel B) and 2011 (Panel D), superimposed on the respective trend of the EESD (empty bar) of the OISST.

Table 2. Averaged seven days of EESD (%) provided by the OISST used for the procedure of relaxation in PAM.
2010 2011
04/02 06/02 18/02 24/02 20/04 08/01 07/02 24/03 25/03 27/03
7-EESD (%) 22.11 15.30 31.80 20.17 33.18 28.98 30.45 15.85 14.12 13.66

2°C, are localised near the coasts of Eastern Sicily and the especially in positive values, reaching +2.6°C, are found
Calabria Ionian side for both systems. for SM.
Values of about 1°C are also observed along the very Observing the surface current fields provided by the
shallow Algerian coast. Values of bias closer to 0°C can two initialisation methods, a considerable difference in
be found in most of the Sicily Channel area. Strong nega- module can be seen in a lot of areas (Figure 6) and pre-
tive values of bias are only found in a small area around the sences of a lot of small dynamic structures in the wide
Tunisian coast, meaning that the simulated surface temp- area of the Sicily Channel down to 34 deg N in latitude.
erature is colder than the observed one. From Figure 6, it is The major difference between the two fields in terms
easy to identify the areas with the greatest differences of magnitude is near the southern coast of Sicily, where
between the two fields of bias. One of these extends from the SM currents reach their maximum values of 0.55
15 deg E to 16 deg E longitude and 36 deg N to 38 deg N m/s against the 0.78 m/s obtained by PAM.
latitude along the stretch of sea off the east coast of Sicily In order to quantify such differences in the whole
during 20 April 2010. Here the bias reaches its maximum region of interest, a map of kinetic energy, given by
values up to 2.5°C for SM (Figure 5(b)) and less than 1.5°C kPAM – kSM, is shown in Figure 7.
for PAM (Figure 5(a)). Other areas where it is observed are Differences of less than 0.01 m2/s2, found in most of
close to the southern coast of Sicily and around the Adven- the domain, are considered negligible and represented
ture Bank; here the bias reaches 0.8°C while it keeps close by uncoloured areas. It is evident that the highest values
to 0°C for PAM. reach 0.15 m2/s2, localised along the Sicily-Tunisian
The spatial average of bias in the PAM initial con- transect, around the Adventure Bank, close to the
dition is close to 0°C versus the 0.33°C provided by southern coast of Sicily and in the western Ionian Sea.
SM. The minimum and maximum values of bias range Also around the continental shelf of Malta are visible
from −2.1°C to about 1.8°C in PAM, while increases appreciable values ranging between 0.6 and 0.7 m2/s2.

Figure 5. SST bias surface fields on 20 April 2010 for the initial condition of (a) PAM and (b) SM.

Figure 6. Surface current fields bias on 20 April 2010 for the initial condition of (a) PAM and (b) SM.

The difference in energy discussed above is also quantifi- PAM, and up to the third day of forecast for both
able by the comparison of the spatial average surface (ks) PAM and SM. It is clear how the level of energy in the
and total kinetic energy (kt) (Figure 8). model increases when it is initialised from a coarse
The kinetic energy trend is represented by a time- model. Such an increase is more evident, particularly
series from seven days before the initial conditions for for ks, when the SCRM is initialised one week earlier.
The kt of PAM at the initial condition reaches
2.5·10−3 m2/s2 (Figure 8(a)), while ks is 0.19 m2/s2
(Figure 8(b)). In SM both ks and kt keep lower values
reaching 1.5·10−3 m2/s2 and 0.017 m2/s2, respectively.
Only after three days of forecast can SM achieve a kt of
about 0.02 m2/s2, closer to the PAM value.

Evaluation of the forecast cycles

Modelled SSTs are used to compute spatial SSTSSs and
RMSEs with respect to the MODIS observed values. By
examining the effects of different initialisations, a
different dependence for sub-regional results from the
driven coarse results is observed. Therefore, a short
comparison is also made with the MFS results, interpo-
lating its forecast fields over the grid references of the
SCRM at 3.5 km of horizontal resolution. The perform-
ances of the models are shown, averaging all the 2010–
2011 results (Figure 9).
The time-series shows SSTSS values that overall range
from 0.66 to 0.73 (Figure 9(a)) and RMSEs from about
Figure 7. Kinetic energy difference (kPAM − kSM) surface field on 0.60°C down to 0.54°C (Figure 9(b)). The SSTSS trend
20 April 2010 for the initial condition. of SM indicates an improvement in performance from

Figure 8. Spatial average time-series for the 20 April 2010 forecast of (a) total kinetic energy (kt) and (b) surface kinetic energy (ks). Note:
The PAM kinetic energy is represented by the red line with seven days of hindcast included; the SM kinetic energy is represented by the
blue line; the initial conditions are denoted by a triangle for PAM and a diamond for SM.

about 0.67 at D-cycle up to a maximum of about 0.72 at are found along the Sicily-Tunisian transect, in the
D-2 cycle. The SSTSS of PAM ranges from 0.73 at D- southern part of the Adventure Bank and close to the
cycle, decreasing just a little, by a few units in the second southern coast of Sicily. Another red patch is localised
decimal place, in the other cycles. in the Ionian Sea. The negative values are negligible,
The RMSE decreases range from 0.6°C at the D-cycle reaching a minimum value of −0.2°C in very small and
to 0.56°C at the D-2 cycle for SM. The RMSE of the MFS, sparse patches in the middle of the channel.
which is about equal to the SM value at D-cycle, decreases
more slowly with respect to the SM one, meaning that
Discussion and conclusion
values are higher for the second decimal place going
into the third cycle. In PAM, the RMSE is about SCRM forecast experiments, carried out for the periods
0.54°C at D-cycle, showing a trend that is broadly con- January–April 2010 and January–March 2011, were
stant (close to 0.55°C) for each forecast cycle. used to evaluate two kinds of initial conditions and
As already mentioned above, a further investigation related forecast cycles against an independent dataset
was carried out on the representative experiment. We of MODIS satellite observations. In ‘slave mode’ (SM),
briefly recall that the 4Ie index computes the spatial the SCRM produces an initial condition based on direct
RMSE for a given experiment, including in the formula downscaling from the coarse model, MFS, to which the
for each cycle of the forecast. In this case, 20 April SCRM is nested. In ‘partially active mode’ (PAM), the
2010 data point is used. The 4IeSM − 4IePAM difference SCRM provides the initial condition after seven days of
is shown in Figure 10. It can be observed that the numerical integration using a relaxation with respect to
index is positive (i.e. SM is worse than PAM) in the the operational OISST. In order to quantify the level of
majority of the domain, reaching values of greater than agreement between the modelled and measured SSTs,
0.2°C almost everywhere. Large patches between 0.7°C the statistical metrics of bias, RMSE and SSTSS were
and 0.8°C, along the 12 deg E in longitude, are observed used. A representative experiment defined EXP-0 was
north of Pantelleria Island. High values (0.6°C to 0.8°C) chosen based on the quality of the initial conditions

Figure 9. Time-series, computed as spatial averaging for the whole dataset, for each cycle for (a) SSTSS and (b) RMSE. Note: The SCRM
results are shown by the blue solid line for SM and the red solid line for PAM; the SSTSS and RMSE provided by the MFS are also shown
by the black dashed line.

and thoroughly investigated using surface current, kin-

etic energy and the spatial RMSE, calculated from D-3
to D-cycle (named the 4Ie Index).
The evaluation of the SSTs at the initial conditions
shows that the PAM method produces a better quality
prediction than the SM method in terms of the lower
values of spatial averaged RMSE. Half of the experiments
show improvements up to two decimal places. In four,
experiments a strong improvement is observed, from
13% up to 29%, induced by PAM. An RMSE that is
higher for PAM than for SM is provided only once,
mostly due to use of the observed temperature being
most affected by error during the procedure of relax-
ation. As the initial condition of the SCRM in SM
involves downscaling from a coarse model, its spatial
averaged RMSE, computed for the whole dataset, is
very close to that of the MFS at D-cycle. Such RMSE
values show that the SCRM in SM provides a numerical
solution improved by about 3% compared to the MFS
one at each cycle, with a maximum of 4% at the D-2
cycle. Using the SCRM in PAM, the RMSE decreases
further, improving the mean accuracy by 11% at the
Figure 10. 2D representation of a relative RMSE Index (4IeSM −
4IePAM) between SM and PAM during three forecast cycles with initial condition and by another 4% at each cycle in com-
respect to a single observation at day D (20 April 2010). Note: parison to SM. The higher accuracy of the PAM solution
Time variable on the abscissa is represented by cycles. is associated with a higher performance in terms of

Figure 11. Time-series, computed as spatial averaging for EXP-1, are presented for each cycle for (a) SSTSS and (b) RMSE. Note: The
SCRM results are shown by the blue solid line for SM, the red solid line for PAM and the red dashed line for PAM without the OISST
nudging; the SSTSS and RMSE provided by the MFS are also shown by the black dashed line.

SSTSS, reaching values higher than 8% at the initial con- OISST with the highest EESD, showing that dynamics
dition. At the D-2 cycle, the SSTSS values for PAM and modeled in PAM could play a marked role in the accu-
SM have the same mean value. racy of the forecast.
At the initial condition of EXP-0, the 4IeSM − In order to award a weight to the relaxation and to the
4IePAM 2D field shows positive values in most of the dynamics in determining the model accuracy, EXP-0 was
domain, meaning that the SCRM in SM has provided performed in PAM as EXP-1 by turning off the process
a prediction of the SSTs with less accuracy in the of relaxing the OISST.
space during all the cycles considered. This difference The results show that a decrease of 20% in the RMSE
is up to 0.8°C in many areas, known in the literature at the initial condition was obtained using PAM when
for their high dynamism and upwelling phenomena, compared with SM (Figure 11). The relaxation pro-
areas such as Adventure Bank, the Sicily-Tunisian cedure adds a further improvement of 9%. Only at the
transect and the stretch of the Sicily Channel close to D-2 cycle is the performance of the SCRM in SM is com-
the southern coast of Sicily (Patti et al. 2010; Sorgente parable to that of PAM.
et al. 2011). Indeed, where the surface current provided This work has been useful for understanding the
by PAM at the initial condition is faster than with SM, potential of using the same model but with different
the 2D field of kinetic energy, kPAM − kSM, increases by initial conditions.
as much as 30%. From a comparison of the kinetic
energy spatial averaged at the initial condition, an
increase of kinetic energy level up to 8% is found at Acknowledgements
the surface and about 40% in the whole water column, The authors would like to thank Dr P. Domenici for comments
when the model is initialised one week earlier. These on an earlier draft of the manuscript.
energy levels are retained even over the next three
days of forecast.
It was found that the OISST relaxation is much more Disclosure statement
effective, as its EESD is low. Nevertheless, EXP-0 used an No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

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the MUIR Project PON TESSA [C. U. PON01–02823]. France.
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