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Art Washes Away The Dust of Everyday Life

What is art? That is a simple question and yet difficult to

answer,because art is perceived differently be each individual.
Where is no clear answer to fully describe wat art includes,what its
meaning is.Though,art can be a perfect distraction from everyday
troubles,as it is a need for our soul and mind.In other words,art can be
compared with food,water or any other vital necessity.Sometimes,we
get exhausted and stressful because of our monotonous daily
routine.What is why we need art : to refresh our minds and feed our
souls with happiness.
There are a lot of art brenches: music,sculpture,painting,dance.
All of them represent a way to express ourselves.Every picture,song or
body movement carries thoughts,ideas and deepest emotions.Art can
even save our lifes,thanks to its immense beauty and property of
bringing people together,regardless of their race,gender or social status.
A good illustration for the statement above would be Grand Duke Boris
Vladimirovich Romanov of Russia.Boris Romanov was a renowed patron
of arts.His strong passion towards art literally saved his
existence.During Bolshevik revolution,a commander of Bolshevik
detachment received an order to eliminate Boris Romanov.The
commander was known to be a painter,who was desperately trying to
sell his paintings in Paris back in his younger days.The Grand Duke
visited an exhibition and eventually bought commander’s works of art
due to his refined taste and sense of aesthetics.Commander found his
paintings in the Grand Duke’s house and became emotional because of
the fact that somebody finally appreciated his effort.He spared his life
and then left the place without completing the order.
In conclusion,art can become our only salvation along with love and
unity.Just as Geroge Bernard Shaw said: “Without art,the crudeness of
reality would make the world unbearable”.

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