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Dear Mr. and Mrs.


Hello, I am Mr. Rojas and I am your son Dominic’s 8th grade social studies teacher. I
want to begin with saying that I believe Dominic is a fantastic part of our classroom
environment. He is seen as a leader amongst many of his classmates, and from my perspective
has been a crucial part in getting the class going in many activities. He brings a lot of energy and
conversation into the room, which is something I am striving for in my classes. It’s clear he has
good direction at home, since he has never missed a homework assignment and is very punctual
and respectful in class. When Dominic struggles with understanding with something, he has
actually been forthcoming about asking for help, which is something that not all students have
been to do.
That being said, I believe it is important to contact you over how to best work on getting
Dominic to be more mindful when he speaks. While Dominic is a great presence in the class,
there are times when he can continue to talk and even be a bit distracting to his tablemates. We
have had conversations about this before, but I believe getting parental involvement will also
allow for Dominic to see how he improve in this area.
For Dominic, it seems there is a bit of a disconnect when it comes to waiting for the right
time to speak. He seems use to the praise of contribution that he can go overboard and not be
respectful of the other student’s time and turns to speak. It is a great the Dominic is a leader, but
it’s important that he internalize behaviors that his peers can follow. I want to find outlets for
Dominic to continue to put more of his ideas and thoughts out there, so I am working with
Dominic to find new activities where he can communicate them.
I want to you to encourage Dominic to further hone his talents in the classroom, and
make sure that he not only is contributing, but also contributing in a way that is productive and
meaningful to everyone in the class. I want to thank you for your time and consideration, and I
hope we can foster a strong working relationship in the future.
I am available on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15 to 4:30 if you are interested in
having an extended dialogue about how to best help Dominic. Feel free to contact me again
about setting up a meeting or a phone conversation!

Ricardo Rojas

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