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Matthew Evert

Algebra 2
Solving Systems of Equations
October 19th, 2020

Common Core:
Understand that the graph of an equation in two variables is the set of all its solutions plotted in
the coordinate plane, often forming a curve (which could be a line).
Solve systems of linear equations exactly and approximately (e.g., with graphs), focusing on
pairs of linear equations in two variables
Educational Objectives:
1. The students will be able to identify the linear combinations in two variable systems.
2. The students will be able to use substitution and elimination to solve systems of
Assessment on Learning:
1. Academic Language: Notes sheet that discusses the vocabulary
2. Content: Problems on the notes and Flashcards Game
Central Focus: 
The students will focus on using both substitution and elimination to solve for the
variables of a two-variable equation.
Academic Language:
Substitution – To put in place of another.
Elimination – Canceling variables by adding or subtracting two equations together.
Linear Combination – A combination of coefficients that will eliminate a variable.

Materials Required for Lesson:

 Dry erase board
 Dry erase markers
 Notes sheets for students to follow along
 Answer Key to problems on notes
 Notecards for Flashcard Game

 Pencil
 Eraser
 Paper
 Notes (Provided by the teacher)
Set or Attention Getter: The class will begin with the teacher graphing two linear lines that
intersect. The teacher will provoke a discussion on what it means for two lines to intersect. The
teacher will guide the conversation to reveal that the intersection point is the solution between
the two equations.
Sequences of Activities:
1. Attention Getter Statement
2. Pass out notes to students
3. Academic Language
4. Substitution – To put in place of another.
Elimination – Canceling variables by adding or subtracting two equations together.
Linear Combination – A combination of coefficients that will eliminate a variable.
5. Notes and Practice Problems
6. Flashcard Game

Questions to Ask:
1. What is the difference between the methods of substitution and elimination? Knowledge.
2. How can we use the systems of equations in the real-world? Analysis

The teacher will ask if there are any remaining questions about the lesson.

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