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Twitter is one type of social media that is used by most people to communicate via the internet.

This social media uses an information network that can contain 140 characters in each tweet.
Twitter application usage is also very much, Twitter itself can be used as a source of the latest
news and can also provide more information about the things we like.
As a Twitter user, I feel comforted by Twitter, there are many people who write or share funny
things, not only that highly updated news is also available on Twitter.
and there are many benefits that I can feel like getting updated references, being able to see or
share the latest news, increasing creativity in writing, sharing motivation, being able to voice
opinions or opinion on what people are sharing on Twitter, and can be used as a business media
both for promotions and bookings because it is able to reach your followers.
There are several advantages and disadvantages in using Twitter, namely:
1. Fast and responsive communication tools.
2. The number of friends is unlimited
3. Features trending topics
1. Easy to be abused to spam.
2. Cannot write complete owner profile information.
3. Not everyone finds immediate benefits

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