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Letter of Academic Concern

Dear Mr. And Ms. Smith,

My name is Mrs. Cabral and I am your son Jeffrey’s 7th grade English teacher. First of all, it has
been an absolute pleasure to have Jeffrey in my class. He is always on task during class and he is
serious about his work. He is also the one to crack a joke and make the class laugh when the time
is right. Jeffrey is constantly asking questions when he does not understand the lesson.

Jeffrey has done very well with comprehension, but this is the first time I have asked them to
write an essay and he struggled with it. In order to help him, I have created a plan that I believe
will help Jeffrey with his writing. I am providing a journal that Jeffrey can use to write in daily. I
have a list of prompts that he can use. It is completely up to him if he wants to write about
something else. I would like for him to write half a page daily. The plan is for him to turn it in
every morning when he comes to school. I will look it over and take note of what he can improve

My hope is that through practice and with guidance, his writing will improve. I will continue to
track his progress and make changes as needed in order to help him succeed. If you have any
questions please feel free to contact me. I am available every Monday and Thursday from 3:00 to
5:30 pm. If these days do not work for you please let me know and we can work out another day
for you. Thank you for partnering with me to help Jeffrey.


Mrs. Cabral

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