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This Paper is made to fulfill the Assignment of

“Quantitative Research Methodology”


Dr. Sri Wahyuni, M. Pd.

Arranged By 5th Group:

Imam Syafii (932209318)

Salasatul Nikmah (932209418)

Agnesa Permata Sari (932209618)




A. Background of The Paper
Nowadays it is important to do research properly according to procedures. As
researchers, we should not do research carelessly. Because the results of research will
also have an important role in the world of education. The sampling technique in
research based on statistics and experts will be explained on this occasion. Sampling
technique is a technique used to determine the sample. So, a good study must pay
attention and use a technique in determining the sample to be taken as the research
In this paper, we will discuss how we determine or draw a sample from a
population, so that it is easier for us to carry out research in the field. So don't go
anywhere first, please read it through and then reflect on it. Hopefully this article will
help later.

B. Purpose of The Paper

1. To knowing procedure of sampling system
2. To understanding about sample size
3. To understanding about characteristics of good sample
A. Sampling System
1. System Random Sampling
Random sampling is where sources of data are chosen in a completely haphazard
way. Once the size of the sample has been decided (maybe as a percentage of the
overall sampling frame), researchers use random number generators, which can be
found online, to give completely random sets of numbers. These can then be used to
create grid references for data collection sites on a map or tell researchers which
house numbers to survey within a street.
Alternatively, if the researcher is looking for a random transect line on a map, a
random number generator can give the grid references for the start and end points of
that line on a map. For surveys of natural terrain, where the researcher plans to use a
quadrate, a common method for choosing random survey sites is to stand in the center
of the area and throw the quadrate with one’s eyes closed. Surveying where the
quadrate lands, and then repeating the method from that spot can create a random
selection of sites. Rolling dice, choosing unseen playing cards, and picking bingo
numbers out of a bag can be other ways of making random number selections.

Though randomly generated numbers take a human choice element out of the
sampling process and so reduce the chance of human bias in the results, random sampling
in general is not always suitable for small sampling frames as there are limited choices to
be had.


· Easy to implement

· Requires little knowledge of the population in advance


 · Imprecise relative to other designs if the population is heterogeneous

· More expensive than other designs if entities are clumped and the cost to travel among
units appreciable  

2. Systematic Sampling

Systematic sampling is where sources of data are chosen in a completely non-

random way. Here the size of the sample may not necessarily be decided before the
sampling begins as the chosen system itself may create the sample size on its own.

The interval size between sampling points (distance on a map, or every nth person
in a survey) is chosen by the researcher and stuck to without compromise. The benefits of
systematic sampling are that the researcher is largely removed from the selection process
and therefore bias can be avoided. However, in order for the sample to be truly
representative of the study area, the researcher must also ensure that the sampling frame
itself does not inadvertently create bias. For example, if the sampling frame for a survey
were to be taken from a pre-selected list of people. Such as the electoral role, it would
automatically exclude people who were not eligible to vote, such as those aged under
eighteen and some prisoners.

Advantages of systematic sampling:

1. It is easier to draw a sample and often easier to execute it without mistakes.

This is more advantageous when the drawing is done in fields and offices as there may be
substantial saving in time.

2. The cost is low, and the selection of units is simple. Much less training is
needed for surveyors to collect units through systematic sampling.

3. The systematic sample is spread more evenly over the population. So no large
part will fail to be represented in the sample. The sample is evenly spread and cross-
section is better. Systematic sampling fails in case of too many blanks.

3. Stratified Sampling

Stratified sampling involves splitting the sample frame into smaller groups or
Strata and using these strata to ‘weight’ the sample chosen accordingly to represent the
original sampling frame. So if it is known that thirty percent of the sample frame came
from a particular location were of a particular age group or belonged to a particular
religion, thirty percent of the sample would also represent these strata.
Many researchers believe that stratified sampling represents the most unbiased of
the three techniques mentioned here as the sample becomes a true representation of the
original sampling frame. However, an extensive knowledge of the sampling frame may
be needed before a researcher can choose the strata and a pilot study may be needed in

order to decide on the ‘weighting’ for each strata that is used.

4. Proportional Stratified Sampling

In proportionate stratified sampling, the number of elements allocated to the

various strata is proportional to the representation of the strata in the target population.
That is, the size of the sample drawn from each stratum is proportional to the relative size
of that stratum in the target population. As such, it is a self-weighting and EPSEM
sampling procedure. The same sampling fraction is applied to each stratum, giving every
element in the population an equal chance to be selected. The resulting sample is a self-
weighting sample. This sampling procedure is used when the purpose of the research is to
estimate a population’s parameters.

5. Disproportional Stratified Sampling

Disproportionate stratified sampling is a stratified sampling procedure in which

the number of elements sampled from each stratum is not proportional to their
representation in the total population. Population elements are not given an equal chance
to be included in the sample. The same sampling fraction is not applied to each stratum.
On the other hand, the strata have different sampling fractions, and as such, this sampling
procedure is not an EPSEM sampling procedure. In order to estimate population
parameters, the population composition must be used as weights to compensate for the
disproportionality in the sample. However, for some research projects, disproportionate
stratified sampling may be more appropriate than proportionate stratified sampling.
Disproportionate stratified sampling may be broken into three subtypes based on the
purpose of allocation that is implemented. The purpose of the allocation could be to
facilitate within-strata analyses, between-strata analyses, or optimum allocation.
Optimum allocation may focus on the optimization of costs, the optimization of
precision, or the optimization of both precision and costs.

6. Cluster

Cluster sampling is a sampling method in which the entire population of the study
is divided into externally homogeneous, but internally heterogeneous, groups called
clusters. Essentially, each cluster is a mini representation of the entire population.

Clusters are chosen using simple random sampling while the others remain
unrepresented in a study. After the selection of the clusters, a researcher must choose the
appropriate method to sample the elements from each selected group.

There are primarily two methods of sampling the elements in the cluster sampling
method: one-stage and two-stage.
In one-stage sampling, all elements in each selected cluster are sampled. In two-
stage sampling, simple random sampling is applied within each cluster to select a
subsample of elements in each cluster.

The cluster method must not be confused with stratified sampling. In stratified
sampling, the population is divided into the mutually exclusive groups that are externally
heterogeneous but internally homogeneous.

Advantage of cluster sampling

1. Requires fewer resources

2. More feasible

Disadvantage of cluster sampling

1. Biased samples
2. High sampling error
7. Multistage

Multistage sampling is the taking of samples in stages using smaller and smaller
sampling units at each stage. Multistage sampling can be a complex form of cluster
sampling because it is a type of sampling which involves dividing the population into
groups (or clusters). Then, one or more clusters are chosen at random and everyone
within the chosen cluster is sampled. Using all the sample elements in all the selected
clusters may be prohibitively expensive or unnecessary. Under these circumstances,
multistage cluster sampling becomes useful. Instead of using all the elements contained
in the selected clusters, the researcher randomly selects elements from each cluster.
Constructing the clusters is the first stage. Deciding what elements within the cluster to
use is the second stage. The technique is used frequently when a complete list of all
members of the population does not exist and is inappropriate.

In some cases, several levels of cluster selection may be applied before the final
sample elements are reached. For example, household surveys conducted by the
Australian Bureau of Statistics begin by dividing metropolitan regions into 'collection
districts' and selecting some of these collection districts (first stage). The selected
collection districts are then divided into blocks, and blocks are chosen from within each
selected collection district (second stage). Next, dwellings are listed within each selected
block, and some of these dwellings are selected (third stage). This method makes it
unnecessary to create a list of every dwelling in the region and necessary only for
selected blocks. In remote areas, an additional stage of clustering is used, in order to
reduce travel requirements. Although cluster sampling and stratified sampling bear some
superficial similarities, they are substantially different. In stratified sampling, a random
sample is drawn from all the strata, where in cluster sampling only the selected clusters
are studied, either in single- or multi-stage.


1. Cost and speed that the survey can be done in

2. Convenience of finding the survey sample
3. Normally more accurate than cluster sampling for the same size sample


4. Not as accurate as Simple Random Sample[ambiguous] if the sample is

the same size
5. More testing is difficult to do

B. Sample Size

Sample size refers to the number of participants or observations included in a

study. This number is usually represented by n. The size of a sample influences two
statistical properties: 1) the precision of our estimates and 2) the power of the study to
draw conclusions.

To use an example, we might choose to compare the performance of marathon

runners who eat oatmeal for breakfast to the performance of those who do not. Since it
would be impossible to track the dietary habits of every marathon runner in the world, we
have little choice but to focus on a segment of that larger population. This might mean
randomly selecting only 100 runners for our study. The sample size, or n, in this scenario
is 100.
The study’s findings could describe the population of all runners based on the
information obtained from the sample of 100 runners. No matter how careful we are
about choosing our 100 runners, there will still be some margin of error in the study
results. This is because we haven’t talked to everyone in our population of interest. We
can’t be absolutely precise about how eating oatmeal affects running performance
because it would be impossible to look at every instance in which these two activities
coincide. This measure of error is known as sampling error. It influences the precision of
our description of the population of all runners.

Sampling error, though unavoidable, can be eased by sample size. Larger samples
tend to be associated with a smaller margin of error. This makes sense. To get an accurate
picture of the effects of eating oatmeal on running performance, we need plenty of
examples to look at and compare. However, there is a point at which increasing sample
size no longer impacts the sampling error. This phenomenon is known as the law of
diminishing returns.

C. Characteristic of Good Sample

(1) Goal-oriented: A sample design should be goal oriented. It should be relate to the
research objectives and fitted to the survey conditions.
(2) Accurate representative of the universe: A sample should be an accurate
representative of the universe from which it is taken. There are different methods for
selecting a sample. It will be truly representative only when it represents all types of
units or groups in the total population in fair proportions. In brief sample should be
selected carefully as improper sampling is a source of error in the survey.
(3) Proportional: A sample should be proportional. It should be large enough to
represent the universe properly. The sample size should be sufficiently large to
provide statistical stability or reliability. The sample size should give accuracy
required for the purpose of particular study.
(4) Random selection: A sample should be selected at random. This means that any
item in the group has a full and equal chance of being selected and included in the
sample. This makes the selected sample truly representative in character.
(5) Economical: A sample should be economical. The objectives of the survey should
be achieved with minimum cost and effort.
(6) Practical: A sample design should be practical. The sample design should be
simple i.e. it should be capable of being understood and followed in the fieldwork.
(7) Actual information provider: A sample should be designed so as to provide actual
information required for the study and also provide an adequate basis for the
measurement of its own reliability.
advantages accessed on 11-11-2020> post accessed 11-11-2020
accessed on 12-11-2020
%20multistage%20sampling%20is,into%20groups%20(or%20clusters) accessed on 12-
11-2020 accessed on 12-11-


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