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 El Calentamiento Global, es una palabra con la cual se denota al fenómeno que sucede
cuando aumenta la temperatura global, atmosférica y de los océanos.
 Las consecuencias causadas por este fenómeno pueden ser de tipo económico, salud,
 procesos hidrológicos modificados
 mezcla de gases provocados por el efecto invernadero
 aparición de sequías; que impiden el correcto ciclo vital
 recomendable tomar medidas preventivas como:

Global Warming

Global Warming is a word that denotes the phenomenon that happens when the global
temperature increase, atmosphere and the oceans.

The consequences caused by this phenomenon can be economic; where transport, agriculture
and commerce are affected. In health, Global Warming causes; spread of diseases, dengue,
zika, chicunguya, heart disease, due to high temperatures. The child population is affected due
to the lack of water. in society, it affects; in the development of people, migration begins, from
one country to another, and social security undergoes many changes. Thanks to global
warming; hydrological processes can be modified, highlighting acid rain due to the mixture of
gases caused by the greenhouse effect

Another result that describes the constant effect of global warming is the appearance of
droughts; that prevent the correct life cycle of the human species, plant and animal species

That is why it is advisable to take preventive measures such as: saving electricity; make more
use of solar energy; use water consumption properly; recycle paper, glass and plastic
containers, make proper use of cars and raise awareness in the population, in order to take
care of our planet, so that it has a better and long life.

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