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Meat consumption must decrease

Around eighty-five kilos is the average amount of meat a person eats in a year and the record
obtains by the USA which has an average meat consumption of 120 kilos per person a year.
Is that really sustainable for our climate, economics and health? The answer is: No, it is not.
Our soaring meat consumption is entailing extremely bad consequences for us and our planet
and therefore we need to reduce it remarkably.

To begin with, the meat production and consumption are extremely bad for our climate,
because of the huge amount of greenhouse emissions that it is releasing into our atmosphere,
and that is the first reason why we should reduce our meat consumption. At present, our food
production accounts for almost a quarter of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. Of this
proportion of emissions, 80-85% comes from cultivation and breeding. When cattle are raised
and then slaughtered and sold on the meat market, incredible amounts of gas and methane gas
are released, which are both extremely toxic ​greenhouse ​gases. All ​the ​gas emitted by the
cattle then contributes to the sharply increasing ​greenhouse ​effect, which has devastating
consequences for our climate.

However, it is not only the cattle itself that releases toxic greenhouse gases, but also the entire
amount of transport of all the meat that is being consumed in our market. This is yet another
contributing effect to the increasing greenhouse effect and another argument as to why we
should reduce our meat consumption. A minimized meat consumption also means that people
get better meat for their money. This is because you have more money if you reduce your
meat consumption, which means you can spend your money on better and more sustainable
meat, which is organic, locally produced and better for our environment.

It is often supposed that eating a lot of meat is good for your health because it contains a lot
of protein, however, that is indeed a false statement. It is true that we need some protein to
stay healthy, but what this argument does not take into a count is that the majority of
humanity actually has an excess of protein in their bodies. A reduced amount of meat
consumption is therefore great, because then peoples protein levels are going to be normal
and healthier. According to the Cancer Research Institute, which belongs to the World Health
Organisation, meats such as sausage and ham tend to cause cancer of the rectum and they
also believe that basically all other meats are also carcinogenic. Consequently, eating as
much meat as we do nowadays is not good for your health because it can lead to an excess of
protein in your body and in some cases even to cancer. This undoubtedly strengthens the
claim that people should eat less meat.

In conclusion, we eat a lot of meat worldwide and these amounts that we consume and
devour are leading to a number of negative penalties as of climate, economic and health
affection and that does not pave the way to a sustainable future. Therefore we need to make a
change and try to abate our buying habits when it comes to meat. As we could observe a
lower consumption of meat can lead to a decrease in our greenhouse effluent, more saved
money to invest in better-produced food and a smaller risk to develop cancer and other health
problems. My final call is that you should not just live in the present, you should also think
about what is best for our future. We should keep in mind the protection of our planet and
ourselves and stop eating so much meat.

Final comments


Examples and vocabulary. You have produced a strong text with many good qualities. One of
the strengths in your text is your informative examples. You present yourself as highly
credible when providing the reader with so much new and useful information. Another good
way to convince your reader is to use academic words and phrases, for example: “cultivation,
entailing, remarkably” etc. Well done Nova!

Changes from 1​st​ draft:

I also saw that you changed your text a lot from the first draft, it really came together nicely.

Helpful advice for future essays:

Remember to try and keep the same word standard in a sentence, especially when using
advanced words. For example “entailing extremely bad consequences”. Bad seems out of
place here, if you compare it to the other three.

When providing your text with facts and statistics...remember to always include the source
somehow. That way the people reading your text can check so that you haven’t made any of
it up.

You did great Nova! Well done.

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