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Brian Vincent Basili M. Delos Reyes 7-St.

Aloysius Gonzaga 2 nd grading week 3

Creative ways to exercise stewardship and

respect for others and nature.

 Bring a recyclable travel cup every time you travel or have one in
your cup.
 Switch from recyclable cups at your church or at any public
 Donate your unwanted canned goods and non-perishable. Don’t
throw away food.
 Recycle, Reuse, Repurpose everything.
 Plant native trees in your yard.
 Grow some of your vegetables and fruits.
 Purchase what you can’t grow from a fresh Farmer’s market.
 Join a community support Agriculture and nature.
 Bring your own bag to the supermarket. If you don’t have any ask
for paper bags.
 Buy chemical-free or good for the environment personal
 Use recyclable wraps and leave plastic.
 Hang your clothes out to dry on nice days.
 Compost or turn your biodegradables into fertilizer.
 Become a vegetarian or locavore.
 Use recyclable items and never use plastic and harmful to the
environment items.

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