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Situation: Mang Mauro was brought to the ED because of right-sided weakness and

numbness that developed 30 minutes ago. Nurse Ruby assigned at the ED proceeds with the
initial assessment.

46. Nurse Ruby is aware of the modifiable risk factor for ischemic stroke. These includes all
of the following except one:
A. Obesity
B. Increased age
C. Smoking
D. Diabetes mellitus

47. Nurse Ruby is aware that there are two major types of cerebrovascular disorders. Because
of the main presenting symptom of Mang Mauro, Nurse Ruby knows that this is probably:
A. An ischemic stroke
B. A hemorrhagic stroke
C. A ruptured AVM
D. A ruptured aneurysm

48. All the following are neurologic deficits which maybe assessed in stroke patients. Which
of the following is a verbal deficit?
A. Ataxia
B. Paresthesia
C. Aphasia
D. Dysphagia

49. Nurse Ruby documents that Mang Mauro has homonymous hemianopsia. She performs
the following nursing interventions. Which is not appropriate?
A. Give health teachings within the patient’s intact visual field
B. Approach patient from the side of intact visual field of vision
C. Discourage use of eyeglasses
D. Instruct patient to turn head in the direction of the visual loss

50. Thrombolytic therapy is vital in the treatment of patients with ischemic stroke by
dissolving the clot that blocks blood flow to the brain. Rapid initiation of thrombolytics leads
to a decrease in the size of the stroke and overall improvement in functional outcome after 3
months. When is thrombolytic therapy initiated?
A. Within 30 minutes
B. Within 3 hours
C. Within 3 days
D. Within 3 weeks

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