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Best Protection from EMFs and 5G

Guest: Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt

The contents of this presentation are for

informational purposes only and are not intended
to be a substitute for professional medical advice,
diagnosis, or treatment. This presentation does
not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or
treatment. Always seek the advice of your
physician or other qualified health provider with
any questions you may have regarding a medical

Josh: Joining us on the Summit today is Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt. The well-
known integrative physician who's been very outspoken in pioneering on a
number of issues including electromagnetic radiation and its effects. And what
we can do to protect ourselves. So, Dr. Klinghardt, thank you so much for
joining us today.

Dr. Klinghardt: It's a joy, Josh, to talk to you.

Josh: You too, again. We last chatted, I guess, on camera a number of years
ago on Take Back Your Power. So, thanks for making time to catch up with us
again. You're currently in the UK, right?

Dr. Klinghardt: Yeah, just south of London with [Nila], who is the co-founder
of my work here in Europe.

Josh: Excellent. So, I’ll share with our audience your background in brief.
And then we will dive in. So, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt is a founder of the
Klinghardt Institute and Klinghardt education in the UK, the American
Association of Neuropathy, and is lead clinician at the Sophia Health Institute
located in Woodinville, Washington. He's also founder and chairman of the
Institute for Neurobiology in Germany. And Dr. Klinghardt has written several
books. The latest of which is on Lyme disease called, The Biological Treatment
of Lyme Disease, currently available in German. And I want to read that in

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English, so keep me posted. In recognition of his pioneering work, Dr.
Klinghardt has received numerous awards in the USA.

So, just diving in, you are recognized around the world for your insights and
you're helping to bring the conversation forward. Both in terms of awareness,
and specifically in solution, and what's working. So, just diving in. What have
you noticed going back to 3G and 4G even in effects on your patients and
within the body of science?

Dr. Klinghardt: Yeah, so I mean the main thing, I think that sets me aside
maybe from some other more well-known speakers, is that actually see
patients every day. And follow them and their families for ten years, twenty
years. I've been in practice now forty-five years. And so, I have an overview
over longitudinal development of children, adults, their children. And in
conclusion, I can say 3G was an absolute disaster. And it is very clear from
the physics of it that 5G just going to be disaster squared.

But here are some of the facts. It’s important for people to understand that it’s
not just the amplitude, the strength of the signal, but it’s the frequency that
decides what the biological effects are of the radiation that hits us. And so,
many of the listeners will know that arrived technology or frequency specific
microcurrent, that any of these technologies you can use for healing. And you
can use for destruction. And it is very clear that 2.4 gigahertz was used
intentionally for destruction. It was developed in England to make masses of
the population docile.

Josh: With Wi-Fi, 2.4 gigahertz?

Dr. Klinghardt: Used at 2.4 gigahertz to make population docile. And also,
before it was massed introduced it was known that over two or three
generations of exposure, it would turn an entire population infertile. Which
are the effects of that, which we are seeing. That was the research that was
related to us by Barrie Trower. He was a scientist from England who was
highly involved in this. And is now trying to warn against the effects of this.
And I know, you are aware of Barry and his work.

But it is very, very, clear as a medical doctor said, “We have a crisis of
infertility.” In the time since Wi-Fi was instituted, the sperm count in men has
dropped by more than half. And fertility rates have dramatically gone down.
There are other factors involved here that we know. That there are certain
aspects of the vaccines which I cannot mention here. And certain
environmental toxins that are in our food that also contribute to that. But Wi-
Fi has played a huge role.

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And so, where I come in and do the whole thing is, in 2005 the Karolinska
Institute, Will Johansen, published a wonderful research paper where he
looked at the incidence of Alzheimer’s Disease in populations in Sweden and
the exposure to Wi-Fi. And there was clear, high correlation between Wi-Fi
exposure and the incidence of Alzheimer’s Disease. If you roll it forward, he
warned that this is going to cause a mass disaster come 2019. The estimate is
that half the population alive today, will die with or of Alzheimer’s Disease.
That is entirely driven by Wi-Fi, by the exposure to Wi-Fi. And it's a disaster
waiting to happen. That is actually is not waiting to happen, it is already

And if you ever work in my office, I invite anyone, any politician listening to
this, to come to my office and watch a whole day with children with Autism
and adults with Alzheimer’s Disease. And when you actually see that you can
reverse many cases of autism by simply protecting the children from the
exposure to Wi-Fi. You don’t need any scientific study you know to see the
results of that. And when you see that you can reverse at least many of the
early cases of Alzheimer's Disease, by simply protecting the adult from the
exposure to Wi-Fi. You don't need a scientific study to tell you that you’re in
the midst of a huge disaster. The same as with women that are infertile. Some
of that is reversible by protecting them from Wi-Fi.

So, in short, the 2.4 gigahertz used in 3G and most of the 3G, was an absolute
disaster. That was very well documented in the scientific literature. And we
had expected the common sense would prevail that the studies that are out, at
least would have led to other good studies that would have shown that this is
unsustainable for the human evolution. And that has not happened.

I want to remind the people that are watching this, that several years ago was
a court case in Italy. Where a young man died of brain cancer and then his
mother sued the company that he was working for, that had forced him to use
the cell phone all day long. And so, the judge in his wisdom, did a very simple
thing in Court. He had the side that defended the client make a pile of all the
scientific study studies that showed Wi-Fi causes brain cancer and is
dangerous. And the other side, the industry, making a pile of papers of the
things that show Wi-Fi was safe. And it was much, much, larger pile. And
then the judge, having Italian common sense. Said, “Okay, now, let's remove
all the papers that were sponsored by the Wi-Fi industry.” And that pile went
to zero. And the other pile said the same it was before. And the judge ruled
that the Wi-Fi industry is at fault. Or that the workplace is at fault for causing
brain cancer and that case stands.

I wished American judges would use the same kind of wisdom. That’s a
problem in America, is that the judges are elected officials. They don't even
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have to study law to become a judge. And it's a disaster that sometimes people
become judges, that never even graduated from high school. So, reading or
understanding science or scientific study is not part of their armamentarium.
So, America is heading for a big disaster in that way.

Just to maybe say this very clearly, twelve years ago we did some
measurements for autistic children. Basically, we had a control group of ten
healthy children and ten autistic kids. We went to their homes with a mother
was when she was pregnant. And we constructed the same Wi-Fi router, and
the same conditions, and measured at the moms that gave birth to a child
that was later diagnosed with autism. They were exposed to over twenty fold
the amount of Wi-Fi radiation than the mothers that gave birth to a child they
gave birth to a normal typical child. More than twenty fold. I tried at the time
to get the study published. I couldn't find anybody interested. In fact, I got one
threatening letter back until I decided to call it that the time wasn’t right for it.

So, since then, however, I've been treating the autistic children to come to my
practice very rigorously. That the condition number one, on day one, of the
first visit. The parents get the Wi-Fi talk of how they need to protect the child.
And they need to get rid of the Wi-Fi router all together in the house. And you
just switch off the fuses at night. They need to get a sleep sanctuary. You
know, the protective clothing over their bed and the kids need to wear
protective clothing.

Josh: And so, what you're seeing results Dietrich, in cutting the Wi-Fi and
protecting autistic kids from Wi-Fi radiation, especially in their sleeping areas.
What else in terms of protective measures has worked and is working to help
their health?

Dr. Klinghardt: Let me be very clear. So, there are daytime strategies. There
are nighttime strategies. And there is external protection and there is internal
protection. Let me go through that.

So, the nighttime strategy is pretty clear. At nighttime, we request the children
have the sleep sanctuary that is like a mosquito net, the silver corded cloth.
Now, there are newer materials that are coming out now that are probably
more suited to shield against the 5G. We don’t know that for sure yet. But the
Swiss Shield was a name of the cloth, that the mosquito net was sewn from. It
has to be over the child and under the child and make a faraday cage. What
people forgot very often is that the shield needs to be grounded. There needs
to be a wire coming from that conductive cloth running into the Earth. That
was a foul compromise to use the Earth in the electric outlets. For the worst
case, that is the only thing we can do if they live in the seventh floor of a high-
rise apartment, we could not request that they run a wire from the center of
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the house down to the ground. And so, we use the ground in the outlet. So,
that's number one.

Number two, the Sleep Sanctuary becomes dangerous if you have strong
pulsating electric fields in the room. So, we requested at least that room, the
fuses that are responsible for the electric outlets in that room and the electric
wiring in the walls of the room. They have to be out for the night. Ideally the
whole house. That’s the nighttime strategy that works.

Daytime strategy is even that with autistic kids, parents have to get a wired
connection. The router has to be off. Has to be on a mode that doesn’t
broadcast. Now, it used to be a simple thing in the computer where you could
switch off the broadcasting option of the Wi-Fi router. Now, the modern
routers do no longer have that option. They are intentionally wired in a way
that you cannot switch them off. And so, we bag them. You know, we have a
company, in Seattle, she's a retired woman. She sews
these bags out of the Swiss Shield and you can single or double bag the Wi-Fi
router to make sure it’s off.

So, that’s one part. But during the daytime, when the kid runs around. We
have two strategies that work wonders. One is to protect the clothing. I know
there is a lot of stupid discussion going on. People have a strong opinion that
the clothing is dangerous and doesn’t work. And people having to repeat that
it does work. Well, I have twenty years of experience that it does work. I don't
give a hoot about anybody's opinion. The clothing does work. Metal deflects
Wi-Fi. And basically, we want to turn the children in the knight in shining
armor. Where a lot of the body area that is covered with deflective cloth, the
better the children are doing. That solves the main part of the external

But the internal protection is first of all, there are several natural products
that hugely enhance the ability of the body to not absorb the waves. And that
is rosemary, propolis from the bees, or coriander. And so, there is a British
company, KI Science, makes a product called Ray Wave. So, we have all the
children on that. And then the more they take, the more stable they are.
A second company has also developed a skin cream that makes the skin
reflective of Wi-Fi. It contains saffron and several other really precious herbal
ingredients. There is nothing chemical in it. And so, we found when the kids
are basically lathered up in the cream in the morning and then they go to
whatever they go to, special schools and special kindergartens. Or at home
and some electric circuits are on because the parents need to work, and they
need to have lights. And the fridge needs to be on. That has been hugely
protective. It's called the E-Shield cream and lotion.

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I could go into details, maybe one more detail that we found. This is more for
adults with electro hypersensitivity. We have found that if you give
astronomically high amount of methylated folate, that almost everybody within
three to four months becomes neurotypical in terms of their responses to the
Wi-Fi environment, being outside in the electronic environment, or being close
to a cell phone tower. They no longer have the neurological symptoms. But
this is like twenty to fifty milligrams of methylated folate. Which many
practitioners are scared of this. The small possible cancer link later in life. But
it's absolutely life-saving for a lot of my extremely high percentage of patients.
So, that's a little bit on the internal protection.

Josh: Let me just jump in there quickly. Is there a specific brand or type of
methylated folate, that you found best?

Dr. Klinghardt: No, no. It’s now marketed by many vitamin companies. But
most of them have offered point five milligrams or one milligram. There is one
company, I forgot what the name of it is. Metabolic something? They produce
at least a ten and twenty milligram methylated folate, makes it a lot easier.
Especially for the autistic kids. Now many autistic kids are on the methylated
and there are certain symptoms, I’m not going to go into that. And then when
you actually give them high doses of methylation after a few months it flips
that they become hyper methylated. And then you need to stop. But you
recognize it that the behavior gets better, and better, and better. Even in
electric environments, and then suddenly it flips as if they are having a flare-
up. And then you know that they are now over methylated, and you have to
stop for a few months. And it cycles, forth and back between under and over.

But I think these are sort of like a big stroke. But the important thing for me
is, that it was absolutely stunning and amazing for me. That it could really say
that there are two groups of autistic children. The ones that get dramatically
better and the ones that don't. And the ones that are getting dramatically
better are the ones that following my EMR protection to a tee. And the ones
that are not getting better are the ones that think they are following it. But
when I ask them unrehearsed. “Okay, what is it that you're actually doing?” I
realize, they are making one mistake or another. They may have the sleep
canopy, but they are not grounding it. Or they may even ground it, but they
love the fuses on for the electric circuitry in the room. Or they don’t do any of
the daytime protection. Or they don't do the methylation.

So, there is usually something missing. But I think the truth is, you know,
we've established firmly in my clinical experience. That the exposure to Wi-Fi
has led to the biggest health crisis of our time. Destroying the lives of children.
And you know, when I say autism, yes that’s the extreme. But the less injury
is the hyperactivity that attention deficit in children that is now the new
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normal. And the kids instead of getting the advice to limit the Wi-Fi exposure
and the radio wave exposure. They are put on Adderall, and Ritalin, and all
the drugs. They have come down with the whole list of developmental
problems that express themselves later in life. That means these kids are
crippled for life. Or really are becoming drug dependent for the rest of their

Which you may think sometimes maybe an intent that's going to work in the
whole thing. You know, they lose their freedoms. And their medical
independence early on in life. Instead of being directed at what’s causing the
hyperactivity or the attention deficit. But are being directed at here's a
pharmaceutical solution. That sort of makes you tolerate the environment

Maybe, one more last thing to this. Hope you're also observing, since I've done
this long enough. When a parent is exposed to constant bombardment with
electromagnetic radiation. I will get into that later. But they have increased
food allergies, they have increased brain fog, and a variety of symptoms that
they are not relating to the electromagnetic exposure. If these parents have
children, they are already negative response of the parents, will be quadruple
or increased more in the offspring.

And the offspring will be extremely electrosensitive. And if these children, and
I have some in the third general now have children. Their children will be
autistic. So, there is a cascade of worsening from generation to generation.
And we understand now that the Wi-Fi amongst many of its other blessings, is
that the damages the DNA. And that is what causes problems onto the next
generation. And it goes up exponentially.

Let's say in the first generation. You have a hundred genes damaged. In the
next generation there will be two thousand. And in the next generation, it
would be all the genes. And we only have twenty-three thousand. So, it’s not
that much.

Josh: Is there a certain threshold which you go past? And then you haven't
seen any evidence of repair, possible? The DNA for example, doesn't repair?
But like it does up to a certain threshold? What can you tell us in terms of
reversibility or irreversibility of these types of damage?

Dr. Klinghardt: I mean this is from clinical observation from people smarter
than me. There is a synergistic effect in history. So, the higher the amount of
vaccines that the child has gotten, the more electro sensitivity the next
generation will be. So, let's say you grow up fairly normally at the normal

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vaccine program. If you have children that predicts the level of electro
hypersensitivity normally.

We should define that. So, everybody is to the same degree electrosensitive. No

matter what. You get the same cancer rates, you get the same grade of food
allergies, of headaches, and all that. Electro hypersensitivity is a smaller
group amongst us humans that has also allergic phenomena. That means
they get muscle activation, they get like in addition to the chronic problems,
they get acute problems. So, when I refer to electro sensitivity, I refer to what
we are all sensitive to.

And there is a number of environmental factors that we see consistently that

makes us more sensitive. And so, one of the histories. One is the presence of
mercury, amalgam fillings of metal crowns. The study just came out with
children with orthodontic work, that the Wi-Fi environment determines how
much nickel is released from the wires that they have in the mouth. And that
nickel toxicity causes a severe allergic phenomenon in the system. So, there's
a whole host of interactions that we all have with the Wi-Fi environment. That
are very well published now. And they're all pointing at the facility in the
middle of a disaster.

The wonderful thing is, as you know, the whole disaster could be ended with
the switch of one single switch. Switching it off, we would all be protected.

Josh: Yeah. Yeah, so switching off your Wi-Fi router or protecting it with one
of those groups, from Little Tree Group for example. Right? So, it can’t remit
wireless. It’s using a wired mouse, wired keyboard. It’s getting the
transmitting smart meter off of your house. Opting out or whatever you need
to do there. Basically, using a cellphone as little as possible. Like zero, ideally.
And not letting your kids use it, right? Can you talk a little bit about these
types of quick things that people can do? And maybe perhaps add to that list?

Dr. Klinghardt: Yeah. The cell phone use is very hard to control in kids. We
have a rule here in England, in the community that I live in. Where the kids
have to be at least fifteen years old before they can get a phone. And then the
phone use has to be limited by the parents. Especially they are not allowed to
use it in the evening because that destroys the melatonin production. And sets
up limits to the neurological development of the brain. The memory, the
learning, all that gets impaired. So, there are some pretty strict rules.

Of course, kids should only be texting. Most will not follow that advice. The
limited use of the phone is, of course, up to the parents to establish that kind
of relationship with the kids. That they can push that through. It’s very, very
difficult now to be a parent these days because of that. But we do know that
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the cell phone use of teenagers and of children is destroying the humanity of
the brain. It is limiting the brain development in a way that certain aspects of
humanity, like compassion and considering others, are the first parts of the
brain that get disabled. And that is a very scary development.

And so, with the YouTube system, this loudspeaker system you plug in the
headphone, but not the usual headphone. But that users get plastic tubes
that conduct the sounds in your ears. That is a very good system when you
want to make a phone call. But kids and teenagers have not taken to that
because they have to fiddle with it a little bit before they can put it on. So, it
has failed in our world. The real thing is that people should keep a wired
connection at home. And should give the kids their own wire connection in
their own room. Where they can make the evening, phone calls with their
friends and all that. It should not be done on the cell phone.

And then of course the strength of the signal diminishes with the square of the
distance. So, when people use a loudspeaker, they can’t have the phone a foot
or foot and half away from the mouth. It’s a huge reduction in damage of
course with that. There are some obvious details that we require only common
sense were people don't really need to have an understanding of physics.

You have become sort of the world expert on the smart meters. And we're very
excited about this box from England that reduces the signal from the smart
meters by wiring it to the electric system in the house. I’m sure you are going
to let people know about that development in your own part. But we look at it
as a very exciting development to diminish some of the damage that comes in
from the outside.
Josh: Yeah, we are interviewing Terry Stoughton as part of the Summit. Who
has the technology that gets rid of the dirty power, the dirty electricity at the
root. And there are other technologies as well to block the wireless. You know,
in the in the process of solving this greater problem. And getting these things
off everyone's houses. But there are some encouraging developments in the
past year that even utilities are seeing that there's no return. There's no real
benefit that even they're getting from this horrible technology. In light of the
risk, and the liability, and the fires, and everything.

So, I wanted to just to dive in more about the comparison. What could you tell
us about 3G and 4G? And now 5G? What is your understanding of the
differences in these technologies?

Dr. Klinghardt: So, 4G, I can't really comment on because somehow that
development was skipped in England. We still have 3G here. But in London,
the roll out in certain sections of London with 5G. I never had the opportunity

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to get clinical experience in the 4G environment. But I can I think quite
competently talk about 5G.

So, first of all, the technology behind it is quite complex. And what I said at
the beginning, the damaging effect of the cell phone radiation is not just the
amplitude of what you are getting. But it is also frequency specific, the
damage. When I first got into the 5G discussion, one expert says, “Well, it's
3.4 gigahertz.” I said, “Great, we can handle that.” And then somebody else
say, “No, no. It’s ten to thirty gigahertz.” And as it turns out, there is actually
a wide variety of frequencies used. At least twenty-two, I think Barry
identified. And the one that rolled out already in London is twenty-eight
gigahertz in several sections. And that's an enormous increase in frequency.

And in general, the biological effects can be predicted to some degree. I know
from my mentors in biophysics and this is really what we're talking about at
the end of the day. It's all about biophysics. How is this aspect of physics
interfering with our biology? And we know that the human bio field uses
frequencies in the ranges from ten to thirty gigahertz. That has been measured
and established by clever Russian scientists fifteen years ago, twenty years

As soon as there were instruments that could measure it. And this is exactly
the range now, where we will broadcast the entire population with man-made
frequencies. That are resisent in the same range with a human body is
producing its own frequencies that are important for the cell to cell
communication. But also, the way our organism communicates with its field,
with the plants around us, with other people, with our pets. And so, the
expectation that I have from this is that it’s going to be dehumanizing us. It
may not even have visible, on the surface, clear medical effects that can be
measured. But it will certainly have huge effects on the more subtle aspects of
humanity. I’m saying, no question. It's exactly in those frequency ranges were
our higher functions of consciousness of compassion of love are.

I cannot go away from the thought that may be intentional. That this has been
long planned. Because we had other technologies. We had fiber optic systems
which were fantastic. And they were healthy for us. And there was a decision
made at some point. You know, kind of go intelligently here or are we going to
go to the total destruction of the human condition. The trouble with 5G is that
it needs a more dense network of cell phone towers because of the nature of it.

And the idea is that we'll also line country roads and more rural areas so that
they can be part of this beautiful development. Elon Musk, you know, is
planning on sending twelve hunderd satellites up in the air. I'm invited to
actually talk to one of his family members to talk sense into them. Another
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problem to that, Musk is not a bad person, but just ignorant of misinformed,
like most people are.

I think the main point that people need to know is that none of the frequency
ranges that are coming towards us. Have been evaluated for the effects on
anything living, you know. The FCC and other institutions that are controlling
this development. Frequency bands are sold by the government to the
suppliers. And so, the government greedy as any government in the world is.
And hugely money consuming machine. They used to sell off land when it was
available. Now, they are selling off frequency bands. And of course, it’s good
business. So, there is absolutely no consideration given what these frequency
bands will do to us humans.

So, I'm sure you have other speakers say the same thing. But it is just
absolutely appalling because in the U.S., we have a special arrangement that
the industry can do anything they want. And only if there is evidence of harm,
then people can sue, and then the technology can be removed or lessened. In
Europe, it is the other way around. That the industry should first show that
there is no harm. And of course, they use to stupid standards of cell phone
radiation heating up the body. So, they use a standard of biological testing
that is absolutely inadequate. But there is a little bit more protection in

The truth is, with all of us self-appointed experts, the technology is kept secret
so far what actually will be used. And what's used in one location may not be
the same as it is used another location. And basically, it’s a huge experiment
rollout. And probably will be found in some locations, everybody goes blind.
And in another location, all the insects die. And in another location, all the
people die. And then maybe one of the frequency bands doesn’t actually do
harm. And then, they will eventually, hopefully, be crystallized out. And then
they won’t be used. But until then, there is going to be a lot of damage. We
know that for sure.

Josh: I think that what you said, also, about you're starting to really, you
know question the intent of this technology. Something that would lend
support to that, you know idea, that perhaps at a high enough level. Even
though not everybody perhaps within the industry and government is in on it.
Perhaps at a high enough level, this is being done on purpose to you know,
perhaps minimize or reduce the population, to strengthen the grip of the
pharmaceutical industry as you described earlier with the drugs and how
they're being prescribed. But we know that as early as the 1970s. Dr.
Klinghardt, as you know, most of our audience knows. But just connecting
this dot, thousands of studies were already published by the 1970s on the

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effects of microwave radiation. And also, a considerable number of studies on
the effects of millimeter wave radiation.

So, those results were known, right? So, this is maybe in some ways, it's an
experiment against the Nuremberg Code. You can't experiment on people
without their consent. But in other ways, perhaps, there's a deeper thing
happening here that we really need to, you know, bravely look into.

So, I wanted to just to dive in. A couple more questions about the wireless and
the solutions. And then maybe we'll finish with some dot connecting
information for our audience. Can you talk about, are there other technologies
that you haven't mentioned yet? That you really recommend for people to
protect from wireless and millimeter wave radiation? Like what else works?
And is there anything else in addition to the list that you mentioned

Dr. Klinghardt: One of the big successes in our practice was to detoxify
people for metals. So, all of us have a significant toxic metal burden. Lead is in
everybody’s bones. Cadmium from the car exhaust. Substantial number of
people are mercury toxic, you know from eating fish. From many, many other
sources, even ambient air. And the iron content, you know, even in the system
plays a huge role. Meat eaters have a lot more iron in their system than
others. And it's the metals that are mostly resonant with the Wi-Fi. That
means the Wi-Fi would go through us if it would be just would be water. In
fact, over the duck experiment, that water has been good at deflecting Wi-Fi.
And so, a big strategy is to detox people from heavy metals. I think in the
context it is interesting that with the announcement that 5G is going to be
new deal. Pretty much the same day the FDA in the US stopped the
availability of DMPS. The main drug that we need to get these metals out of

On the same day that the FDA that 5G is safe and that we are going to go
forward. They ruled no more metal detox agent. You know, the main metal
detox agent was removed from the list of things that is available. For no
reason, there were no incidents, there were no cases of death or anything of
that. So, I think it shows like the sinister part of that very well. So, yes
detoxing metals is a huge issue.

We were experimenting with different waters right now. One of the things that
we are very excited about is a water that will removal all the aluminum toxins.
And aluminum is resonant with Wi-Fi by certain frequencies. And KiScience is
actually is a main aluminum researcher in the world. And he found a water
full of organic silica compounds, different ones, hundreds of different
compounds that actually very quickly leeched out aluminum from our system.
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And he found that when people drink that water, for just six weeks, they
become much more stable in Wi-Fi environments. It is called Acilis water.
That's basically [inaudible 42:14] spelled backwards. And now I know,
KiScience has it available. So, the metal detox, of course, I have been lecturing
on heavy metal detox for decades. But it has become an amazingly effective
tool and making people stable in the high Wi-Fi environments.

I'm sure, when I actually talk with patients, I have a lot more ideas. I’m just
blanking out right now with what else we're doing.

Josh: No, you have already provided so much value here. Just in this string of
things that are working that people can do. And so, we encourage everyone
just to do your own research on these. And start to engage in these solutions
for yourself, and your kids, and your parents, and the elderly.

Dr. Klinghardt: Maybe, there is one more thing. Metals reflect Wi-Fi. And
that's going to be the same for the 5G. Whatever higher frequencies are used,
they are actually going to have to turn up the power up quite a lot to penetrate
buildings. So, you have reception on the inside. The original compromise that
I would have swallowed was that every house gets a little antenna on the
outside there conducts the Wi-Fi signal on the inside. And then the Wi-Fi
signal on the outside and the public places available to everybody would have
been a fraction of what is needed now to penetrate through concrete buildings
and get to the inside. And so, the idea right now to put the cell phone tower
every hundred yards or so, is ridiculous. And I like to get this off my chest,
you know, sort of. None of the people that I know, reasonable people, have
ever asked for the need for 5G. You were quite happy with 3G. It was doing
everything. We could stream films. And we could do things.

I just had a meeting with one of the high up executives of AT&T. And they're
all totally excited about the new possibilities of what 5G can do. The faster
networks can do in industrial settings. But then when I went down the list
and I'm not going to spill the beans here, because I’m not allowed to. None of
these things are serving anybody in a normal state of mind. These are all
special applications. I mean who in the world was asking for a driverless car? I
mean it, let's face it, you know, so my greatest joy is in the morning to get in
the car and put the music on, and be in my own world there. And having that
displaced by driverless car. And the driverless car is the only thing that makes
the 5G necessary. And also, will make it necessary that every hundred yards
or so. There is a cell phone tower that is emitting device.

So, meaning that there is not going to be any spaces left for us to be in a Wi-Fi
poorer environment. So, the driverless car basically destroys the surface of the
© 2019. All rights reserved. 13
planet to make it a livable space. And it’s very clear, where there is a driverless
car space. The roads are prepared for that. There will not be any bees. There
will not be any insects. And therefore, there will not be any songbirds. So, you
are replacing songbirds and the beauty of life with driverless cars. I don't
think anybody is really asking for that. I don't think beauty generated that far.

Josh: Yeah, as part of the Summit, Dr. Timothy Shaklee, is interviewed. And I
just encourage everyone again to check out that interview. He kind of destroys
the argument, that even if we wanted driverless cars. 5G is not needed,
number one. He lays the foundation for even better than having, you
mentioned, the idea of just a small Wi-Fi signal to the house and then the
house is wired. He actually gives examples of cities that have wired their local
infrastructure. They’ve gone not the way of small cells. But they have gone the
way of fiber. They've regained control of their own communications
infrastructure in doing so. And so, he talks about how local governments and
communities can wire to the home and to corporate buildings and companies.

So, okay five questions left. Not a lot of time left. So, maybe we will aim for like
thirty to second seconds per question. Are you ready? Are there any lab tests
on patients that you do or have done, that can reveal the degree to which
they've been exposed or protected to or from microwave radiation?

Dr. Klinghardt: Absolutely and that may be a shocker to some of the people
are listening to this. So, the first one is the LDL cholesterol, the oxidized form
of LDL cholesterol. Which is going sky high in most people. And so, you got
two choices. You can switch it off or you can take the cholesterol-lowering
drugs that shorten your life in general. That’s number one.

Number two is insulin resistance. And we have now consistently observed that
the Hemoglobin A1C and other indicators of insulin resistance are matching
up proportional to your exposures and come down when you reduce
exposures. It's a really big one.

Maybe a third one and that's a $2.00 version of it. When exposed to Wi-Fi,
your white blood count goes down, you know. So, if your white blood count is
lower than 5,500 which is sort of 5,500 to 6,000 is the normal. If it goes down
to 4,000 or 3,500. Yes, it can be an indicator of a chronic viral infection,
parasites, and all that. But most likely it's an indicator of too high Wi-Fi

So, these are the three things that are consistent now. The other ones are all
the hormones, basically in women the progesterone goes way down with the
Wi-Fi exposure. Your thyroid hormones go down. In men, the testosterone and

© 2019. All rights reserved. 14

the thyroid go down. And goes up again when you are sufficiently protecting

Maybe last one is another cheap test, is the saliva hormone test. Where you
measure the saliva cortisone test. Where you measure four times a day, you
measure your cortisone levels and one time you measure right before you go to
bed. And the other one in the morning. And if it is high at midnight. So, you
go to bed and then you spit in the sink. And if it’s high at midnight, you know
that your exposure in the home is way too high. Because that's indicating
sustained stress levels.

And so, these are a couple of indicators. I could make a long longer list of that.
But these are the easy ones to get for everybody.

Josh: For good, thank you. Question two, Lyme Disease, there appears to be a
very solid link between Lyme and those who experience electro sensitivity
symptoms, right? You've talked about that before. But you're talking about
very specific tea that you’ve found to very good for overcoming Lyme. Tell us
about that?

Dr. Klinghardt: Yeah, the plant is called Cistus Incanus. It’s from Sardinia.
And when you drink tea, it has the highest borrelia-cidal properties. It means
that it kills borrelia, but it is also very, very strong. And is retroviral and has a
number of other properties against infections and detoxifies. And it's an ideal
tool. And we get it straight from Sardinia. But again, it’s also a KiScience
product. It’s a fantastic tool. It has made the treatment of Lyme Disease so
easy. Maybe in connection with that, it’s very, very clear that Lyme Disease
without Wi-Fi is easy to treatment. And in a Wi-Fi environment, good luck.
The same in a mold environment. And if you want to heal mold illness, you
have to reduce life exposure.

Josh: Yeah, thank you. So, that mold question was my number three. So,
thank you for answering that. But the Cistus, can you spell that for us? Is it

Dr. Klinghardt: Yes.

Josh: And what was the second word? Incarnate?

Dr. Klinghardt: I-N-C-A-N-U-S, incanus.

Josh: Excellent. Thank you. So, do you want to briefly say anything else about
the wireless and mold connection? The science has conclusively shown that
they work together, right? Like the more Wi-Fi, the more mold growth.
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Dr. Klinghardt: We just did an experiment in England, a student of mine. She
grows mushrooms. And she put a growth plate for medical mushrooms, you
know in a corner in the house. And she saw some growth. And then she put
equivalent culture next to the Wi-Fi router. And those mushrooms were like
five times bigger than the other ones. This is simple. Mushrooms and molds
are the same species.

So, I did an experiment with the Swiss researcher years ago. Where we could
show mold culture to Wi-Fi, it becomes several hundred times more virulent,
more bioactive. Excreting more biotoxins then it would otherwise if it’s not
bombarded with Wi-Fi. And so, it's very clear to me that mold illness, in its
extreme form that now, pretty much everybody has. The mold sensitivity of
people has in homes, is largely driven by the Wi-Fi environment. And also,
homes that have a little bit of mold. That were never a problem before are now
a problem. Because the little bit of mold that's there is producing hundreds of
times more biotoxins then before. And it becomes a problem now. So, the
treatment to clean up a home from mold, it’s not enough to exchange the C
Drug and clean out the bathroom. You have to turn it off, you have to turn off
the Wi-Fi.

Josh: Yeah. Thank you. So, you've talked about mushrooms, there are certain
kinds of mushrooms that can actually help, right? So, mushrooms aren't
necessarily bad to ingest. Can you quickly touch on that?

Dr. Klinghardt: You know, we have been experimenting right now. I didn't
really want to give that away. But we are experimenting right now with a
different mushroom extracts and it looks like the incredible ability to resist
radiation of any sort that mushrooms have in general. Some of the mushroom
species current can give you, by eating them, can give you that type of
resistance or that kind of ability to deal with radiation. So, eating certain
mushrooms is protective against Wi-Fi.

Josh: That sounds like a paradox though, right? Because you’re saying like
mushrooms and mold grow more when they are outside of your body when
they are exposed to Wi-Fi. But when you eat them, you are saying they help.
That they are defense.

Dr. Klinghardt: We actually thought in the past that molds on the walls grow
because they are upset about the Wi-Fi. But it actually is, that they can use
the radiation for their own growth. So, they are really different elements. We
know from Jonah Breeland, and the Japanese’s disaster, that the only thing
growing in those contaminated areas are the mushrooms. They are wild and

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huge. And incredible. So, by mushrooms have a protective mechanism against
radiation built in themselves, that is conveyed to you when you eat them.

But it's too early. Because it's certainly not all mushrooms. It's certain ones.
And we are just now exploring that. And there certainly will be some
mushroom products, medicinal mushrooms that will be a huge help. But it's
not going to be all of them.

Josh: Okay. Thank you. So, question four. Now, this is a big one. And we have
to keep the answer short, we are almost out of time. You started to talk about
geoengineering or chemtrails. And how this dot connects. Can you talk about
this? And just summarize this quickly? And is there a link that you see
between you know that agenda and the 5G agenda?
Dr. Klinghardt: Yeah, so we've had a lot of the inside information that I can’t
really disclose my sources of that. But just having studied the skies, you
know, we know that pretty much all over the western countries, the skies are
regularly sprayed with a substance that makes a gray sky. That with the
obvious intent to shield us from the sun, to cool the temperatures below. That
is at least on the surface what is there. So, we have pretty good evidence.
We’ve examined the fallout from that. Of course, what goes up, eventually
comes down.

So, we have examined the fallout. It’s not just an anodized aluminum, but it’s
actually microbeads of plastic that are spiked with aluminum, some titanium,
some other metals on it. The dramatic thing happens is we are inhaling it. We
get aluminum toxic. We get some microbeads of plastic in us which we get
from eating fish anyway. But the main effect is the covering of the entire
oceans of the planet.

And prevents the natural evaporation of the water. And so, the atmosphere,
around the Earth, and just in the last twenty years. Has lost about 40% of
this moisture leading to huge droughts in areas of the planet. So, there is this
myth, never being told you that the plastic beads on top of the ocean from the
plastic bottles that be throw away.

Well, plastic bottles do not integrate into this specific nano plastic particles.
That’s from the sky. So, this program is so obvious, in your face. But it is so
effectively kept secret. You know where the people that speak about it are
really killed and there's a lot of fake websites created. You know, how insane
people out there believe that it's real. We just have to look at the sky.

But the net effect is, that we all have toxic lungs, lung cancer is the mostly
deadly cancer in women. More so, than breast cancer and ovarian cancer. It's
growing in spite of us having stopped smoking. And the aluminum travels
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from there straight to the central nervous system. And Chris, actually just
finished a study showing that autistic kids have an astronomically high level
of aluminum in their brain. So, the consequences of that are very severe. I
also mentioned on Alzheimer’s Disease in the beginning, there is a huge link
with aluminum.

So, it is part of the bigger picture and of course, aluminum in the brain almost
makes it a Wi-Fi antenna. So, it makes it more relevant than it was maybe
twenty or thirty years ago. So, it looks like there is a concept of things kind of
the be exposed to that all work together in the same way.

Josh: Okay, really quickly. Your top three things that get aluminum out of the
body? Natural remedies?

Dr. Klinghardt: It's the water that I mentioned, the Acilis water, is a main
one. There is an herbal mix that I developed is called Polmerlo, several herbs
that are able to cleave aluminum from the brain, and from the lung tissue,
and mobilize it. And the third one is a strange one, is the ionic foot bath.
That's a fantastic tool. We have a particular model that are all a little different.
You put your feet in for thirty minutes and there’s a coil int here that creates
an electromagnetic field. We did urine studies afterwards and found that
between the hour eight after the foot bath that day. That people’s aluminum
excretion goes up 600 to 900 percent from where it was before. And so, these
are my three tools and it works fantastic.

Josh: Okay, excellent. So, we're out of time. Just closing with one last
question here. This is a lot of information. So, valuable. Thank you so much
for how you frame this, and how you're bringing the solutions, and you're
bringing a deep level of awareness for so many people right now, Dr.
Klinghardt. Thank you.

Do you have any perspective or viewpoint on the mental perspective or the

world view that we can hold, so that we don't just go into fear and close down?
But so that we can help this awareness spread and be solutions focused?
Secondly, how do you see that going from here? With our relationship with
technology in the big picture?

Dr. Klinghardt: Of course, I have to be a little bit cautious what I say because
I have a medical license to lose. But it looks like now, that the form of
government that we have right now. So called democracy. That they're so
vulnerable to the corporate influences. Our Democratic systems of failing right
now to protect the citizens. And as you know, from Michael Moore's work or
so, corporations have only one responsibility and that is to create money for
the people that have invested in them. And they do not have a soul. They do
© 2019. All rights reserved. 18
not have ethics. They are not life affirmative. And this increasing tendency
that the government has to listen to the big corporations rather than to its

And so as long as the developments going in that way, expect for another few
years we're going to go downhill. But the conditions on the planet are going to
be so unsustainable, that there's going to be a shift again. And it's up to you,
and me, and you know an increasing number of others, to raise awareness.
Because at least in the Democratic countries, you need two things to govern.
You need money to be elected. But you need the votes also.

And we know that there is a huge rise in activity in the green parties and
recognition of the green parties. Even though, unfortunately none of the green
parties know what the hell they are doing. None of the green parties, or
members that I have interviewed in the last few years, have had any
understanding of the dangers of the cell phone radiation, any understanding
of toxins, any understanding of the chemtrail issue. But there's an intuitive
this off the followers of the green party that know something is really badly
going on. We are here to educate people. So, eventually people can with the
vote change the future. And it will happen. But it will be a few more sad years.

Josh: So, Dr. Klinghardt, just in closing here. Something that we are doing in
addition to the Summit, at the same time, we are realizing a tool on our
webpage, for anyone to quickly send an e-mail to their elected officials.
Multiple elected officials just in a few seconds. They can customize it. They
can e-mail. They can tweet. They can phone easily their elected reps. So, how
important is it that people do that process? And educate, inform, and hold
accountable their elected officials with this kind of information?

Dr. Klinghardt: I think it's the only chance we have for a better future. I think
it's the most important step. You and I can educate. But ultimately, it has to
be the political action that interchange of policies. That is actually needed to
protect us the citizens from the corporate damage, you know, that's done. I
know people high up in AT&T, as I mentioned before. There's nobody evil
there. There's just people only have small compartments of knowledge. They
are not aware of the huge damage that they're participating in. There may be a
small group of people behind wherever we see that is aware of this. And that
funnels their intent into these technologies. That is something that I don’t
know for sure. But it looks like it.

Josh: Dr. Klinghardt, thank you so much for your time today. I appreciate it
so much. You are just giving this value, wisdom, and information to all of us. I
really appreciate it.

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Dr. Klinghardt: Thanks Josh, and we connect when I'm back in your
neighborhood. Yeah?

Josh: Yeah, sounds good.

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