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December is a good month for enjoy with the family a good time together.

I’m thinking about what I’m going to do on December but I don’t really know because if the
pandemic continues, I will to stay at the bed all the vacations doing nothing, but, if
the pandemic ends, I might go to travel with my family to a far place and celebrate
the Christmas.

Also, I might try to study a little bit for the subjects that not have finished, but, not is my first
worry, my first worry is take a breath of all.
Raymond Lowy was born in Paris, France in 1893. He obtained a degree in electrical engineering in
1918. One year later he left France for united states, he first worked as a fashion illustrator for
vogue magazine and also design window … for department stores in New York city. In 1929 he
received his first industrial design commission to modernize the appearance of …. machine.
Loewy’s designs was to remain unchanged for the next 40 years, in the same year Loewy started
his own design firm.

In 1934 he designed the Coldspot refrigerator for Sears Roaebuck and company. It was a great
commercial success and won first prize at the Paris international exposition of 1937.

Starting in 1937 Loewy began working for the Pennsylvania railroad designing streamlined for
passenger trains. Over the following years he designed various locomotives and passenger cars.
During the 1930s and 1940s Loewy designed a wide range of household products with rounded
corners and simplified lines such as the range of refrigerators and freezers. He made important
contributions to the design of electric shavers, toothbrushes, office machines, ballpoint pens,
radios, packages, etc. In 1945 with 5 partners he formed Raymond Loewy associates which was to
become the largest industrial design firm in the world.

In 1954, he designed Greyhound’s … bus.

In 1955, Loewy redesigned Coca cola’s famous contour bottle adding the distinctive white lettering
and in 1960 he designed Coca cola’s fist aluminum can.

In 1961, he designed the now classic Avanti sports car for …, for whom he had worked previously
on other cars. As a designer, Loewy’s range was impressive.

In 1964, he even designed a US postage stamp, the five cent stamp featuring Jhon F. Kennedy.

From 1967 to 1973, Loewy worked for NASA designing interiors for the Apollo and Skylab

In 1971, he designed the distinctive yellow and red Shell logo that is still used today.

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