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Auditing & Assurance Principles Joe Pokaran

“The greatest want of the world is the want of men – men who will not be bought or sold; men who in
their inmost souls are true and honest; men who do not fear to call sin by its right name; men whose
conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole; men who will stand for the right though the
heavens fall.” – Ellen G. White

So, from this week’s lesson we have learned that auditing is a systematic process involving steps that,
when followed properly, allows an auditor to form a conclusion and give his/her opinion on the validity
of the assertions that were made. And, based on that opinion, an entity can be viewed with a certain
amount of confidence and trust by the public or interested users of the financial information.

Thus, the opinion of an auditor enhances the credibility of an entity. And, so it can be said that the
opinion of an auditor has great influence on the economic decision-making process of the interested
parties of an entity. And, if we, as an auditor, let our selfish desires and ambitions corrupt our heart, then
that can affect our opinion(s), which can mislead interested parties to make bad economic decisions and
in-turn affect their livelihood, and could ultimately ruin their lives.

Therefore, as accountants, we must always bear in mind that we MUST, at all times, perform our duty/job
honestly and diligently, while keeping our hearts and minds free from worldly influences and allow God
to lead us, because He is our witness, and also we have a moral obligation to do what is right always. In
that way, we can display good character qualities and more people can have more confidence in our
opinion(s) because they know that we do not compromise our integrity.

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