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Reporting clauses

Admit, agree, asume, believe, doubt, explain,

feel, say. Formal: argue, assert, claim, report.

• “If you walk under a ladder, it will bring you bad luck”.

• Some people ______

that if you walk under a ladder, it will bring
you bad luck.

• In Russia, …People believe that if you see you on a broken mirrow its bad lukc
• In Japan, …
• In Greece, …
• In Turkey, ____________________ chewing gum at night brings
bad luck.

• Greeks ____________________ shooting stars were falling

human souls and it was lucky to make a wish on them.

• ____________________ opening an umbrella indoors literally

asks for bad luck to “rain on you”.

• In Russia ____________________ bird pooping on your car is a

sign of good luck.

• In England ____________________ saying “rabbit rabbit” on the

first day of the month will bring you good luck for the rest of it.

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