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Leanna Ezra Beatisula August 25, 2020

BSN 1C- Mathematics


Mathematics is the study of numbers, shapes and patterns. Math helps us in

every single thing we do in our lives. Math makes nurture our minds the ability to create,
think, reasoning and etc. As a fact, mathematics is all around us and has a specific
purpose. People may not know but the universe itself is really written in the form and
language of mathematics. It’s hard to say that we people enjoy the real beauty of nature
but insists to not go deeper about mathematical ideas in it. That is reality. Leading us
blind of how mathematics can give us a beautiful concept that really needs to educate
for us to understand and realize the wonderful patterns of nature in our world. We all
know that mathematics is one of the greatest inventions because aside from the fact
that it is a universal tool, it can help us create and mold our minds and ideas into
something we can’t expect. We learn mathematics at school, our teachers teaches us
how to solve math problems, how to improve communicating skills and provides the
power of reasoning. Nature can be amazing in the way it uses mathematical concepts to
create its own benefits.

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