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HOW TO USE THE YAWARA STICK How the Yawara Stick Was Developed _As instructor of Police, Police Departments, Police Schols and numerous Law Enforcement Hodes ie breame apparent tht here was a grea now for ‘pollee weapon which would afer mare than ample protection to Pulico Skee 8 mimi pouty ny tothe pre opens em whe ‘From my own experience and fro dlecusions with various Chiefs of paige an hr afc Glo feu ha wan nol peomnan for Obcer eave their ang tlie, night-atick or ober weapons taken far thom, pardesary when appreeniing to Or are peters Teving observed alap that seme Ofcersunforenately have to accept early sere un ain ening fp retin ne formance of tl dutien, and stil ethers who sould hat enjoy regular rete Then Gu to oak Teed to try an do something abot “Alter yearg of study, research snd o great desl of experimentation, Ihave developed the Yuva sick This sew Police weapon Is sal compact and oy te carry, Yet its apelble he use that can be weed nether hare, forward oF backward, or at anya, with equa effectiveness Ite deeyaet “apes” located just below the kpobs at either end of the pale Yiwars sides there forthe purpowe of preveiing argon from resting from an Olea’ raep. Should anone stomps t tae the Yair ‘Mk fre the Offeor, these “spikes” will leve « very teling mark. Such ‘navks will prove valusbl evidence, even years leer, shold the elit exape ‘This manual presents ins very concise orm greet amount ofinforms- tion, oth in words and photographs, which wail provide Officers with ory vit and precisa natrecons nse proper use of the Yawara sick. Iwill Trip mnk heir Jobs more plesant, their wore ror effective, and bring add onal ered te their Department sr Ti aaa tk oy lective uy tay, ay eg how 10 and euuy to remember, 1's hari fact, snot npeetble—for anyone to srret i from an Office's grenp. The Yawara stick lo better appearing, very TRenepicuown and it ot cbjetionable tothe publ~even when i is beng bo ‘With the Vawera stick I have endesvared to make arest ease, faster, ‘more humane, sad it les exertion on the para the Offees_ Fr the Ofer ‘Who wants te do his job better and enjoy the good beat and happiness tp Ih he is eniled upon seliremene, the Yawara stick 3¢ the proper “to!” Toe his Palos jb, 11s because I wat to help you, our Gaprdians of Law and Order, that 1 have developed the Yawars sick abd published thir manual of tstretions Prof. FA Marsuxana Foreword var since police departments wore fist organized there has been need for thutpane weapon far (lung unrely flendera, ‘The Vaware sale, devised fy Brofemor Pranic Matsuyama, now fells tie Fequioment, providing tha ese a ctined i the present pamphlet, ‘The Yawara sick is alight plece of electo-pastl frooved to ft Ube hand, and shaped into fest Se eee feel fora ies he ae vie he aa [aay tm sombat with more than che adver Below the note are metalic spikes ‘which are, harmless tunes a person attempts to wrest Te feom the wert = ‘This pamphlet has een prepared pearly for use ty pose ufers snd ples sudent, henet the br {Gi of Yawara me tzu forte in war as ben ‘mites, The methods ot offense and defense here ‘Rsertbed ae ample forthe protection of the offal Shaul he be attacked or require fore to sldue 2 fefractory prisoner, Moreover, it awois the care brutality whieh usally follows the ue o the ord ‘acy pale ly August Vollmer Chit of Police (retired) Berkeley, California Colorado State Highway Patrol now equipped with Yasrara sticks sauipped with Yawara sticks, ‘The Yawarn sick ay also te eared inside the sleeve, svers i automaticly drops Eto the hand for imecate aa tue, for “oeward, Tockowatd Aa A similar type of ge for up ele Seen sete re {ora dee forward thru Incorrect way ta hold the Yowars sick ever held the" Yaware sick by ether cod Always St the center of n “ffir ihe suck Another veey goad way 10 imoral the Nowra sik for Stott use: With the Yewara sik in the right hand lee Dritlon and fold ere, p Teall hand under right Dit Whale left arm esti ee Ernie, place ght Bet sth ‘Yawee atic, der the eft eal the aera sic. Taf tnded, reverse the proce ea versary with the Yawara Tod Gucsaied se shown ia Evveady: He is on the de- Fen for any ton At one fle move, the Offor ‘irices the chino he adver Eng Brgy wth either end Pike Vavarn atc 4 1 the Ofcer prefers, he may tees lowto soar plects feth. either "end the Roper eae lestead of tothe hin, 6 sown in pte Be inning witha boxersstance, Sind sing left end ca “The Officer, strikes back of {Alversarys et hand sharky wth end of Yawara stk ity ca Officer flows through with Sharp ja toh of adversary sith dhe “heat of hi Tele Bhd, amd brags ste oot Ioeward st the sume time to slain portet balance, ct Continuing the follow faroush the Offcer hooks ‘ho Yaniarn stick around the eh ankle of the adversary formpltely “upsetting. him ‘The Ofer st remains pe teetiy balance. pa Advorsary poshos oF grabs egpat Olicers Sam Browne Ba or shir tron Ofieer Knetatly arabe lt rt sf adversary wih hs let fond. “He then beng the Yowera ick into use pip pin it ny aroun the ist Freove withthe thumb ad mex finger of the Bight Offer follows through by tiling the elbow eran inne) sith the center of the aware’ tc ba Continuing the follow hough the. Offer pases {Be elle sharply wel the Yawarn ation. up, Torward then down, fori the ad essary "down, and at the ame dre tting his ert Sehlch brings the elbow for bs Sul continuing the follow throu, the Offer tums os wn ght wrist datas wi Yoana sick, besa Sted ver te per arm Sr ihe aver sek go slide ett wrist of adversary Ser tho Inside of Ofer ah elbow bs Next, the Offcer moves the eee si meng be {tween the elbow an shoul der of adversary and proses Wott of Yavrdra sk Sto ‘ivoranr’s arm, tthe same Hime’ pulling bottom of ‘Yawand stk ts the diet toward adversar's wrist He then queeces edversarys serist tht i the erate IE tow Gy enn te forees “avery sar bee ‘ind Officer's rh hip, Of fer then arightens he bed fees a ot te et oc Sights forwned sway feom ferry na be walls hist “long” is now completed. ps necessary the Offer ay shange the Yawara sic fi lef end nh ase pte are Stele EA tater boce af txdvoranry with Yawara stick Bald in het hand of Ofer 7 1 the adversary grabs hi fe el hae ts it {pian attempt to break aay Otic mercy shes a ‘withthe end of Vawara sek ba IF the Ofer prefers, he may Hike the ltuskles, Sogere the tk of the had the Svereary with the Yawrars sik po Some Ofer ny prefer 0 ‘edie following the pot lon shew in photograph D's “in thie ate, Oeer Rolie erases in Ds ct premee Vawaea ick i se aht ‘of Adam's apple ‘Te pastor elective {Feutpr attempts to Baht pao ‘Tis shows the use of the ‘Yewarm ke gait inte feelng person while this type rmeleck” bused to woe tnaversrs Ths bl may taseced te ci ‘dans apple insted of 0 Searle Ofer us MEN OVER 40— ‘The average man eves 40 cantnues to Improve and Belo mite poficien’ mentally, but unfortunately, Uy onture, fe bogin to g6 down piyscally. ‘There Ree he cannot fight or rete for to longa period. Bar cxampleAlPalice Sergent whom Tine very ‘rel od severe and prolonged ight with an adver Tey in making an srvest Tas Ofer ally sub- See hs adrary ai ney manu, bn Sess ss thatthe Oller developed ert trouble {helt the over-exertion and subsequently dle Remember: The Yawnra rick subiues adversaries REEL cenly apd ellectvoly. Save Wear smd Wear Sate Dou. Ure the Vavrara nick and have a eile chance of enjoving that retirement to Which Police Offecr are ented, ” fess atic Sgainat adversery who 22 Offices uses backchand tthe ‘vera et hn, ad aan toasts ps 53 Officer follows through with Strnight rehab th open ite fingers and mb par eh ange to Adan apo fr une adversary’ nose St ‘the same time, Officer ‘ring ie ight fou forward et Ofticer ig now perooty bal snes. He hooks ‘pee vat at Yaware ack under the lek af the et ee of a essay, from bac of Jeg ot ove dhe feg=thos ow Ing niverary down, 1) a 1 sdverzacy_ arabs Oficer= vers Offer Concho ft in ed geass hs body then Up Seard to. pontion shown ia Fe. ra fier grabs thumb of adver. seeps At band nd renee is own thumb forint back of adversary’ han ime mediately Sehied the ted SEs elmo Favara sik my agaist le fine peal sOme as adversary by. walking Tekowards ond maitaning Bick 3 20 ‘his is another wew of the Hold shown in F2, except that aus taken fom the Officer gan alle adversary Sin PS or be aun arab the ‘Bird ad lle Bnger of 26 worry hand, boring i er bacloward or hand rue forvard Ofer mai tains gram om Yewarh sick, (ver the thumb andes ftom af Yawera ste fue thor beck af thumb Ofer then fara sea frm adver oe Adversary grabs Officer's ight weet “with hie ght End, an ebango the Vawara sick Sled soc a ight toe and and strike the back of ssiversry’= ight band o2 Otherwise, contiuine from pasion in Co, Ofte bends Fis sight” wis snwand to wwatd elbow ase pushes Tvarerd toward BS own inte oa As thumb of adversary re feasts grip. during the downward posh, the OMe fing’ his ft para evesr his body and tts IRS's around so tat et tom af ewara tick hooks bck of ndversary's wrists Shown here Ofer then pushes upy forward; then owner tharly onthe ow of adversary, forcag Eis deve ‘Armelock is then completed OF iocking adversary sclbow ‘eka Ofer ft ip. Om for arsightons is boy ad sans sgl tothe ight bh sep of th hs et Fok, turning hs toes away from isiverstry. This" tion 1s SEMI ita no Batons 2) m1 Adversary grabs Offcor's eke writ wih both ands omit fer prt, be Vaorarn stick from his sient fevlfe hand an tke bso of adversary ult hand, Sinervine Ota proved tore Hn Follow same setion a shown be Ho From postion shown bere, Ooer"ean compiote same fallow chrough ae In G2 3 and When Ofer hn niet ‘any i he prefers, mately uch downward fering bot. {om of "Yavwara stoke nto bck of ‘versa wit nd gracing fingers of tt ands of dene wth ot End ag shown here Officer thon leads adversary away this knees‘ shown gy tn “cme front ef adversarys right oe Salen 1a Officer tums upper part of fis body Te and hooks aware sick beck of Mahi flow of adversary pulling lim sharply to Ofior ight Glee raltaneouny pulls ‘Spar with ck of i elt fret gradually turning his Are int ie hand tin ‘alm forward penton. OM Ear mmedintely catahes up per tight arm of adversary ith ba Kt hand a show, Note-Offer's foot pltion Fomine Unchanged a This es rae vow of ps a 1 no one interferes, Offer ‘hangar Yawara suck t lat and and hooks bottoms pat tf aware, tc into upper fon avery. Offer then Svar ham away as shown in DS. am HW Brice the same shown in Th except that the Yaare fil eld nthe Offers Ie ha ‘This is the sam as shown in Tz except that te Yawara slice eld in the Offcers nd 1 ‘The bs a rear iow of the old shown in 92. the same ain Te jie avara sek oon To walle the Offeor pute bow ecko steps Ka When, avery charges Tt long oil Oifiser fs Beil fo throw Yaware sek divctly into face a! adver Ka ‘As, Officer rings, Yawara Bex feeward, he ste i de of abt cert of adver Ey sharply with bac of is Ks While gripping sight, upper bm ofladvereury in hs elt Rand) Offcer delivers sound Blow’ wth aware to sir thin Atm ap Etsidect Adam’ spple Norr—The Ofeer eat use the ame pred asin photograph #2, 9 and gaint Southpaw boxers sto Ted with ight Kea I swore convenient, OMior ‘ey deliver sharp blow to ‘Siar plenus with the Yaar Silk, ae shown bere, Intend avahown in KS. a) ‘Browne bait, ron whl ed Officer ioumsdiately grabs ‘adversity with ‘Stee then Hives sharp blow with Yeware ce fo back of ad versary’ hand. thumb, Knuckle or “any bone 2 ‘Wen adversary grabe strap ote Sa Bown te Oiticer sskes blow’ wth Perera atk to tdversny's Eocer= I Same st L-2 except, blow ‘wih Yawara sic ito the Thom La ‘Adversary gzabs strap of Of fees San Brnrge bel th [ei hand and pall forward (Otic eel strikes bow Shar with Yaware ecko tery bone” of adversary necacary, Ofisr follows through a ahown in Do, 2 and 5 Adversary grabs Oficer with ght hand ar shown (ashe say gra wit ether hen to teal Gf Ofew’s tegwers inthe "bums rush). M2 Offer pivots on eft te, and atthe seme tint steps ergund Sti the eight fot and delle ee richtthand bow “wth Fowl tick to lay ot the adversary na Adversary abs Offer with i Rand as shown, na fcr pivots on lft toe aed Stuttabeousy steps tou Sun os des low to aolarplenun of 3 ereey wath Veer tll Eiht ane Rowail adversary ues unis ruth th ‘low Ie eng elective. adver Tei hand i at back of fs alan Offer turns et She strikes blow to. sa locas with Yawara stick in ina “Eades Gee cal, “Oficor tm fg end tikes ‘ow to soe see, Yazae Tony une blow tb, ey eeu incl off solar: bleu fhe prefors on ‘Adversary grate” beck of Strap om “Ofieers" Sam Serine belt th kin ft and as shown. Oficor tama Hight snd striker solar plore shin or Adame ple Et edgcrsry with Yaware ike to bie ight hand Officer prefers, he may tars fet soli Sow Kidney, chin ot neck wth the eared ie Tt frand 02 Adversary grabs back, of Strap. on “Officers” Sam Browne belt with right and, Officer” turns tight and Seer vidney, en op meee Soe Were sick is Bs ght, fad If Ofer ume Tie pe tes snares, SPaware sick in his oben 8 Many Police Departments make it practice to hire Guile Instructs in Self-Defense, out urclly Aer une the Oieers forget the training they have Feived, sid setually the Poise Department has pon money for mothe Remember: With the Yawara stick and thi manual, the Ofer: cannot large ‘Adversary grabs Offco's aht wrt with hist hand Norecit Ofieers hand is down and adversary grabs in Same manner, te Ofer ‘ore brings’ hi hand op fd ack to poston InP then fale through asin PSs and Pa Offer tps Yawara stick for Sard, forcing bottom of ovate ack hargly tote say's hand, between the Thu and inde Hage 3 Officer uses Ife thumb to Stove adverarys hum be frpecn Yavraa sek end pals ot Oficers hand. Over Squceatsightly "and wells sdveranry say. Pa Oi cen wall min Lie Gogee al adversary’ hand, bonding fingers back ford at han thrust for: Ward Otter’ maintains rap on Yawara tick, over he fob, and aids bosom aware stick further bac, way" ftom adversary and swale Kin away. en Adversary gripe arms ol Shaws and stfutes to move fie te on Yaak Thumb, Thumb. knuckle {Dun joint of adveran. Note how advereary Teles Told on seme of hal ee Asedversary relaxes grip oo iui nim, the Oflcer grabs Sevens thumb between ‘Yawara wick apd the palm ce hie nnd “OMieer then abe extened Snger of ad Sersay, bende ther down Said thd Backward ee As Office twists adversary's ina downward and back trend bet sniaias a finn ap om the thumb wi the ‘Ea kan ede the member to keep plenty ef ‘reese on the i Norewit"" Officer is left Inde he may prefer to use this seme hold ot advereary’s ght. band. This Yowars Feld is equally elective from sther ade Adversary in sated, ipa Srand refs to ave SBas anes andes in 2 diferent position. Offeer Socks Yatara sick agaeat here at gh of ade ebibs chin ‘of adversary ring versa’ bend far ihe tet Re ‘With adversiys had tit Mtge to the right Ofer ‘sucky alidoe his “laht throat Offeer smumeste Iy changes Yawara lick to Bla Iet hand. it adversory SNempts ta grab. Offcer Hand he Ofer merely tp the oflending hand sharply ‘vith th awe sek 12 Ofer strats up, bring ngdverary Aa ape land wea him swap TEs emt tempt ota OF Toth bande, the Officer Tape Savery ‘hands aharply fees eck ily by 2 st “Adversary attempts to choke Ofer with arm bl round treks Oliser grabs adver. ans wee and tape back of Fs hand sharply with end of Yeware ste using © #46 tow s2 (Or the Offices may steke a Slow wit the bine en of the “vamara sik aver: # ra sa 1 adversary grabs Officer tn fees hi boosh a inthe photogeph, the Of for teen 9 Bow with the ‘awara sick to adversary’: ene gt fo the "erty bons ange 451 ™ adversary throwsheadlock tr Officer the Ofer es Ste blow to Hook of adver Snry’s bundy wath ond ina oF Yawara tol while hol Sng around body aver ary wit Tet sem 1 In this photogeaph, Offeor taps lene eap of adversary Rub Es fro Yosaes lw ory ‘This shows Ofer tapping Inmie shin of adversary with Yawara ase 4 Officer uses Yaware stick $2 (eft hand and honk side ot forthe nesre atthe left of the Raton apple. Ofer then pulls eavetvory backwards, balance, with the Yawars Shek we bln The ae Oiler then releases bold on ‘wrist end stakes low wth Wotton side of fet toe faarslexus, (In ete of = ite deh es Ost Cavrion must be undersond thot Bow wih the Vayrara ste 0 the crotay fac, ae any be ase In ty ofthe holdé shown in Tato TS [BRlaive and in eng cf the other Holds They are not sown here be use the uke of sia blows are obs [Bical the pub whe west 7 Ofer 1s tice punches with hel of fi igh hand to aera ‘ght hp and simsttaneously bk lt of ena of Yaar ek nto hollow elow ‘Ad's apple and pulls back ward, Ths hold pardon: Ieny valarbe tn holding an tneane person [AI Peace Officers know that today It i more die fut to ruladve and apprehend persons than it wat hen five years nam, becniae daring World War It many’ were taught dis Jts, Judo and ether forms ‘tcombat ‘The Yawara sla isthe swe. vt Thi the host “ome-slong iene 2S cey clive fe never objectionable ‘losers, Oficer grab a wezeay's lle wnat wih is itera toate (Oficer grab outede pat of Sverarysalewe atthe Bow faving “pay” between Yrware wick snd elbow). Tt sslversry sess or rofines “come” song, Offcer ta easy bone” sharply. with Sao ot Yoware sek v2 adversary testo turn et, (Ofer press Yarra sek Seely fe the “ermey bone” find ushesshaepy forward, raking dversary wale 150 vs 1 adversary turns to sight Gr stamp to stake Offer wrth hcebow Ofer st Holding Yaw tok firmly to lena, turna Yawara ck Hosontlly and opposite end ff Yawars sk Jobe adver fary's back and prevents him {tom amin us adversary resists oo mach, pet hi ino postion show Fete whichis he same sin Dot and finished in DS “To remove stubborn adver iy from car Ofte leans Healy" wih "Yaqare ek est adverse oumbe wai oqo —if adversary attempts Cig S's Spieler {oe Oftcer to tke ein oF ‘Mant apoe with eer end ots Yaar sk va Officer then arabs thumls of Raversary ‘and. squeezes ‘Yawora sock fly agaist it'd st the samo me ge feitended fingers af ever Shy arin 2 va Officer now tists hand of falveriary "backward and aoe lea im from ear wa Officer grabs left wrist f ad Sersuy with ie Tat hend Office locks sem of adver Gnd likes adverse’ frazy ‘bene® with side of aware sick az in Dit and wa ies elon through, push Sag elbow of ndversacy op Ward and over then dows: Ward with the Yawara stick dat the ane ime etn is weit eontaucustyin the ‘gestion ‘which brings the ‘Sbow forward oe tn 53 be 5s) Correct way for Ofer to fol Yannre stick while fring adversary. The pike the Wawara sk i peral- fatto the: Oters forearm, 1 adversary grabs, Oflce's ‘git ert with ether hand hile ‘Ofer devin ea fies merely tipe baie of Yewars stick eked to tran his oe forearm Thi ‘eon leds the Sepa of dhe Pawar iin ade fest halt Fane car wheel or release gt hond from wheal foe Nore —Ondinaily we do not ce tout gr mar anyone ti tae spikes at any tine Dut in this aoe the Ofc Mie snd struction of the or iat stake, xa 1 giversry attempts to ke Ofer whe lig in ar or whe Giving, Offer Ses "adversary om chin ‘eth Wawra soak as chown Wihis wears wile deiing Onier should not hese to fe any. pert of lace ot Fed, bossute ere, ao. It tay save the ie of the Of fer and damage to the ea {femwarber, the Wow ma be ‘Houck with ther ond of the xa ‘Also, under circumstances deceived in 22, the blew imay bevstrack with ether fd of the Yawara nek to fhe solaplenug, grotch or sy past ofthe bof xa adversary septs too ‘ape, ste bard Bow with a af Yaw sk to hid hey, ib, spine wee body. Be Should injure the adversary to shoot bis, ‘a va 1 see sc tg {he ‘patol wagon, Ofer ai at one YYawaua stick down toward trotch ae show, va Officer shoves Yawara atc ‘ous ereh. and. pushes ‘pwnd, or he vses aight ward tap withthe font ot the Yownra sick snd eo the srdveraaryjumpe up, the OF ‘or pushes hin forward bs va Or the Offcer may turn the aware sik ‘horieontaliy ‘eth hs pal up while ole Ing collar shows’ here, oer then ite upesed st follag wale pli yp atthe Sroteh and phen adversary fsrwaed va Oc, may also use the method shown here Officer fabs collar tht, pushing Soward ay he shoves, toe Yawara ticks inte adver serge hey. ma Officer can walk adversary fy grabbing hus writ and Dishing end of Fawara sek Tito back a shown here Ade ‘essay wil thin is gu 22 Adversary. grabs, Oficers funy shown. Oller grabs Fieve hand and res eet Blow to sola=plewus Sith Yaware_ stele ie hit Tat Rand “Ofeer should Ta hetate tates chin ‘roth ar any’ prt of adver: Ships bo. eo When tis necemary totrane- Port a adver, te [Bn al the time but he c= cary Yawara soe W sversary sits around fod refuses 1040, “Ofiser Fepacles of adverse, own, fntend of head 1 Aversry attempts to srke Gilera shown. Oflcer te beckchand tke wih ‘Yowaes sick to adversary's fot Oicer ey use raed iow with, Yaw sake to Baek of adversary ts he Avousr Votsseen apr 15, 1946, The Yevare Stick which you hove sont to mo is without doubt the most compact and effective offensive and defensive const weepon thet has ‘been brought to my attention. Tate weapon should be required equipment for every poliée- mn, especisily the plain clothes officers of ‘the police cervice. August Voline> Peat President. Invernational Associstion chiar of Police Gite Oakley, Bolice Beparent wos 9,207. she tas sortty tan the ‘en S11 Ls Seog sed ty ty amber of the Dvoarteen ad pat of eur santard etm. Hatha o ® ‘TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN je or se by race tant wee (rie wed tomy opm th nem tv and Bore, Calor Colovado State Bateot i le | See ea | ‘Se fy"oosee pote Se OS Eee SP Hh z e Bepartment af Police © BD Aagatt ©, 397 bere telat your “evare Sisk” an fed 18 an tngwatou davice ‘oe the we by toe polton in he mandling of ecale!trantpeiscoes, ‘ery teuiy yore, aay 15, 1946 eno isné of Panter sz oom “if radar ftzolnm Sone Se fore j ‘Gee contonry poidoe *Mitiy" or oiaoe- deer re sear a ai rae, = Eo tertnbe 1,2987 (CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & QUINCY RAILROAD COMPANY Denver, duly 8th, 1946. rot. F, A, Maseuyane Sngtrsoton in Yorere {ole stove dtreat ese Sit Mey Z take thie opportintty to coment con your Yaware atfak for une by peace offlesre in preferense vo the Blasko, T have found the Yormrs stick to be very usefut and nary tener nore ePffetent. than other ck had rospone, But cn the cthor hind 22 much nore iRuane, "Trig eapeeisiiy effietent shen the user Nes Shovladge of Muaware” as taught by 2040 school Trith best wimee, T remain In bball ofthe Longanont Polis Department, 1 wish to take thie means cf complimenting you onthe way you havo Instruct and tained my men in the art of Yawara, Your methods of wing the YAWARA STICKS, which you have taught my preonse, ie met the approval of the community at = hole ‘the "YAWARA STICK" has been in use here for the ps two years, and weave fund them mare superior In every way, a8 compared othe se-aled ‘ight sick.” One vaso, they are easter to cary and are alas conceal so you can caery same inane of your pockets The ale is also ted i rome Uf many ways of Yawara stark for seldefense, We have found thatthe tse of there sis alee Tends to eeate a better faling of rerpect toward the Police Department, compared tothe ight stick. The use of thelater weapon ly Polee Ofer ha left aad taste with the public forthe past decade Miles MePhillip, Chie of Pole, Longin Police Departinet Longmont, Cloredo [My mn and I wish you to know we value your YAWARA STICK ss @ Police Weapon, beyond ansthing we have ever used, Owen L, Walker, Chit of Potce, (City of Sterling, Colorado | During the past several months we have had the opportunity to use your “YAWARA STICK.” In ths short period, we've found to have many avan- tages over the customary "zap" or “Dil” Ono ofthe best, is the appearance [eas the atta of te public les reeenful then when aren the pro ‘erbal sap” Ifone has the knowledge fs few minor holds and “come alongs” (his weapon Is by fr the superior ad the most effective ‘Thomas Hanna, Chief of Police City of Aurora, Colorado Although we Dave just used the YAWARA STICK for one arrest sce we aye ha the, which isabout a yea, it brought in very od results. Its very ‘ey Ho cary, ining Hight and ensly concealed, Aer unig St once, on Yer ‘ibborn and hard-boiled charctr,t subdued him toa very mild manner an fa came til very pewcfully Upun inspection, there were no mark eft on the subject in the spot where it was used, and nobody could see that it was being use ‘The Sherill's Ofice wishes to take this opportuity to congratulate the Professir on the"YAWARA STICK,” and ean truthfully recommend the stick, tomy Pesce Ofer ‘Sam Pedersen, Sheil, Morgan County, Clora “Yewara is much superior to Ji Jitsu and Judo because Jiu Jitsu and Judo are bu stall part of Yaseara ‘Yawaraisan ancient ato sell protection combining fing and wreeting Prof, F, A. Matsuyama, inventor of the Yawara tick and publisher ofthis Police, ithe only Vaware man in America, and a nationally known ‘During the past 21 years he las trained a romendous number of Pole, ‘Police Departnents Police Schools, Highway Patrols, Guard Units; in fact, ‘practically all known types or elses of Peace Officers. He is constantly ‘hyaged in is profeaion a Instreter of Polit, and ie eonsistontly in demand Duving World War I, he trined the Armed Forecs at Fort Robinson, [Nebras, the Colorado State Guard, Denver Polis, Denver Auxiliary Palice tnd Firemen, sumerous other Pole Department, individual Police Officers, Detectives Serle, Miltary Police and many other Lave Enforcoment Offices. Inaadition, four sons served in the United States Army.

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