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the kidnapped cat

Two years ago, my uncle and sister were taking a cat (that my uncle had) to the vet, as she had
broken a paw.

When they arrived at the place, they told him that the cat had to stay in the hospital, since the
fracture had been serious.

When we left the vet's office, there was a kitten, approximately one month old, with a very
beautiful coat, gray and brown tones, green eyes and an eye with a little spot. It was night so they
were afraid of what could happen, they watched him for a while and realized that the kitten was
trying to enter a house with dogs, also trying to enter the sewers.

They decided to bring him to my house. The days passed and my sister posted ads on Facebook to
find the owners. After a week it seemed that nobody was claiming the kitten so they decided to
adopt it.

At the same time, my father passed by the same street as the vet and he noticed that there was a
cat similar to the one they had adopted coming into a house, and he saw a person coming out of
the same place.

He went up to him and said "how beautiful your cat is" to which the gentleman answered him
kindly "yes, I had one just like that, but one night he ran away and never came back".

My dad, hearing this, remembered how the cat had come into the house, and how the dates
matched for both stories.

He started laughing and said "on about the same date, my daughter came home with a cat, just
like this one, and from what you tell me, it looks like the cat in my house is your cat. If you like I
can bring it back" to which the gentleman replied "don't worry, keep it, it's been a while since the
cat got used to your house".

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