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Journal of Applied Psychology Copyright 2006 by the American Psychological Association

2006, Vol. 91, No. 4, 979 –985 0021-9010/06/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/0021-9010.91.4.979

The Difference Isn’t Black and White: Stereotype Threat and the Race Gap
on Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices
Ryan P. Brown and Eric Anthony Day
The University of Oklahoma

This study addresses recent criticisms aimed at the interpretation of stereotype threat research and
methodological weaknesses of previous studies that have examined race differences on Raven’s Ad-
vanced Progressive Matrices (APM). African American and White undergraduates completed the APM
under three conditions. In two threat conditions, participants received either standard APM instructions
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

(standard threat) or were told that the APM was an IQ test (high threat). In a low threat condition,
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

participants were told that the APM was a set of puzzles and that the researchers wanted their opinions
of them. Results supported the stereotype threat interpretation of race differences in cognitive ability test
scores. Although African American participants underperformed Whites under both standard and high
threat instructions, they performed just as well as Whites did under low threat instructions.

Keywords: Stereotype threat, race, Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices

Proponents of biological explanations for racial disparities on a type of self-fulfilling prophecy. Awareness of a stereotype of
cognitive ability tests have noted that differences between African inferiority produces an evaluative threat of confirming that stereo-
Americans and Whites are consistent and substantial (typically type (or being judged by others to have done so), which then leads
half to over one standard deviation) even on “culture-free” tests to the poorer performance predicted by the stereotype.
such as Raven’s APM (Jensen, 1998). Because its stimuli are Evidence pertaining to the stereotype threat hypothesis has
nonverbal and do not require a specific knowledge base to be grown considerably over the last decade. Researchers have shown,
understood, the APM should not be heavily influenced by a re- for instance, that African American test takers may perform sig-
spondent’s acquired knowledge or reading ability (Saccuzzo & nificantly worse on a difficult verbal test when they are told that it
Johnson, 1995). This has led many experts to argue that it is among measures their abilities (thus making their intellectual stigma rel-
the purest available measures of general cognitive ability and evant) than when told that it is nondiagnostic of ability (thus
complex reasoning (e.g., Carpenter, Just, & Snell, 1990; Hum- negating the relevance of the stigma; Steele & Aronson, 1995).
phreys, 1984; Jensen, 1980; Snow, Kyllonen, & Marshalek, 1984). Similar effects have also been obtained with other stereotyped
Thus, race differences on tests such as Raven’s APM are some- groups, such as Latinos (Gonzales, Blanton & Williams, 2002), the
times taken as evidence that the lower test scores of African poor (Croizet & Claire, 1998), and women in mathematics (Brown,
Americans and other minorities (relative to Whites or Asian Amer- Charnsangavej, Keough, Newman, & Rentfrow, 2000; Brown &
icans) can be attributed to biological differences rather than edu- Josephs, 1999; Brown & Pinel, 2003; Spencer, Steele, & Quinn,
cational or other environmental factors (e.g., Herrnstein & Murray, 1999).
1994; Jensen, 1998). Clearer evidence that reducing stereotype threat can likewise re-
However, some recent thinking calls this assumption into ques- duce race differences on nonverbal cognitive ability tests like the
tion. Specifically, research by Steele and colleagues (Steele, 1997; APM would make a substantial contribution to our understanding of
Steele & Aronson, 1995; Steele, Spencer, & Aronson, 2002) on the
the environmental factors that contribute to race differences on cog-
phenomenon of stereotype threat suggests a plausible environmen-
nitive ability tests. Attempts to obtain such evidence, however, have
tal explanation that functions independently of item content. In this
failed to produce compelling data supporting the stereotype threat
research, Steele and others have shown that individuals who feel
interpretation of race differences. For example, McKay, Doverspike,
stigmatized with respect to a particular performance domain can
Bowen-Hilton, and Martin (2002) administered the APM to African
experience heightened levels of performance pressure under cir-
American and White participants and told them either that the test was
cumstances in which their stigma seems relevant and salient. This
a measure of IQ or that it was a measure of pattern completion skills,
stereotype-driven pressure can then hinder performance, leading to
similar to the test-diagnosticity manipulation of Steele and Aronson
(1995). Although McKay et al. found a strong and significant race
main effect, they found only a marginal Race ⫻ Condition interaction
Ryan P. Brown and Eric Anthony Day, Department of Psychology, The predicting APM scores. Moreover, none of the within-race means was
University of Oklahoma.
significantly different from one another. Thus, African Americans did
We thank Winfred Arthur and Joseph Rodgers for their helpful com-
ments on a previous draft of this article. not perform significantly worse in the diagnostic than in the nondi-
Correspondence concerning this article can be sent to Ryan Brown at agnostic condition. However, prior to the administration of the APM,
Department of Psychology, The University of Oklahoma, 455 W. Lindsey, the researchers gave participants measures of test anxiety and racial
DHT #705, Norman, OK 73019. E-mail: identity, as well as demographic questions asking about participants’

race and sex. If participants thought about these measures at all while A second concern raised by Sackett and colleagues (2001) is
completing the APM, the ability of the researchers to reduce stereo- that the typical instructions given to participants in stereotype
type threat among African American participants might have been threat studies are not ecologically valid. Indeed, they argue that an
seriously compromised (Steele & Aronson, 1995).1 alternative interpretation of the stereotype threat literature to date
Likewise, Mayer and Hanges (2003) investigated race differences is that race differences have simply been increased under artifi-
on the APM in a simulated personnel-selection context. These re- cially created high threat conditions that would never occur in
searchers used a manipulation of test diagnosticity similar to that of applied settings. For instance, outside of a stereotype threat labo-
Steele and Aronson (1995) and McKay et al., (2002), but did not find ratory study, test administrators would rarely indicate to test takers
a Race ⫻ Condition interaction with respect to performance. How- that they were examining (or expecting to find) race differences on
ever, the nondiagnostic condition in the Mayer and Hanges study does a test of cognitive ability. As with the previous criticisms leveled
not appear to have truly reduced the apparent diagnosticity of the test, at stereotype threat studies, this one, too, does not adequately
an inference that is bolstered by the authors’ own manipulation check reflect the range of experimental manipulations that have been
on participants’ stereotype threat perceptions (for a similar conclu- used in this literature, but it does raise yet another question about
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

sion, see Steele and Davies [2003]). Furthermore, Mayer and Hanges the applicability of stereotype threat findings from the laboratory.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

only gave participants 20 minutes to complete the APM (40 minutes The present study was an attempt to improve upon the experi-
is more typical), which is problematic because the items on the APM mental designs used in previous studies of stereotype threat to
increase in difficulty, and stereotype threat effects have been posited understand race differences on the APM. First, we avoided inad-
to increase as item difficulty increases (e.g., Spencer et al., 1999). vertently priming participants with any suggestion that we were
Thus, prior studies of stereotype threat effects on Raven’s APM interested in race differences prior to the experiment. Second, we
scores seem inconclusive. were very careful to create a low threat condition in which any
Together with these questionable tests of stereotype threat the- suggestion that the APM would be used to assess or evaluate
ory, Sackett and colleagues (Sackett, Hardison, & Cullen, 2004; participants’ intellectual abilities was eliminated. In this condition,
Sackett, Schmitt, Ellingson, & Kabin, 2001) have raised a number the APM items were referred to as “puzzles,” and participants were
of criticisms of the literature on this phenomenon, particularly as told that we were interested in their evaluations of the task (rather
it relates to differences between African Americans and Whites in than the task’s evaluation of them). Third, we gave participants 40
cognitive ability test scores. Their primary criticism concerns the minutes to complete the test, increasing the probability that all
statistical analyses used in the original stereotype threat studies by participants would encounter the more difficult test items on the
Steele and Aronson (1995), which involved controlling for SAT APM. Fourth, our sample was composed of students from only a
scores across all participants before examining the effects of the modestly selective public university in the southwestern United
threat manipulations on test performance. This approach, Sackett States, allowing for greater generalization than is possible with
argues, produces adjusted mean performance levels that can de- students from highly selective schools like Stanford. Fifth, the
ceptively portray the difference between African Americans and statistical analysis we used avoided the interpretive problems
Whites as disappearing under low threat conditions, when all that
inherent in the ANCOVA approach used by Steele and Aronson
has really been shown is that the normal gap between African
(1995). Finally, we also included two conditions designed to elicit
Americans and Whites has been exacerbated under high threat
stereotype threat: one condition that explicitly presented the test as
conditions. Although subsequent stereotype threat studies have not
an IQ measure (high threat) and one condition that used the
all used this analysis of covariance technique, it is also the case
standard wording that is supposed to be used with the APM
that most studies since Steele and Aronson (1995) have examined
(standard threat). The inclusion of both of these conditions allowed
gender differences rather than race differences. Thus, the concern
us to determine not only whether stereotype threat can occur under
expressed by Sackett and colleagues about how to interpret the role
novel circumstances with the APM (i.e., when participants are told
played by stereotype threat in the gap between African Americans
that the APM is a measure of IQ) but also whether stereotype
and Whites has merit and should be taken seriously.
threat can occur under standard testing conditions. This standard
Additional concerns about the ability to generalize stereotype
condition thus helps to address the criticism by Sackett and others
threat findings have also been raised by Sackett et al. (2001). The
(2004) that race differences in previous studies have simply been
first concern is that Steele and Aronson’s (1995) research exam-
increased under high threat conditions rather than decreased in low
ined students at an elite university (Stanford) who might not be
threat conditions. Consistent with the extensive literature on IQ
representative of test takers in the general population. Consistent
and cognitive ability, we predicted that Whites would perform
with this criticism, one might infer that the reason McKay et al.
better than African Americans on the APM in both the standard
(2002) and Mayer and Hanges (2003) failed to find significant
stereotype threat effects on the APM had to do with their use of threat and high threat conditions. However, consistent with the
less selective samples, rather than with a methodological flaw in stereotype threat hypothesis, we predicted that this performance
their studies. After all, Steele (1997) has suggested that stereotype gap between African Americans and Whites would be significantly
threat should be strongest among individuals who are highly reduced in the low threat condition.
identified with a performance domain. Although subsequent stud-
ies have found stereotype threat effects among students at public 1
It is also possible that describing the APM as a measure of “pattern
universities (e.g., Brown & Josephs, 1999; Spencer et al., 1999), completion skills” failed to remove all of the evaluative threat of the test in
these studies have not examined differences between African that a measure of any kind of cognitive “skill” might seem stereotype-
Americans and Whites. relevant to intellectually stigmatized individuals.

Method instructions were the items referred to as a test; rather, items were consis-
tently referred to as “puzzles.” By combining this consistent reference to
Participants the APM items as puzzles with the indication that we desired participants’
Fifty-nine African American students and 83 White students enrolled in feedback about the items, we intended to remove any suggestion that the
introductory psychology courses at The University of Oklahoma partici- task was evaluative in nature—thus reducing the relevance of racial ste-
pated in partial fulfillment of a course research requirement. Data from 4 reotypes about intellectual abilities. After providing these condition-
participants (3 African American men and 1 African American woman) specific instructions, the experimenter (a White man) provided all partic-
were excluded from analyses because they failed to report an ACT score, ipants with specific instructions on how the items work.
and data from 2 additional participants (1 African American man and 1 All participants had 40 minutes to work on the APM. Afterward,
African American woman) were excluded because they did not believe the participants answered some demographic questions and reported their best
cover story about the purpose of the study. The mean age of the final score on the ACT, as well as what they believed was the purpose of the task
sample (53 African American participants and 83 White participants) was they had just completed. Finally, participants were probed for suspicion
19.23 years (SD ⫽ 3.0). Seventy percent of the final sample were women. and were fully debriefed about the true purposes of the study.

This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Test Performance
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We used scores on Raven’s APM ( Raven, Raven, & Court, 1998) to Previous stereotype threat studies that have examined race dif-
operationalize performance. The APM consists of 36 design problems ar- ferences in performance on cognitive ability tests (e.g., Steel &
ranged in an ascending order of difficulty. Each problem involves a logical Aronson, 1995) have typically included standardized test scores
pattern with a piece missing. The respondent’s task is to select the piece that
(e.g., SAT) as a covariate to control for prior ability differences.
best completes the pattern from eight alternatives. The APM test manual
However, this approach can be criticized for its circularity because
reports a test–retest reliability of 0.91 and strong evidence of convergent
validity (Raven et al., 1998). We obtained a Spearman-Brown odd-even the meaning of group differences in ability is exactly what is being
split-half reliability estimate of 0.82 for the APM scores. We also examined the explained (Sackett et al., 2001, 2004). To avoid this circularity but
extent to which the reliability estimate varied as a function of condition. As still equate experimental conditions for prior ability within racial
shown in Table 1, no statistically reliable differences were observed. groups, we followed the approach advocated by Brown and Jo-
sephs (1999), which was a modified covariance analysis on within-
Design and Procedure race residualized performance means. Specifically, we first con-
ducted simple regression analyses within each race, regressing
Data were collected within a 2 (race: African American or White) ⫻ 3
(instructions: standard threat, high threat, or low threat) between-groups APM scores on ACT scores across experimental conditions and
design. Each participant was tested individually in a small room. After saving the residuals for further analysis. Second, after adding the
having participants read and sign consent forms, the experimenter ex- race-specific mean performance levels to the unstandardized re-
plained that the purpose of the study was to examine how different people siduals of these separate regression analyses, we submitted the
work on puzzle-solving tasks. The experimenter then provided participants residualized test scores to a 2 (race: African American or White) ⫻
with written instructions for the APM, which were also verbally summa- 3 (instructions: standard threat, high threat, or low threat) between-
rized, according to one of the three experimental conditions, to which groups general linear model analysis of variance (GLM-ANOVA).
participants were randomly assigned within race. This approach effectively controls for within-race differences in
In the standard threat condition, participants were given instructions
ACT scores across experimental conditions without making ad-
consistent with the published manual for the APM (Raven et al., 1998).
justments to performance means across race. As shown in Table 2,
Specifically, participants were told, “The Advanced Progressive Matrices
is a measure of observation and clear thinking.” The APM was referred to such an adjustment was important in the present study in that the
as a “test” several times during these instructions. Participants in the high mean ACT scores of African American participants differed across
threat condition were told, “The task you will be working on is an IQ test. experimental conditions, particularly between the standard threat
Like the SAT and ACT, this test is frequently used to measure individuals’ and high threat conditions. The statistical power for finding me-
intelligence and ability.” The items were referred to as an “IQ test” several dium (␩2 ⫽ .06) and large (␩2 ⫽ .14) interaction effects with our
times during these instructions. Finally, in the low threat condition, par- design and sample size was 73% and 99%, respectively. The
ticipants were told, “The task you will be working on is a series of puzzles. statistical power for finding significant differences between Afri-
Please take these puzzles seriously. When you are finished working on the can Americans in the low threat condition and the standard and
puzzles, we would like to ask you some questions about the puzzles and get
high threat conditions was 51% (for a medium effect; d ⫽ 0.50)
your thoughts and reactions about them.” At no time during the low threat
and 85% (for a large effect; d ⫽ 0.80). In their seminal research,
Steele and Aronson (1995; Study 2) found a large Race ⫻ Con-
Table 1 dition interaction (␩2 ⫽ .18) and a large difference (d ⫽ 0.80)
Spearman-Brown Odd-Even Split-Half Reliabilities of APM between African Americans in a diagnostic versus a nondiagnostic
Scores by Condition condition.2
The mean residualized APM scores in each condition are shown
White African American in Table 2, along with raw APM scores unadjusted for ACT. Our
n rxx 95% C.I. n rxx 95% C.I.
Low threat 27 .68 .28; .85 17 .88 .65; .96 These effect sizes were calculated based on the F, t, and degrees of
Standard threat 29 .77 .49; .89 19 .80 .47; .93 freedom reported by Steele and Aronson (1995). However, it should be
High threat 27 .84 .65; .93 17 .91 .75; .97 noted that effect sizes derived from Steele and Aronson (1995) are not in
the same metric as the effect sizes observed in the present study because
Note. C.I. ⫽ confidence interval. Steele and Aronson partialled SAT scores out of between-group differences.

Table 2 a significant race main effect on accuracy (residualized within race

Means and Standard Deviations by Condition for prior ACT scores), F(1, 130) ⫽ 8.57, p ⬍ .01, ␩2 ⫽ .06, and
a significant Race ⫻ Instructions interaction, F(1, 130) ⫽ 5.20,
African p ⬍ .01, ␩2 ⫽ .07, MSE ⫽ 0.016. As shown in Table 2, African
White American
American participants were significantly less accurate than Whites
M SD M SD da in the standard and high threat conditions ( ps ⬍ .05). In contrast,
African American participants in the low threat condition were
ACT scores slightly, but not significantly, more accurate than Whites in the
Low threat 25.11 3.82 22.88 3.28 0.62
low threat condition, F ⬍ 1. The Race ⫻ Instructions interaction
Standard threat 24.83 4.15 24.11 4.81 0.16
High threat 24.81 3.44 21.06 2.79 1.18 was not significant for number of problems attempted (also ad-
Raw APM scores justed within race for prior ACT scores), F ⬍ 1, although African
Low threat 22.44 4.56 24.29 5.05 ⫺0.39 Americans overall (M ⫽ 35.0, SD ⫽ 2.01) did answer slightly
Standard threat 24.28 4.08 22.42 5.15 0.41 more items than did Whites (M ⫽ 34.06, SD ⫽ 3.21), F(1, 130) ⫽
High threat 24.67 3.89 19.41 5.60 1.16
3.77, p ⫽ .05, d ⫽ 0.33.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Adjusted APM scoresb

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Low threat 22.35 3.94 24.21 4.06 ⫺0.47 In a final exploratory analysis, we also examined item difficulty
Standard threat 24.32 3.55 21.35 4.56 0.75 curves as a function of race and experimental condition. Accord-
High threat 24.72 3.55 20.79 4.50 1.00 ingly, we regressed item difficulties (i.e., % correct) on race and
item number of the APM, including the quadratic term for item
Low threat 0.67 0.13 0.70 0.13 ⫺0.23
Standard threat 0.71 0.12 0.62 0.16 0.66 number as well as all interaction terms. We observed no significant
High threat 0.74 0.10 0.59 0.13 1.34 interactions involving race. Likewise, we observed similar curves
Items attemptedb across all three experimental conditions. Specifically, there was a
Low threat 33.84 3.69 34.90 1.76 ⫺0.36 systematic increase in difficulty across items in all three condi-
Standard threat 34.70 2.51 34.82 2.43 ⫺0.05
High threat 33.60 3.37 35.30 1.80 ⫺0.62 tions, with a more pronounced increase in difficulty for the later
items of the test (i.e., a significant quadratic effect). These item
Effects calculated as mean for Whites minus mean for African Ameri- difficulty curves are similar to the results reported in the APM
cans. b Scores are adjusted within race for prior ACT scores. manual (Raven et al., 1998) and by Arthur and Day (1994).

analysis revealed a main effect of race, F(1, 130) ⫽ 5.78, p ⬍ .05,
␩2 ⫽ .04, such that African Americans (M ⫽ 22.12, SD ⫽ 4.55) The results of the present study offer strong support for the
scored lower on average than did Whites (M ⫽ 23.80, SD ⫽ 3.78). hypothesis that race differences in cognitive ability test scores
In addition, the analysis revealed a Race ⫻ Instructions interac- could be accounted for with a simple, contextual variable that is
tion, F(2, 130) ⫽ 6.44, p ⬍ .01, ␩2 ⫽ .09, MSE ⫽ 15.73. independent of biological factors and even test content. Specifi-
Consistent with our predictions, planned comparisons revealed that cally, when African American participants were told that the
although the difference between African Americans and Whites Raven’s APM was merely a set of puzzles for which we wanted
under standard testing instructions replicated the typical race dif- their feedback, they performed significantly better than they did
ference favoring Whites, F(1, 130) ⫽ 6.44, p ⬍ .05, d ⫽ 0.75, a when they were told that the APM was either a test of “observation
difference that was even larger in the high threat condition, F(1, and clear thinking” (the standard instructions used with the APM)
130) ⫽ 10.22, p ⬍ .01, d ⫽ 1.00, this difference was actually or an IQ test. Indeed, the differences within African American
reversed in the low threat condition, although the difference here participants were not only statistically significant, they were also
was not statistically significant, F(1, 130) ⫽ 2.30, p ⬎ .10, d ⫽ substantial—approximately three fourths of a standard devia-
⫺0.47. Likewise, and in contrast to the results reported by McKay tion—in stark contrast to recent claims that stereotype threat
et al. (2002), African Americans in the low threat condition scored effects are “typically very small” (Reeve & Hakel, 2002). The
significantly better than did African Americans in either the stan- present results also stand in contrast to several previous studies
dard or the high threat conditions ( ps ⬍ .05). It is especially that failed to find convincing evidence of stereotype threat on the
noteworthy that African Americans in the low threat condition APM (e.g., Mayer & Hanges, 2003; McKay et al., 2002), but
performed as well as Whites did in either the standard or high which, as noted previously, suffered from methodological weak-
threat conditions. Thus, removing the relevance of the racial in- nesses that precluded an adequate test of the stereotype threat
telligence stereotype increased the APM scores of African Amer- hypothesis.
ican participants to essentially the same level as that of White That the performance effects we observed in this study were a
participants in the conditions in which Whites performed their function of accuracy rather than problems attempted is also worth
best. Adding gender of participant as a covariate in these analyses noting. This result is consistent with several previous findings
did not change any of our conclusions, and gender itself was not a (e.g., Shih, Pittinsky, & Ambady, 1999; Steele & Aronson, 1995),
significant predictor of ACT-adjusted APM scores (r ⫽ .16, p ⬎ including evidence that stereotype threat influences problem-
.05; male ⫽ 1, female ⫽ 0). solving strategies (Quinn & Spencer, 2001) and reduces working
Further examination revealed that these performance effects memory capacity (Schmader & Johns, 2003). Thus, this pattern of
were largely due to decrements in performance accuracy (number results suggests that stereotype threat may operate by impeding the
of problems answered correctly divided by number attempted) production of correct answers rather than by diminishing effort or
rather than mere persistence. As with basic performance, there was motivation. However, several studies have also demonstrated that

Table 3
APM–ACT Correlations by Condition

White African-American across race

r 95% C.I. r 95% C.I. r 95% C.I.

Low threat .51 .16; .75 .60 .17; .84 .45 .18; .66
Standard threat .50 .16; .73 .52 .09; .79 .51 .26; .69
High threat .41 .04; .68 .64 .23; .86 .62 .40; .77
Collapsed across threat .46 .40; .70 .56 .22; .65 .53 .40; .64

Note. C.I. ⫽ confidence interval.

This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

stereotype threat can induce behavioral self-handicapping—a stra- 1999; Brown & Pinel, 2003; Steele & Aronson, 1995), caution in
tegic reduction in preparation effort prior to performance designed generalizing from those studies to the present investigation is
to reduce the impact of failure on the self-concept (e.g., Brown, warranted. The difficulty of measuring stereotype activation with-
1999; Stone, 2002). In sum, stereotype threat could impede per- out inadvertently priming stereotypes in low threat conditions
formance through multiple mechanisms, any of which could be remains a challenge to researchers searching for mediational evi-
sufficient to produce group differences in performance. dence, and this challenge makes additional research in this area an
Perhaps the most important finding was that although African important pursuit.
Americans in the standard and high threat conditions underper- A second limitation of our research is that we do not present any
formed their White counterparts to the same degree that they do in evidence that the condition designed to reduce stereotype threat
normative samples (0.75 to 1.0 standard deviation), this difference among African American participants did not also affect the pre-
disappeared in the low threat (puzzles) condition. Unlike some dictive validity of their APM scores. The extent to which stereo-
previous stereotype threat studies, these results cannot be criticized type threat influences predictive validity will depend on the degree
on the grounds that we statistically adjusted the APM scores for to which stereotype threat differentially influences predictor and
prior ability levels (thus removing any prior race differences in criterion scores (see Cullen, Hardison, & Sackett, 2004). Indeed,
ability from the performance means; Sackett et al., 2001, 2004) the possibility that predictor variables such as the SAT and ACT
because we made this adjustment only within race to control for are influenced by stereotype threat to similar degrees as criterion
ability differences across experimental conditions. Thus, the Afri- variables such as college GPA (Aronson, Fried, & Good, 2002;
can American participants in the low threat condition scored about Brown et al., 2000; Brown & Lee, 2005) might explain why
as well as the White participants in the standard and high threat differential predictive validity for African Americans and Whites
conditions, despite having scored lower than Whites on the ACT. is not typically observed with standardized cognitive ability tests.
Because prior differences in ACT scores were not covaried out of Although our study did not include a criterion measure for assess-
APM scores across race in our analyses, our experimental manip- ing predictive validity, the same reasoning might apply to the
ulation appears to account for the entire race difference in APM associations between APM scores and participants’ prior ACT
performance in this study, contrary to recent criticisms by Sackett scores. Thus, we might expect to find the largest APM–ACT
et al. (2004). Likewise, the less select nature of the sample in the correlations within the standard and high threat conditions and the
present study does not support the contention that stereotype threat lowest correlations within the low threat conditions. Table 3 shows
only explains differences between African Americans and Whites these correlations across the six experimental conditions. As
among students at elite universities (Sackett et al., 2001). shown, there were no reliable differences among the six condi-
Despite the strength of the present results, three important tions. Collapsing these correlations across race reveals a pattern
limitations to this study are apparent. First, as with most prior that does conform more to the above expectations, although again
stereotype threat studies, the present results are not accompanied the differences were not statistically reliable. Future studies that
by any direct mediating evidence (cf. Schmader & Johns, 2003) or manipulate stereotype threat during the administration of a cogni-
even a manipulation check to verify that stereotype-related con- tive ability test and that assess its predictive validity with respect
cerns were primed in African American participants by our in- to subsequent performance indices (e.g., GPA) would greatly
structions. Thus, we cannot be sure that stereotype threat was, in enhance our understanding of how stereotype threat relates to the
fact, the mechanism that produced the performance effects in our criterion validity of test scores. Of course, different criterion
study. Because of this, it is plausible that mechanisms unrelated to measures might vary in the extent to which they are susceptible to
social stereotypes accounted for our observed performance effects. stereotype threat effects, and this susceptibility would also influ-
For example, one could hypothesize that unfamiliarity with tests ence the predictive validity of a cognitive ability test. Investigating
such as the APM might be more likely with African Americans the extent to which (and reasons why) different kinds of criterion
than Whites. This lack of familiarity could be the basis for an measures (e.g., tests of job knowledge, supervisory ratings) are
evaluative threat that might explain at least part of the race gap in
performance.3 Although previous research on stereotype threat
supports the view that manipulations such as ours can lead to 3
We acknowledge an anonymous reviewer for suggesting this alterna-
stereotype-based performance concerns (e.g., Brown & Josephs, tive explanatory framework for our findings.

susceptible to stereotype threat effects could be a worthwhile What are the applied implications of our study? Although this
avenue for future research. research was carried out in a laboratory environment, we believe
A third limitation to our study is that we administered the APM that it has several important implications for the world outside the
in an individual rather than a group setting, and this is not often the laboratory. First, our use of standard instructions in one condition
case when cognitive ability tests are given outside the laboratory of our study allows us to avoid the criticism that test administrators
for predictive purposes. Although previous research has shown must explicitly invoke racial stereotypes or use particularly race-
that the social make-up of the testing environment itself can be biased language to produce stereotype threat effects (see also
enough to induce stereotype threat (e.g., Inzlicht & Ben-Zeev, Spencer et al., 1999). Our data suggest that just the implication that
2000), additional research on this issue is clearly warranted. It may a test is intellectually evaluative is enough to diminish perfor-
be, for instance, that reducing stereotype threat effects will prove mance among African American respondents. Second, the size of
more challenging in group contexts than in individual ones. Alter- the effects we obtained might also have important implications for
natively, the feeling of anonymity and related dynamics deriving our understanding of when stereotype threat might produce group
from large-group settings could conceivably be enough to reduce differences in performance. As Jensen (1998) has noted, the size of
stereotype threat effects. All such possibilities, of course, have race differences on cognitive ability tests is associated with the
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

important implications for the ways in which cognitive ability tests extent to which tests are g-loaded (i.e., the extent to which they
are used and administered (see also Inzlicht & Ben-Zeev, 2003). capture general intelligence rather than acquired knowledge or
Overall, the data in the present study were consistent with skills). But Schmader and Johns (2003) have demonstrated that
predictions derived from stereotype threat theory. Somewhat sur- stereotype threat may influence test performance by reducing
prisingly, though, Whites in the low threat condition actually working memory capacity, which is itself a strong predictor of
performed worse than Whites in the other conditions. Although not performance on highly g-loaded tests (Kyllonen & Christal, 1990).
predicted, this trend is consistent with results reported by McKay Thus, stereotype threat effects might be particularly large on the
et al. (2002), who found a somewhat smaller difference in the same very tests that past research has shown produce the largest race
direction among Whites in the nondiagnostic compared to the differences. Consistent with this contention, the size of the race
diagnostic condition. Whether this difference represents a decre- difference that we obtained with the APM under the threat condi-
ment among White participants in the low threat (or nondiagnos- tions (and that we eliminated in the low threat condition) was
tic) condition (as McKay et al. argued) or an increment in the almost exactly the size of the typical race difference found on the
standard and high threat (or diagnostic) conditions is a matter for APM, which is one of the largest race differences in the cognitive
speculation. However, the latter interpretation is consistent with a ability literature (Jensen, 1998). One implication of all of this
meta-analysis by Walton and Cohen (2003) on “stereotype lift” might be that attempts to reduce adverse impact on tests that are
effects among positively stereotyped groups taking ability- highly g-loaded might benefit more from considerations of stereo-
diagnostic tests. type threat effects than would such attempts on less g-loaded tests.
This, of course, is mere speculation at this point, but it is an
Conclusions and Implications interesting possibility that merits investigation.
Third, our results suggest that people interested in reducing
This study has important implications for how we understand adverse impact need not look simply to test content to find a
race differences on cognitive ability tests. What must always be solution to the problem of minority underperformance (e.g., Pine,
kept in mind when interpreting such differences is that a score on Church, Gialluca, & Weiss, 1980). Instead, an alternative (and
a cognitive ability test reflects an individual’s performance on that perhaps more productive) approach might be to focus on the
test, which is a function of developed ability, motivation, and a testing context. Successfully reducing the stereotype-related eval-
host of other influences. One of these “other influences” may be uative threat of the testing context might go a long way toward
stereotype threat, and the million-dollar question is whether this reducing race differences on many cognitive ability tests, as it did
nongenetic factor can account for a substantial portion of the in the present study with the APM. Of course, we will be the first
performance gap between African Americans and Whites. The to admit that simply telling test takers in applied settings that a test
present study suggests that it can. Thus, whatever contribution like the APM is “just a set of puzzles” or that their opinion of the
genes might make to individual differences in cognitive ability test is of primary interest is not feasible. When selection tests are
within race, it appears that stereotype threat might be capable of given outside of the laboratory, test administrators would be hard
accounting for a substantial portion of the mean difference be- pressed to convince anyone that they are not diagnostic of ability.
tween races. To the extent that environmental factors such as However, recent demonstrations that group differences can be
stereotype threat can influence performance, the conclusion that reduced via contextual modifications aimed at reducing race or
race differences in cognitive ability scores are due to intractable, gender salience (Inzlicht & Ben-Zeev, 2000; Steele & Aronson,
biological differences seems unwarranted. It is important to note, 1995; Stricker, 1998), reframing the implications of the test with-
however, that we do not believe that our findings necessarily out reducing its apparent diagnosticity (Brown & Josephs, 1999),
diminish the importance of other contributing factors in the per- or altering test-takers’ levels of self-construal (e.g., asking indi-
formance gap between African Americans and Whites, including viduating questions regarding personal interests and strengths;
differences in educational and economic opportunities (Sackett et Ambady, Paik, Steele, Owen-Smith, & Mitchell, 2004) are a
al., 2004). Rather, we believe that stereotype threat and other source of optimism alongside the challenge of minimizing the
context-driven effects, among various social, educational, and impact of stereotype threat in applied settings. We hope that the
economic factors, can play an important role in group differences present study encourages researchers to see the potential gain in
in achievement. such an endeavor.

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