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Handout – 2
Collaborating Technique
 Explanatory
 Group discussion

Introduction of Not-for-the-profit Organisations

1) ENTRANCE FEES: It is the amount paid by a person at the time of becoming a member of a nonprofit
It is treated as a revenue receipt and is credited to Income and Expenditure account.

If it is specified as to be capitalized then it should be entered in Liabilities side of Balance Sheet.

Q.1 The Receipts and Payments A/c of a club showed that Entrance fees of Rs. 1,00,000 received during the
year 2019- 20. How will it be recorded in the Income and Expenditure A/c in following alternative
i) No other information is given
Cr I & E A/c Rs. 1,00,000
ii) 60% of the entrance fees is to be capitalized
Cr. I & E A/c Rs. 40,000
Liability Rs. 60,000
iii) 60 % of the entrance fees is of revenue nature.
Cr. I & E A/c Rs. 60,000
Liability Rs. 40,000
iv) Entrance fees is to be capitalized
Liability Rs 1,00,000

2) LIFE MEMBERSHIP FEES OR LIFE SUBSCRIPTION: It is the amount received from a member
in lump sum and he is given the membership of the organisation for the whole life.

It is treated as a capital receipt and added to the capital fund on the liabilities side of the Balance sheet.

3) DONATIONS: Donation is the amount received from a person, firm, company by way of gift. Donation
received may be a general donation or specific donation.
a) General donation: It is treated as an income and is credited to the Income and Expenditure account
b) Specific donation: It will be capitalized and is shown on the liabilities side of Balance sheet.

Note:- In the absence of any information about the nature of donation it should be treated as general

4) LEGACY: It is the amount received by the non-profit organisation as per the will of a deceased person.
The donor may or may not specify the purpose for which the donated amount can be used.
In case, no condition is specified, it is accounted as ‘General donation’, and credited to Income and
Expenditure A/c.

And if a condition is specified, it is accounted as ‘Specific donation’, and shown in the Liabilities side of
the Balance Sheet.
NCERT :- Legacy – capital receipt

5) SUBSCRIPTION: It is the major source of income of a not-for –profit organisation. Subscriptions are
the amount paid by the members of such organisations to maintain their membership.


To calculate the amount to be credited or debited to Income & Expenditure A/c:-
1st formula
Total amount received / paid
Add outstanding at the end of the year
 Outstanding for the current year at the end of the year
 Still outstanding of previous year which had not received till now
Add prepaid in the beginning
Less outstanding in the beginning of the year for previous year
(including amount received during current year or still outstanding at end)
Less prepaid at end

O/s Cu yr + due in cu yr but not received belong to Cu yr (o/s at end)

Adv Pv yr + received in pv yr for cu yr belong to Cu yr (adv in beg.)
O/s Pv yr - due for pv yr received in cu yr belong to pv yr (o/s in beg.)
Adv Cu yr - received this yesr for next yr belong to next yr (adv at end)

Alternately, second formula:-

Amount received / paid for the current year in the current year
Add Outstanding for the current year at the end of the current year(since this amount belong to current year,
but will receive or paid in coming year)
Add advance received or paid in the previous year for the current year (prepaid in the beginning)

Q.1 Subscription received in cash during the year amounted to 5,00,000; subscription outstanding at the end
of previous year was 20,000 and outstanding at the end of current year was 25,000. Subscription
received in advance for next year was 8,000 and received in advance during previous year was 7,000.
Calculate the amount credited to Income & Expenditure Account.

Total Subscription received during the year 5,00,000

Add Outstanding at end 25,000
 Outstanding for current year
 Still outstanding for previous year
Add advance in beginning 7,000
Less outstanding in beginning (20,000)
 o/s in beg. And received during current year
 still o/s
Less advance at end (8,000)
Total subscription due during the year 4,96,000
Q.2 From the following information, calculate the amount of subscriptions to be credited to the Income &
Expenditure A/c for the year 2019-20:-
Subscriptions received during the year 80,000
Subscriptions outstanding as on 31st March, 2019 26,000
Subscriptions outstanding for the year ended 31 March, 2020 6,000
Subscription received in advance on 31st March, 2019 15,000
Subscription received in advance on 31st March, 2020 10,000
Subscriptions of 12,000 are still in arrears for the year 2018-19.

Total Subscription received during the year 80,000

Add Outstanding at end 18,000
 Outstanding for current year 6,000
 Still outstanding for previous year 12,000
Add advance in beginning 15,000
Less outstanding in beginning (26,000)
 o/s in beg. And received during current year 14,000
 still o/s 12,000
Less advance at end (10,000)
Total subscription due during the year

Q.3 From the following information, calculate the amount of subscriptions to be credited to the Income &
Expenditure A/c for the year 2019-20:-
Subscriptions received during the year 1,80,000
Subscriptions outstanding for the year ended 31st March, 2019 36,000
Subscriptions outstanding as on 31 March, 2020 26,000
Subscription received in advance on 31st March, 2019 15,000
Subscription received in advance on 31 March, 2020 10,000
Subscriptions of 18,000 are still in arrears for the year 2018-19.

Q.4 There are 200 members, each paying an annual subscription of 1,000. Subscription received during the
year 1,95,000 (including 1,70,000 for the current year) ; subscriptions received advance at the
beginning of the year 23,000 and at the end of the year 20,000. Calculate the amount of subscription
due for the current year.

Total Subscription received during the year 1,95,000

Add Outstanding at end 7,000
 Outstanding for current year
 Still outstanding for previous year
Add advance in beginning 23,000
Less outstanding in beginning (5,000)
 o/s in beg. And received during current year
 still o/s
Less advance at end (20,000)
Total subscription due during the year 2,00,000
Amount received in cu yr = 195,000 -1,70,000 – 20,000
Pv yr 5,000 200 x 1000 = 2,00,000
Cu yr 170,000 Cu yr 1,70,000
Coming yr 20,000. Pv yr 23,000
1,95,000 coming yr
O/s at end = total amount due – amt received in cu yr – prepaid in beg
Subscription in arrears as on 31st March 2019 Rs 26,000
Subscription in arrears as on 31 March 2020 Rs 30,000
Subscription received during 2019-20 Rs 1,10,000 ( including Rs. 20,000 for 2018-19 and Rs, 10,000 for 2020-21)

Total Subscription received during the year 1,10,000

Add Outstanding at end 30,000
 Outstanding for current year 24,000
 Still outstanding for previous year 6,000
Add advance in beginning
Less outstanding in beginning (26,000)
 o/s in beg. And received during current year
 still o/s
Less advance at end (10,000)
Total subscription due during the year

Subscription in arrears as on 31st March 2019 Rs 26,000

Subscription in arrears as for the year ended 31 March 2020 Rs 22,000
Subscription received during 2019-20 Rs 1,10,000 ( including Rs. 20,000 for 2018-19 and Rs, 10,000 for 2020-21)

Total Subscription received during the year 1,10,000

Add Outstanding at end 28,000
 Outstanding for current year 22,000
 Still outstanding for previous year 6,000
Add advance in beginning
Less outstanding in beginning (26,000)
 o/s in beg. And received during current year
 still o/s
Less advance at end (10,000)
Total subscription due during the year 1,02,000
Current year 1,10,000 – 20,000 – 10,000 = 80,000 received
o/s for cu year = 22,000

Subscription still in arrears for 2018-19 Rs 6,000

Subscription in arrears as for the year ended 31st March 2020 Rs 22,000
Subscription received during 2019-20 Rs 1,10,000 ( including Rs. 20,000 for 2018-19 and Rs, 10,000 for 2020-21)

Total Subscription received during the year 1,10,000

Add Outstanding at end 28,000
 Outstanding for current year 22,000
 Still outstanding for previous year 6,000
Add advance in beginning
Less outstanding in beginning (26,000)
 o/s in beg. And received during current year 20,000
 still o/s 6,000
Less advance at end (10,000)
Total subscription due during the year

Subscription A/c

To sub arrears in beg (b/d) By Adv in beg (b/d)

To Income & Exp By Receipt & Pay
To Adv. At end (c/d) By Sub arrears at end (c/d)

Q.5 There are 200 members, each paying an annual subscription of 1,000. Subscription received during the
year 1,95,000 (including 1,70,000 for the current year, 15,000 for last year and 10,000 for coming
year) ; at the beginning of the year subscriptions received in advance 23,000 and subscription due was
20,000. Calculate the amount of subscription due for the current year.

Total Subscription received during the year 1,95,000

Add Outstanding at end 12,000
 Outstanding for current year 7,000
 Still outstanding for previous year 5,000
Add advance in beginning 23,000
Less outstanding in beginning (20,000)
 o/s in beg. And received during current year
 still o/s
Less advance at end (10,000)
Total subscription due during the year 2,00,000

Q.6 How the following information appears in the Receipts & Payments A/c, Income & Expenditure A/c for
the year ended 31st March, 2019 and in the Balance Sheets as at 31st March 2018 and 31st March, 2019:-
There are 500 members each paying annual subscription of 1,000.
20 members failed to pay their dues in 2017-18, out of which 13 paid in 2018-19, however 11 members
paid their dues of 2018-19 in 2017-18 itself.
15 members didn’t pay their dues for 2018-19 till 31st March, 2019 and 7 members paid for 2019-20
during the year 2018-19.


Q.7 Salary paid in cash during the current year was 80,000; outstanding salary at the end was 4,000;
Salary paid in advance last year pertaining to the current year was 3,200; paid in advance during current
year for next year was 5000. Calculate the amount debited to Income & Expenditure Account.

Do Q. Nos. 17, 19, 20, 21, 24, 30,32, 35, 38 and 39 of the text book.
Also prepare the liquidity ratios with theory for recapitulation in next day class.

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