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UltraShred Program By Brian Jung 2018

I’m not an expert, nor do I have a professional license. Use MY program and method to your

Before we get started if you’re reading this don’t even bother to continue if you’re not willing to
put in the work. otherwise the information you receive is just going to be a waste of time for you.

😍 Introduction:
I’ve lost over 20 pounds in 3 months from doing this. If you’ve seen my IG I bulked HARD. 6
Meals a Day continuously for the entire winter. About 4000-5000 calories a day. I couldn’t fit into
any of my pants anymore at the end of the my bulk. My program WILL work for you if you put in
the time and effort.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

Change your mindset first. Find your passion. Find your motivation and your drive before trying
to change your body.

Losing weight and making muscle gains is a simple as being in a CALORIC DEFICIT or
CALORIC SURPLUS. Aka your calories in vs energy expended.

Nowadays everything seems like it is much harder than it really SHOULD be. If your body is in a
caloric surplus you will gain weight. If your body is in a caloric deficit it will lose weight. Simple
enough right? Don't overthink things.

🤝80:20 Rule
I’m not going to go into the 80:20 principle rule however if you’re interested in self-improvement
I highly recommend you check out that principle.

In this instance I’m going to play the 80/20 principle towards diet and exercise. 80% of the work
you put in is going to be coming from your diet. 20% of the work that you put in the gym is going
to make up the physique that you wish to achieve.Most of the work that comes in will come from
your diet!
When it comes to cutting the method I chose to do was intermittent fasting in combination with
Keto. Later on once your body becomes accustomed to intermittent fasting and keto, you can
proceed to do OMAD.

What is OMAD? It’s one meal a day, and there's insane benefits to this, most people won’t be
up for it though. (Source One Meal A Day or OMAD Benefits Research- YT:reddit: Podcasts)

I don’t want this PDF to be too long, but I would highly recommend you check out the benefits of
a ketogenic diet in combination to intermittent fasting. Great sources for these include Joe
Rogan’s podcast, and Dr.Eric Berg DC. Just search there name and addition to key words “Keto
and intermittent fasting”

I am a reference and example, not an exact model. Just because you see my results doesn’t
mean I’m a credible source. Look through my sources read the data and even argue with me if
you can. In the end we’re all trying to achieve the same thing with regards to our physique and
that is to have our “dream ideal” body one day whatever that is.

There are two sources that are body uses for energy. Our Body uses carbs and the fat in our
bodies for energy. The idea of keto diet is that if you take out the carbs in your diet, your body
will use your fat as a source for energy instead.


Intermittent fasting is a much more simpler method where you only eat in a certain time window.
What most people do is fast for 16 hours and eat within a 8 hour window per day. The principle
is that the times that you don’t eat your body is in a fat burning mode as well. During this time
you’re much more alert, focused, mental clarity, and other benefits that you can also research
when looking into intermittent fasting.

So to lose weight we’re now looking at two methods inside of our diet which both include our
body going into the FAT BURNING MODE.The key is to activate that mode.

☠️😽Challenge vs LIFESTYLE
There’s a study done by the greatest losers TV show where an extraordinary majority of the
contestants that participated on that show ended up gaining back all of their weight.

What does that tell us? Losing weight isn’t just a challenge. If we treated as a challenge it’ll
come back on quicker than we lost it. Losing weight is a lifestyle. If you don’t enjoy your lifestyle,
you’re going to quit and pick something else up. Start progressively slow and work your way up.
You’re in it for the long run,not the short run.

To ease into things, I recommend allowing your weekends to be cheat meal days or even giving
into some cravings every once in a while. Now I know what you’re thinking. What kind of person
recommends other people to give into their cravings?

Like I said I’m always in for the long run and I find that people who don’t give them self a break
in a rigid and strict schedule all the time will eventually come down to a screeching halt, if it’s
through burnout or fatigue.

Think long term of your goals and you will exceed any limitations you’ve had on yourself.


My advice would be to start off with Intermittent fasting FIRST to start somewhere without high
difficulty and shred some weight.

If you wake up late, then time your I.F. Period from 13:00- 21:00. This gives you the 8 hour
window you need while you fast for the other 16 Hours. CHEAT MEALS ON THE WEEKEND IS
OKAY. (Remember Lifestyle NOT challenge) DON'T GO CRAZY THOUGH WITH IT.

Begin to transition into a Keto diet, by taking out Carbs out of your diet during you I.F. Window.
This means while you fast from 13:00-21:00 you can eat anything that are NOT carbs.

While you progress with I.F. + Keto you can begin to shorten your I.F. Window from 8 Hours- 5
Hours- 3 Hours- Eventually too One Meal A Day.
During my One Meal A Day I saw INSANE Gains. If you get to the One Meal A Day phase you
can choose whether or not you put carbs back into your diet.

I did NOT put carbs back into my diet during OMAD. MY workouts were INTENSE, I was
LOSING weight, and I was feeling GOOD.

** Do not go straight into OMAD if you have never done a successful fast or even I.F. Before.
Do a slow transition to get to that level but 80:20 Rule Again. 80% Of my results came during
the OMAD period while I was gyming as well.
🏖Workout Overview:

Out of my experience I’ve made the most amount of progress with compound lift movements. If
you’re a beginner you can look into the bench press, deadlifts, and squat.

Put your ego aside and focus on lightweight in good form. To Master compound lifts it’s
technique and Balance. I know it may seem like muscle mass and strength, and those are
IMPORTANT THAN MUSCLE MASS. If you want to watch me quarter squatting squats go
check out my old posts from @bjung_fitness. I purposely left it up so I can see how far I’ve

These 3 exercises are basically you’re stable compound movements and the reason they’re
called compound movements is because it’s a movement that recruits more than one muscle.
And in terms your body recruits a wide variety of muscles and uses an increased excess of
energy for these lifts.

In another PDF I’ll explain to you your CNS, RPE, as well as other specifics that come in handy
when improving your compound lifts such as ankle mobility, the tripod foot.

During my cut season for my workouts supersets, high repetitions, lower rest in between sets
are key.

🔮Keywords MUST KNOW:

● Superset: Back to back set.
● RP: Reverse Pyramid. Heaviest set first then go to lighter weight, while increasing reps.
● AMRAP: As many Reps as possible
● RPE: Rate of perceived exertion: google this one and look at the graph with the smiley
or frowny for the best example.


● Foam Roll- Stretch and then CORE exercises (athlean x or brendan Meyers ab workout
via YT) before every workout.
● Warm Up properly prior to sets- lubrication of joints and heating up muscles

(This is intended more for guys. Ladies, you want more emphasis on legs. Legs- MWF would be
the program I recommend to you. In other words what I did during my Bulk season)

Back and Biceps (everyone and their cousins hit chest on mondays and the bench is usually
•Pull-Ups AMRAP- Start with pull ups when your back is the freshest. Be sure to look into
correct form for pull ups. Youtube Jeff Athlean X Pull Up video. (Most importantly engage
scapular detractors and shoulder blades during this exercise) Alternate grip during the
beginning of each super set. Wide grip- close grip- chin up grip.
•Lat Pulldown- go straight into lat pull downs with a weight you can hit 12 times. After the third
super set your back should be puffed up with blood. Aka THE PUMP.

Set #2
• Bent Over Rows- Reverse Pyramid Set. Hold at the top for 2 seconds and feel FULL

185x5, 155x8, 135x12, 135x12, 135x12

• Dumbbell bent over rows on the bench
(3 Reps) 85lbx8-12
• ISO Lat Rows. (Favorite exercise)

Face Pulls on Cable Row Machine,

Face pulls standing up
Face pulls on one knee

Preacher curls.
Machine Cable curls
45 degree slightly Bent over curls- pull elbows behind you.
Hammer curls
Finisher with standing curls - extremely lightweight 2x50 REPS (Finisher)

✅Tuesday: Legs- Lower Back

Cardio- Foam Roll-Stretch

Squats Reverse Pyramid Set



Dumbbell lunges
135x AMRAP

Leg Curls RPE 8 AMRAP

Leg Extensions RPE 8 AMRAP

Cardio- Foam Roll- Core- Stretch


Bench Press- Incline (Reverse Pyramid)

135x AMRAP (RPE 7-8)
135x AMRAP
135 x AMRAP

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press (Reverse Pyramid)

85lb x 8
55lb x12-15
55lb x 12-15
55lb x 12-15

Cable Flyes- my favorite is when the cables are on the top setting and you pull downwards. The
contraction is insane. Focus on the stretch on the beginning part of the negative rep.

3 sets of 12-15 reps RPE 7-8

Super set Push Ups x3- These are classics and always play around with different variations.
• Regular 20 reps
• Wide 20 reps
• Extra wide 20 reps
• Regular 20 reps
Rest 30 Seconds. Repeat TIMES 3.
Tricep rope pull downs- be sure to keep elbows tucked in, pelvis sitting neutral and spine
upright. At the end of the rep flare pinky’s out to work on the horseshoe affect on bottom part of
tricep. (Refer to athlean x tricep video for more information on the form.)

Start at working set of 8 reps and reverse pyramid down to the lowest weight possible. (TRICEP

Tricep Kickbacks
Focus on lightweight and THE CONTRACTION. 12-15 Reps 4-5 SETS
Aim for a pump where you can’t bend to the back of your neck anymore.

Cardio foam roll stretch. Core.

Barbell shoulder press
(Reverse pyramid)
135lb x5
95lb x8-12
95lb x8-12
95lb x 8-12
95 x 8-12
Arnold press
40lb x 8
40lb x 8
40lb x 8
40lb x 8
Maintain RPE 7

Shoulder Raises
Bent over (Rear)
(Should be a stinging pain go to failure). Focus on hitting the different heads of shoulder.

Rest (Cardio Optional)

Rest (Cardio Optional)
Don't forget to foam roll, stretch, and go read a book instead of playing Fortnite.


Quit using Social Media to Judge yourself and making yourself feel bad about yourself.
Use Social Media to your advantage to MOTIVATE yourself and to achieve the physique.

(MINDEST CHECK‼️) - Is your glass Half Full or Half Empty?

❌ Pessimists Mindset:
● When I'm on social media I feel worse about myself.
● I can't achieve that body.
● I don't have the TIME for it.
● There probably on steroids, I don't have the genetics for it.

✅ Optimistics Mindset
● When I’m on Social Media I'm more motivated to achieve THAT BODY.
● If they can do it, I can do it.
● I will put the time and effort to get it done.
● I know I can do this S***T.
Which one do you sound like? If your a pessimist, change your mindset. How to do that?
Gratitude and Appreciation simply put. It's your perspective. (I will make another PDF on this in
the future) If your optimistic about the GAINS= YOU WILL MAKE THE GAINS. (*LAW OF

🐴 Social Media Motivation for My Dudes:

Watching motivational videos, gym vlogs from youtubers the day before my week starts,
motivates me on ANOTHER LEVEL. Look up @Theonlinecoach- Raymond. @GokuFlex IG
@Devinbernardo for MY goal physiques.

🦄Social Media MOTIVATION for the Ladies:

Booty Girls on IG you should follow for that MOTIVATAHN. IG @_Brooklynfit YT Jasmin
Garcia. A TON online. Watch THEIR LIFESTYLE and make it YOUR OWN.


🍤Creatine: Things I’ve implemented during my cut season was taking 5g of creatine on the off
days. Take up to 15 g of creatine on working days. This will help with endurance and muscle
💊BCAAs: there’s a certain kind I've been obsessed with on amazon. It tastes SO good. I drink
this with all my meals and even late nights if I been watching too many Mukbangs and got a
sweet tooth. Xtend by Scivation. I’ve tried there other flavors but Grape has been GOOD. I
highly recommend this.

☕Black Coffee: While your body is in the fasted state taking things in like black coffee will
have its affects amplified. Black coffee has been a game changer. Be sure you black coffee is
just BLACK. This is because if you add any sugar or cream you can take your body out of the
fasted state. The shirt is black and you don’t add any sweetener to it.

😴Sleep: sleep is critical to your overall muscle repair growth and recovery. Try your best to
wind down at night and put your phone away if it will help you sleep. I’ve noticed personally that
if I sleep anytime after midnight then I’m always feel groggy in the morning afterwords. Sleeping
in early around 10-11 is a factor you should take very seriously if you want to grow as well.

🌊WATER: water is essential. Mental clearness hydration digestive system overall mood will be
improved if you’re consistently hydrated. Buy a gallon of water and drink 1 gallon a day. When
you’re drinking about this much water a day you need to take into consideration your sodium
intake. If your body just takes in water without the essential electrolytes and sodium it won’t
properly absorb and you’ll just end up peeing water every 20 mins. There’s a HUGE
misconception that sodium is “bad” especially in the US. I suggest you read more into this and
do your own research. Be sure to get your sodium in through meals as well.

Now you can see why in the beginning I said that having a better body is more of a lifestyle not
a challenge. If you’re going out every night and getting drunk dehydrating your body you won’t
be able to perform in the gym. For not getting the enough sleep in after every gym working out
you’re going to be too tired to do anything else. If you’re not drinking enough water you gonna
feel like a slug and your not going to function properly.

Personally I don’t drink alcohol, but getting rid of that for some people is DRASTIC. If your going
to drink make sure you equate a shot with a cup of water. The two day rest on the weekend will
give you a chance to drink but watch out for the calories especially from beer. Beer bellies are a
REAL thing and I’ve seen a lot of friends from highschool that grew one out of nowhere.

Track your progress and stay motivated for the long run. If your body is not fit or fat you are
already above a huge majority of the U.S. Go to the beach or anywhere where larger crowd of
people are and look at the people around you. Many people are overweight and if your even
doing 10 push ups a day or going for a walk your already better than most of the people in our

You got this! I hope you got something out of this and if you got anything out of this and start
seeing massive gains shoot me some progress pics in the future!

**Why did I write this and give it out for free? I want to become a self published author by 2020.
One thing that I’ve always helped my friends and seen massive success has been in fitness. I
want to write this summary and have a consensus on the results and response from my friends
and family. Any kind of feedback would be much appreciated for the personal growth of my

Increased Positive feedback and I’ll go further into depth on my bulk period where I brought my
quarter squatting one rep 315 squat to 405 in ONE month. In addition to other dieting hacks and
lifts that I love to do with regards to posture and even athletics.**

**If anybody also wants a PERSONAL coach, you tell me your goals, and I’ll make a
personalized workout program and diet for you as well.

E.G. If you want to look good in SHIRTS. The “Mirror Muscles” that fill your shirt up is going to
be Traps, Biceps, Triceps, and Chest. Everyone has different goals and ideas for their
physiques. The program I just mentioned is an OVERALL Full Body Program that I've been
doing on a consistent basis for my CUTTING Period.

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