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Activation Cards 2
With this guidebook to accompany The Power of Love
Activation Cards, you will learn to activate the innate force
that dwells inside you . James Van Praagh's wish is that Z
the messages in this guidebook will serve as a reminder
of the reason why you are here: to manifest love in this
physical dimension. As you become adept at creating "Ac-
tivation Spreads" for yourself , friends, or clients, you ' ll

holds everything together.

discover that love knows no limits it is the power that

• / * t y v

James Van Praagh is the internationally

renowned # 1 New York Times best selling -
author who has worked as the voice of the
Spirit World for the past 30 years. He has
appeared on Oprah, Larry King Live, Dr. Phil ,
Coast to Coast , and many other programs.
He is also the successful creator and producer of CBS's
long- running series Ghost Whisperer, starring Jennifer

t- m _
Love Hewitt . Q ^***
Activation Cards
Website: www.vanpraagh .com <
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Cover design: Tricia Breidenthal • Photo of fames: © Michael Amico




Carlsbad, California • New York City
London •Sydney • New Delhi
Copyright © 2016 by James Van Praagh

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prior written permission of the publisher. The intent of
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to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well -
being. In the event you use any of the information in this
guidebook for yourself , the author and the publisher assume
no responsibility for your actions.

Printed in China
The Power of Love*
Adventures of the Soul*
How to Heal a Grieving Heart
(with Doreen Virtue) *
Talking to Heaven
Reaching to Heaven
Healing Grief
Heaven and Earth
Meditations with James Van Praagh
Looking Beyond
Ghosts Among Us
Unfinished Business
Growing Up in Heaven

Card Decks
The Soul's Journey Lesson Cards*
Talking to Heaven Mediumship Cards
(with Doreen Virtue) *
Online Courses
How to Heal a Grieving Heart*
Enhancing Your Intuition
Life After Loss
Mastering Meditation

Downloadable Meditations
Divine Love
Meditation Tools
Soul Discoveries
Spirit Speaks
*Available from Hay House

James's website: www. vanpraagh .com

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Hay House USA: www. ®
Hay House Australia : www. .au;
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How to Work with The Power of Love Activation Cards 1

The Meanings of the Activation Cards

Action 27 Friendliness. 57 Purpose. 89
Acceptance .... 29 Gratitude 59 Release .. 91
Cause/ Effect . .31 Harmony .61Respect , 93
Commitment 33 Humility 63Responsibility 95
Compassion .. 35 Individuality. 65Satisfaction 97
Cooperation - 37 Integrity 67Self-Love 99
Creativity 39 Joy 69Spontaneity 101
Detachment- .41 Kindness 71Transformation . 103
Discernment.. 43 Loyalty 73Tolerance ... 105
Elevation 45 Ownership.... .75Trust 107
Empathy 47 Past 77 Unity 109
Expression 49 Patience 79 Virtue 111
Evolution . 51 Peacefulness . 83 Vision 113
Forgiveness .... 53 Present 85 Willingness. 115
Freedom 55 Priorities 87

About the Author . 117

Love is everything. It is who you are, it is
how you were created, it is what you are made
of , and it is why you returned to this physical
dimension .
You are love. It is your natural vibration and
state of being. You came to Earth to experience
as many aspects of love as possible: physical,
mental, emotional, and spiritual. You have

chosen to separate yourself from the whole the

Divine Source in order to learn to manifest the
energy of love here on the Earth plane.
In truth, though, you haven't actually
separated yourself from the Source; rather,
you have chosen to experience an illusion in a
physical dimension that just seems real to you .
The person who is holding this guidebook
— —
and reading these words you is a perfect,
immortal being in disguise. Your awareness of
your divinity is being filtered through the senses

of a human so that your soul can experience
struggles and obstacles not afforded it in the Spirit
realms. The emotions and feelings associated
with loneliness, grief , sorrow, unworthiness, and
imperfection are impossible in Spirit .
So why would you choose to experience
them ? The answer is: because you are coura-
geous, and you want to learn to achieve the
characteristics of your true self while being
denied the knowledge of your Divine heritage.
Your journey on Earth is to become aware of
your birthright . And the signpost you use on
that journey is the energy that we humans
call love, which permeates everything in every
dimension . It is infinite and eternal .
One of the most common questions asked
is: " How can I find love in my life?" Well , it is
easier than you think, because it has not gone

anywhere it is there within you!
Instead of being an active participant in
owning the energy of love, most people dis-
tance themselves from it for fear of not being
good enough or of being hurt . My hope for
you is that as you use this card deck , you
learn to accept yourself as a being of love, and

recognize that it is your natural inclination to
give it as well as receive it.

Opening Up to the Power of Love

Love is a complete constant; it always
has been and always will be. It 's not missing

from our lives we're just not acknowledging
it . Each one of us is a ray of the Divine light ,
and the Divine power is pure love. Once we
humans take the time to remember, open up
to, activate, and utilize this part of our true
natures, we will enjoy not only a successful ,

productive, and healthy life but also one of
unbounded happiness.
By reconnecting to the true essence of

your being by recognizing yourself as a per-
fect soul choosing to traverse an imperfect

world you create joy and fulfillment in your
life. Once you learn to choose love over fear
in all your decision making, you will have
accomplished the goals that you set for your-
self before incarnation . This transformative
energy is easy to access when you begin to get
in the mind -set and habit . Like a baby taking

its first steps on its way to walking, it is a nat-
ural developmental milestone.
Your mind creates, and your body will
follow the lead . There is some work involved
with changing a mind -set; just be open to
exploring a new perspective and , perhaps,
adopting a completely different approach .
When you shift your awareness and alter
your perspective, you begin to see that you
are responsible for the choices you make in
life and how your reactions to other humans
in this Earthly schoolroom can change your
reality. You can never control another person
or their behaviors, but you can control how
you react to them . You may have forgotten the
simple truth that you , and you alone, are the
great creator of the world you are experiencing.
By utilizing the God -force of love, your
perceived struggles, circumstances, and place
in the world will take on a whole new dimen -
sion of meaning. By entering into self -care and
working with this force, you will clear the space
around you to receive abundance, healing, bal-
— —
ance, insights, joy, and of course love.

Love is your soul's natural vibration; fear
is taught and foreign . Obviously, fear is not
working for you , so what do you have to lose?
Welcome back to the power of love. You
will soon find that your higher awareness,
inner knowingness, feelings, perceptions, and
healing capabilities will come to the surface
for you to embrace and utilize. This phenome-
non will be like returning home to a greeting
from an old friend .

The Cards as Tools of Activation

It 's time to get started . . . .
By implementing The Power of Love Acti-
vation Cards, you are telling the Universe
that you are ready. You have come to a point
in your soul 's experience where you welcome
new ways of being and methods to look at the
world around you, and respond differently to
situations. Once properly utilized, you will
find you have a new respect for yourself and
those in your daily life. You will begin to
see the tapestry weaving through your soul
and all the souls you interact with . You will

quickly become aware of what needs to be for-
given, dealt with , and learned from , and you
will be in a position to do so much more easily
and productively, instead of being in a space
of judgment or denial .
The cards you are about to use have been
specifically channeled from my guides and
master teachers in the Spirit realms, in order to
reactivate and expand an aspect of your soul
that might have been unconsciously hidden
deep down within you . Activation occurs on
an emotional, mental, spiritual, and of course
physical level. By utilizing love, you are bring-
ing everything into perfect harmony and one-
ness of being. With an elevated mind -set, you
draw to you a sense of respect and reverence.
Illness and dis-ease, in body and mind,
cannot exist in the presence of the higher
vibratory frequency of a positive, loving
being. Remember, dear friend , every day old
cells die and new ones are created . With each
new cell, you will be programming your body
with this incredible universal healing power
the power of love!

These cards are not like any oracle deck
you might have used before . The guides
influenced me to bring in these healing
"remedies" to you . I specifically chose the
word activation when describing these cards.
I don 't want them to simply influence your
way of thinking; I want them to stimulate
and motivate you to manifest these ideas into
your daily awareness. Think of each card as a
doorway, or portal , leading you into the energy
of the word referenced on it . Hold the card
and surround yourself with that energetic
force until you understand its true meaning.
Be the word , and carry that feeling with you .
As you use the deck , notice any thoughts
that come to the surface of your consciousness
to be brought into your wholeness of " being."
Always remember: the first part of healing is
to be aware! You will know deep within your
being that transformation is occurring.
The transformation will make itself
known in subtle increments. Anxiety and
worry will start to fade as you align yourself
with loving thoughts. Decisions that might
have preoccupied you before will become

easier to make. Difficult events and people will
not be drawn to you, because you are learning
to release that magnetic energy. When you
begin to consciously surround yourself with
the energy of love and acceptance, which is
your natural state of being, your journey in
this physical dimension becomes much easier.
You are beginning to allow your inner
light to shine through . Always in play is the
Universal Law of Attraction , meaning that any
card that appears in your spread is drawing
forth the aspects of yourself that need to be
brought up, examined , and activated . Uncon -
sciously, your higher self works through you ,
perfectly matching up to the vibration of
the situation that is ready to be illuminated
and healed .
( As you use this deck , you may find it help -
ful to refer to the companion book , The Power
of Love , for source material and examples of
various situations in life where I demonstrate
this activation process.)

How to Use Your
Power of Love Activation Cards

Step 1: Clear Your Card Deck

These tools are signposts with insights

for your spiritual evolution . Treat them with
utmost respect, as if they were gold! Since
your cards are sensitive instruments, they
need to be cleared of any energy they may
have absorbed from the manufacturing pro -
cess. Steps 1 and 2 only need repeating after
another person touches your deck or if your
readings lack clarity because the cards have
become clogged with too much energy.
To clear your cards, first hold the deck in
your nondominant hand (the hand you nor-
mally don't write with), as this is the hand that
receives energy. Form a fist with your other
hand (this is the one that sends energy), and
knock on the cards once. This clears out the
old energy so that the cards are now a blank
slate and ready to be imbued with your own

vibration . As you are performing this ritual ,
you may say or think a clearing invocation .
For example:

" Dear Spirit Guides, Angelic Kingdom, and

Master Teachers, thanl< you for consecrating

these tools , releasing any foreign, electro -
magnetic, and stagnant energies that may
cloud perception or the intention for which they
were created . May the pure energy of harmony,
wholeness , and Divine light shine through ."

Step 2: Consecrate the Cards

Briefly infuse the cards with your per-

sonal energy. You can simply touch one of
the corners of each to accomplish this. Then
fan the cards out , making a "bouquet " with
the artwork facing you . Hold your hands
over the cards, close your eyes, and begin to
come back to your heart center. This works
very well: Slowly inhale and exhale seven
deep breaths, imagining your heart opening
like a flower, one petal at a time, with each

breath 's completion . You are opening not only
your heart but your mind, to bring about a
transformation .
You can also send out a loving thought
to your spirit family, guides, and teachers at
the same time you consecrate the cards. As
you set your intentions and express them in
words, whether aloud or in silence, remember
that they are powerful instructions to the Uni -
verse. By sending out this creative power, you
are simultaneously giving yourself permission
and telling your "soul self ": I am ready to go on
a journey of self- awareness and healing.
An example of an intentional prayer
might be:
" Dear Spirt Guides , Angelic Kingdom, and
Master Teachers , I ask that my mind and heart
be open to receiving the intended insights that
are in perfect alignment with the needs of my
soul . May the knowledge I receive transform and
bring empowerment and understanding to the
inner aspects of my being .

" I am utilizing these activation tools for
another, it is my intention that this person also
receive spiritual insights and the power to not
only understand the information but utilize it in
every facet of their soul ' s journey / '

Step 3: Activate the Cards

Now is the time for you to bring life to

your cards. As you inhale, in your mind 's eye,
imagine that you are breathing in gold Source
light through the top of your head, and let it
stream into your body and each card , as it is
an extension of you . As you exhale, imagine
a gray mist coming out of your mouth, rep-
resenting any limited - consciousness energy
to be released and pulled down into Mother
Earth to be transmuted . Now, as each card
becomes empowered with your breath, bring
yourself to the center of your heart. As you
align mind with heart, you relight a part of
your soul.

Step 4: Get to Know the Cards

One by one, look at each card in the deck

and take in what the image and message mean
to you . Your readings will only be as good as
your personal connection with the deck and
your unique associations. Consult this guide-
book to get a better understanding of the
cards, but it is your own relationship to them
that will produce a profound message. Make
it personal; think about how this activation
point applies to you, and let your soul speak
and have a conversation with you .

Step 5: Awaken to the Cards’ Energy

Another word for activate is awaken. As

each card is presented to you, remember that
you are allowing the energies of love to trans-
form old behaviors, traits, and patterns, which
need to be taken out of the dark and illumi-
nated in order to be healed. Be mindful of the
words on the card. Pay close attention to the
first thoughts and memories that come to the
surface of your conscious mind; each needs to

be observed and examined . What energy asso-
ciated with that experience are you holding
on to? What lesson do you still need to learn ?
Let the energy bring you to an awareness
and space of being whole again . Not only
will you become aware of the issue, but as it
is being transformed , you may feel a strong
sense of insight, confidence, and well- being.
Your fears will lessen , your entire being will
be infused with love, and your life force will
be restored .
By just opening up to this possibility, you
are allowing your mind to invite the great
Spirit of light, understanding, and forgiveness
into your heart as you begin to identify with
each card in the deck. The longer you work
with the deck , the more you ' ll find that just
by turning a card over, you will immediately
be flooded with the emotion of its intention .
The connections between the cards in your
spread will flow with the beginning, middle,
and end of the message that Source Energy
wants to impart . You are also opening your-
self up to new creative energy, and all the six
senses ( sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste, and

knowing) will be heightened . New talents may
blossom , and your life can shift in ways you
never imagined .
As you go through this activation process,
please be aware that issues or memories you
have not thought about in a long time may
resurface. Some may not be pleasant , but
they wouldn't have arisen if they didn't need
to be transformed . An awakening can be a

slow process or change your life instantly.
It depends on your intention, and the
responsibility for healing this aspect of yourself
is left up to you. These cards are inspired tools
to bring out the best possible option for you
and your spiritual well-being.

Step 6: Shuffle the Cards

Continue opening up your mind with

the thought that you are now about to receive
Divine guidance and the Universal activa -
tion power of love in an area of your life or
an aspect of your soul that may need clarity.
The more you can just be open and not try
to control the outcome, the more space and

permission you 're giving your higher self to
speak to your ego self .
As I shuffle the cards, I attempt to "let go
and let God" and bring myself to a state of
receptivity by invoking a prayer, such as:
" Dear Illuminated Ones , may the grace of

understanding and awareness open up my

mind and heart to receive soul insights and
enlightened knowledge. I ask that only the
highest of intentions and energies be present
in this experience. Please help me release my
ego fears so that I can clearly see, feel , hear,
and understand the lessons my soul needs to be
shown at this time."

As you 're shuffling, you ' ll likely notice

feelings, thoughts, words, or visions. This
Divine guidance will help you further under-
stand the cards you draw, so pay attention to
these impressions as they come to you . If one
or more cards " jump" out of the deck while
you're shuffling, place them to the side. They
will become part of your reading.

When your cards begin to clump into
two distinct sections, it 's time to stop shuf -
fling. You may also receive a feeling, thought,

or vision to cease or you may even hear the
words Stop shuffling now. Trust and honor
these Divine messages that are helping you
with the reading. You can't make a mistake
or stop shuffling too soon, as the Divine Law
of Attraction ensures that you'll invariably
choose the correct cards.
Always place your cards right side up
during a reading. Any card that has jumped
out during the shuffling process can be used
as the all -encompassing, or umbrella, card of
the whole reading. Place the umbrella card at
the top of your spread, as it will speak to the
overarching significance of the story.

Step 7: Deal Your “Activation Spread ”

When you are ready to experience the
power of a reading, I suggest you treat it with
utmost respect, giving it your full attention .

Perhaps you can set aside a particular time in
the day when you are ready to receive spiritual
insights. The process should not be rushed , as
many of the issues that surface could have
taken a very long time ( perhaps even lifetimes)
to become embedded in your soul experience.
When you allocate the time needed for spir-
itual transformation , you are sending a clear
message to the Universe that you are worthy
and willing at this moment . You are prepared
to accept the energy of love.
When you feel intuitively that you are

ready, pull a card the one you are drawn to —
from the deck , turn it over, and read the words
of activation . Which person or situation comes
to the surface of your conscious mind as you
read the card ? Play that scenario out in your
mind and imbue it with love, understanding,
and compassion . Now, you may want to close
your eyes and examine the issue. Once again,
— —
fill it and yourself with love.
You may keep the card with you and place it
where you can read it throughout the day so its
physical presence may bring stronger insights,
continuing the activation of loving energy.

You may do this spread for yourself or for
another person. If you are doing it for your-
self , the same steps should be taken as in the
one -card spread . If you have chosen to work
with someone else, you may have the other
person shuffle, letting his or her energy be
infused within the cards.
When you feel intuitively ready to receive
insights, place the deck in front of you .

1. Lay the first card to your left. This

card represents a lesson that has
already been made evident but may
not have been embraced or learned .
The cornerstone of the three-card
reading, it signifies the essence of
the query, and progress cannot be
made unless this lesson has been
lovingly addressed and dealt with .
2. Place the next card to the right
of the first one. It represents the
energy that is currently present,
whether you are aware of it or not.

This card is significant because if
you 're not prepared for this lesson ,
it could prove to be a stumbling
block impeding your progress.
3. Place the third card to your right.
This card suggests what long- range
lesson is to be learned . It is the
end of the arc of your story. It may
relate to the situation at hand , or it
could be an ultimate life lesson of
which this situation is just a piece
of the puzzle. In any case, you have
activated a portal to the power of
love and the insight that will allow
you to solve it .


As with any tarot or oracle cards, I rec-

ommend creating a spread that works for you .
Every card reader brings a signature energy
to the deck and will read the messages dif -
ferently. You have to be comfortable with the

progression of the story that the cards are
communicating to you .
If you have a close friend who might
enjoy working on this project with you , that
would be ideal, as you will get objective feed -
back . Have your friend shuffle the deck and
mentally infuse the cards with an intention.
When your friend is satisfied with the shuffle,
take the deck back , place it in front of you, and
deal your chosen spread .


Personally, I resonate with a seven -card
draw, and I have created one especially for this
deck that I call the " Love Activation Spread ."
Using the graphic below as your template,
you can see that it represents the body that is
needed by Spirit to have a human experience
here on Earth .


5 3 4

7 6

— Card 1 would be placed at the head

area . It is love as the energy of thought. All
action and all physical manifestation of this
Earth dimension is first created as thought.
This card is significant because "thought " is a

powerful energy in your life it is the genesis
of your reality. What you think is ultimately
what you create. This card is the foundation
of your spread, for all action begins here.

— The next card , Card 2, is placed near
the mouth / throat . This card represents the
aspect of love that you should be articulat-
ing verbally at this moment . You may be
acknowledging the intention of this card
out loud to yourself ; or you may feel the
need to express it to another. But it needs

to be said you need to put it out there so it
can be heard .

— Card 3 will be placed in the heart

space. This is the energy of love that you
need to be manifesting right now. This
is the energy that you should be living in
order to attract the same energy to you . Like
attracts like.

— —
Which brings us to Card 4 placed
to the right of 3, but it is the left hand of
your human template. This is the area in
which you receive energy. The card that
appears at 4 is important because you will
be receiving that energy from yourself or
another very soon . It 's helpful to know what
energy is coming to you beforehand so that

when it does happens, you are prepared to
understand the lesson behind it .

— Card 5 will be placed in the opposite

hand of your template. This is the energy
that you are giving out, whether you are
consciously aware of it or not . It 's import-
ant to understand how you are perceived by
others so that you can adjust your thinking
accordingly. Sometimes, you can be blind
to the energy that you disseminate and this
card can be a wake- up call.

— The leg opposite position 5 is where

you will place Card 6 . This is the card of
action . This may be the most helpful card of
the spread , because it gives you a heads- up
as to how to create the best possible outcome
of your reading. Manifesting the energy of
Card 6 now will save you from regretting
your actions of the past .

— Which brings us to Card 7, which is

placed on the opposite leg. Just as 1 is the
card of new thought and a bright future,
card 7 is the power of the past and the energy

that holds you back. You only have power
now to activate love in your life. The power
of the past is an illusion, but it is a strong
one. The only power that the past possesses
is the knowledge that you have gained from
the experience. You have no power over the

card in 7 that time has passed. But you do
have the ability to examine its message in
the light of day and thank it for its wisdom .
Learn from it.

This guidebook explains the general
energy associated with the activation of each
card in the Power of Love deck . The card names
are listed alphabetically.
When you 're ready to receive more
in -depth information on a card 's meaning,
turn to the corresponding page and read the
interpretation and symbolism for the entry.
You will feel a deep resonance with the mes-
sage and will be able to use this energy con -
sciously in your daily interactions. So, once
you read the entry, pause and let the particular
energetic characteristics sit with you and find
a place in your inner knowingness; that way,
they remain freely available when needed.
The more you channel focus to this activation
point, the more energy of love is sent forth to
transform it .

You have the courage to express
the unique , loving colors of your soul

The world is ready for you to live up to

your potential with acts of self -expression .
You are a uniquely perfect representation of
Source just as you are, and the time has come
for you to share yourself with the Universe and
enrich it with your wisdom and light. You are

a teacher in this physical, human school not

only with the loving words you speak , but by
the compassionate and aware way you present
yourself to manifest that knowledge. If you
find that you have been shying away from
people and situations because life has become
a struggle, now is the moment for you to draw
back the curtain and take center stage. Show
your light!

You are ready to release control
of situations or people and
lovingly embrace
V the rhythm A
\ of life

You are ready to release control of
situations or people and lovingly
embrace the rhythm of life

Throughout your sojourn on Earth, you

will be presented with many obstacles and les -
sons that will test you . One of the most beauti -
ful parts of life is its unpredictability. Nothing

is permanent everything is constantly mov-
ing and evolving. Especially you! In your life,

you can progress faster spiritually by being
open to the ebb and flow of events, and the
twists and turns that your soul companions —

the fellow humans on your journey provide.
Now is the time to become aware of this gift
and acknowledge that these moments are not
stumbling blocks but merely opportunities to
grow. Although circumstances may seem dif -
ficult and worrisome, if you look at the bigger
picture and live for the present moment , you
can easily follow the natural course of life . But
don 't let the mind -set of acceptance distract
you from your ability to change the situations
that hinder your soul's growth . You are always
in charge!

You OK aware that the love
you create In your thoughts
Is an agent of change
and the foundation

^ of your results

You are aware that the love you create
in your thoughts is an agent of change
and the foundation of your results
For every action, there is an equal and
opposite reaction . That 's a law of physics in
this physical dimension . There is also a Uni-
versal law of "cause and effect ." The circum -
stances you are living in at this exact moment
are a direct result of all the thoughts that you

have created . Thoughts are real; they are made
up of energy, color, and density, designed and
propelled by your intention . The Universe, in
turn, will perfectly respond to the thought
energy you have created . If you desire a life full
of love, happiness, and abundance, you must
be mindful of your thoughts, because you are
the director of your destiny. Think of yourself

as a magnet attracting to you what you send
out. It is imperative that your thoughts be of
a high vibration, because the energy of judg-
ment and condemnation will find its way back
to you. What you sow, you will reap. So make
it a daily practice to monitor your thoughts.
Let love be your guide!

You dedicate yourself to your
beliefs wholeheartedly;
knowing that love is
. the essence ol your .
very being

You dedicate yourself to your
beliefs wholeheartedly , knowing that
love is the essence of your very being

By trusting, respecting, and loving all

that you are, you broadcast your clear readi -
ness to do the work necessary to manifest your
intentions. When you can come from a place
of strong commitment , and combine that
with a strong sense of self , it sends a precise

message to the Universe that you are engaged
and ready for lessons. In this way, you are
also developing faith in yourself as you move
closer to manifestation . There will always be
others questioning your priorities. Bless them,
with the understanding that your commit-
ment is to you only. No one else is meant to
understand it , for it is truly your personal jour-
ney of self -discovery and healing. Never con -
cern yourself with what others might think of
you . . . for your light is different, and perhaps
you will now ignite someone else 's devotion to
follow their soul's calling. You stand out from
a crowd with your ability to clearly commit
to what you want , enabling your wishes and
desires to manifest quickly.

You demonstrate the
language of the heart by
actively sharing and
living love


You demonstrate the language of the
heart by actively sharing and living love

Living by the principle of compassion is

the healthiest mode of being human . Compas-
sion asks that you go within your own heart
and see the world from another 's perspective .
By placing your awareness on the feelings of
others and understanding what motivates
them , you will begin to empathize with them .

Operating compassionately is the natural
inclination of your soul , so allow yourself the
time and space to display loving acts daily.
It can be as simple as smiling to a stranger.
Remember that some of us travel an easier road
than others, but the most significant thing we
all have in common is our decision to share
this physical dimension together. Compas-
sion is also a gift you give yourself . When you
are able to accept your own weaknesses as a
part of a learning process, it 's much easier to
forgive others. It 's often a difficult lesson , but
once it 's mastered , your soul evolves quickly.

In your quest to manifest
% the energy of love, you
realize that every person
and experience
has value

In your quest to manifest the energy
of love , you realize that every person
and experience has value

When you are receptive to the input ,

opinions, and values of others, you broaden
your Earth -school perspective. Someone
else's point of view is one of the most valu -
able teachers you can experience during your
time in the physical dimension . It is through

the cooperative spirit , in which you have the
dynamic of give -and - take, that the two halves
then become one whole . Cooperating and
honoring another 's opinion promotes not
only friendship and social skills but more pos -
sibilities for how to love and be loved . Often
the life experiences of someone you trust
can prevent you from making the same mis-
takes. Stubbornness and the refusal to accept
guidance can lead you into a maze of wrong
turns and dead ends. Never be afraid to ask
for advice. We are here to help each other, so
knowledge received is meant to be shared . Two
heads are better than one!


You love to devise new ideas,
innovations, and foims
of illumination

You love to devise new ideas ,
innovations , and forms of illumination

The most natural characteristic of a soul is

creation . As a spiritual being, you are contin -
ually being inspired by the higher self , Source
Energy, and the Spirit World to express yourself
in the physical dimension. You are constantly
in a mode of creation even if you are not aware
of it . Thoughts are creation, and thoughts are

real. And even though not every single one
manifests itself physically, it nevertheless cre-
ates your reality. That is why it is so important
to keep your thoughts high - minded . Judgment
of yourself and others lowers your vibration
of love. Your thoughts don't belong only to

you their energy is part of the collective con -
sciousness. Your creative spark may ignite and
inspire the soul or mind of another. When you
are blocking your creativity, you are not fully
expressing your soul . This blockage may mani -
fest in a number of ways, such as physical pain,
anger, depression, anxiety, and isolation. There
may also be feelings of living an unfulfilled
life . Always remember that you are of God , and
God is creativity. As a loving, visionary person ,
you can see the potential for that which has yet
to exist in physical reality. You are able to turn
imagination into form. The more you attune
yourself to the loving energy of your heart, the
more receptive you are to inspired ideas that
bring Earth closer to Heaven .

You are releasing old patterns
and ideas that no longer
serve your highest
V ideals of love A

You are releasing old patterns and ideas that
no longer serve your highest ideals of love

As an evolving soul, you are coming ever

closer to utilizing love in all the many facets
of your being. When you can release past
situations and hurts, you are not only giving
yourself the freedom to progress on your path,
but you are also liberating the other souls
involved . By disengaging, you are letting the

Universe take away uncertainty, doubt, and
regret; and when those negative emotions are
gone, you have the power to replace them with
hope, belief , and contentment. Detachment
also assists in bringing you back to your center
and creates a sense of calm and stillness. By
being in this state of equilibrium, you are
not making an admission of failure or giving
in . This attitude is one of common sense and
open - mindedness. In this state, it makes it
much easier to evaluate life objectively, with
the realization that you are in charge of your
own choices and destiny. On a daily basis the
Universe will test you in order to bring you —

or force you to a neutral state in all things.
When you are truly in this space, the everyday
occurrences that you label "good" and "bad"
don't have the impact they normally would ,
because your mind is balanced and at peace.
Remember, dear soul, you don 't own any of it;
you are just borrowing it for a short time.

r ' '

You are developing the
skill to distinguish love
from fear, and truth
from illusion

You are developing the skill to distinguish
love from fear , and truth from illusion

One of the hardest lessons to grasp while

living in this physical dimension is the art
of discernment . Life is a series of choices,
and you always want to make the right one
for your soul's evolution . Discernment is not
judgment. Discernment is living your life with
a recognition of what is in alignment with your

unique path. When you are centered in your
being and aware of your own power, you are
able to see the love and truth in everything
and everyone. Intuition is the language of your
soul , so it is imperative that you understand
how your soul speaks to you. And the best ways
for you to do so is to listen. When you utilize
discernment in your daily life, choices become
easier, and manifesting the best possible
outcome doesn't seem like a matter of chance.
The wonderful Shakespeare adage "to thine
own self be true" encapsulates discernment
perfectly. Remember, what seems important to
you may not be to someone else; so when you
use discernment, understand that it is for your
own benefit and growth . And what is beneficial
to you on your path to self -acceptance ripples
outward to those around you . When you know
yourself , love yourself , and honor who you
are, you become aligned with your Divine self .
When this happens, you attract only good into
your life.


v 4
\ You are making the
\ conscious decision in
rat* your vibration


You are making the conscious
decision to raise your vibration of love
In order to live a fulfilled life of com-
plete happiness and enjoyment, you first must
become mindful of how you perceive the world
and your place in it. What you think has a
tremendous influence on how your soul will
experience life and its many diverse situations.
As magnetic beings, our souls work perfectly

within the Law of Attraction and draw to us
exactly what we create with our thoughts. In
order to elevate your soul, your mind -set may
need to be spiritually altered . Love is the great-
est healing energy source there is, and by using
it properly, you can instantly change your life
and your circumstances. Begin by setting the
intention of raising your consciousness. Sec-
ond , be mindful of the tone of your thoughts.
Then, finally, let go and let the Universe do

its part . Commune with nature take a walk
through a forest, dance in the ocean waves, or
go out and garden . Through these activities
your mind is brought into an awareness of the
oneness of the natural world . Assess the peo-
ple in your life . Are they elevating or draining
your energy? Become aware of your purpose
in life and live it one day at a time. Elevate
someone else's life with joy, for it is in giving
that you receive. Forgive others and clear that
energy, transforming it to pure love, knowing
that you cannot force anyone to be something
they are not . Above all, have fun and delight in
your JOurneY.

•• • •••
f A
m '

You ftvl And understand
the emotions of another,
In the service
of love

•• • "

• v: mP *
• -•
You feel and understand the emotions
of another , in the service of love

You are able to learn so much when

your actions originate from a place of love,
and the souls in your immediate sphere are
your greatest teachers. Being able to sense
how others feel and see through their eyes
is a gift . When you open yourself up emo-
tionally and become part of another person 's

reality and make it your own , the boundar-
ies between the two of you seem to fade. You
begin to realize that you truly are of the same
energy and that the state of separation is
purely an illusion . The Golden Rule of "Treat
others as you would like to be treated " is a
mantra you should embrace. Understanding
life from another perspective carries a great
responsibility, for once you become of aware
of the emotions of another, you remain ever
conscientious and are mindful not to cause
them distress.

You are ready to manifest your
thoughts and traasform
. them into acts ,
\ of love /


You are ready to manifest your thoughts
and transform them into acts of love

You have come back to Earth to share your

individual wisdom and express your personal
code, which you have developed through
lifetimes of experiences. You have many
methods of soul expression available, whether
it be with words, dress, art, or movement .
Each form shows your character and reveals

an important aspect of your being. When you
express your soul 's true nature to the rest of
the world, it is incumbent on you to lead by
example. You must be true to your nature and
never attempt to alter your self -expression to
please someone else. If you act only to receive
approval and acceptance from others, you
demonstrate that you do not believe in yourself
or respect your uniqueness. Don 't succumb to
peer pressure or the desire to fit in . You chose
to incarnate in this physical dimension and
to follow a blueprint chosen by you . Let your
soul's light illuminate your ideas, and express
them in tangible ways. To get your message
across, believe in it . Present your point of view
clearly and lovingly so that others understand
you . As you continue on your path, make sure
to leave your distinctive mark and footprint to
inspire and teach others.

You realize that obstacles
are merely lessons on
your path to love

You realize that obstacles are
merely lessons on your path to love

Life in the physical dimension is all about

your soul's evolution. And you now under-
stand that the quickest way to evolve is to uti-
lize the energy of love in all you do. Every day,
you are presented with opportunities to proj-
ect your loving energy tempered with under-
standing. Acknowledge each day that allows

you to become aware of the world around you,
offering you the chance to expand spiritually.
Look upon each experience and person as
something unique to learn from, because that
is what you signed up for. That 's why you are
here. You spiritually evolve when knowledge
gained through application of lessons and inte -
gration of truths resonates within your being.
It can be difficult to grow without stepping
outside your comfort zone. This is where the
virtues of faith and hope are tested , and you
embrace the conviction that everything works
out for good . The power of love is the infinite
truth . With this power, you are not influenced
by judgment or bitterness. With it, all things
are understood, accepted, and forgiven. When
aligned with love, you are able to see the com -
mon threads running through everyone and
everything; you become aware that all is a part
of a greater whole. The mindfulness that truth
is bigger than your ego, as well as gratitude for
every experience you have, is an important
aspect of your evolution.

You are now able to activate
the power of love in
order to release
past hurts

You are now able to activate the power
of love in order to release past hurts

Forgiveness is the cornerstone of love .

To be fully aligned with the power of love
requires complete forgiveness of self and oth -
ers. You may find this hard to accomplish
because you are letting your "ego" be in the
driver 's seat . When you can 't forgive, it is the
ego holding on to past hurts and the feeling of

not being in control . Forgiveness will remove
old blockages and causes of emotional distress,
allowing love energy to work through you . By
forgiving, you are not excusing or condoning
a particular behavior; instead , you are willing
to understand the lesson being presented . You
are not necessarily obligated to reconcile
you can forgive and choose not to involve

yourself with that person or situation again .
The saying " Forgive and forget " is a misno -
mer, for you should never forget a lesson . Bless
the experience, but always remember what
you learned from it . When you forgive, you
open yourself up to the positive and loving
experiences that the Universe wants to bestow
upon you . Now there is room for them, in the
space formerly taken up by babysitting those
horrible and toxic feelings.

You are releasing any self - imposed
restrictions or perceived limitations
through the loving energy of openness

Your natural state of being is one of

boundless freedom and joy. Don 't suppress
your God -given potential by weighing yourself
down with other people's opinions or expec-
tations. Get in the daily habit of setting the
intention to be yourself , and allow yourself to
love who you show to the world . If you present

a false face in order to feel accepted, you are
doing a disservice to your soul and its mission.
Embrace the freedom to be you, because any-
thing else is giving away your power. But don't
neglect the necessity of self - reflection and con -
templation . Engaging in introspection affords
you the opportunity to see your actions clearly
and from a different perspective. When you
begin to view your life objectively, an incredi -
ble feeling of empowerment and freedom over-
takes you . In this awareness, you are able to
identify how you reacted to various situations.
Were your responses ego based, or did you
demonstrate compassion for another? Knowing
this, you can be vigilant with respect to your
reactions to any situation. This card doesn't
mean you 're at liberty to behave badly or with
judgment; instead , it gives you the freedom to
let love and compassion be your guide. You are
the sum of all positive, negative, and neutral
experiences and behaviors. Good , bad , or indif -
ferent, they have made you who you are today.
So honor them all and learn from them .

You are able to recognize traits
in common with another in
order to forge love-based
k connections A

You are able to recognize traits
in common with another in order
to forge love - based connections

A true soul virtue, friendliness is when

you are able to genuinely open up your heart
to others without any expectations or condi -
tions involved . There is a clear indication that
you are excited to meet new people and share
in new experiences. Through friendliness, you

will encounter, consciously or unconsciously,
a common thread or a quality that you share.
In a friendship, you are able to be vulnerable
with someone, and learn and grow together.
No one comes into your life by accident .
Everyone has a lesson to teach you . The more
you send forth the energy of friendliness, the
more it continues to charge the atmosphere
around you and any person you are in con -
tact with, negating the possibility of creating
a negative karmic tie. Friendliness tells every-
one that you acknowledge them and share in
the awareness that we are experiencing this
Earth dimension together. We are all here to
support and encourage each other. Start with

a smile it can change the world!

You fully appreciate the
invaluable lessons

' ^
that life lovingly
to you A

You fully appreciate the invaluable
lessons that life lovingly presents to you

When you live in gratitude, you are

acknowledging to the Universe your appreci-
ation for every event that occurs in your life.
Be thankful for each experience, whether you
label it "good " or "had," because without it ,
you will not evolve. Granted , heartbreaking
things happen in this physical dimension, but

if you look upon them as lessons to learn, as
opposed to misfortunes inflicted on you, you
glimpse the bigger picture. Everything can
be a gift . As you consciously experience grat-
itude, you are mindful that even the simplest
aspects of your life are wondrous and miracu -
lous. With this outlook, your focus is placed
on abundance consciousness, not on lack . As
you acknowledge Source Energy, you expand
your awareness and come to realize that you
are part of something much larger than your-
self . . . and that every moment is precious.

/ '

You are able to feel a loving,
balanced connection
with everything

v\ \

You are able to feel a loving ,
balanced connection with everything
When you sit in stillness, satisfied
that your soul is on the right path and that
everything is right in your world — even for a

moment it is a true gift, one you have created
for yourself . Feeling balanced and harmonious
on this Earth plane is very difficult, and when
it happens, your spirit soars. Yet it takes work

on your part . But that 's what you signed up for
when you agreed to incarnate here. Creating
order in this tumultuous physical dimension
is like walking a tightrope. Your constant
awareness is on keeping your balance while
dealing with the obstacles in your path . The
good news is that the more you practice,
the easier it becomes. If something within
your being is out of balance, it will come to
the surface of your awareness, to give you
the opportunity to be explored further and
understood more deeply. Realize that some
things that might upset your equilibrium
originate from outside you and are beyond
your control . But you do have control over
the inner self . Always remember to approach
life with an attitude of love, compassion, and
empathy. When you are at peace with yourself ,
it is easier to be at peace with everything else.

0tm >
You have developed the loving
awareness that you and
everyone else are
k the same, but on J
dlffetent paths

You have developed the loving
awareness that you and everyone else
are the same , but on different paths

Remember to acknowledge that no one

is "lesser " or "greater " than you ; only some
employ the tools of love, compassion , and
acceptance to a lesser or greater extent. Humil -
ity is one of life's most estimable qualities.
Accepting others as fellow souls who only

desire love and understanding and encourage -
ment is the highest achievement of all . Learn
not to compare yourself to others, because
you never really know what personal trials
and obstacles they face. A humble soul does
not come from a space of fear, but attempts to
take chances on new ideas and experiences
for the benefit of all. Ever grateful for today
and enthusiastic about what tomorrow may
bring, they naturally exhibit compassion
and charity, deriving true joy from giving
rather than receiving. When you live with -
out self -importance and pride, you find it
easy to practice kindness. Life doesn 't revolve
around only what you can do to succeed , but
what you can do to help those on your path .
With a humble spirit, you never need to com -
pare yourself to another, because you realize
that it is our inherent uniqueness that teaches
us about the world in which we live . Everyone
has a purpose for being.

You leave your unique
stamp of love on
you do

v. ’fl

You leave your unique stamp
of love on everything you do

All souls originate from the same Source

Energy, but the Earth school affords us the oppor-
tunity to feel separate. That is the double-edged
sword that is life in this physical dimension.
Our nature is to be at one with the whole; but
when we incarnate and our awareness of our
Divine self is diminished , lessons are learned

more quickly. Your goal is to feel connected
to everything while you experience the illu -
sion of separation . And your path to that goal
is your own . It 's your individual journey. At
the beginning, you may relate to the human

aspect of yourself the ego — but eventually
glimmers of your true nature start to manifest
themselves through awareness. When your
distinct soul personality expresses itself and
you live your life consciously, you have moved
beyond the illusions of the physical dimen -
sion and have come back home to the truth
of your spirit. As you present yourself in this
world , every other soul who crosses your path
will recognize this keen sense of familiarity
and start to remember their spiritual heritage
as well . Be yourself and love abundantly. That
is a life well lived .

You demonstrate the truth and
honesty of your soul,
and manifest love
V with your A
\ every action

You demonstrate the truth and
honesty of your soul , and manifest
love with your every action

There is a great chasm between believ-

ing in something and demonstrating it to the
world. " Walk your talk " is the mantra of this
card that bridges this gap. You can read every
spiritual book available, but if you don 't prac-
tice what you 've accepted in your heart, then

it is all for naught . Holding love and compas-
sion as the cornerstones of your belief system
is very different from manifesting them in the
real world . Integrity is a state of wholeness and
completeness of being. When all the pieces of
your psyche are unified as one, you don't have
to try to be compassionate; you just are. A per-
son with integrity follows through on their
commitments. If you tend to second -guess
yourself or are filled with conflicting opin -
ions, you might still be struggling to find your
authentic self . And that 's okay— life is about
learning to be a better you; and if you aren't
learning something new every day, that 's a
wasted opportunity. To know whether you
are coming from an integrated space, notice
your behavior during a time of chaos. If there
is a gentle quiet of the mind , and a clear path
is seen , then love is present . When you come
from this center, you are in the moment , not
swayed by the past or the future. You shine a
beacon of self -assurance that draws all good
things to you .

r r^*4

9 •

You delight in the love of
lifeand bring a iiririt
of fun to all that
. you do .

• .
* * \ •.
- ’*V. •

You delight in the love of life , and
bring a spirit of fun to all that you do

Joy is born of living in happiness, grace,

and gratitude. It is the celebration of life and
your own role in it . Part of your soul makeup
is having the keen awareness that you are full
of abundance and are most fulfilled when you
serve others. Indeed , when you are in touch
with your Divine self , you want to share this

celebratory feeling with everyone you encoun -
ter . In tune with the vibration of joy, you are
content , serene, and full of incredible spiritual
confidence. Once you realize that the hard -
est lessons on Earth serve your highest good ,
you get a glimpse of true joy waiting in the
wings. You can move forward with your life,
recognizing that so- called struggles really just
arise so that you can conquer them and come
through the experience triumphant , feeling
proud of your actions.



— —
You area humanitarian made
of love and you are able
to share that energy .
L with others /

iW K

You are a humanitarian - made of love-and
you are able to share that energy with others

A " kind soul " that is part of our human
lexicon for a reason . Your gentle heart is a res-
ervoir of kindness, and you give generously
to others through encouraging words, smiles,
natural concern , and support . By living in the
space of kindness, you treat everyone with the
utmost respect and tend to put their needs

before your own . People love being in your
presence because it feels good to be encour-
aged and accepted . Kindness is demonstrating
genuine compassion . It can never be false or
forced , because it comes from the caring, nur-
turing center of your being. Kindness expects
nothing in return , for it is its own reward .
Understand that when you share this energy,
it will have a "ripple effect " on every person
you come into contact with . Remember, also,
the need to be kind to yourself . Realize that
you are always a work in progress.

Your reliability deinomtrate%
your loving sense ol
devotion and
k consistency
Nk of being j

Your reliability demonstrates your loving
sense of devotion and consistency of being

Your loyalty is measured by the strength

of your commitment to your relationships and
obligations. You possess an unswerving faith -
fulness. Your soul is stirred only when you
unselfishly have the best interests of others at
heart . This devotion is freely given with a true
sense of unconditional love. Loyalty asks you

to be steadfast in your motives and unwaver-
ing in your ideals. Be a living example to oth -
ers. Demonstrate how your belief in a person,
cause, or principle can enrich your life experi -
ence, expand your horizons, and bring you a
sense of solidarity and oneness. When you are
really honest about where your loyalties lie,
you must also be willing to ask yourself what
these loyalties are teaching you about yourself
and your own value system . Is there a need
you are meeting? What fulfills you and makes
you whole? Are you giving unconditionally,
expecting nothing in return ? Never misuse or
abuse your loyalties, but instead defend them
like a roaring lion , letting everyone know you
are honorable, brave, and strong.

You acknowledge your misdeeds
and accomplishments alike , and
learn to love them all as lessons

You have reached a pivotal place in your

spiritual journey. You are able to take full
responsibility for all your actions, thoughts,
and words in this and other lifetimes. You
may now step back and view your experiences
objectively, realizing that you are an evolving

spiritual being. Each day has brought with
it a new insight into yourself and the world
around you . You don 't look back on particular
situations as failures; instead, you view them
as valuable feedback, providing information
you need in order to learn , understand, and
grow. You take ownership of your choices,
aware that as a responsible being you cannot
blame your behavior on another. Everything
you experience is a reflection of what is within
you . Recognizing that what you say can either
enlighten or depress, you now speak with a
purpose. You choose positive and empowering

words, thoughts, and deeds the cornerstone
of a healthy and soulful existence.

Through the power of love , you release
any stagnant situations or energy in
order to transform your heart space

The past is done, and the future is yet

to be. All you have is the now, and the past
is your greatest teacher. Everything that has
happened up until this moment is the product
of the person you see in the mirror. That is
why the power of now is so important . Only

in the present do you have the opportunity to
create both your past and your future . Always
be mindful of your present- moment thoughts,
because in seconds, now will be your past,
which you cannot get back . You don 't want
the past to steal your future, and the bridge
between the two is the present. Begin to live
in present time; and always remember that
through loving, compassionate thoughts and
actions, you are creating a past that you can
be proud o f . . . and a bright future that awaits.

You are able to let the Universal
energy of transformation move
i according to its own j
loving rhythm

You are able to let the Universal
energy of transformation move
according to its own loving rhythm

When you demonstrate patience, you are

able to take a step back from the distractions
of this physical dimension and live fully
in the current moment . You are truly a
Divine being, and when you reside in your
natural state of centeredness and calm , your

perceptions and awareness are illuminated .
You become painfully aware of how much
precious energy can be wasted and misused
in the service of fear and anxious anticipation
of the future. Instead , as a healer, you need to
take the negative energy of impatience and
transmute it into the joy of knowing that all
things happen at the correct time .
As you move through life, it may help to
remember that difficult situations are merely
opportunities for you to put the power of love
into practice. It is challenging enough on the
Earth plane to understand the behind - the -
scenes workings of this three - dimensional
world , let alone trying to comprehend or
control the sixth - and seventh - dimensional
realities within the Divine order. But being
open to change and knowing it will occur
in its own time is the highest example of
patience. You learn to press the pause button
on your reactions to life's upsets. Don 't "fast-
forward " your life, because when you rush
through it , you may miss the most significant
moments. Life is not a race; it 's a journey. In
order to bring peace to the outside world ,

you first must realize patience in your inner
world . Good things come to those who wait!


You recognize that balance,
kindness, and love
bring calmness
k to your soul j


You recognize that balance , kindness ,
and love bring calmness to your soul

It 's a sad irony of life that humans can only

appreciate the quality of a peaceful existence
by experiencing moments of comparative tur-
moil and conflict. Just as you most value health
after an illness, so do you feel most grateful
for peace once you have encountered strife.
But discord is something that you can learn to

avoid. Lucky is the soul who learns this lesson
quickly. Confrontation and conflict are not
the energy of Spirit . Most people in our world

are "reactors" especially when they are the
recipients of any negativity. They align more
with "an eye for an eye" than "turn the other
cheek." Unfortunately, they don't realize that
this is the worst possible response they could
mount . A punitive reaction instantly forces the
brain into survival mode, and hormones and
chemicals of self - preservation are released into
the body, which attempts to rid itself of the for-
eign "invader " who broke through the calm of
its normal environment . The intensity takes a
toll on the mind and body, eventually bring-
ing about a state of "dis-ease." This is why it is
imperative that you make it a vital part of your
daily ritual to return to a state of peaceful bliss
and harmony as often as possible. Entering this
zone of awareness automatically quiets and
resets your brain. ( If this card often appears in
your spreads, it would be wise to stick to a med -
itative schedule daily.)


You live in tl >c moment and are

able to bring forth the energy
of love in your current
circumstances /


V\ \

You live in the moment and are
able to bring forth the energy of
love in your current circumstances

The most difficult lesson for human

beings to learn is to live in the present
moment . It is part of our nature to look
forward to the future and dwell on the past .
And , unfortunately, it is a mind -set that strips
us of our power. Instead , we should be taught

to learn from the past , live for today, and
experience tomorrow . . . tomorrow. Only then
are we able to glimpse our true mission on
Earth . Everything else is just static. When you
are present in this moment, you are existing
where life is actually occurring. Don 't spend
valuable time worrying about a crisis that
may never come. Of course, look at the grand
picture, evaluate your life, and set goals, but
don 't place unneeded stress where it doesn 't
belong. It is wasted energy. Reliving the past
is also a fool 's game . You have no power there,
other than to diminish the potential of today.
In contrast , in the present , you have the power
to forgive the hurts done to you and apologize
for any you caused . The past becomes a
stepping-stone to enlightenment , as opposed
to a speed bump on your road to happiness.
Fully appreciate the moment right now and
attempt to get the most out of every second .
It is when you let go and reside in the present
that you are able to summon love with every
thought and experience .

You understand the paramount
importance of manifesting
k love in all situations A

You understand the paramount importance
of manifesting love in all situations

Through love and understanding, you

are able to put the pieces of your own puzzle
together; and by doing so, you have a deeper
awareness of who you are and why you are
here. Regularly take a moment out of your
day to reassess your priorities. Confirm that
you are living the life you have intended and

that you aren't wasting energy on things that
don 't feed your soul 's growth . Focus on what
is important to you, and why. Are you happy
with your current situation ? Are you doing
your best to help make others happy? Are
there people in your life who are not support-
ing your goals? Pausing on your daily journey

to reestablish your priorities using love and

compassion as your guide gives you a better
indication of your path forward . So much of
life on Earth is distraction, and the ego can be
fragile and petty. Stop. Listen to your heart .
Your number one goal is to love yourself and
share that love . All the other diversions rank
after that . Life in this physical dimension is

not easy nor was it meant to be. You have to
practice instilling the energy of love into your
habitual thought processes. Prioritizing and
decision making then become so much easier.
The choice always comes down to love .

You possess the determination
and dedication to consciously
, demonstrate love ,


You possess the determination and
dedication to consciously demonstrate love

People with a purpose are leaders. People

with a purpose, coupled with compassion ,
are teachers . You have come to a point in
your journey when you must demonstrate to
yourself that you are a teacher. Now is the
time to be the change that you want to see in
the world . Being a person of integrity is your

goal . You know your place in the world and
how you may be an example to others for the
betterment of humankind . You tend to have a
very strong intuitive side and use it on a daily
basis for clarity of purpose. You have a passion
for everything you do, seeing each day as an
opportunity to manifest love . You are blessed
with a sense of inner peace, because you are
satisfied with who you are and what you have .
Life seems easy because you have learned that
you don't have to make the choice between

love and fear you already know that the
negative energy of fear is not an option . Be a
guiding light! Show the world how it is done!

You have the ability to Rive

over umvanted efttrgie
to Uie loving forces
of the Univene

You have the ability to give over unwanted
energies to the loving forces of the Universe

The moment has arrived for you to truly

usher in the healing power of love by letting go
of all the illusions you have been holding on to
that no longer serve your highest good . You now
have the power to release the stagnant energy
of old emotions and behaviors such as shame, —

regret, and self - criticism and create a new

space for love, self -acceptance, and forgiveness.
You are an energetic being, and besides all the
energy that you attract to you from within, an
equal amount of energy is directed at you by
external forces. You have no control over the
intention behind this energy, but you do have
control over whether you allow it into your space.
Every day, you walk through a mine field of
energy, and you must be conscious of where you
step. Nevertheless, as an empathetic, sensitive
being, you will at times unknowingly absorb
these foreign energies. Over time the toxicity
builds up in your aura, and you can begin to feel
exhausted , depressed , and unbalanced . Take the
steps necessary to expel toxic energies from your
space. Perform a ritual every time you bathe in
which you envision a golden light washing away
unwanted energy and releasing it to the healing
powers of Mother Nature. You can only be
effective as beacon of love if you make the effort
to keep your energy clear. When you constantly
release the "old and negative," you make room
for the new and positive.

• •« . *••
*« .
* ••

You value everyone's unique
perspective on the
k path to love <

•• i ^4 1
• -1
« ••
c. ^ '

« fS •

You value everyone ' s unique
perspective on the path to love

It is important for you to remember that

everyone in this physical dimension has their
own journey, filled with struggles and obsta -
cles that are different from yours. They chose
their life blueprint just as you chose yours. It is
not your job to judge how they discover their
way to love; rather, it is your job to encourage

them . By showing respect, you earn respect.
When someone comes into your space, they
are immediately aware of your level of integ-
rity and your willingness to help others. You
carry yourself with a certain natural strength ,
and people look up to you . When you receive
admiration , you may become a role model,
and you have the responsibility of setting an
example. As a role model you must demon -
strate love in all situations and a sense of
compassion in every interaction . There is no
greater way to gain respect than to accept oth -
ers as equals, as fellow soul travelers.

You are aware of the power of
your thoughts and the
amount of love
you express jk


You are aware of the power of your thoughts
and the amount of love you express

Thoughts are energy. They are real . And

they don 't just belong to you . It is your respon -
sibility to pattern your thoughts to reflect the
highest levels of compassion and benevolence.
As a responsible soul , you know that the total-
ity of conscious thought creates reality, so be
sure to do your part . Thoughts emanate from

you constantly, and it is incumbent on you to
make sure that the energy you are projecting is
loving. This is the crux of being mindful . You
must practice constant vigilance so that neg-
ative, hurtful, or spiteful thoughts that start
to form are nipped in the bud . Compassion
and empathy are great tools to use as filters
for your thinking. Before you project a judg-
ment, realize that you have little to no con -
scious awareness of what motivates another.
When you make this connection, your every

choice and virtually every other aspect of

your life is based on the ideals of brother-
and sisterhood . Responsible people live by
example and teach others through inspira -
tion . The great responsibility that comes with
power is knowing that you 've come back to
Earth to elevate consciousness in this physical
dimension . Ask yourself throughout the day:
Am I making the world a better place?

You let the energy of love guide
you to self approval so that others
no longer define who you are

What other people think of you is none

of your business! You should never look out-
side yourself for acceptance or validation,
because it sends the message that you don 't
trust your own soul's worth . When you are
in a space of self -acceptance, you confirm to

the Universe that you are everything you are
meant to be, foibles and all . In this awareness,
you are able to live freely and joyfully because
you are not seeking validation through some-
one or something else. You can live your life
and make choices out of love instead of fear.
To enter this space, you must have the realiza -
tion that your soul's makeup is Divinely per-
fect . The limitations you've placed on yourself
and your self - criticisms are usually based on
giving away your power to another or seeking
outside approval . The ego is judgmental and
critical and filled with insecurities, while the
soul is perfectly at ease and has come back
here to enjoy a journey of self - discovery. One
of the biggest traps in learning to be satisfied
is comparing yourself to others. Remember
that you have come back to an Earth school
made up of myriad souls and experiences.
You aren 't meant to be like anyone else . Love
yourself for being the compassionate, unique
person you are.

You realize that love of
self is necessary to
love another

You realize that love of self
is necessary to love another

As the old saying goes, You can' t love

somebody else until you love yourself. It 's true.
The most important goal you can achieve in
this physical dimension is that of loving your-
self unconditionally. And it 's a tough one.
You are the very person who knows your dark
secrets, faults, and shortcomings the best . It 's

easy to see the good in other people, because
you don't know anyone but yourself inside
and out. Do you really think that you are the
only person you know who is not worthy of
your love? Your soul is perfect; your human
shell is imperfect . And so is everyone else's.
The quality of love you give out is only as good
as the quality of love you have for yourself . So
stop shortchanging the world by not loving
yourself with the same intensity you do oth -
ers. You 've made mistakes, but you 've learned
from them. That 's what progress and spiritual
evolution are all about . Love your weaknesses,
as much as your strengths, because they are
your teachers.

You move beyond the constraints
of the mind.and freely and
L lovingly embrace
gt. new situations

You move beyond the constraints of
the mind , and freely and lovingly
embrace new situations

In order to grow and expand as a soul, you

must come to the realization that limitations
are generally self - imposed. There is a security
that comes with routine. A life lived with no
surprises and within a comfort zone is very
appealing in this chaotic dimension . But you

have to be wary of stagnation . Spontaneity
demonstrates to the rest of the world that you
are ready for anything, and it is also a charac-
teristic linked to high emotional health . Life
is a smorgasbord , so stop constantly hovering
near the boring salad bar. You will never know
if you like something unless you experience
it . Don 't let fear hold you back . By its very
nature, your soul yearns for new experiences.
If something doesn 't align with your spirit ,
that 's fine. But at least you have made that dis-
covery. That said, every soul has an individ -
ual path, so don 't fall prey to peer pressure if
you know in your heart that something is not
right for you . At the same time, don 't let the
fear of new experiences stop you from doing
something that will make your heart sing.

You use the power of lose
to move through illusions
and shift into
awareness .

You use the power of love to move through
illusions and shift into awareness

This lifetime is a part of the progression of

your soul. The conscious thought that you are
aware of right at this moment is forever a part
of the evolution of your Divine self . Just as a
caterpillar eventually becomes a butterfly, you
too are slowly awakening to your true birth -
right as a spiritual being. As you go through

this awakening, others will see your light and
feel your love. This soul-to-soul connection
raises your vibration, allowing transformation
to occur at an even quicker pace. Like attracts
like, so be sure that the energy you are sending
out is positive . Negative energy coming back
to you will slow your growth. As you advance
into this new awareness of yourself , it is very
normal to have a sense of confusion and dis-
location in your career, with your family, and
even within yourself . The material things
in your life won 't carry the same emotional
attachment they used to. Your relationship
to yourself and others and your understand -
ing of your place in the Universe will change .
You will come to realize just how important
you are in the grand scheme of things. There
are a finite number of souls experiencing this
Earth dimension at this time, and you are one
of them . Your contributions matter more than
you 'll ever know.

You appreciate other points of view
because you sense the love in everyone

This school that we call Earth can be a

very daunting destination . You should be
proud of the bravery you have shown by elect-
ing to come here to experience it . The planet
has a multitude of belief systems and philos-
ophies practiced by beings who don 't look or
act exactly like you do, even though we are

the same inside. Ironically, choosing to incar-
nate into a dimension where you feel sepa -
rated from the whole is what makes Earth so
appealing to courageous souls like you . The
souls who graduate with " high honors" are
the ones who have seen past the illusion of
race and gender and religious belief and rec-
ognize their brothers and sisters. " Love thy
neighbor as thyself " is the mantra of this card .
The physical guises that we wear are just that:
illusions. In truth, we are all the same: beings
of love . When you are able to go within and
connect with your soul's loving energy, you
have the realization that we all belong to and
originate from the same Source. Tolerance is
being secure within your own sense of self and
letting others be as they are without judgment
or bias. Learn to see them as weary travelers
who, like you, crave encouragement , respect ,
and support.


You have a strong connection
to your soul's loving voice
and have faith in
V your intuition /

f \

You have a strong connection to your soul’ s
loving voice and have faith in your intuition

When you listen to your soul's voice, you

will never go down a path not meant for you .
But you must learn to trust that voice . By hon -
oring the sacred knowledge within you and
acting on it, you can manifest great miracles
in your life . Your intuition yearns to be heard,
and every day you are given opportunities to

test your trust in it . As you go through your
human journey, pay attention to each instance
this voice arises. Notice the significance, and
don 't necessarily dismiss it as a coincidence.
Begin to perceive yourself as part of the flow
of life, with an ever-expanding part in it . As
conflicts and challenges come up, recognize
these obstacles as opportunities. The more
you accept your inner voice as trustworthy,
the easier life becomes. Unfortunately, there
are many things in this dimension that you

cannot trust some people, and sometimes
even your own eyes. But, no matter what, you
can always trust when your intuition speaks.

You understand that the
love shared with another
is amplified and has a
ripple effect across
the Universe A

You understand that the love shared
with another is amplified and has a
ripple effect across the Universe

When love is given and received recipro-

cally, it is the strongest force in the Universe .
It is the energy in which your soul thrives
and of which it is comprised . Loving your-
self and others is important , but when love is
also returned to you , the energy is magnified .


You are aligned with another soul human

or animal and that bond is eternal . Con -
nections of love that you create while in this
physical dimension are never broken, whether
the other soul is currently incarnated or not .
Never entertain doubts that the love you
enjoyed on Earth survives death or believe
that it is diminished just because you are sep -
arated physically from your loved one. It is a
soul-to-soul connection, and it is everlasting.
You continue to receive love from the Spirit
realms through bonds you created since time
immemorial . You are loved more than you
can imagine.

You acknowledge your loving,
spiritual attributes that
encourage others
0# \ to grow /

You acknowledge your loving , spiritual
attributes that encourage others to grow

You are making great strides in your spir-

itual evolution , and others are beginning to
look to you as a role model . You employ the
virtues of kindness, service, and compassion
in all your interactions. You have learned to
send only those thoughts that support and
encourage. Leading by example as opposed —

to preaching is important to you . When
you live in this physical dimension with an
awareness of the bigger picture, a steady calm
permeates your life . Others are able to recog-
nize this aspect of you and are drawn to you
for counsel. Your work on this planet is also
admired by those not currently incarnated ,
and you are receptive to their guidance . Being
a conduit for Spirit and manifesting love in
all you do is the greatest accomplishment of
your Earth journey. When this card appears
in any spread , it is the most powerful mes-
sage that Spirit imparts. This is the card of the

r i
No nutter what, you wc the
lugger picture of a loving
iust Universe
fiI ;

No matter what , you see the bigger
picture of a loving , just Universe

Now that your blinders are coming off ,

you are able to see the world and beyond —

the physical through your spiritual vision .
You are embracing the sacred mission, which
is the reason you agreed to participate in this
dimension . You can envision a Universe so
vast , beautiful, and spectacular that miracles

are a part of your everyday experience. Your
higher intellect has been stimulated , and you
can recognize the higher essence of other
souls and know their lessons. You are able
to grasp the difficult lessons of grief , loss,
and sorrow, seeing them as experiences from
which to grow. Spiritual guides, angels, and
master teachers are drawn to you, whether you
are aware of their presence or not . You have
agreed on a soul level to be a conduit of deep
spiritual truths, which you easily manifest
into the physical. You have a strong intuitive
sense of what you need to do on a large scale
to bring your vision to the masses. 1 his may

be through the creative arts, such as writing,

singing, painting, or speaking , or as a spiritual
practitioner. As you embrace and live out your
vision , you remind others how to dance to the
tune of Divinity and the oneness of being.

. ••• •
•V* .
You are able to compromise
if the end result
is love

* % »

You are able to compromise
if the end result is love

You have come to the Earth plane to learn

to accept the things you cannot change, as
opposed to those you can. Life is a constant
game of discovery, but no price can be put on
any experience, because each one transforms
you . When you are willing to look inside and
begin to change your habits, self - imposed

fears, and perceptions, only then will you
be able to see your true self . The catalyst for
transformation comes from your willingness
to forgive, open your heart, and be honest
with yourself . You are never too old to learn ,
and each day should be filled with excitement
about how your perspective will be altered .
You can gauge your spiritual growth by your
willingness to learn from and accept another.
By keeping an open mind when conditions
change, you expand your knowledge of life.
Allowing love to radiate through you and in
everything you do brings Divine awareness
to all those in your sphere . Rigidly adhering
to your dogma is doing a disservice to your
growth . The willingness to accept others and
their individual path is a soul strength .


James Van Praagh is an internationally

renowned medium , spiritual teacher, and #1
New York Times best-selling author. Through
his books, live demonstrations, and media
appearances, he shares his insights about con -
sciousness surviving the death of the body,
Spirit communication, grief , and healing.
His messages have brought solace to millions
while shifting their views on life and loss.

James introduced the world to medium-
ship on the NBC daytime television show
The Other Side in 1994 . Since then, he has
appeared on nearly every national radio and
television program, including The Oprah Win-
frey Show, Larry King Live, Dr. Phil, A & E's
Biography; Nightline, Unsolved Mysteries, The
View, The Joy Behar Show, the Today show,
Dr. Drew's Lifechangers, Chelsea Lately, Coast
to Coast, and many more. His international
reach expanded even further when he hosted
his very own daytime talk show, Beyond with
James Van Praagh. He also hosted SpiritTalk
on Gaiam TV, and his weekly show, Talking to
Spirit, can be heard on Hay House Radio.
James is also a successful producer in net-
work television, with one of the most-viewed
miniseries in CBS history, Living with the
Dead, starring Ted Danson in a biographical
portrayal of James; and The Dead Will Tell,
starring Eva Longoria . He also co- created and
produced the highly successful series Ghost
Whisperer, starring Jennifer Love Hewitt .
James teaches workshops and classes
and performs mediumship demonstrations

throughout the world . He recently launched
the James Van Praagh School of Mystical Arts,
an online academy where he shares the tech -
niques he has learned over decades of con -
necting with Spirit . For more information ,
please visit his website:

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