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Nama : Annisa rahmawati

Kelas : 3A Keperawatan

Nim : 18215024

Exercis looking grammer

Complete the setences with a from be going to the word in parathenses

1. A : What you do be going next ?

B : I Pick going up a precriptions as the pharmacy.

2. A : Where alex to going after work?

B : He stop at the post office and run some other errands
3. A : You finish be the project soon?

B : Yes finnish it by noon today

4. A : Whatm Dr.Ahmad talk to about in her lecture to night ?

B : She discuss be how to reduce health care costs.

5. A : When you call be your sister ?

B : I call not to her, i text to her.

Exercise looking at grammar

Rewrite the sentences using the words in parenthenses

1. I May be late (maybe)

Maybe i be late

2. Lisa may not get here (maybe)

Maybe lisa not get here
3. Maybe you will win the contest (may)

You may will win the contest

4. The plane may land early (maybe)

Maybe the plant land early

5. Maybe sergio won’t pass the class (may)

Sergio may won’t pass the class

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