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Karnataka Cooperative Milk Producer’s

Federation Ltd (KMF)

Karnataka Cooperative Milk Producer’s Federation Lt


Issues/concerns of Milk producers/farmers:

 Lack of know-how in terms of increasing the quantity of milk.

 Lack of proper fodder to improve the quality of milk etc

 No access to superior breeding methods

 Not given the right price for milk produced

 Uncertainty in terms of demand and supply

 Excess supply of milk may not be purchased by the buyer

 Milk producers/ Farmers not paid on time by middle men

Issues of a end buyer/consumer:

 Unavailability of quality milk and milk products

 Hygienic factors is a major issue

 Lack of variety in terms of milk- toned/ skimmed milk/ fat etc

 Shortage of milk when demand is high during festivals etc

No fixed price

Why have a Diary Cooperative?

 Transparency in the entire process of cooperative society.

 Elimination of middlemen in the Diary sector.

 Demand and supply can be balanced. Ex: excess milk can be converted to Milk Powder and other
milk products like milk peda etc

 Right price is given to the Milk Producer thereby augmenting their livelihood.

 Access to information, training and technical know-how to increase the production of milk,
hygiene conditions and quality of milk.

 Assistance in breeding facilities

 Availability of the milk across

World Bank Study

The following are the observations on the effect of cooperative in Karnataka:

 Villages with Dairy Cooperatives are much better than those without

 Families with dairy cattle are economically better than those without dairy cattle.

 Women who had no control on household income have better control in terms of ‘Milk Money’.

 Single Commodity ‘MILK’ acts a catalyst in the change of the rural economy

Positive impact on those at the lower end of the economic ladder in terms of landholding &

Karnataka Cooperative Milk Producer’s Federation Ltd (KMF)

 2nd Largest Dairy Co-operative Society (DCS) in the country

 1st in South India in terms of Procurement and Sales

 Core function is to Market Milk and Milk products

 Brand Name – Nandini

 13 Milk Unions – procure milk from Primary DCS

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