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We all know that our country is currently facing a serious issues right now and one of

those is unable to attain the sustainable development that We're aiming for. Honestly, it is
because we cannot Appreciate the purpose of science and technology In our everyday living
that's why we're far behind from The other countries in terms in technologies and growth. So as
a citizen of this country we come up with an ldea Of making a new invention that will surely help
us in attaining Our goal of having a sustainable development and we named It as ECO-
DYRIANT ROBOT. Eco dyriant robot is a product of Science and technology and also an eco-
friendly robot because It doesn't uses gasses that produces pollution lnstead it is powered By
solaf energy from the sun and hydro energy from the rain. If your asking how it works, well it is
because of the radar that we Installed on eco dyriant, it will detect the weather if it is sunny day
This invention will energize by solar energy and if it is rainy day It will automatlcally store water
from the rain to have enough supply.

Our invention, eco dyriant will help you in any agricultural works such As cleaning
areas, waterring plants, cultivating and plotting the soil, plantting seed and seedling, and so
much more that related to Agriculture because we all know agriculture will help in sustaining to
To provide Our everyday needs. And also because of this you can make Your daily daily task
easier than before because you can let it work alone while doing other important tasks, all you
need to do it to input all important things on its inputs. Aside from doing agricultural works, eco
dyriant can supply your electricity and distilled drinking water. If your asking how can eco dyriant
produce electricity and distilled water, well it is because of the solor energy that were collected
and converted into electricity by this invention. And for the distilled water, imagine that this is the
rain water lt will be aggregated by eco dyriant and followed by the purification and distiation in
this part and ln a matter of seconds it will produce and provide your clean drinking water.

If you wish to have the mini version of this inventlon we also have. This one is for
dlstlllation if you want to make sure that your drinkng water is safety then drop it here and the
process will begin by pressing this button.It is like a water fountain that we usually found in
schools, this invention is to make sure the safetiness of us for what we in take. This is is for
electricity, its just generator that we usually use when electric blackout occured but this one
doesn't uses gasses instead it uses water to function as what you've seen for it will not
produces pollution. And if you wish to lessen your expences you can use it as a source of
electricity for appliances, gadgets and other thins that uses electricity. So with this inventions
you can make your life better and easier than the past one and also using these can help our
country in making it improved, proggresive, productive and prosperous country, by which we
cannot harm our mother earth instead you're helping to sustain its original beauty.

There's nothing wrong in improving and sustaining the development that we made as
long as the development is not only for us, people but also in preserving our nature for the
upcoming next generation.

DYRIANT, Developing Your Resources Into Advance New Technology


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