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Read the article from the BBC

1. What is the main problem?

The government of Peru has declared a "health state of emergency" in 12 districts

of Pasco because dangerously high levels of lead, arsenic, aluminium, and
manganese were found in local water. But the government has not said what the
source is of these metals in the environmen

2. What is causing it?

Contaminated water comes from mining waste, air and soil quality too.

3. Describe the experiences of the people affected by this problem.

 Shirli Castaneda began to have uncontrollable nosebleeds. She was taken to a

children's hospital in Lima, where she was diagnosed with leukaemia.
 Jesus Mauricio is 12 years old, his right knee hurts. He and Shirli have lead in
his blood. They have been sent to Lima by the ministry of health for receive

4. What solutions could be given? Think of them from the point of view of the
Governmet, the mines and the people.

 Point of view of the Governmet

 Build hospitals in Cerro de Pasco so that people can receive

medicines close to their homes.
 Close informal mining companies so that water pollution decreases

 Point of view of the Mines

 Comply with the health regulations given by the government.

 Support financially in the treatment of affected children.

 Point of view of the people

 Be relocated to a better place.

 Continue with health state of emergency in order to heal children and
reduce water pollution.

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