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John 1-4 Places and Numbers

1. In what place beyond the Jordan was John baptizing and talking about being unworthy
to loose sandal straps?
2. Where was Philip from?
3. Where were Andrew and Peter from?
4. Where was Nathaniel before Philip called him—and when Jesus saw him?
5. Where did Jesus go on the third day with his disciples and his mother?
6. Where did Jesus go after leaving #5 (along with his mother, brothers, and disciples)?
7. Where did Jesus not stay many days?
8. Where did Jesus go when the Passover of the Jews was at hand?
9. Where did he find sellers of oxen, sheep, and doves, and money changers?
10. Where did Jesus go after his talk with Nicodemus?
11. Where was John baptizing?
12. When Jesus left Judea to go to Galilee, what region did he “need” to go through?
13. What city of #12 did Jesus stop in at the sixth hour?
14. Where did the Samaritan woman’s fathers worship?
15. Where did the Jews worship?
16. Where did Jesus meet a nobleman?
17. Where was the nobleman’s son?

Places and Numbers John 1-4 Page 12

1. How many disciples stood with John when John said of Jesus, “Behold, the Lamb of
2. At what hour did Jesus say to the disciples “Come and See”?
3. On what day was there a wedding in Cana of Galilee?
4. How many water pots of stone were there at the wedding?
5. How many gallons did each contain?
6. Jesus said, “Destroy this temple, and in ____ days I will raise it up.”
7. How many years did it take the Jews to build the temple?
8. At what hour did Jesus stop in Sychar of Samaria near Jacob’s well?
9. How many husbands had the Samaritan woman previously had?
10. “There are still ___ months and then comes the harvest!”
11. How long did Jesus stay in Sychar, because of the urgings of many of the Samaritans?
12. At what hour did the nobleman’s son’s fever leave him?
13. What “number” sign was the healing of the nobleman’s son?

Places and Numbers John 1-4 Page 13

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