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My most recent trip with my family

Hi, i wanna talk to you about my most recent trip, it all started one morning when my father
asked me and my mother if we would like to go on a road trip that day, he said we could
either go camping in the forest or go hitchiking, but neither of us liked those places, so we
came up with some idea, My mom wanted to go to the museum and i wanted to go the beach,
so we told my dad, we either go to the museum or the beach, finally we ended up going to the
beach. We started packing our things for the trip. But i couldn’t find neither my purse nor my
bag, so i had to borrow one from mom. Anyways we were heading to the beach, listeting to
music and having fun, we were a bit hungry so we had to choose what we were getting to eat,
My Dad proposed to get some fried chicken but neither my mom nor me liked that, So again
me and my mom, wanted either pizza or pretzels. We ended up having pizza that day. When
we arrived to the beach it was super crowded. It was kind of uncomfortable to be there, so we
headed back home, and went to the movies instead. It was not what we had in mind at first,
but it ended up being a wonderful day!

Ejemplos del video

1-I wouldn’t travel this year

I wouldn’t either

Neither would I

Me neither

2- They shouldn’t skip classes.

We shouldn’t either

Neither should we

Us neither

3- Jason isn’t sick

His mother isn’t either

Neither is his mother

His mother neither.

4- I don’t like alcohol

My mom doesn’t either

Neither does my mom

My mom neither.

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