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How many zeros are there in 1 billion after 1?

There are two types of billions, one is the American Billion and the other is the English Billion.

In the English as well the American system of counting numbers, we have;

Unit = 1

Ten = 10

Hundred = 100 = 10²

Thousand = 1000 = 10³

Ten Thousand = 10000= 10⁴

Hundred Thousand = 100000 = 10⁵

Million = Thousand times thousand = 1000000= 10⁶

From this point on we have

Ten Million= 10000000 = 10⁷

Hundred Million = 100000000 = 10⁸

Thousand Million = Billion (in American system ) = 10⁹.

In the English system 10⁹ would be Thousand Million. And a Billion would be a million times
million = 10⁶ × 10⁶ = 10¹²

But ever since the decline of Britain, and ascendency of U S of America, when we say Billion it
would simply mean an American Billion rather than the English Billion.

The number of zeros in a Billion are same as the power to which ten is raised. So in a billion
there are 9 zeros after 1.


Added in response to comment by Ms. Shaista Juwairia, regarding trillion.

In the American system, a thousand billion is trillion.

So we have

Billion = 10⁹

10 Billion = 10 × 10⁹= 10¹⁰

100 Billion = 100 × 10⁹ = 10¹¹

1000 Billion =1000 × 10⁹= 10¹² = one Trillion

In the American, we have thousand (10³), next is million (=thousand times thousand =10⁶), next
is billion (=thousand time a million = 10³ × 10⁶ = 10⁹), next is trillion (= thousand times a billion
= 10³ × 10⁹ = 10¹²). The numbers units are multiples of thousand, ie we have thousand, million,
billion, trillion, each succeeding unit being thousand times of its predecessor.

In British system they are in multiples of million times the previous unit.

Upto million both American and British systems are the same.

After million, they have ten million, hundred million, thousand million, ten thousand million,
hundred thousand million and then million times million is billion.

British Trillion would be million times billion.


Thousand = 10³

Million =10⁶

Billion = 10¹²

Trillion = 10¹⁸

I hope this helps.

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