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Construcción de un glosario técnico en inglés para el área ocupacional.


Aprendiz: Luis Orlando Martinez Combita

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje- Sena.

Centro Agroindustrial Regional Quindío
Análisis y Desarrollo de Sistemas de Información
This evidence aims to demonstrate the need to manage the English language for all those who
intend to train professionally as Developers, eight terms are proposed that the apprentice's
prosecution are necessary technical terms and for everyday use, both in the construction of
information systems, and in commercial technical.

Termino Significado
Algorithm method that describes how to resolve an issue in terms of the
actions that are executed and specifies the order in which these
actions are executed. Algorithms help the programmer plan a
program before writing it in a programming language.
Block Sentences and statements enclosed between a pair of keys
(opening and closing, and closing. For example, a body of a
class is a block, like the body of a method, A block delimits a
scope level.

Compilation program that performs a process of compiling (translating the

source language into machine language) of a program written
in a high-level programming language. In the case of Java, it is
a program that translates Java source code into bytecode. The
J2SDK compiler is called
Class diagram constructed using formal notation to visualize and document
the relationships between classes in a system.
Funtion Mathematical construction to which values can be applied and

HTML (Hypertext Markup HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) Markup Language to

Language) design web pages for creating and sharing integrated
electronic documents prepared for multimedia and the Internet.

IDE (integrated development) to help programmers write code efficiently

Interface An interface is treated as a special Java class. Each interface is
compiled into a separate bytecode file, such as an ordinary
class. Cannot instantiate the interface. The structure of a Java
interface is similar to that of an abstract class in which you can
have data and methods. The data, however, must be constant,
and methods can have only un implemented declarations. In
Java there is only simple inheritance and a class can inherit
from a superclass. This restriction can be overcome by using an
Program Un conjunto de instrucciones (o sentencias) que describen alguna
aplicación o actividad ejecutada en una computadora.
Programming language Notation used by programmers to write programs. a language
has a syntax (the words and symbols used to write program
codes), a grammar (the rules that define a sequence of
meaningful and correct words and symbols), and semantics.
Java is a programming language.
UML international character encoding system managed by the
Unicode consortium, Java supports Unicode.

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