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C.C: 1094166507


GROUP: 900003_764


I. PHASE TWO – Collaborative

In group, look at the following picture and write about it.

 Where is it? (Place, city…) (include in the sentences the compound

The picture was taken one nature trail, of the gallineral park in San Gil,
Santander. There is tranquility thanks to nature that reflects landscapes-
beautiful contamination- free.
On the right a good-looking girl fair-haired, by his side a young man in red
shirt. On the left a green-sack girl and one men with black-binoculars

 What can you do there? (include in the sentences the present progressive)

You can walk, see the true nature, hear the song of the little birds, feel calm
and that is why you can make a campfire and camping

 Who are they?

They are two couples. They enjoy share good moment in the nature. So
here they are in a excursion in a forest.

 What are they doing? (present progressive)

The boys are walking through a natural park, observing many species of
plants, animals which they think is very fun, as well as enjoying nature.
They are close to the city, which can be reached by bicycle and walk around
the little place. This beautiful place has lush vegetation, which allows
children to enjoy the freshness of the place, despite making a single radiant.
Observe different kinds of plants and animals in their free will. Walking is the
best plan to enjoy the walk through the nature of the sector.

 What did they do yesterday?

Yesterday we toured the city, we visited the church it’s very pretty and large,
and it is also frequented by many people, we enjoyed a delicious ice cream
in the main park where we could feed many pigeons. Then we went boating
on the imposing river fonce. It was an unforgettable experience; we enjoyed
the beautiful landscape, the cold water and incredible descent. At night we
go out to dinner in a very nice restaurant the San Gil food is very delicious
we spent a spectacular night. we talked for a long time and return to the
place of lodging. It was a night that we will remember for the rest of our

 What are they planning to do tomorrow?

After a good tour of the mountain ranges and contemplate the beautiful
views and birds, tomorrow you will go to the ravine to see the beautiful
waterfalls and wells enjoying the crystal clear waters. In the afternoon they
plan to take a tour of the camping hill and make a spectacular fire. Julian is
a boy fascinated by nature, he loves to explore and know new places, he is
very curious and always brings with him his camera to capture the best
images in his travels. He is a bird lover and studies every species he finds
on his excursions. Julian is very humble and tries to protect his friends from
any danger
II. PHASE THREE - Collaborative

In group choose a movie and complete the chart:

Movie The Blind Side
Director John Lee Hancook
Producers Alcon Entertainment
Who is (are) the protagonist(s)? Quinton Aaron and Sandra Bullock 
Who is (are) the antagonist(s)?  No antagonists
Chronological time of the movie Nine years with nine months
What is the genre?
(Is it fantasy, biography, drama,
comedy, science fiction, historical
drama, horror, romance, war, Biography, drama
western, romantic comedy, film
noir, documentary, etc.?)
Michael Oher, 17, has lived in foster care with
Synopsis (400 words) different families, due to the drug addiction of his
mother, who lives in Memphis, Tennessee. Every
time he was placed in a new home, he escaped. A
friend of his father, who gives him a place to sleep,
asks Burt Cotton (Ray McKinnon), coach of the
Wingate Christian School, to enroll his son and
Mike. Impressed by the size of Big Mike and his
aptitudes for the sport, Cotton receives him despite
his lousy academic record.

In his new school, Michael befriends a boy named

Sean Jr. "SJ" (Jae Head). SJ's mother, Leigh Anne
Tuohy (Sandra Bullock) is a strong interior designer
and wife of wealthy businessman Sean Tuohy (Tim
McGraw). Leigh Anne sees Michael walking down
the street in the rain, shivering in the cold, and when
she finds out that he intends to spend the night
curled up outside the school gym, he offers her a
place to sleep at home. In the morning, when he
sees Michael leave, he suggests spending
Thanksgiving with his family. Gradually, Michael
becomes a member of the Tuohy family.

When Leigh Anne seeks to become Michael's legal

guardian, she learns that she was separated from
her mother Denise Oher, with addiction problems
and her brother when she was 7 years old, so she
decides to look for her to ask for Michael's
documents and inform her of her intentions Denise
welcomes Leigh in his supposed house in bad
conditions, but fails to avoid crying when he
confesses that he did not remember who Michael's
father was or even have his birth certificate, in
addition to realizing that he intends to adopt him.

After improving his grades, Michael is admitted to

the school's football team. He has a bad start, due
to his kind and submissive nature, but Leigh Anne
recalls the strong protective instinct, and takes
advantage of it by telling him to consider his
teammates as if they were members of his family,
Michael dominates the field in the position of left
offensive tackle, the side that protects the
quarterback in his blind spot.
Michael is investigated by the NCAA process in
which things are misunderstood and many leave,
after facing bad friendships Michel prefers not to
follow these paths and meet Leigh Anne who
welcomes him, the family takes him to the university
where he managed to graduate and Be a
professional player.
Link of a trailer 

S1. I learned that you should always fight for

dreams despite adversities and that if it is in my
hands to help someone I must do it because not
everyone has the same opportunities.
S2. I learned that life is full of opportunities. That
you have to take advantage of them when they
arrive and be grateful to those who help us.
S3. A great teaching and all people have their
abilities and talents, many times we do not know
how to exploit these abilities. But above all, there
will always be someone willing to help us, support
us and motivate us to move forward despite the
What did you learn about the difficulties.
movie? S4. I learned  from the movie , that everyone in life
has a past  that affects us, that we are in a society
that matters more than appearances more than the
essence and soul of people . We are in a society of
discrimination and intolerance. I learned that you
must fight for dreams and desires  that are in your
heart , every day we have to face many obstacles
but if we fight we will  win.
S5. That there are many good human beings behind
some people who for society are scum or are seen
as garbage. That we must see beyond the simple
information that a face, skin color, face shape or
social condition can give us in order to address the
realities of each being.
How did the film make you feel? S1. There are several emotions throughout the
movie, I felt joy sadness and courage
S2. The movie moved me, it made me feel that I can
also contribute to the improvement in a person’s life
when I give him my help.
S3. At times it made me feel very sad and
compassion to reconsider how these cases occur
very often where boys and girls are in the hands of
their parents irresponsible kites without the number
of inappropriate actions without thinking about the
damage they can cause both at the moment and in
the future and especially the aftermath that this can
But I also felt great joy because we also see how
there are people who without expecting anything in
return help those who are most vulnerable, believe
in those that nobody believes and above all extend
their hand of collaboration. A great lesson as a
person outside our life without having family ties can
become someone so essential in our environment
S4. They are many mixed feelings  . sadness 
because in a society there is discrimination just for
having different skin color, there are no equal
opportunities, only white-skinned people have
priorities in many places around the world .
Happiness because there are people who see
beyond the common and the physical that are
placed in the place of people who suffer and are
rejected by others, and that have had to adapt to
different things in life. Also Michael was that
changed the lives of the people who gave him
support when he needed it most.
S5. It made me feel that sometimes we waste time
on really vain things, that there is an outside world
that needs a lot from us. It made me feel a lot of
strong emotions like sadness, fear, lack of
tolerance, being able to accept others as a child, the
fact that I could see the other side of myself in
others. And finally, that sometimes we waste time
with other things and don't spend time, we really
have our side to value it and grow together (family)
How does the movie relate to the S1. The movie allows me to practice English since
academic program you are this is the original language. I have difficulty
studying? understanding or mastering this language and the
movie shows that you should always fight for
dreams despite the obstacles.
S2. The relationship that I find between the film and
the sociology program is that through sociology the
problematic of the individual, his family and social
context, and the possible causes and consequences
of the relationships developed by him and around
him are analyzed.
S3.  We can see how the movie has a lot to do with
psychology issues, I see a young man with quite
complex family problems, his childhood was marked
by drugs, prostitution, etc. Since then they were
determined sequels and became cognitive
problems, self-esteem of learning in order to make
this child an insecure child who always had the
need to protect those around him. There are many
social problems that are represented in the film and
that have to do with psychology.
S4. Is very related , because I am preparing to help
people with different temperaments, different
problems and situations that I should guide in the
best way  , whit our help people can make the best 
decision in their life.
People should be heard , regardless of your social
status, your race ,your religion I must provide
support to those who need it.
S5. I consider it a lot, since it addresses social
issues, family relationships and human behavior in
the community. For others, it has a lot to do with the
relevance of the social theme in which the plot,
violence, abandonment and lack of public policies
that generate spaces and actions that serve
vulnerable populations, the daily bread of each day,
are woven. our country

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