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TRUE / FALSE - sunt 35 in total, profa ne a dat doar 32! :

1. The front page is the place where the less important content of the newspaper is
placed…….. F
2. The front page letter to the editor.…… F
3. The lead story is a story containing something about the personal life of one or more
individuals…..….. F
4. The editorial is an article or column which expresses the newspaper’s own point of view.
…... T
5. Classified ads are very short advertisements which are arranged under different
6. The headline is the title of the newspaper…….. F
7. An issue of a news paper is a newspaper in the form that it appears on Sunday…….. F
8. The daily telegraph…….. T
9. The daily mail…….. F
10. A broadsheet has a larger format than a tabloid,smaller headlines and longer stories
about real events…….. T
11. The masthead is the top of front page carrying the name of the paper…….. T
12. Future articles who had recently died…….. F
13. Newspaper……….T
14. There are never verb changes…….. F
15. In the headlines passes by……... T
16. In the headlines gems………. F
17. Newspaper headlines use words that are usually…more dramatic…….. T
18. The headline: star wedding……… F
19. The headline: storm couple saved by love refers……. T
20. An editorial it’s an article in a newspaper or magazine that expresses the opinion of
ordinary people…….. F
21. Editorial are generally printed……. T
22. Editorials often deal with current events…….. T
23. The main function of …….. F
24. A leader writer is a senior journalist who is charged with writing the paper’s
editorial…….. T
25. Bowdlerizer is an editor responsible for illustrations and layouts in printed matter……… F
26. A hack is a journalist sometimes referred to insultingly………. T
27. A letter to the editor is a………. T
28. All newspapers…..don’t accept anonymous letters……..F
29. All newspapers publishes……to label……. F
30. Letters to newspapers……… F
31. We often study a new story…cultural information………. T
32. Letter to the editor which end to a question………. F
33.The Front Page is,to a certain extent,a précis of the whole newspaper,for it
often summarizes the main stories to be found on the inside pages………T
34.A tabloid newspaper focuses essentially on real news than sensational….F
35.In the headline “James Wood to Visit Portland” the infinitive indicates the
Present continuous………….F


1. Choose the correct forms of the verbs:

He ...........................(think) about his new movie and the main actor who is appearing in another movie
this month.

a. thinks
b. is thinking
c. thought
d. was been thinking
2. Choose the correct forms of the verbs:

The policemen stated in their report that there..................(appear) to be a fight between hooligans and
a. appears
b. has appeared
c. appeared
d. was appearing
3. Choose the correct forms of the verbs:

How do you know that the article.......(not tell) the truth?

a. do not tell
b. does not tell
c. does not telling
d. is not telling
4. Choose the correct forms of the verbs:

There had been an accident and men...............(carry) the injured people to an ambulance.
a. are carrying
b. carry
c. were carrying
d. is carrying

5. Choose the correct forms of the verbs:

The actors walked to the front stage, ........(take) a bow and.......(wave) to the audience.

a. took, waved
b. took, waven
c. taken, waved
d. taking, waving
6. Choose the correct forms of the verbs:

What..........(to be) the role of the press in the election process?

a. was been
b. will be being
c. were being
d. has been
7. Choose the correct forms of the verbs:

These statesmen ............(to be) corrupt since the beginning of the campaign.

a. are
b. have been
c. were
d. has been
8. Choose the correct forms of the verbs:

They.........(to walk) for five hours when they finally arrived.

a. have been walking

b. had been walking
c. has been walking
d. had be walking
9. Choose the correct forms of the verbs :

He...............(apologize) the president because he........(miss) the press conference.

a. had apologized, had missed

b. apologized, had missed
c. has apologize, has miss
d. appologized, was missed

10. Choose the correct forms of the verbs:

The flight assistant will ask the passengers to put their seat belts when the plane......(take off).

a. takes off
b. will take off
c. will be taken off
d. taking off
11. Choose the correct forms of the verbs :

By the end of the month he.............(teach) here for five years.

a. will be taught
b. will be going to teach
c. will have taught
d. will be being teaching
12. Choose the correct forms of the verbs:

In two weeks’ time they.......(finish) their preliminary training and .......(start) working.

a. will have finished, will have started

b. will have finish, will have start
c. will have finishing, will have starting
d. will be finished, will be started
13. Choose the correct forms of the verbs:

By the end of the year they.......(send) out 3,000 letters asking for contributions.

a. will have sending

b. will be sent
c. will have sent
d. will have send
14. Choose the correct forms of the verbs:

They..........(hold) him in the city jail until he can contact his lawyer.

a. were holding
b. had been holding
c. are being held
d. are holding
15. Choose the correct forms of the verbs:

The police..........(arrest) him if they catch him.

a. would arrest
b. would have arrested
c. will arrest
d. will have arrest
16. Choose the correct forms of the verbs:

More tourists............(come) to this country if it had a better climate.

a. would come
b. would have come
c. would came
d. will come
17. Choose the correct forms of the verbs:

If you............(not belong) to a union you couldn’t get a job.

a. weren’t belonging
b. didn’t belong
c. wouldn’t belong
d. hadn’t belonged
18. Choose the correct forms of the verbs:

He would have been arrested if he.......(try) to leave the country.

a. will try
b. had tried
c. would try
d. would have tried
19. Choose the correct form of the verb :

I .......never ..................(teach) a better lesson.

a. have been thought

b. have been tought
c. have been taught
d. have been teached
20. Choose the correct form of the verb:

The editor-in-chief was pleased with the way he.........(deal) with the client.

a. deals
b. had dealt
c. had dealed
d. is dealing

21. Choose the correct form of the verb:

The weathercast said that because of the sudden fall in temperature everything........(freeze).
a. is frozen
b. was frozen
c. is freeze
d. was freezed
22. Choose the correct form of the verb:

After she had read the letter she...........(tear) it into two.

a. tears
b. tored
c. tore
d. teared
23. Choose the correct form of the verb:

What we.............(talk) about these headlines is very interesting.

a. talked
b. have been talking
c. were talking
d. had talked
24. Choose the correct form of the verb:

Please buy me some newspapers if you................(go) downtown.

a. will go
b. have gone
c. go
d. went

25. Choose the correct form of the verb:

He had an accident because he..................(drive) too fast.

a. was driving
b. drove
c. has driven
d. drives

26. Choose the most appropriate answer:

It’s been a while since we last saw each other,............?

a. didn’t we
b. isn’t it
c. did we
d. hasn’t it
27. Choose the proper verbal form:

The editor warned her that unless write the article, she would miss the deadline, but
she wouldn’t listen.

a. doesn’t begin
b. began
c. didn’t begin
d. begins
28. Choose the correct forms of the verbs:

By the time the reporter........(come) from the meeting, we .................lunch.

a. will come, will already have

b. comes, will already have had
c. will comes, would already have
d. will be coming, will have already eaten

29. Choose the correct form of the verb:

I wondered how long.............(graduate) from the faculty of journalism.

a. did she graduate

b. she had graduated
c. did she graduated
d. had she graduated
30. Choose the correct forms of the verbs :
I didn’t figure out why they..........(stare) at me for so long, so I asked them what....................

a. have been staring, the matter is

b. were staring, had matter
c. had been staring, the matter was
d. had been staring, is the matter
31. Choose the correct forms of the verbs:

He knew they..........(listen) to me unless I............(draw) their attention by saying something funny.

a. wouldn’t listen, drew

b. won’t listen, drew
c. won’t listen, don’t draw
d. wouldn’t listen, didn’t draw
32. Choose the correct form of the verb:

Eventually, she regretted she.........(fall) in love with that reporter as they were in the same team.

a. falls
b. felled
c. had fallen
d. had fellen

33. Choose the correct form of the verb :

I don’t recall whether they..........(shake) hands or not.

a. shaked
b. shook
c. had shaked
d. has shaken
34. Choose the correct forms of the verbs:

As far as I remember, you..........(tell) us what time the plane.............(take off).

a. didn’t tell, took off

b. didn’t tell to, would take off
c. didn’t told, will take off
d. didn’t tell, will take off
35. Choose the correct form of the verb:

...............the soldier............(forget) that he had been forbidden to talk about their mission in Irak?

a. Did...forgot
b. Did....forget
c. Has....forgetten
d. The....forgot
36. Turn into the indirect speech. Choose the most appropriate form:

“Don’t waste your time because time is precious”, they advised me.

a. They advised me to waste not my time because time was precious.

b. They advised me not to waste my time because time was precious.
c. They advised me to not waste my time because time is precious.
37. Turn into the indirect speech.Choose the most appropriate form:

“I owe my life to you, Doctor!”, the reporter said.

a. The reporter said the doctor that he owed his life to him.
b. The reporter told the doctor that he owes his life to him.
c. The reporter told the doctor that he owed his life to him.
38. Turn into the reported speech.Choose the most appropriate form:

“I’m afraid we didn’t go back to the hotel last night”, they said.

a. They admitted they didn’t go back to the hotel the night before.
b. They recognized they hadn’t gone back to the hotel last night.
c. They admitted they hadn’t gone back to the hotel the night before.
39. Change from the indirect into the direct speech,by choosing the proper form:

She asked me who that was.

a. “Who that was?”

b. “Who was that?”
c. “Who is this?”
d. “Who this is?”
40. Change from the inditect into the direct speech,by choosing the proper form:
He asked me if I had seen the new stadium the previous Sunday.

a. “Have you seen the new stadium the previous Sunday?”

b. “Did you saw the new stadium last Sunday?”
c. “Have you seen the new stadium last Sunday?”
d. “Did you see the new stadium last Sunday?”
41. Change the sentence from the indirect into the direct speech,by choosing the appropriate form:

I wanted to know if he had ever been to Greece.

a. “Were you ever to Greece?”

b. “Had you ever be to Greece?”
c. “Have you ever been to Greece?”
d. “Did you ever was to Greece?”
42. Change the sentence from the indirect into the direct speech,by choosing the good form:

She agreed she didn’t go to the theatre every week.

a. “You are right! I didn’t go to the theatre every week.”

b. “It is true! I don’t use to go to the theatre in every week.”
c. “You are right! I don’t go to the theatre every week.”
d. “I agree! I hadn’t gone to the theatre every week.”
43. Choose the correct forms of the verbs:

My daughter..............(to be) a journalist when she...............(grow) up.

a. is going to be, grows up

b. will be, grow up
c. will be, will grow up
d. is gonna be, will have grown up
44. Change the sentence from the direct into the indirect speech,by choosing the proper form:

“How boring the press conference was!”, they say.

a. Everybody complained how boring the press conference was.

b. Everybody complains that the press conference was boring
c. Everybody complains that the press conference had been boring.
d. Everybody complained that how boring had been the press conference.
45. Choose the correct form of the verb:

We simply couldn’t remember what we...............(see) there.

a. had saw
b. see
c. had seen
d. had see
46. Choose the correct form of the verb:

She promised she.................(tell) me her opinion about the editor-in-chief after she had met him.

a. will tell
b. would have told
c. will been telling
d. would tell

47. Change the sentence from the direct into the indirect speech,by choosing the proper form:

“Leave us alone!”, they asked us.

a. They asked us to leave them alone.

b. They asked us leaving them alone.
c. They asked us to leave they alone.
d. They asked us leave them alone

48. Translate into English (choose the correct sentence) :

Trebuie sa recunoasteti ca niciodata nu ati fost interesati de opinia noastra, nu-i asa?

a. You must to admit that you never were interested in our opinion, were you?
b. You must admit that you have never been interested by our opinion, haven’t you?
c. You must admit that you have never been interested in our opinion, have you?
49. Translate into English (choose the correct sentence) :

Vor incepe sa tipareasca ziarul de indata ce vor primi banii.

a. They will start printing the newspaper as soon as they receive the money.
b. They will begin to print the newspaper as soon as they will receive the money.
c. They will begin printing the newspaper as soon as they received the money.
50. Translate into English (choose the correct sentence) :

Inca nu l-am intrebat cat timp ii va lua sa termine de scris articolul.

a. Still I didn’t ask him how long it takes him to finish writing the article.
b. I haven’t asked him yet how long would it take him to finish writing the article.
c. I haven’t asked him yet how long it would take him to finish writing the article.

51. Translate into English (choose the correct sentence) :

Cercetatorii au discutat despre introducerea unei legi care sa protejeze oamenii impotriva
concedierii incorecte.

a. The researchers had talked about the introduction of a law who protect people against
unfair dismissal.
b. The researchers talked about the introduction of a law to protect people against unfair
c. The researchers talked about the introducing of a law to protect people against unfair
52. Translate into English (choose the correct sentence) :

Daca el va dori sa reuseasca in aceasta slujba va trebui sa invete sa se inteleaga cu colegii lui putin
mai bine.

a. If he will want to succeed in this job, he will have to learn to get along with his colleagues
a little better.
b. If he wants to succeed at this job, he would have to learn to get together with his
colleagues a little better.
c. If he wants to succeed in this job, he will have to learn to get along with his colleagues a
little better.
53. Translate into English (choose the correct sentence) :

Reporterul a refuzat slujba pentru ca era prea prost platita.

a. The reporter turned the job low because he was too badly paid.
b. The reporter turned the job down because it was too badly paid.
c. The reporter turned the job apart because it was too bad paid.
54. Translate into English (choose the correct sentence) :

Cum sti ca articolul nu spune adevarul?

a. How do you know that the article is not telling the truth?
b. How know you that the article is not telling the truth?
c. How are you knowing that the article is not telling the truth?

55. Translate into English (choose the correct sentence) :

Presedintele nu a vrut sa fie recunoscut, asa ca a calatorit incognito.

a. The president wanted not to be recognized, so he travelled incognito.

b. The president did not wanted to be recognized, so he travelled incognito.
c. The president did not want to be recognized, so he travelled incognito.
56. Translate into English (choose the correct sentence) :

George Bush a lesinat in timp ce se uita la un meci de fotbal.

a. George Bush was fainting while he watched a football match.

b. George Bush fainted while she was watching a football match.
c. George Bush fainted while he has been watching a football match.
57. Translate into English (choose the correct sentence) :

Nu are rost sa protejam animalele daca oamenii nu iau masuri sa protejeze si planeta.

a. It’s no worth protecting the animals unless people take steps to protect the planet as well.
b. There’s no worth to protect the animals unless people take steps to protect the planet as
c. It’s no worth protecting the animals unless people don’t take steps to protect the planet as
58. Translate into English (choose the correct sentence) :

Primul ministru vorbeste publicului de jumatate de ora.

a. The Prime Minister has been spoken to the audience for half an hour.
b. The Prime Minister has be speaking to the audience since half an hour.
c. The Prime Minister has been speaking to the audience for half an hour.
59. Translate into English (choose the correct sentence) :

Ei tocmai au terminat de facut un sondaj de opinie.

a. They just finished making an opinion survey.

b. They have just finished doing an opinion survey.
c. They are just finished doing an opinion survey.
60. Translate into English (choose the correct sentence) :

Domnul Johnson s-a pensionat la 70 de ani, dupa ce lucrase 40 de ani pentru aceeasi companie.

a. Mr.Johnson retired at 70 years old, after he had worked forty years for the same company.
b. Mr.Johnson had retired at 70 years old, after he had worked forty years for the same
c. Mr.Johnson had had retired at 70 years old after he has worked forty years for the same
61. Translate into English (choose the correct sentence) :

Progresele pe care le-au facut erau mai mari decat sperasera ei vreodata.

a. The progress they made is bigger than they ever hoped.

b. The progress they made was better than they had ever hoped.
c. The progresses they made were better than they had ever hoped.
62. Translate into English (choose the correct sentence) :

Lumea va ramane in sala de asteptare pana cand autobuzul va fi anuntat.

a. The people stay in the waiting room until the bus is announced.
b. The people will be staying in the waiting room until the bus will be announced.
c. The people will be staying in the waiting room until the bus is announced.
63. Translate into English (choose the correct sentence) :

Purtatorul de cuvant a spus ca ei vor vizita mina in ziua urmatoare.

a. The spokesman said that they will visit the mine the next day.
b. The spokesman said that they would visit the mine the next day.
c. The spokesman said that they would visited the mine the next day.
64. Translate into English (choose the correct sentence) :
Uita-te la acest studiu, el o sa fie ales presedinte al partidului sau.

a. Look at this survey, he will have been elected president of his party.
b. Look at this survey, he would have been elected president of his party.
c. Look at this survey, he is goint to be elected president of his party.
65. Translate into English (choose the correct sentence) :

El a evadat in timp ce era mutat dintr-o inchisoare in alta.

a. He escaped while he was being moved from one prison to another.

b. He has escaped while he was being moving from one prison to another.
c. He escaped while he was moving from one prison to another.
66. Translate into English (choose the correct sentence) :

Cladirea urma sa fie inaugurata de primar.

a. The building was being inaugurated by the mayor.

b. The building was to being inaugurated by the mayor.
c. The building was to be inaugurated by the mayor.
67. Translate into English (choose the correct sentence) :

Lumea crede ca el urmeaza sa fie ales noul presedinte.

a. People are believing that he will be the new president.

b. People believe that he is to be elected the new president.
c. People believe that he is being electing the new president.
68. Translate into English (choose the correct sentence) :

“Daca va ploua in aceasta dupa amiaza, va fi prea ud ca sa jucam meciul maine”, a spus capitanul.

a. “If it rained this afternoon, it will be too wet to play the match tomorrow”, the captain
b. “If it rains this afternoon, it would be too wet to play the match tomorrow”, the captain
c. “If it rains this afternoon, it will be too wet to play the match tomorrow”, the captain said.
69. Translate into English (choose the correct sentence) :

“Acesti oameni au fost dependenti de droguri”, a spus doctorul.

a. “These people were drugs addicts”, the doctor said.

b. “These peoples were drugs addicts”, the doctor said.
c. “This people were drug addicted”, the doctor said.
70. Translate into English (choose the correct sentence) :

Martora a declarat ca nu ii este frica sa spuna adevarul.

a. The witness declared that she is not afraid to tell the truth.
b. The witness declared that she was not afraid to tell the truth.
c. The witness declared that she does not afraid to tell the truth.
71. Translate into English (choose the correct sentence) :

Nu s-ar fi inrolat in armata daca ar fi stiut ca este atat de greu.

a. He wouldn’t have joined the army, if he had known it was so hard.

b. He wouldn’t join in the army, if he had known it was so hard.
c. He wouldn’t have joined the army, if he knew it is so hard.
72. Translate into English (choose the correct sentence) :

De ce fel de informatii ai spus ca ai nevoie?

a. Of what kind of information you said you need?

b. What sort of information did you said you needed?
c. What kind of information did you say you needed?

73. Editurile se ocupa deseori de evenimetele curente sau de controversele publice.

-to deal with controversies

74. Prima pagina este intr-o oarecare masura un rezumat al intregului...

-to a certain extent

75. Incercarea de a define ceea ce constituie sterile este o treaba delicate.

-constitutes news

76. Stirile tari se refera la o poveste in care timpul este un factor important.

-in which time

77.Stirile slabe nu au legatura cu timpul..

-soft news
78. Scrisorile de la cititori sunt scrise de catre oameni obisnuiti care apartin unei intregi varietati de
medii sociale si educationale.

-ordinary people…social and educational backgrounds.

79. Caricaturile, benzile desenate si glumele sunt plasate in ziare pentru a provoca rasul si de a trezi

-cartoons, comic strips

80. Fotografiile si imaginile fac ziarul mai interesant.

-get the news paper

 I’d better lose weight. Hadn’t I ?

 Nothing would be better now than a press conference. Would it?

LEXIC – Choose the best synonyms!

1. Gist = essence
2. Skim = to read superficial
3. Browse = to look through
4. Jack up = to improve
5. to quiz = to question
6. Vowed = promised
7. Push = support
8. Aired = discuss openly
9. Seized = confiscate
10. Breed = attempt

Choose the correct word…

 Daily telegraph…………………… = broadsheet
 The daily mail…………………….. = circulation
 A…focused essentially on…… = tabloid
 Obituary……………………………. = funeral article
Choose the good answer…

1. Nr. of copies……. = circulation…

2. Column…………… = vertical section of words…
3. Classified………… = short ad…
4. Article about someone who died = obituary
5. Top of the front page = masthead
6. Exclusive story = scoop
7. A car with 2 doors = coupé
8. A regular traveler = commutation
9. A long journey = voyage
10. Correspondent = a person who communicates..
11. Columnist = someone who writes columns
12. Bowdlerized = a person who removes obscene images
13. Drawing picture, amusing = cartoon
14. A series of comic… = comic strips
15. Extremely funny events = side splitters
16. To use money = emblezzment
17. Chop down = cut
18. Desecrate = treat without respect
19. To deter(a impiedica, a opri) = to hobble ????
20. To turn a blind eye = pretend not to know
21. To reverse = change completed
22. ………(tzanci) = small children
23. A person traveling on foot = pedestrian

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