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My personality and character are two important features that make me who I am.

Although I may have some weaknesses in my character, I am basically the up beat

type. I try to be as happy as I can most of the time. Everyone cannot please each other
but if everyone pleases themselves and are cheerful most of the time, I feel that it is a
better start to put yourself in life. Being down or depressed come with everyone’s
character at some point. When I come across this point in life, it is one of my weak
situations. When something happens that hurts my feelings or makes me angry, the
outcome is always sadness, I let my emotions out but crying or keeping quiet to myself.
Depending on what the situation, the cause of my anger and hurt stays on my mind for
along period of time. Also, if somebody puts me down with comments of actions, I try to
ignore it but inside I know I am better that words or actions and I prove it by letting
things go. In some opinions it is a factor of jealousy so the result is usually anger. I most
definitely resemble my character in these ways. And also my personality is kind or
unkind when I need and I want to be. Unless someone really is on my bad side, I have
respect for them and will always treat them exactly how I expect to be treated.
Otherwise , do not talk about me and play whildish games. I come with my personality
so if you like how I act you’ll lobe being around me. My friends usually consider my the
goody outgoing me. I am unique as well. I am not really a hard person to please and I
do not feel embarrassed much.

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