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of mathematical ideas that took place ity," also the source of the Music of

between China and the other cultural Spheres that Pythagoreans referred to
centres (p. 212). Yes, we should distin- when required to swear (Fig. 1).
guish among claims, beliefs, and his- It was perhaps because he was im-
torical facts. pressed by the mathematical consis-
Fig. 1
Sometimes Joseph does not notice tency of consonance that Pythagoras
that he disproves his own argumenta- devised the idea that Number is the
tion. He complains about Eurocen- and calculation in music," while in substance of the Universe.
trism because it cannot bring itself to Paris the Forum dealt with "Mathe- Be that as it may, on an instrument
face the idea of independent develop- matical logic and musical logic in the consisting of a single taut string vibrat-
ments in early Indian mathematics, twentieth century." ing on a sounding board and fitted with
even as a remote possibility. But he These three topics are covered in a keys that make it possible to select suit-
does not concede this possibility to the fairly balanced way in this book, five able lengths of the stli_ng being vibrated,
Greeks with regard to the earlier cul- articles dealing with the first topic, one obtains with the Tetraktys the in-
tures of the Near East. By all means, it seven with the second, and four with tervals known as octaves, fifths, and
is a too condescending attitude to con- the last. All these articles are of signif- fourths. Figure 2 represents such a sin-
cede only "that the Greek approach to icant interest, whether from a histori- gle-stringed instrument (e.g., the Vosges
mathematics produced some [!] re- cal or theoretical point of view. Bringing spinet, still used today by certain folk
markable results" (p. 346). them together in the same publication groups in Eastern France) with the cor-
Thus the reader is left with mixed sheds magnificent light on the dialogue responding modern names of the notes.
feelings. While Joseph rightly rejects the and mutual enrichment that Mathe- Musical instruments such as the
hegemony of a Western version of math- matics and Music have developed over tetrachord lyre may also be built with
ematics, he is inclined to replace it by the centuries [1] [2] [3] [4]. four strings having these same lengths
another one, although he explicitly The first article, by Manuel Pedro (L, L/2, L/3, L/4) that produce simulta-
states that "since the first edition we are Ferreira, deals with the musical the- neous sounds. The respective tensions
no closer to gathering further definitive ory constructed by Pythagoras. Two are adjusted so that the sound pro-
evidence of transmission of mathemati- sounds from the same taut string are duced by each string is that of the
cal knowledge to Europe" (p. 354). said to be consonant when they are string having the same length on the
pleasing to listen to simultaneously. In monochord.
Institut for Philosophie, Wissenschaftstheorie the Greek cultural arena of that period The article describes the improve-
Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichte such sounds are produced by lengths ments brought to this theory by Philo-
Technische Universit~t Berlin of string that are inversely proportional laus and others. The chief result of that
10587 Berlin to the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4. These period was obtained by Archytas, who
Germany compose the famous Tetraktys (1 + demonstrated the need for unequal
e-mail: 2 + 3 + 4 = 10), a diagram of figured divisions in order to obtain all the con-
numbers symbolising pure harmony, sonants comprised in an octave. He
the "vertical hierarchy of relation be- recognised the importance of arithmetic,
tween Unity and emerging multiplic- geometric, and harmonic means. This
Mathematicsand Music.A
Diderot MathematicalForum
edited by G. Assayag, H.-G.
Feichtinger, and J. F. Rodrigues Length L/4 : obtained sound So]3,fourth of R63,and octave of Sol2

Length L/3 : obtained sound R63,fifth of Sole
288 PP., US $84.95. ISBN 3-540-43727 4


Length L/2 : obtained sound S012,octave of Soil

he book under review brings to-

T gether sixteen contributions to the
Total length L of the vibrating string: its vibration gives the sound designated by Soil

Diderot Mathematical Forum held un-

der the auspices of the European Math-
t ,, , t
ematical Society, simultaneously in
Lisbon, Paris, and Vienna, with tele- Sounding box with keys
conference exchanges, on 3 and 4 De-
cember 1999. The conference in Lisbon
covered "Historical aspects," the topic
in Vienna was "Mathematical methods Fig. 2

9 2005 Springer Science+BusinessMedta, Inc , Volume27, Number3, 2005 6 g

G1 G2 D3 G3 B3 D4
L L/2 L/3 L/4 L/5 ~6

Octave Perfect Perfect Major Minor

1/2 fifth fourth third third
2/3 3/4 4/5 5/6

Fig. 3

allowed him to enrich the range of as new ways of combining rhythms. such a project. Yet, once rid of its ab-
sounds used and their associated in- However, this culmination of the surd objective, this statement aptly
tervals (Fig. 3). pythagorean musical base that had de- sums up the concept of music prevail-
The reference made to Aristox- veloped over many centuries eventu- ing in Renaissance and Baroque times,
enus---a pupil of Aristotle who totally ally degenerated in the following cen- founded on number and its symbolism,
rejected pythagorean harmony in fav- tury because it proved to be inadequate a source of beauty and harmony. It ac-
our of a musical theory based on the for responding to the new aesthetic tually sets it in an oriental tradition
continuous sounds perceived by the trends that were appearing as well as the considerably older than the Greeks,
ear, as well as on the tensions of the practical needs of musicians. Those who that considered number as the handi-
strings and their relaxation t i m e - - were concerned with the tuning of their work of God who ordered all things in
shows the rich diversity of musical keyboard instrument were led to con- measure, number, and weight (Wisdom
thinking in Ancient Greece. sider the problem of temperament [5]. of Solomon 11.17) and on which all the
However, the most interesting as- Having had one's mind brilliantly work of Man rests. Kronecker's well-
pect of this article, whose numerous stimulated by such an article, one is led known phrase "God created number,
references provide ample scope for to wonder about the Byzantine evolu- all the rest is the work of Man," draws
digging deeper, is certainly the de- tion, geographically so close to the its inspiration from the same source.
scription of the rich musical evolution Greek source; regrettably, however, In fact, Kircher's book develops the
flowing from the Greek roots into the this aspect is not touched upon in the musical ideas of the minim monk Mar-
Latin world and right up to the four- article. One wonders too what was inus Mersennus (Marin Mersenne), in
teenth century of our era. In St. Au- the contribution of the ancient manu- particular the combinatory approach
gustine's De Musica, written at the end scripts passed on by the "sons of the contained in his Harmonia Univer-
of the fourth century, rhythms are also Greeks," as the Arabs of the time called salis, written in 1636. The article un-
classified according to their propor- themselves. Fortunately the article refers fortunately does not speak of Mersenne's
tions (the proportional notation used to the influence of Arabian and Persian activity as the science correspondent
today came much later). Then in the music in the Cantigas of the Iberian of the whole of Europe, nor of his
ninth century, Carolingian policy in Peninsula, and the contribution of the creation in 1635 of the Academia
educational and ecclesiastical matters reading of the ancients, thanks to the Parisiensis, the ancestor of the future
defined new practices. It encouraged translation in the twelfth century of the Acad~mie des Sciences; nor does it
the use of neumes that indicate the in- musical treatise by A1 Farabi. mention the measurement of the speed
flexions of the voice, but not the pitch Eberhard Knobloch's article pro- of sound that he obtained in 1636, nor
of the sounds. The names Do, Re, Mi, vides a novel answer by introducing his discovery of the higher harmonics
Fa, Sol, etc., appeared with Guido the concepts of Athanasius Kircher, of a string. No mention is made either
d'Arezzo in the eleventh century, de- who in 1650 wrote Musurgia Univer- of his systematic use of the notion of
rix4ng from the syllables at the begin- salis. Kircher quotes Hermes Tris- frequency, introduced at the time by
ning of the stanzas (voces) of a hymn megistos, the mystical author who was Galileo Galilei. Mersenne was a student
addressed to St John the Baptist, writ- so loved by the Medicis and Pico della of the latter's work and was familiar
ten around 770 A.D. The notes (claves) Mirandola: "Music is nothing else than with the law that gives the frequency
are also designated by letters, a prac- to know the order of all things." This of the fundamental v i b r a t i o n f of a vi-
tice that is still in use today in English- very pythagorean concept postulates brating string having a length L with a
speaking countries (La = A, Ti = B, that Music is a part of Mathematics linear mass p and with tension F:
Do = C, . . . ) and in Germany (with (and consequently a science). For
some specificities). Finally, polyphony Kircher, this is a relevant concept f=~- .
created new needs for harmonic when seeking to help someone having
mastery, the response coming from virtually no knowledge of the mastery This formula is merely mentioned in
Philippe de Vitry in the fourteenth cen- of sounds to acquire an in-depth knowl- the Discorsi, written in 1638 by
tury with his Ars Nova: in this work he edge of musical composition. Pythago- Galileo, the son of the musician Vin-
defined new musical notations as well ras doubtless would have disowned cenzo Galilei, and it was written in this

m o d e r n form only in 1715, by Brook tury bell-ringers and the rules laid history of acoustics, a w o r d invented
Taylor. The limited part of Mersen- down by Fabian Stedman [7] is but a by Joseph Sauveur, who professed
ne's w o r k mentioned in the b o o k is short step, but one which none of the mathematics at the Coll~ge de France
nonetheless of major interest and sets articles in this b o o k dares to take. On from 1686. Dumb until the age of seven
the record straight regarding a number the other hand, the approach taken and deaf for the whole of his life, it is
of misconceptions as to the history of does shed light on musical analysis, as he who looked more closely at the ob-
science at that time. may be seen in the article by Laurent servation made by Mersenne that there
In his H a r m o n i a U n i v e r s a l i s , Mer- Fichet, and makes it possible to extend exist higher harmonics: a string may
senne sets out the table of all the values one's horizon, as in Marc Chemillier's vibrate in several parts around nodes
of the number of permutations with n article dedicated to ethnomusicology. that remain faxed. The b o o k makes
elements up to n = 64. He discusses The formula mentioned earlier re- scant mention of the w o r k of Bernoulli
non-repetitive arrangements P ( n , p ) = lating to the fundamental frequency of or Euler. It remains almost completely
n ( n - 1) . . . (n - p + 1) and combina- a string, in turn allows a better under- silent concerning the discovery in 1747
tions C ( n , p ) = P ( n , p ) = P ( n , p ) / P ( p , p ) . standing of the problem of tempera- by d'Alembert of the partial differential
He solves the problem of calculating the ment. It consists of seeking to divide equation of vibrating strings:
n u m b e r of combinations presented by an octave into twelve equal intervals,
~2y _ ~2 02Y
a given type of repetitions. This he does and therefore to identify rational num-
Ot2 Ox 2 "
thirty years before Leibniz succeeds in bers that simultaneously come as close
obtaining, with a few errors, the same as possible to the irrational real num- It is in fact the solution of this equation
results in his "schoolboy's essay" D e bers 2 (1/12), 2 (2/12), 2 (3/12), . . . , 2 (11/12), that makes Sauveur's discoveries un-
Arte Combinatoria, and well before being aware that a trained ear will per- derstandable. However, research ac-
the combinatorial work of Fermat and ceive any deviation that is too signifi- tivity on sound was so extensive at the
Pascal. If n is the maximum n u m b e r cant. This leaves plenty of margin for time that to describe it would be an al-
possible of notes for a song c o m p o s e d n u m e r o u s systems, and the remarkable most impossible task. We would need
with p different notes, of which rl dis- article by Benedetto Scilneni pre- to mention Wallis, Newton, La Hire,
tinct notes appear once, r2 distinct sents the choice p r o p o s e d by Gio- not forgetting Bach, Rousseau, and so
notes appear t w i c e , . . . , and using in seffo Zarlino in his work L e I s t i t u t i o n i many others; one would necessarily
fact r = r l + r 2 + 9 9 9 +r,,~ distinct harmonicae [8], published in 1558: have to be selective. The selection
notes in all, Mersenne gives the total made in the b o o k is particularly rele-
10/9, 9/8, 6/5, 5/4, 4/3,
n u m b e r of possibilities for the corre- vant, but makes one want a new Fo-
3/2, 8/5, 5/3, 16/9, 9/5.
sponding songs: rum, to take the question deeper by re-
Galileo's father quarrelled with ferring to the activities of other authors
Zarlino because he preferred 18/17 to who have been left out.
rl!r2! . . . r m ! ( n - r)!
10/9. But of course, whatever choice The article by Jean Dhombres ex-
For 22 possible notes, of which 7 dis- one makes, the practical issue is the plores another major historical mile-
tinct ones are repeated according to tuning of instruments, in particular stone, by referring to the interest shown
the type 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, Mersenne harpsichords with several octaves and by Lagrange around 1760 in musical
shows that there are 3,581,424 possible the largest possible number of tones. texts and the theory of instruments. In
songs. Is it therefore not understand- The article referred to here mentions h i s R e c h e r c h e s s u r la n a t u r e et la p r o p -
able that it was the analogy with the the remarkable w o r k undertaken on a g a t i o n d u s o n he gives a definition of
combinatorics derived from gaming these questions by Giuseppe Tartini, the integral of a function as a limit. No
that led Mozart to devise a musical Daniel Strfihle, and Christoph Gottlieb more number theory and geometry. He
game allowing the players to produce Schr6ter. One of the most fascinating shows that the same differential equa-
waltzes by throwing dice [6]? This then aspects is the connection with the so- tion appears in the vibrations of strings
poses the question of the link between lution to Pell/Fermat's equation in Tar- and those of air. He discovers the or-
musical creativity and chance. One tini's T r a t t a t t o d i M u s i c a : thogonal relationship of sine and cosine.
may indeed w o n d e r if certain of Yet Lagrange cannot be considered to be
x 2 - 2 y 2 = 1.
Haydn's compositions were not in- the inventor either of series or of the
spired by similar methods. This point In fact, this becomes obvious when Fourier analysis. It was indeed Fourier
is not mentioned, even though his 41st one realises that the above also leads to who recognised the universality of the
piano sonata is quoted in the article by coming as close as possible to the irra- calculus discovered by Lagrange in his
Wilfrid Hodges and Robin J. Wilson tional 2 (6/12) = ~ with a rational num- study of musical sounds. From a math-
dedicated to musical forms. Speaking ber, a classic problem of diophantine ematical point of view, the next stages
of combinatorics raises the possibility analysis, which is much simpler than in this millennial adventure, which are
of using the group of permutations of the previous problem of simultaneous not covered in this book, are the march
objects that one arranges and com- approximation of the twelfth roots of 2. towards distributions [10] and the
bines . . . . F r o m there to seeing Galois's The b o o k is incomplete if one con- deeper understanding of spectral analy-
theory in the practice of sixteenth cen- siders it from the point of view of the sis [11] and group representations [12].

9 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., Volume 27, Number 3, 2005 71

Today the Music of corpuscles and defining this concept today, and hence an intellectual point of view. He con-
solitons is taking the place of the Mu- leads to falling back on the study of the firms that the new alliance between mu-
sic of spheres and mermaids. Consid- practices involved in musical produc- sic and mathematics announced by
erations of the multiple infinitely small tion, free from mathematical, acoustic Pierre Lamothe in 2000 on his Web site
(chaos?) are replacing those on the sin- (physical), and psycho-physiological is forging ahead, though using paths
gle infinitely great (the cosmos?). The tutelage. Such a loss of meaning is in other than those he had envisaged [16].
bifurcation took place at the end of the total contradiction of the tradition of a This new alliance between pleasure
eighteenth century, at the very moment relationship between music and logic, and science cannot but enrich both
when musicians were being pushed as illustrated in the double organisa- parties. It might even constitute a rem-
into the category of artists, whose role tion of ancient knowledge of liberal edy for the desertion from mathemati-
was to provide pleasure for the pre- arts in the form of trivium (grammar, cal studies observed in our times, when
sent, and mathematicians into the cat- rhetoric, logic) and mathematical knowledge and work are parcelled out
egory of scientists, building the society quadrivium (arithmetic or the number piecemeal. The pleasure derived from
of the future. in itself, geometry or the number in reading this remarkable work is very
The remainder of the book presents space, music or the number in time, as- great. The reviewer is convinced that
four articles by Giovanni De Poli and tronomy or the number in space and other Mathematics and Music initia-
Davide Rocchesso, by Erich Neuwirth, time). Yet it is thoroughly contempo- tives need to be taken, and that there
by Xavier Serra, and by Jean-Claude rary. It also sets itself completely apart is no lack of topics to be covered.
Risset on the application of modern from the theories that Marin Mersenne
digital sound technology. There are proclaimed in his Traitd de l'harmonie Acknowledgement
new acoustic domains being explored, universelle published in October 1627 I am indebted to the non-mathemati-
such as the impact of non-linearity, under the pseudonym Francois de Ser- cian Andrew Wiles for the English
the hearer's perception, the use of mes [15]. Theorem 1: Music is a part of translation.
computerised toolboxes to produce mathematics and consequently a sci-
sounds, texture compositions, and ence, capable of showing the causes, BIBLIOGRAPHY
acoustic illusions. The proliferation is effects, and properties of sounds, [1] htt p://www, medieval.og/emfaa/harmony/
huge and shows how that mathemati- songs, concerts, and anything related pvth.html
cal machine par excellence--the com- thereto. Theorem 4: Music is both a [2] J. G. Roederer, Introduction to the Physics
p u t e r - i s invading music. Far from speculative and practical science, and and Psychophysics of Music, Springer-
slackening, the interaction between an art, and consequently is a virtue of Verlag, New York and Berlin, 1975.
the two fields is continuing to develop understanding, which it leads to the [3] N. H. Fletcher, T. D. Rossing, The Physics of
and is as strong as ever. The major knowledge of the truth. In this under- Musical Instruments, Springer-Verlag, New
change seems to have been that math- standing, which one may consider to York and Berlin, 1991.
ematics now has its instruments-- be outdated (wrongly, for the joint evo- [4] P. Bailhache, Une histoire de I'acousti-
computers---whereas classical musical lution of the two fields is continuing, que musicale, CNRS editions, Paris, 2001 --
instruments are left standing. Experi- as the present book shows), the logic http://bailhache.humana,
mental practice seems to have provi- of music finds profound meaning, thmusiaues
sionally changed sides, but the process which the author of the article submits [5] E. Neuwirth, Musical Temperaments,
of mutual enrichment is continuing [13]. to the meditation of its readers. Springer-Verlag, New York and Berlin,
It is consequently natural to ask To this end, the book contains one 1997.
about the logic and meaning behind last article that I have not yet mentioned. [6] http://sunsite, u
this evolution of the two fields [14]. It is by GueIino Mazzola and is titled The mozart.cgi
Logic has always been essential to Topos Geometry of Musical Logic. (See [7] W. T. Cook, Fabian Stedman, 1640-1730,
mathematics, but in the recent period the review by Shlomo Dubrov, this is- Ringing World, 29 October 1982, pp.
it would appear to be less natural in sue.) On the mathematical side, he relies 900-901.
music. Of course, one may consider the on the theory of categories and Grothen- [8] htt p://
computerised machine learning music, dieck constructions; on the musical side, [9] J. Cannon, S. Dostrovsky, The Evolution of
as do Shlomo Dubnov and G~rard As- on Riemann's harmony (not G. F. Bern- Dynamics: Vibration Theory from 1687 to
sayag. But does this have anything to hard but K. W. J. Hugo, i.e., not the math- 1742, Springer-Verlag, New York and
do with logic? Another article by Marie- ematician but the author of Mathema- Berlin, [1981].
Jos~ Durand Richard, which retraces tische Logik published in 1873!). He [10] J. L0tzen, The Prehistory of the Theory of
the history of logic, shows that the is- develops a Galois theory of musical con- Distributions, Springer-Verlag, New York
sue isn't clear. It refers us to the arti- cepts which locks Beauty and Truth into and Berlin, 1982.
cle by Francois Nicolas dealing with the same ldngdom. So might there after [11] C. Gordon, D. Webb, S. Wolpert, You
just that question: What is the logic in all still be some pythagoreans in our day cannot hear the shape of a drum, Bull.
music? The answer given by Nicolas is and age, lost among our contempo- Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 27, pp. 134-138,
as anti-pythagorean as could be, be- raries, Guerino being one of them? At 1992.
cause it results in the impossibility of any rate, his article is fascinating from [12] A. W. Knapp, Group representations and


harmonic analysis from Euler to Lang- into notebooks known as "common- truth-values by a "subobject classifer,"
lands, Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 43, place books." These notebooks were which is something more general than
1996, pp. 410-415, pp. 537-549, http:// commonly indexed and arranged for the Boolean algebra of True and False. easier reference, and maybe it is not sur- This, together with the work of
[13] prising that the book by Mazzola opens Grothendieck on algebraic geometry,
0302.html by placing music in a new "encyclo- allows Mazzola to define complex mu-
[14] R. Steinberg (ed.), Music and the Mind space," a space where human knowl- sical structures of Global Music com-
Machine, Springer-Verlag, New York and edge production is assumed to be cou- positions, with earlier categories being
Berlin, 1995. pled to navigation in a topologically embedded as "patchworks" of local ob-
[15] Marin Mersenne, Traite de rharmonie uni- arranged concept space. jects in a global theory, leading to cat-
verselle, Corpus des oeuvres de philoso- In mathematics, category theory is egorization of music as constructions
phie en langue frangaise, Fayard, 2003. known as a study of abstract mathe- on geometric manifolds.
[16] matical structures and relationships. The book opens with a very gen-
Groups are often used to describe sym- eral, philosophical-historical motiva-
metries of objects, and they were used tion, which seems vague or somewhat
Conseil scientifique de France Telecom R&D by music theoreticians for describing ambiguous, to provide an intuitive basis
38-40 rue du Gen6ral Leclerc musical properties such as scales, for dealing with the forthcoming for-
92794 Issy les Moulineaux Cedex 9 pitch classes, or rhythms. Every ele- malisms. In Part II the author goes from
France ment of the group creates a corre- concrete examples of note representa-
e-maih serge,perrine@francetelecomcom spondence to some other set of ob- tions to very abstract concepts of forms
jects, and Cayley's theorem states that and denotators, assuming prior knowl-
every group G is isomorphic to the edge of advanced concepts of cate-
group of its symmetric operations. The gories, topoi, and logic. Asking the
The Topos of Music: Yoneda lemma in category theory is a
generalization of Cayley's theorem that
reader to "recall" these concepts from
appendix G would probably require also
Geometric Logic of allows the embedding of any category "recalling" earlier concepts from ap-

Concepts, Theory, and into a category of mappings (called

functors) defined on that category. Us-
pendices C-F on set theory, rings, alge-
bras, and algebraic geometry, and so on.
Performance ing denotators to describe musical ob-
jects, categories of musical composi-
Part III of the book deals with the
next level of describing musical con-
by Guerino Mazzola, with Stefan tions are defined as elementary objects structs, such as scales and chords,
Gdller and Stefan Mi~ller of music. Then, describing the Yoneda terming them "local compositions."
Perspective, Mazzola claims that in re- This brings up a discussion of musical
1368 PP. Hardcover, incl, CD ROM ~:128
lation to the arts, "understanding paint- symmetries in the local composition
ISBN 3-7643-5731-2 ing and music is a synthesis of per- objects, such as Messiaen modi and se-
spective variations." Therefore, by rial techniques. But there appears to be
considering functors as the represen- a deeper aspect of local composition
tations, one is led to defining art and related to the use of functors and their
n the context of classical Greek phi- music as a set of operations (symme- concatenations, needed in preparation
I losophy, a topos (literally "a place )
referred to a method of constructing
tries) that leave the object invariant. for Part IV. This aspect (culminating in
Music composition becomes the "in- the Yoneda Perspective) employs the
and presenting an argument, being part variant" or the "essence" of a set of per- fact that in the denotator representa-
of rhetoric, the art of oration or per- formances, an idea related also to tion one has the mathematical struc-
suasion. Plato greatly opposed rhetoric, Adorno's esthetic principle in music. ture of a topos, which offers properties
claiming that it values style or manner The emphasis is on the rhetoric func- such as unions, products, or limits
of persuasion over the discussion of tion "as a means to express under- (somewhat as in set theory), and al-
substance. Then came Aristotle's "rec- standing, and in this respect perfor- lows for enumeration or classification.
onciliation" of rhetoric and dialectic mance is not only a perspective of Musical or visual examples could help
saying that while dialectical methods action but instantiation of understand- in clarifying these developments, but
are necessary to find truth, rhetorical ing, of interpretation given structures." the author offers rather general claims
methods are required to construct an Mazzola further assumes that math- about the utility of the mathematical
argument in order to communicate it. ematical study in the context of art will methods to analysis of an Escher draw-
The concept of topos was extended lead to objects which are "meant to de- ing or appreciation of the fractal Julia
later to literature by a German scholar, scribe beauty and truth." This brings set shape, without much detail. Amer-
Curtius, as a study of ways to compile topos theory to being a way for com- ican Music Set Theory is called "thor-
knowledge by selecting and indexing bining logic and geometry. In topos oughly out of date from the point of
important phrases, lines, and/or pas- theory one replaces the set by a cate- view of 20th-century mathematical
sages from texts and writing them down gory, function by a morphism, and conceptualization."

9 2005 Springer Science ~Business Media, Inc, Volume 27, Number 3, 2005 73

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