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Hand Eczema: incidence and trigger factors

Republic of Moldova



Afiliation: USMF ”N. Testemițanu” Department of dermatovenerology


Hand eczema is one of the most frequent alergic dermatoses,up to 20-30 %.Eczema needs to be placed
first in dermatological studies,because it has a high incidence and an unknown ethiopathology.

Aim of study:

To explore hand eczema incidence on the basis of sex.To evaluate the most frequen triggers.


A transversal prospectiv study was conducted that consists of 68 diagnosed patients with diffrent tipes
of hand eczema.


The group of 68 patients included-51(75%) males and -17 (25%) female.The trigger factors were
found :chemical, physical, mechanical. The chemical factors caused on patients : contact allergic
dermatitis 10(14.7%) and the dyshidrotic eczema 12(17.6).The physical factors caused : irritant contact
dermatitis-10(14.7%), hyperkeratotic eczema -4 (5.5%) , nummular eczema-3(4.41%) and palmo-plantar
eczema -9(13,2%). The mechanical factors: microbial eczema-13 (19.11%), infected eczema -7 (10.2 %).


Incidence of hand eczema is the most common in males than females. On the first place are placed
physical factors 26(38.23%),on second place are chemical factors-22(32.35%) and on the third place are
the mechanical factors-20(29.41 %) patients.

Key words: hand eczema, trigger factors

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