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1 to be ser, estar 1 verb Irregular verb

2 present simple (to work) trabajar 96 % verbs Regular verbs

3 past simple (to work) trabajar 96 % verbs Irregular verbs
4 Modal verbs Verbos modales 2% verbs
5 Future simple Futuro simple 96% verbs
6 Future going to Futuro ir a 96% verbs
infinitive radical
to work

trabaj ar
Redical infinitivo
Modal verbs Verbos modales 2% verbs

can poder permiso habilidad

may poder posibilidad permiso
must deber obligación


Afirmetife form Negative form Interrogative form

I can cannot can I?
you can cannot can you?
he, she, it can cannot can he, she, it?
we you they can cannot can we, you, they?

It's snowing, so it must be very cold outside.

can could may might will

poder podría poder podría

would must shall should ought to

-ia (condicional) deber deber debería debería
Los verbos modales se comportan como verbos
auxiliares, es decir, que necesitan de un verbo

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