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Hi Matt,

I am really sorry I haven’t written for so long but I was extremely busy nowadays because I had to learn
for the terminal exams.

As you know, I really love do some sports, but you may be surprised to hear that one of my favourite
sport is the skiing. We have gone to the Alps with my family every year and we have spent a week there
with skiing. It was very awesome when you slid on the snow between trees. The mountain are always
breathtaking and you don’t have to worry, because there are advanced level on high mountains and
beginner levels on little smaller ones. It is always a very pleasant memory to me.

And this year, I will organize a group winter holiday for some of my friends and it would be great if you
could come too. My friends are really friendly and opened people and you have already met with some
of them.

It would meant a lot to me if you could come and I promise, that you will fall in love with this sport and I
am not able to bring you back home.



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