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To: marcela.moscoso@hotmail.

Subjet: I will be an exchange student and a new member of the
family is coming!!

Hi, mommy
How are you? I am very happy, because I won the scholarship to go
on an exchange to the United States for 2022, I feel very excited, it
is a dream come true. But I hope they don't cancel my scholarship
because of the covid-19, because I have everything ready although
there are two years left, I am also looking at the possibility of
studying radiography in a university in the United States in New
York City , where my parents' friends live.
I also wanted to tell you that we already knew the sex of my little
brother or sister, it's a boy! I am so excited to finally have a brother,
I miss you and I want him to be living in Valparaiso together again.

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