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TEACHERS’ HANDBOOK Workbook on Treasure Trove A Collection of ICSE Poems and Short Stories Volume-I : Poems | eee ______ 1. The Heart of the Tree H.C. Bunner 1.) The poct fs posing a general question to the readers Man by planting tees provides soothing, cool bresse and a mean of acetic pleasure to ite inhabit (W Rete to Sanzal under Poem in Detal, page 1. il The tee is a felend of the sun az the tree is dependent ‘sulignt to carryout the process of photosynthesis and make Its food, Sina, the tree i= a fiend of the sky because it takes In carbon dioxide from the sir and releases Oxygen in the ie and thus purifies the alr, Also the transpiration from tress is responsible for cloud formation im the sky which leads ‘A tree ia “the fag of breezes fee” as it takes jn carbon dione ‘nd gives out omygen for human beings to lahale. The leaves fa tee Butter and provide soothing, cool breeze (oj Ht means the beam of beauty. Shaft here refers to the long hnavow slem of the tice whieh looks as a beautifil tomer and fi pleasing to the eyes (0) Refer w For and Strucure, under Style section, Page 17. TL () The soft song that mother bird Is singing to her young ones. ‘The song fs sung in @ hushed vole to provide a peaceful and secthing atmosphere to the Joung ones (@) Tight Js the faint ight atthe end of the day after the sun has gone down. eis happy twilight because a mother bird is ween singing to her young ones in a soft and gentle voice — ence scene rafects appinecs and love. (8) (a) rele high tone in music. (©) heaven's harmony: the way in which diferent musical notes tare played or ung together and combine to make a plessac ermonioas sound. ‘The treble, Le, the bird's high-pitched tone adds to the Pleasant Rammony of the universe. (i) Examples of mewrymy: “happy trlight hand’; “the weble of ‘heaven's harmony.” In this extract, it refera to the association of [TEACHERS' HANDBOOK (ICSE-POEMS) ‘te birds with the tre. minke thelr nest were the mother (bra happy sings to Ber young enes making twiight bppy. ‘Foe bis tebe thus ada tothe hazmony in the universe (o) © Trees col the atmesphere and eause gentle ran. {Tres tale in carbon dine ad give out gen for human ‘age to Inhale fe Tres bear Bowers and fut 18 Tres ae the ain source of medicine and wood. Im. @ (o) Provide cool shade, () Cause tender raln,() Bear seeds (ht bude forthe fate proany which help la the growth of ena fret, (i) Pants release water vapour Into the ac in © proces called tanepiraton. The water pour then rita inthe atmosphere Sn frm new ran couds and that water vapour returns ‘hn inform of in. The tes grow fo & belght and wih ia ‘hoepy of ranches and lever prwde col shade in = place lu) The res bear seeds and bids for future progeny. With each pasing year, the treet gro and one day they die and. ae Feplnced by new trees. The trees then “sh again” aa “he harvest of Soming ge” Th, fom a tre pated by #2, ‘tee forest grows for ie future generations, The man who ‘late re pases over an ene forest to a ew generation. (6) ler tthe anawer above (9) The expresin, unborn eyes idole the future generation, vhs eget to be born “The untorn eyes shall ee the etre forest that i et for them st este bythe previous generation, ‘They wl rele a8 they wil eap al the Veneta af the weet ‘at have been planted by their predecessor. te roe the ee 104 lesb na ot ping Geen eM ‘eprint od em la tap ind ese won to ah one 8 A ete nphbeurend thr mene a 15 Tan wh plas, hina te era it y conan, ca UY RITASOE he soni, comercial and sent bent ‘the Cold Within nation's rom depends on planting tee a the land without 9 A rate Foccone baren, ve owth of nnd depen. Se ee et welroeng, a is inport commercial Saenger eanties Al these boekia are oss fly with plantation of tres 1) Reler to Creal Remarks ection, Page 18. 000 2. The Cold Within James Patrick Kinney (Alteration (close eepetition af consonant sound /b/) ‘The adjectives eakeand biter define te wor cold, The coldness Guise comparable to the coldness sntun the hearts ofthese Sivchavacters nv they ave not warm or fvendly rth each other. (6) The people refered to are six inaiferent people who are tapped Topeliet by chance in biting cole. They need logn so that they cn renew the dying hire to prevent themeeiven from col (iy Reerto tack of Wanmthin Human Relasons net Theme, page 29. stv hat does the frst one old Back aed why? ‘The frat pero holds tack her log beeaize he was guided Uherradstatude toma the blac man. So she does not Mise he lg to prevent the black man fore geting its warmth ‘hy What character eats would you associate with “the frst one” tnd “the nest man"? Wy? . ‘Toe “Bret one” can be said £0 be Holding a racist attitude the doce not want to tenett the Biace man. "The “next ma ‘an be tad to be a igor who.on seeing that one of the en ‘n'tse group does not belong to in sen, prevents himeelt fom using his og to renew the Gre () Tateed clothen refer to the torn clothes. This expression Symbols thatthe man, who war wenrng them wat Pe an Ih tle money to cover himsel a exteme cal ‘The poor man dacs not Intend to Use his log to renew the fre ‘tf pct om ng oh pes wp Be is gore the ol uentons te tak Ya se cia oem. Hower we we A) a’ ~ Pires eee eee -TEACIEERS’ HANDBOOK (ICSE-POEMS) poor maa ands envious of the rich ema, (i) The whi one sate Reo pueda es ot at ea) tae taps eggs wea ae fo the ly pr man al ‘prececupied the rich man's mind, It reflects his elas bias. toy Toth man ed wi venga he wie ma, Based orcas the sms he cm the te ma ie fea Nat (0) Te tne er wo the tn man, who wath evens de cate nro thar te wea Be ote urea un Maling te ste an erin eld Tis enchant nea 1 6) Ti pte “km pn an cmp of moro Ln [hi Sesame prs ool ao eet eet py wo ter seny eer wv 6 Te sl pae of pe ad uke tat the at man ems ‘Tac anpre che ic gee te Be io tep ce (st Ae pol ed ws th os yee ee Inds te nace, anon, Suchsinaontned seat The pl of Rin se here he (Ret tothe Ten ne! omar econ, Page 3 1) The mene tte ps eo Ge thr eorniay ican hed tt hrs tt ag nee fst mce cm apd tigen fade cedar eter to Putty of Discrimination in Themes section Page 29- 200 3. Bangle Sellers ‘Sarofint Note 1 (Te shining bande that are being arid by the bangle ale {ote temple far for ale are ree to ashing oc, WOM ‘18 abe oup ae the pronpectve buyers of these bane (9) Temple ari the place which i visited by wornen of all 88 \goups Here the bangle seller can sell tir goods to “ha ‘laughter and happy woes” their pods to “BaP ren eee eer eer ee ee 1 penta somes oa ” & mw sear f sen we ere» met ‘eee ae compared tothe rtinbes of MAP dare aa en ul cared wand har be hed SAME cunt an aepeont PP onus? tat happree™ Te cr ge he weg at ll bain a8 woe Tete eG Be pst nee The pets Tine soya has spre he ret are 3 tna oma efor eam, ne te ned angen “Sing ha "are en Sh eT nt “noun ten of int Te ange tee creo oe ining ds at Big ita nan woman iy Pe asad bole mperaceoebage BI Rtg urs ant apy wre Toe bes ‘Sepa olen sas of oman. She aed ue colored tango ae betting » ies SUT AEA iin commued to be med er mie TELIETLIUSS ytoe e tennens and he ben ne ain Tre tunpeecre suerte be nama wh re ast Sopy ture fey eam o wor at esr SOSLEIT ats Te gare ot yeen porno Sone ct the ange ar shade of nf em Sowers oe cnt eam he anges sae rae wrt ae seen nition Be SE ae brn Ie ote ea drop TS Loe Tacit te cobra es oontoe IEP eat Int Chueh ae et ow te me Shean ue cared angen re met ora mae, These ‘Sie her te inion wah mountain mi ot soem Shi ee wn, teu ana sone ‘oven oJ Sed gl, ute a ee ae oped ei af gh cor oe crn Ns ape Stier teres yop fe ler ofa une ating ma eer oars tin, page 39. These pss re compre the hag ale ee Thich hints begand uae UAE) Af=oe— | () Sheen ooo newt 2 w eee TS (Simi, in which ikeness between two diffrent things, aa nee tates sean exit way using the words ike’ or tm these lines the gen and re exloured Bangles suitable ep {be are compared 0 the fame of her arsinge re nee love that the Would experince in her new ie (i) The colour of the bangles suitable for a woman on her wedal hy i compared tothe redah elo fae ot warnage Seat wich the brie tubes mariage vows th her groom Reheat Te colour of bance appropriate To space the Sa tore fn marge (9 The bangs worn by biden Taon! Indian Weng ave spin end vmble sigatcance ek fer to Celebration sf Indian Womanhood, under Themes, Page 40, WW. @ For a woman “who has journeyed through life midway" and has gained experience and wisdom. ‘Tasee bangles symbolise tat phase when the msiden tured bride Decomes & proud mather and responsisie wife. She hes ‘experienced all the aspects of being a woman (8) Colours represent various moods and aspects fife lathe above strac, ll the aspects ef beng a woman have been expercnerd ‘Toe colours chosen for her bangles are purple and gold fecked ‘ey. Purple colour indicates power, authority, pride and digiy and gold Secked grey, a sober colour, indica‘es experience and ‘wisdom. Thus, the woman wearing purple bangies has guined ‘maturity, eared her children mith love and a last ha ached the fulness of her vole as wife and tothe (8) The ines are relevant to the concept of Indian motherhood. The ‘angle sellers atubute purple and gold fecked grey bangles © the mother whe hus atthined mati by rearing her chile. ‘The bangles are suitable for thove hands that have cherie loved, blessed and cradled her sone (6) “Pest pride” is a igniicant phrase in context of a wom? “Jourmeyed through le midway she has been #10 ‘deughter, «happy bride: a responsible wife and mother: HE ‘GPsicnces have made her perfect Indian woman, She B* EER productive and fecund for he familly and thus serves BE ‘hovel in rata pre 1% eter to the Themes secon, page 40. 200 thn 4. After Blenheim 1) awpa, wat the len ; Mis grandchildren Peter and Wilin wee with hi) ‘hey were sng inthe aun bere tht catge oot | (4 Kaspar shook bs head witha igh eect i deppentg 2 ‘the rarthae ok ae years age to devorinncet Peterkin trough the sale the pon flow”. oy (3) The aa wen fund bei the wall scr ware eUGSp Thea yelonged innocent people whe hl blnged fo on fhe may anon prpe who et {aise in Oe tage nar he po ehow Ds ¢ n f (ht The sale were a common sgt ee: Many af them col! be ‘ind in the pcdn or te Bt at asp eds ph (4 Te vary of Bnglend Inthe war ofthe Spanish Szeion (Graz iri) rote to are Dukectatorngh an Savy Prine Rages were repose fer inven (3 Tasca he war In which mary fnocent pale were il eng canes ere Petuie end Wieinine were inosentsrandhlen of ipa un oe os pnd, (ae acres Young and i’ are tng 1 ie {Rrcome ant pty ef ern ane Winenine Is read tht nace ta he Ft fas conned the a ‘Rendering ees ued fo Wiel, wa wes eecing (3 Ow the ese ofthe nar fom her pander. The Site ‘Shetces up wth cheer wens rl et cameron eee ct ar crwth mood She andobaad Th batewoe ugh beswen he gis andthe French ee 1 Treble ws = “ Petercin was not given a satiafactory reply. Kaspar dic not know TERT SU Ey av eaenen we vty er rece Sr ET Pere EEE EE ET PP ETE CEEEe EEE ECE ee eee eee ae 2 ‘TEACHERS’ HANDBOOK (ICSE-POEMS) shoe ftasiectncnshinate we seniors a cere eee | Sehacae pmemeencl Soma ae ae ce eee eer acer ae ee Shoe ae eat ieee eee ah Pe ey pp yee a pe econ nome are i 1 ieeaecsinete ta ioe ie foes eee enn soon ee ese ie ees oe piel ro a oppo See irons epson casera Sims oe 1) Serena camera ge eendaerie Sito ecaaree eteeeeee al renee ee Rein cateeeeen sae See dipletepramcien sects ete sation MgB tc sto those whe must ve epoed be ene bate ote cect ae cae metre ce tae sent gre ran te eee eee eRe Se Se a ee Peis ear er ees 3 Deemed sueraas new te) The devastation canted by wai eect through the flowing te presence of sls all oer the : 1 Kenyans fami tendered homeless shen Kaspar her's Sock wos bare + The deni of expecting mothers and pewborn babi. {The proeeose wiht of dead bodies png ex the Sate Seid bd roe 1. 0) Dukef ites was an Engen Genera: He was he Comssander (Gr rath frees the War ofthe Sparta Sucesson. He mas ‘rsisedbeenure he defecate French fre Proce Bogene wee an Avarsan Gmneral, bora ie France is reteged to at “our good Pre Bugene” boone WS Mulbroughy he deletes Se fren = Somme GS) Wibnintne id ot appre the prec tha Duke and Face (8 Rope teoted Seatiae the comiseres ther ac of KEES [Bascent pop in te same of oer mo wicked Yer ber conment is appropiace a i ohe commen an whe Sr Ssaie whew tie petuclane meee eene ane ee ms a | aeauiicaamenmemateiaanieeiRRIRERGRRIEEE —, a ‘TEACHERS’ HANDBOOK ([CSE-POEMS) ‘reterston = (Teen et refered to an “ie thing The Part advtes eteviston set away, what ype of entertainment they wou ee Ti a en oes a re des SOE lace w hep em occ . ad nea ove wo eh Sanaa ty eating parents to rcal ow crea (strane ney bun eh lence were ing Th a ces Wy ng tka bt enor SAPS cat sane atte von ercn wibout Sn nome DOLLS state wot reac in brn cosy et vn eden et on enter hat la ren {Gtvhon ge a monster that als chdren's imagination. (0) Tae pct refer tevin 0 ented. chileren would Gs) The fia of apeeh wed ere hyper ch see ea ee ay in readng, Books cod Oe ‘tate for aupas rcosTo put emphasis onthe eng es the une gh, on meer Bou. ppm tof tls te pc sos at previous we (ihe Geto oy the che Be ee ee he be se pens re are {uy “he ftowing ines wee repetin to ceate # smooth How and 0 sek Par ebro onthe flat that chidren used tool end boos (0 pets re wed Inte shore etre espe tha ce eee Se ese won invented, Marae: the eof ‘Sern tut pate hort owe von ey ree cay sacar onthe word READ kmpng Importance [in sn sees to ng ing Pome eating took (a) © ts never, NEVER, NEVER, let {wp ‘Teta done to catch the reader's atention and emphasise that Them nar ou ns ‘ifsc whens cen cheng hehe Stk cot de terete wes en Thy a and tre ad teed st Scag a they ‘Te hing eh lowed eg or trae of opal eters i quiet to outa. Se ane (©) Once ehiren star reading they se so involved fn reading tht Soe SESS Note ever Te at urns deere 7 re eine tae he cen pens em Stetcemai The sey meer wot be ed wh bok iva et ae SERLISGN'SintGd on the or and by the cen’ el 0 car ea ae ee ey IV. Refer te Synecdoche under Sie secon; Page 73. Bevmpl of ming seme: Per, te. 5 (9 Trego ements wh en ed oy ed | "(ih © predestined Salty ted we teal tom et ath tee f wena cae ‘Randa wojges, meee ten. ships elephant ane raat a hing aby, ‘ibe «ine wien yung en teed Yoo © R iypeotiee hemo them wth one Siow ndveatroe weed f snl wth hs Tod Squel i (Rete to Death of negation inde Tene set, eT: Siu, ng Te Here of seh wed eet prt, fe (i The eee spain Deon waoapete he readers Frsenietion tinder Se section, pes 79), : i time before the television os invented when children ned (9 Ye att wens tbe ere inn cane he eet toon SETS ct a iti eae eee a Spe et cme iy en teen ok a hI rt eee ~ ay a naan ek Tou be reel oath ee Shine he dat, maar hence fs mgt den ct re fo be pm (clon zs mn ny, rcs hc ti oe tivo nen freeones on be gle tah 19 Te et her anesthe prs qty ta te ee Chesil rope and sewn 2018 sms’ HANDBOOK (ICSE-POEMS) ve town out ofthe hewsen, Dah mentions coon, Televison ht edcatlons medio and can help children fra need 0 malntcin (9 7 wt sat {ihe nave pect Semcon ton ost ‘ey atch, en ae io and eer atin Hee ance comin his suet of ong Te te ot eng Tote wh TAA TSOG eet rein ave ener trae he (Chien ot ge iyi te a a cee ee Shae fe wh tok Chr ro We Ma vd yo so th arnt uy Te ae nen wnt eve theres ene bene vot wate perc {ite fr ks we woul ea lw (i Ye Rede to npartanee of easing Buchs; under Thomes section, pore 71. To deveop a hable of reading books is an important advice that the poet goes Reading translers one to beat word of imagination snd fantasy: Reading fills ones ear with te Jey ad bappi But the put appears to adie reading for entertainment, which seem tobe usted approach, There ars ether artistic that a child ean ventte into Weeping, theatre, games, (0 ‘feo toclce's act of artigo read books once television ‘ uninstalled fom their houses. The port fel very excited ‘bot as he employs an ey, delgtal and cheering tone hill tating about books. His exctement i elected troup: oh bop, abba (8) eer $0 Inpertnce of Reading Boks under Tees section. orwerer the medium of children's jo cannot be limited to one tity. hitren should beable to eaperiency ety tine C ” Dalfodie » of modern sence that does paureating? and dingusting 1 telecasts The eles oy ivesion rot have any ponte effect ls {watch I iv fos, morally bad and offensive, ‘only “janie, The teleision screen thus is repulsive 000 6. Daffodils Wuttam Wordsworth Le » a w w 7 “The pot has been refered to ae. From the background of the pou, cam be deduced thatthe poct was wandering near {lke at Grasmere, in Began. ‘White wandering, he encountered a large number of golden Aula, beside a lake and beneath the tees golden to symbolise the magical ‘The felling lines pereonily the beaut dafodils. The poet ces the dafedis wowing along the margin ofa bay, and they ‘ppear to be dancing and Mutering inthe breeze, These Hines tivated the post. “The figure of speech uted here fe Hyperbole, The post sow a huge group of das along the everie which can be deduced from the words, ‘erowd! and ‘host. Moreoer im = hyperbole cxpresion, he said “Ten thousand saw I at glance” eter o Sine under Site section, Page 91 ‘The Milky Way Se the galaxy that contains cur Solar System and (rom Earth it appears as a band of light in the night sky, leis referred onthe exact to draw out a comparison between | crond of beau dallas ndistinglshaie from cach othe {and a continuous band of twining stars im the night ky. Inthe ease of a lake, bay, or natural pond, the margin means the line where land and water mee. The daflodite inthe poet, line the ahore (marge) of the ake. ‘The poet uses exaggeration to eamphasie the large number of Ailes hat be aw curing ss mak slong her] 2h, 0 a a 7 ” ® TEACHERS’ HANDBOOK (ICSE-POEMS) ‘the exaggeration of das sretehed endlessly [9 a “neer- Tsay Mac" nlong the margin ofa bay Dei. The use of ‘Shen cxagerotone thir heightens the pote eft Refer to Lic and Rhyme Scheme under Ste section, Page 89, “Toe teri the lake ad sippenloking ke waves dancing ‘Tos duffodn toneing and dancing like human beings seemed Tobe competing aghnet these waees According t0 the poct, ‘the dallas defented the waves in gle Tmean a hapey and geeful company: The poet #8 referring {o the jocund sampeny of thousands of dais. ‘The ential dais dancing before the post eaptivated him, Ii mne him happy and settee 1 sade him feel ene with hatures That ix wy he Sade thelr company jocund, “The “wealth” here refer to the peace and apoiness thatthe “tow” of dled Bute and cancing before him brought: ‘he, something he could not acknowledge ot that very moment. ‘The “wealth” was brought tothe port when he encountered the fulden dedi surpassing the beau of dancing waves. ‘The pot is faa happy’ and cheerful mood. He himself eects zh Rappines i the flowing lees “Apo auld ot bt be 30, In ucha ocd compangy” “Te feng of onence with nature thatthe potas experienced Gn seeing ively nd dancing dled in the reason Kr hi happy mood ‘The pot in the ginning wanders lonely ax @ elu but the rst ck of daa tonsng their head in apightly dance “apuiteshim The daffodis eren outdo the woven snd this pen capa aks he et ay an one wt AE When the poe es down on it couch in a pensive mood, the lanages of he golden dallas Mash Before him and chen Mit ‘mood isto happy one ‘The “le f eolitude” a relered othe parade the poet Sle Fimself in as t000 a8 the trage of gain, dale Rashes before his eyes His lneiness it overtaken Oy the image? Of si hh make Hm el ee were aca Why the Caged Bled Sings = (i) Retr to tyluence of Nature on Man under Themes, Page 88, fi) Nature becomes a postive force fer the poet. When the poet es ae couch n'a conerplating mood the image of dancing (otis aches before him, hei filed with happiness. Thus, ‘he very thought being in te ep of nature wpits the ep (0) Refer to Wordsworth’ Poetic Theor and Background ofthe Poem. ‘under risa Remarks eatin, Page 93 900 7. 1 Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Maya Angelou (The white race is referred to ata fee bid in the poe because {tthe damnation ai opprecton they seed upon the Ac ‘Americans from the Ine aneteenth to mikt-swenteth centary (a The ice bird Bes on dhe wind a if were lighter than the wind In ihe begining ofthe extrac. i feadom is campared to the Ceniinement ofthe saged bid. The bird's unrertnctes movement Caphaines a Joy and feedom. The bid fate eareloeely in ‘the sly without ary inhibisons as ithe sky belonged to lm. (i) The implied comparion Is made between free bird and the coger (i “The Orange sun rays" reece the free and lively atmosphere thatthe bre fies in. Moreover, with che help of the colour Imagery of orange ray, the elect heightens ‘flour astoclted with pow and happiness. ‘The fre bird epringe ee ows the ground to Ay in the direction ofthe air carrer losia a the bird had rmersed hi wings In the orange rays of the sun. The fee bird and Me movement i the natural ebleat Is unestited. The free Bid Ales a If {he sky Delonge to hin. This is howe dares to claim the ak (Theft stanza ofthe poem Is about the unrestricted movement of the ee bed. What follows nee, em stannn standing in sta Contrast to this. By using the word “but to begin this sla, the poet prepares the reader for this contrast. The Bird in tis c 2018-65-18 ‘TEACHERS! HANDBOOK (ICSE-POEMS) stanza noo free but one who sats dour his nara cage” COREL STMGS then ihe eet of dilerencee beren {hoe tpes of i, Le the fe Bd and the caged tr The “arrow cage isa referees to the retietons em the ie tie ged ‘The caged id can “eo se hough his bars of rag. The ‘Hoes non of endo fe nbent 8 cage, impiconed end th oe hag i The tir is coped and bs vison of edo ined. The caged ‘ir erety pis aglinae of he aly. He can almost never see {hough te teed geen file wi rage (0) The caged rd Ieee to sch en extent that ts wngs Tne cipped and it fet are See. Under auch ccunstaen, ‘These lines re glint hey oot oy role the is ‘espesmene an tesn Dot no eng Te rd se thging ses means of expression. a singing tun smbate {it tettlon sgnatoppresion. Te eng ales hope (0 Te free bien nds reference t the white race that Alominated the Alcn-Amrcan unde he din Grow Law ‘The cage Bid rest the ee Aea-Arerean community ‘hat wae eabugated and ealeed by the white smu. Moreover, the caged Br co ls be metaphoric erence forthe post Mays Anglo Reet Aatbigrphic! lar, ‘er Cit Rear Page 108 (Th mars ie Ere he aged Hd og oe iets us of the rs eosinement. The binge movement at festete, he eaneat bis van iene, he fo fais i entrapment. This heietences gents Ra nly ene Sal {ef open his that cing feed (i The cage bit sng of things sown because he is teapeed ina cage where ho visio is Ud, He can almost never se through the br. Heth sng o€ things tae wee been but yearn for. Three, te “hinge none OE ‘reference othe unknown fesdon, ian nent comes (i) The “earl ta a a reece to the caged bi ene ‘eto The rd protean unacady sound bean 1Uikoow Why the Caged Bis Sings 2 1ioow Why the Caged Bisd Sings a 1 te sata or nervous. It in “earful” because he realises his ‘datesed condition. (t makes him cry for Sedom. ‘The cage bd i ingng a sone for freedom. His wings are ‘lipped hie fer ave te, but ie continues to persis, perbevere {inl b unwiling fo surrender toe opponents and hos sins forthe agunatcppresion. Te iting wn an tf rien sun he open Treed out an The songs his hope and inners For any eebeton tae pettve consequences, what reared fet, unt then the robo vole sear asa distant vce ‘This stogpe ote ged birt inprale tthe Ann Arercans ‘Mruggle fr feedom wd equal. The AeannAmericans wo, ‘ing danced and ced oat for fvedom,thoagh isl they “hooier brea” reece to more fieedom which the fe bid ‘Pittiy wishes fr himsel The fee bie his that with the belp of another Breese, e would be ble to elim the sky as ‘he whiter were aye even feedom. They Mere never rated oo mantel were Slay gen the pas whee hr hat been apy and Ho eat bis whes and praise bares “The ted thus stands on the grave of Ne ean te for itectom, Thun is scams rete hat of semeone hevng & snare eter 100. {© te Wes vn per "the A rome” are wang om & then et mre oe demand by toe bd “hls was to conrat to the Aican-Aereans who were never Gren eedom to chose what they wanted Reker to Preto vers event, and Ram and Saver, Under The seston, Page 108 000 2016- 1 Rete to Sian 1 nies the The Poon it Deal, Page 118, {@) The Boe *A pear ay on tis very at” slgncant because i felpe the tenders grap the spear’ lon lle past Thi ‘esse state then contrted wah le present graced state 1 the later par of the poem. (i) Alieratin te the figure of epech aed re, Beene there fe love epeisen ef conscaant ound Jal, atthe Besnning of ‘secs ms, ee” and “a Dore na swec smeing mite oak ower that we throws, Ge the speakers wap fora sand reception “Mele” ere he ‘oubster the love thar the pubic enced for the speaker (Go) ‘Tey’ nee eer f the ee puke, who once worehipped the pene. Th ine tel wo that pubic we oo inueneee Behe "erlam of opener that even fhe had ened fr the sa Whey ‘would have ered his the ene, (0) The speaker had recived «grand wekome year ago on ie tial i the tum. Pople had thom roses and mie in Bi [th The Rouse rot were fla poopie, The roofs seemed fo fay. The church apts Were deceafed with teaullad Bats ‘Bell rang to announee his coming. the ld wal tthe Dunes seemed fo be shaken withthe eroeed anther oud ees, The? ‘here oo iepested thle hers at thet even if head sshd FEethe sun, they would have offered him te sme 1 The speaker, the pti in in the above extrac ‘esp a he su « myst ference to Iara, Son of Dees, who dare to too near th san. Hs waned wink! ‘meted and lara plunged to he death in he sen Saas wht Jed the apele:tonards hs demi was his "vung ambon™ |) The speaker “Taped atthe sus for isos eenda He wanted ‘0 do evry possible thing in pubic’ teat Sates cy RE eet eel gh the ue owed Alas nares here ees tothe hah treatment that dhe eset ‘eccved in is present unherle prevent tte, Whee he eoplente 2 ‘The Patriot o » oo ” ‘wat love and patriotism for is loving frends bat the “hares” Tae him eel jected, Ererthing ad chansed for bis in 2 [ar Me wa now teng tent the seal to be EXEC Inthe beginning ofthe poem, appear as ithe public adelated the speaker to such an extent that even if he ha oaked fr {he eu, hey would fue edered i to hen, But the ext year howoncer an ciel lent scene where they tl wena at ‘hin san be sald thot they were not reall his “ving Miedo" ‘bt reve aided bp eden Yes the peak fc sa and nostic abot his logfile past, {He iemetbets how be was welomed by the public with once find mate m year ago, He wae acknowiegged ar God-tke fy the public. Bur now be feels sad aw there is “nobody (© ‘recone him on the haee-tops tow” The comparison that he Uwe beeen hie heroic pest snd unbercic present rtcts I sxdnese [A sear ago on his vn, the old walls ofthe building seemed fh sake with the crowd and ie hud ries, But now he ie ‘Scere a traitor Tevet nobody on the ouse-topo seep Sor fo elerng fromm pale ‘The poem docs not reveal the reason forthe speaker's uneroie ‘preset The puis no lange Tove respects him The reasons ‘ih be thatthe potsotie speaker right have kn Fal tare itaier: or im the tame of pariotam he must ave done ‘Something tnarceptabier of the speaker was really innocent ‘but had Become a victim of potbeal Machina. Refer 9 Conrasing nagery, under Sule secon. Page 129. The best of the tight” refers to the sight of the speaker's ‘execution at dhe shambles” pate or by the seals fot. is ‘an kona reference asthe people who apparently were ready fo worship hin ere now cheeig at hie ecutive. “The speaker ie beng taken to stad to be executed for hit Seer nedcede The jotifention of this action cannet be Rly Compreheoded, Refer te Ambaiy inthe pocmns unde: Cra Remark rection, Pose 124 ‘The spent is ging to the Shambles’ Gat or by the seals ‘hor in the rain Refer to Puiete Pllocy, under Style serion, ‘The speakers hands were ed fom behind with rope, This rope cts hs wrist Thelin is igcant to determine the extent 2 TEACHERS’ HANDBOOK (ICSE-PoPMs) of he epee doa. He was once lve by the pubis but Sow is imprsenc (a) ‘The openers forehead bees becnut the pubic nd thrown Teer atin orn pears ind ats he Wes weed TEE oe ahd reece He wae welcomed with rotes on is Feat tee cee deed him, whch thus ace ay Te ithe fr im beg Be by stones Tern the poems (eter Put’ Petienese under Thane seston, Page 120, (0) The pore ransom certain vel of amb. We ae never aid the aor ar the spears crean. The epee was once ee ieaped et he su tat ew reduced to en where areca. At one pot he spent els feted at hls hare. {S thotier he hina uy peopl ng stones at hi fr is ‘Sears mtdcede” This rece dt the ambigaty inthe poem the epemer hs boxy Spite es inocent by the poet The ‘alee ead pepo nh im, but his own reference to ip year an of aundents restr miagutynthe pow 1. (9 The spent enter the pte of deat oto hi eventing (i The speaker ttoes that in vty, people drop down dead tht hte tmpertetionwil ing in arr to God, “The four of epcch sed ere alltrtion been ofthe epson of 1a) somes nthe words “ropped down dead” (i) The spent fsa een the wher word sway om thie earthy orld Ree to duosen Depo fhe Speaker, under Grad ‘omarks, pat 128, (Refer to Path in God der Thane secon, Page 121. (Refer to Rise and Fall of Gr, under Memes ection, Page 12 200 9. Abou Ben Adhem Leigh Hunt UW Reter to Mhe Real Abu Ber Adem, under Chiat Remarks section Page 157: The phrase "may is tbe Inerense™ mest that there shouldbe mre peopl ke Abs Ben Athen in lt ‘etl. The naratr dies and repost Abou Ben adem” ‘Abou Ben Adhom 2 (i) Refer to Notes Seton, Page 135. He 16 at peace as he lovee find server it fellowes. ‘The bit avery meonght in Abou room on a pesccl night had a mugicalefct The Yoom appeared rich and calm ‘The comparison is made to redect the similarities between ‘oso ty and the paving moonight, The flower and {he moonlight both are natura, beautiful and pleasing to the ‘yee, Tey si one wth pence and ae the symbele of purty Sh radians. (ie) When Abou wakes up he finds ble room brightened with moc and an angel wating someting in 2 beck of gl ‘The “bck of gl to signitcant ax sas to che magical and apernatural quay of te poem. Moreover gol could also be ‘mbol pus of te subject mater ofthe book. (0) Tange ists Abou again the next ight with agent wakening Tig Shc ange shows Hien the names ef howe who ad ee ‘ewe by Goa, abou Ben Adhem sees that is name appears 1. The presence in the above extrac ie elerted tothe angel who roe stu tom his "deep ear of pence. abou asked the [recone In bie rom wht a Re Wong (G) Trevisonhere erate ange, or could be Abow's superstars ‘he asin aes ite ead to srswer Abou's query about what ‘roe he wring ia ie ook of gl. (i) The ange! tel Abou tat he fe wring i is Look the names fll the who love the Lord. (i) Abou cunously asthe angel hs name was writen among ‘hove wo ve the Lac The angel rep ham i the negative wich made Abou fe low (Abou elite ow bt only fora moment. The words “ceeey” {eb us the, Abou cheery requests the angel to write is fame asthe one who ives hs flow mes IML () The angel might hve writen Abou's mame 00 one who loves Refer to Lines 15:18, under The Poom in deta, Page 138. (i Abou Ben Adher wae a pure and simple man. He ved on fromanistc Mens: Heise epitome ofthe Kea that when you Tove your fellow ioen, 308 Bese worthy #0 be lve by Go a 26 ‘TEACHERS’ HANDBOOK (ICSE-POEMG) locorer he wes postive man. Os resin tha it name Mere te a fr abe ve te Lee won SESS. Chey ah aed to we in ‘me the te ne wees a (uy) Tee tne em rere fhe ang nec i 0A seein td tos nh mom ond the [Eimeria second yea aking (Ta ote ln le ofthe oe. The ane appear the Ten nt ans ato ame poe wo hae Neo, Bec do eh en Aen neon tp fhe NS"the wo an te ces (0) The ant sh Aa ie sc of op eve by od. Reker iP cna, der Seman ae (1 eter to Toe Dain Ot nde Ths scan, Page 198, 000 10. Nine Gold Medals Davia Roth 1. (The aie dey al oe the oun” priate IRs Sot cngtn nc Os yh cane (Sete le lo meal mc nce ncn wah parse wal pt bared on thet ‘performance in the competition. = eth pettpe er spt pre he et. The owing lines tell us #0: Many the ary aaa (4) a) The ard wrk and tenons ling te prints had tard thence te weld bale fe ee ba sei in ye Cron (0 The pear wee etd rte a eet of te day and ‘85 tired rant tet cent oang pepe (0) The seca patra tee ce eos {ace and wae chee the prin Tse rps ine reba a Young wom und nen area ine old Medata 2 IW The nl erent being tad abot inthe extract ite rani Copetion tn whieh nine yung tbleten were partial 4 Give the meaning and sinifeance of "used" Pole" means ready. The atleten at wll the spectator Sere eay fr Ue race fo begin This word bus the tension (i) ‘The rurmers take their poson and wk for the sound of the {Bas the pel is ive trough tue explosion of the pital Soa che runners change head ime. This bails up the eosin and alety about who wil be the winner, But the Fait ecepenee tlie when the rnmlest ete “tumbled ond nggered and fallen the tsk Tha pci moment makes ‘smonder what wil happen next the pista bsg! for the athletes to start the tne contestants beg Fu aa soon a Ue tat ‘itl fred Exompln of ening pater: © sun. pin # ahead, insted (i) The ames f the nine athletes had ad Mek ose stumble, Tooth Balance and fallen the tac Me was then overtaken by negative fectings He elt daappointed fan fokop Wa his deus and efrs o€ winning toe medal Ist ee stra eter to Tc Spt of Sprtanship, under Thames section 1 (The alte, who hadnt lance an lon the rack Te sid cave he ft aa I all is dreams and hopes of winning the god were shtere. Tie deen of wiring te old medal by winning the hundred Soe ace in Spoil Obpies ie acto loving his balance, rambling stagering and fil falling down comprices Bi {Pune os he beleved he wotla no Tonge win (a) The remaining eight runners on cing bin fal, instead of ‘Sootinuig te ace, stopped and tre back thsi hm. Al {he athletes ha tained for se lang to compete and win, Ut ‘ich of them stopped, to help bring the young boy to hi et. “Their acon reflects that they were true sportmen, They SS Ke Coprnte onder the alte who a Fines venir, ae Ht th org pam: Hower weg er Seotttheee eae toe o a 28 fa « ” ‘TEACHERS’ HANDBOOK (ICSE-POEMS) efecto Celeoration of Human values and Tue Spirit oy ‘Sroramanship under Themes see, Pate 167. ‘ter he young byw bogb tle ie heen ESN O2r ate ing be tether The race See ecam Ste reming wae ten red to a walle The hte sng send perl Obes” we DPR, the omtetas’ beau added to te uiguoness ofthe even ‘Tne nine ako joined mans when tbe young By Was brought Teh eet te dopa tgetnerese The @Tpoee Was t help {he boys nh ha hore Rows by fang dow. “Ther toon ofjaine hands abs that hee was no animeity Fare omit ey woretae sportsperson and tie Perera aflon real hat ey weve empatese tthe boy. ‘Bunce te young boy cold no lnge un he ober participants decided te rede the race toa all ‘The runners paren inthe aca Special Obes deploy ‘Prine, Linden, en work and couperation. Thy red ESSER help tne one nb ad fin downy at the con of the rece Tina of eersnes, compel the narator ane i Tike tanner vt tea Spel Olsmptes, “could not Pac kces ten te mare Toe Speci Olvmpes ws truly TSSSAIS the contestants bhanour eed fo the uniquensss ‘The race ended wih ech the nine athletes winning a eld Inedal The ecing was appropiate ay all of them displayed the were snewe mine nes ao di the eartestanta fol when thay eoezed the fish bre (ocular? Hina tayo th the spats reed? ‘Re evn ne a wen mee he hinge hor The spectators must have reacted BF giving hem Sanding oration ae ‘The pocm brings Ov snton, where the contestants set Snide the dese twa, to Rep another comestant who had {Eits down, Tory cmputued whim Toe contestants came {gether at a gro. They std by each ther, and walied {cgvther tothe Song En, and each ofthe won = sl med Brseedg ome tech, he ston, noured the play ofthe tue apt of apormansiip and ‘man alies. Thu, the “Spec Opies” rely taraed out te be speci 000 TEACHERS’ HANDBOOK —_—— Workbook on Treasure Trove ‘A Collection of ICSE Poems and Short Stories Volume-II : Short Stories A a 1. Chief Seattle’s Speech Dr. Henry A. Smith Lo o o « ww ” Context Questions Chit Sete spe these wor, He any hat nature (ly) has ‘rpatised wih his (Chie Sete’) people for mary cents orth spear, the ayo come wld be led wth dares ss the Great Chit at Washington wishes to Duy and contd tha tna George Washington, the Pst President of the USA i the “Great Chita Washingon” He as sent Seite and his people te proponl to buy ter land wits wed of ged pode sed Fenaanige Seatle's wor area rela nd cert te retuof thes = the econ” swore are We the tare hat newer change hie seat srcatealy canes the Big Che act sending them grvings of fendship and godeil Chit See Fealoes that Big Che at Washington Seine need of ther endo, ‘sis prone ae stronger and more powerful tha ie nares ‘As compared tothe White Ciets peopl, Che estes people see fw. The speaker thats th face by comparing Re Deople to the seating tress om sormneept poo ele the White Chiefs Pepe are a mush a “the on iat covers sprain “oe White Chi sends a meaige that he wishes to bs at he was to buy the natn and he woudl thm enough once Che Seale tye tat there a ne when his pene we 2 mumerous at the ware ofthe sea that cov te te howe Refer w answer i ott. (Stet Sate srccaly ny hat the Wt hes ws i fare they “in need ofan extensive fur of hem to buy the nessa Whe the white man ren (0 push the natives westward, they (Chief Seattle's Speech at “ im o i tumed hostle towards one another. They became eruel and 1 they shold not tke fevenge on the White men beesee {snot ffl Im Snes of war, they even lose thes own He, ‘but the family that wants for them ar heme bears the ls George Washington is referred to as “bur father in Washington” Ie a become “Our father an your father, since King George ‘has moved his boundaries farther worth Youth i impulsive and young men ote indulge in revenge ets considering them tobe guint Te mes af wer, they een lose thir own ives, But Uh fly that wats for them at heme bears the lee. I refocts Seattle's ant-war atnade, fore doesnot gory war tut condemns i. “The god father promines to protect the natives en if they do he doses. “Brsting wall of suenglh" refers to the vigorous fd energetic white people's brave men who wil prose thers (natives etn end wil protect the om thelr nent enemies ele wo Note, Pages 25 ‘The White Chiefe rave men wll provide the natives strength fand his shipe would ther harbours ao that Haidae and ‘Fiashana wl ease to gen the nates ‘The God of the Wtes protects only the ‘palefuce children’ tin freaes the Red Indian children, The God of the nation, the Great Spire has forssken them. Wf they have a common ‘Gor then ie ie pil to his Buropean ciren. They are to dine racer having separate origins and eeparte dennis ‘The God ofthe nies, the Great Spit seem to have frealen them, because he no longer helps them when they need help the most, The Great Spin is no longer father figure to them ‘they seem to be orphans who can look nowhere fo help” ‘They are compared to receding tide Because once they were Tang in omber but now they ae nothing more than a mount memory. For the other pat, Refer tothe answer (of W. (a) He hae foreken “He Ret Children” and protects only the (sadtace children [be makes the White People stronger every iy but dors nothing for the well being of the natines. (is) & The are mew diner races — the naties Americans and the White colonists The natives origin is the American land that is being contested, the wits here ergnally belonged to Europe ‘wo came and colonised these native Americans © Their destinies are diferent — the aatves are eecding very day whe the whites are the the grust that covers 1+ Moccover, refer to the dferences beeen Tia bli oystom and Waster lef sytem. under Theres ection, Page 19 (0) Refer wo Oppression, under Themes section, Page 18, YG) Refer toon finger under Hotes section, Page 24 (6) Red Man's reign i the “adion”of is ancestors and belt {nthe Great pint tat teaches them a love hse world” Ite “verdant valleys, is murmuring vers and its magnificent (i) Rete o Instutonaced Cretan under Citca! Appreciation section, Page 23 (i Refer to Red Indians” atachment thir land, under Themes section, Page 18 (0) Seat doce ot stem to support iominitonalied Corstinity at it fares people only to adhere to rule and doesnt allow them 1 essocateserednes and sprain wth he nature ard them, VE 6) This is because they never connect with ther land and their people spitualy. The relationship with thet land and their people i not sacred or holy iti ryattaistic Ax soon ‘ey die, the lnk to their earthly Me Brea and devoid of spstuallr they are incapable ofan aftetie, (i) The dead ofthe Red Man continue te ove tel land and thelr people. They never fg! the wold that give them ther being {nd ldenuty. Moreover the spite ofthe dead kesp wating to fide, conecle and comfort the lng (i) Reter 1, i (29, eter to Oppression, under Themes page 16 (0) Refer to Transcendence under Themes Page 20. YUL W) He ets anf not a singe sar ef hope baer above the nates Dorion. The winds moan and geim late flows than Theit o « vim. © i 7 situation io similar to a wounded doe that Is being hunted down. Moreoter he fees, that ina few mote years, their race tel dsappeae. This Row he ects hie unhappiness about the fate offs people Every person, tbe or ele that lesen > great wary woul tetiney meet te fll one day and that would surely Be the dy of justice. Seattle believes that rime will come when the ‘whites would also be moving towards ther inevitable doom “This sa reference tothe Biblical God and his ten commandments that always supported and guided the white man, Chief Seatle believes that White Setters too will have their ecay one day Ie would be then thar the Whate men and Red ‘men would share a common destiny. They would be brothers ‘only when the whites would be abe to empathise the Red men. ‘The common destiny of man i that his deeay is evita. Ko ‘through the White man’s decay that Seattle lresee the unity of all beings: He say: "we may be brothers ater ll We wil ce ‘This is tecause even aftr the lat mathe has perished last natne “shores wil swarm withthe iviible dead” of Seatl's tmbe. The natives’ love for ther land makes them immortal. ‘Thus, the water wil ever be alone, ‘The shadowy spits Wl the places at nights when the streets of the Whites" ces re silent and itis falsely believed that they are deserted. ‘The memory of the tibe would become & myth among the ‘White men "when the last Red man shall have pind ro the tvs" land, but this would be momentary aa it would then “warm with the invisible dead of the tribe Native Americans even afer death don’ forget the word that ‘gave them their being and denty. They Keep on lvii. i valleys its aver, mugniicent mountains, and its lakes, The dead fel one with the nature and its surundings Refer to Transeondene, under Themes section, Page 20, 000 . Old Man at the Bridge Emest Hemingway Context Questions (@ A bridge that Ss made of lage hollow containers lied with air “The sory is sc during the Spanish ch war and people are routing the bridge to pret emenes Go the lnpending ‘sinc by the enemy Coop (@) Taeld man ie sningby the ede fhe road ata pontoon beige The old man was too tired to go any farther Because he had beady walled tebe idmetres ince be let hs Rometon, ‘San Caron (68) The unnamed narrator, wha isan army scout isthe speaker. He was on a mission to cross the bridge and find out ow far fhe enemy had advance (60) The narrator asked the old man where did he come from. “The old man septic, “rm San Carat’, and he emia because {he mention of hie nate ten gee Bis plenware (o) The old sna was the lat to leave beste he mas taking eae of ‘Bo animale: Toe ole man wore cunt thes snd sen mao Spectacles hie ‘sce was also gry 204 day A @ Od can ts He: Me i in a ery cnet a he as already alked treive Islometes and too ured to move farther ‘Moreover His othes are dusty and his face han Samed 20. (a) He had — oro goats, eat four pairs of pigeons, ‘The animale were his Sry beloved them and eared for het So‘ciseh that separating Som them made sn fol toate Bad fet he reason for eusteace (68) He tet he animals behind in he aathe worm of San Caste he Reavy Sing fom the eneay freed hao Go em (a) He bad already traveled twelve Ilometes, so he was to tit to ge any fate. He ae to weak 4 Theoldman had nofamty and hea ie his animale behind ” m6 @ a + Hefei hipies se couldn save is animal: he wareniered Dimelf a his fate, eter to Poutessness of War, under Thomas section, pape 0. lke other innocent rilans what matters to the oman is 1s home and animale reer then polio. ‘He mentions his age along with the fact that be ad aleady Walked twelve Ilometres ta eect the extent of hie wears ‘The old man wore ste rimmed specaces; his clos were lack and dusty and ts toe had timed gory from ent. ia ‘Sen Carlos, he was ting care of bie ania. “The place relered tte a war aoe at pti brge across the Ebro rier. This place i 12 klometes fom San Calon i Spain 1 was not advisable to halt there Bows i was a war arms, ‘The narrator strted the eld man to cos the Eider and catch, 8 tuck towards Barosiona. But the id man roped that be (not know anyone there. Hower be thanked the acre {or bis suggestion end conned to expense hs eraser Sr {ate ofthe anima he bad let bend eter to Poirlasness of war, unter Thoms, pee 40 Te man was fered to See fom hie nat tom eating bed bis only tnd Ln his eniale He wan covorroed for thes (dot kom wat to do, I made tem Bae Meteo was (3 seiengem yer ole mas who Bat aiady ose means Esomenes oo be was teed, ‘TEACHERS’ HANDBOOK (ICSE-SHORT STORIES) He wes preocapid ony with the fat of bin animals be ‘hed let hin i San Carlos Ti his gute eh we one take cre of and thus fae rurenderd Aime ois ‘The narator ies oengegeina conversation withthe ad an. te ptea the oi mais condo and ine head et ‘he dove aes unlocked “es ote up renoure im fol man) thatthe annals would bese “+A regular ines, be reninds het 9 cos the bride. Tue naratr becomes end im need forthe old ma but he ie ot able to ceeve fim of his won, The oid man sarenders to his ote and tl the end he Gat thinks of his enmale The navatr thus eles that nothing can be dene about ‘hin and snes om Iaring him atthe bie “ree od a at lst lope and was lle wit gut for not ‘eg abe to eek fer animale, War thus does not enly Chun glpelel destueon bu also peebolgal destruction. Refer to ‘The off man loved it animale zo much that separting fom {Gem mace hen fel that he bad last hls reson for exsence. ‘Toe old man, Hae Be gost, Bad no one take care of lm fod that Be errendere to Bis te “The narra lends a Rnd cart the eld mat and urges the ‘ha wo ge up and oan the Bridge the man ties but fas ‘The soldi: fel sory fr Bim. Thun the story endo with the (SE san’s concer fer the goats end the slsers concern ft AM he fuck hat Be fold ma) would are fs that theca could protec thems and asthe day was oneeast. the Fascists ‘rou not inane tht planes fo atck the lel people eke te ong, under Se seton, Page 43 900 ‘A Horse And Two Goats st 3, A Horse And Two Goats RK. Narayan eee ‘context Questions 1.) Something very sal. eta, wou probably the tet of the seven hundred viosee Inna es ¥ wee micssonp dot on the Sey IE ti) What pupone dows a nap serve a loge? ‘A map ghes the eatin of the wage and tbe approach route UTR ves ac a gue for mois ure of revert fr ‘Ssenuesoleere-" boundary fas for farmers — boundary Of the sng or mds i) Give bi denen of he age: Ketan. Refer to Stra. on pase 60 (0) rte in Tana meant “orone® or “zewn’ on the brow ofthe Inlan subcontinent, Mn! lve im the net house in the fut ‘Sect inthe vllage, beyond Which stretched the fel (0) The Big House, unlike oer howe was but with brick and Tencnt 8 wes painted yellow and bive all ver wth carci ‘Tout, The eer honses were of bamboo thatch, sta nud fod other unepered materia 1g) He would take his sheep and gots everyday tothe highway to He caied a col atthe end of «bamboo pol elle ftinge {fom the ven tren 10 fed is dock (i) tn bis prosperous daye Mani had owned a Hock of forty 2h hd ns Graal Mun frre ecined ne Bi Bock of {ery an reduced to only to gots (69 tants we would gre im salted millet our in boded water {or benifit Por muday meal, abe would gir him the same ‘Sher cooked io ile bal, which be could swallow wit & Fe anim, This shows (her povery a5 ey could not alr evcing de Ge) This wes done to that his two pats could gaze ony within Tier rechs and aot mander off and gt los Sareea ie eine erp Saletan ageless Sea ST jae @ © som) “7 v0) « a ca ‘TEACHERS’ HANDBOOK {(CS5-SHORT STORIES) ‘A8though no one could sy presey who ome te te, he Shi ls Man ed war ar Reid shadow Refer to tin, ner Characterisation, page 56. He was teed of eating drumtch leaves alone. He wanted to ‘ei them wh one rw han Mus might not be His wile greed thinking that ext pea, Musi might To ant for anyning She aed hin tring fw food ems Ining a ease fe ome ‘To atract te aitenion ofthe shopkeper, Muni pt ening 2a tron, coushing and snceg, uni, responded appropaey atthe shop man’s jokes, This Delp hin win tn sop man ve. Hs could Muni got sone rs ood ems fom the shop? Muni woul go and el ute the sop. He would make polite tounds by cleaning his then, couhing and sneeang wnt he ‘Sught the etnlon et the shops. He would Numour the Shop man by appropiate resenting to his Jokes and then Foquest the ed ene Re heed oxo ean yosconcude tat its fora per ecoanis backround? Refer to Wealth and Poverty under Thones poe 52. ‘plan what hae happend er bc of uch the shipper ‘2 ected to ge tings on ov. sade af ong he shop, emarng the thopman and requesting fron tw He ood le {he prom of repaying inte. Thine the shop man wae not inva good modo be lot his tempest Mr for eang to ti secede Muni oid tat hi daughter would be sending him money soon fortis thith ita ‘According o Mane wes ty ero He clad ho age from the “me of et amine Aecring tote dhcp an Man wasnt yas. Mur ght te stering to hime as fy Jers ce past fw yen Muti ad odie hopper hat his daughter had pet word that she would be seeing him mony for he sth nay. ‘The shop man is refered wo soundre, Mul wae annoyed Seca the shop maa mocked at hi hai sfmenoning Pie athday tine and spin to proce things on rei Mn dat arg bene he knew that if obeyed hs we she wou wmchow conjure up acne ld fer him te een Mani trusted her afr as is welare wan concerned Ne tae ‘AMorte And Two Goats » a oo ” ” ‘by taking up occasional jobs in the big Rouse, she would earn some money to keep diner ready for him in the evening ‘She would go out and work — grind com nthe Big house, sweep Gr scrub somewhere, to earn enough money to buy foodstul ‘When Mun! was passing through the vilage, he avoided loka st anyone: He even ignored the call of his fends. ‘What wns Mun thinking az helo Ws goats to the highway? Muni was worved about his wife as he was seventy years old sdsigh die soon. He also was pondering about the abeence oF progeny ‘The statue was le-sned made of burnt brightly coloured ely std with Is head held high anda frelege im the a ‘The wavior beside the sai depicted as a man of strength Lough his deseripion as awarior ith cyte ike mustachon, ‘bulging eyes, and agine ove Nobody fom the village notice its exlatence. Even Mani who Spent al his day at the fot of the statue, never bothered to oor ep Mani didnt go ack home early Because he wanted to give his le tine to ool of er temper and fel sympathetic enough to arrange some food for hi Refer to Muniand The Americar under Characterisation, Page 56. The red faced foreigner entered the story inn strange yellow ‘hile. He stopped i got down and went around i, poked ‘under the vehicle becnue his carta Gut to Bue He Tooked up the atthe cley hors and ered, “Marvelous” f sn ax Muni met the foreigner hie fiat imple was tora ‘oray but his oge didnot allow him. He assumed the fergie ‘beapliceman oa solder eguiring about the amouted mardes, The foreigner was wearing Wisk clothes. Ie made Mun! thine that he was @ polceman ora tld, To put Muni at ease, the other man prested his palms together, same, end sald, "Namoste™ ‘Muni sai that his name war Muni and the goats belonged to him. The vilage war fll of wanderers who would elaine whey sean not theirs The forelger was tourist in india. He was a rich American businessman who deal in colle. The foreigners polite behaviour on meeting Must for the frst. fans, a's oneomelhn alond Mes @ clgtoodias uw 1 m0) ol a i ° xo o w “9 reacts’ UANDBOOK [6SESHORT STORIES) tg» a mai et nen hs et iat ‘Sate arr experince of man of smoking © Bare, When the forcier flcked the hight gpen and offered «ah nt SE a le Se eae he ma en REA Se ee a ee Sen ea en Mw cn Sian howler she blew on the iit ar put i out Se Sct tern ete ete et en Mr oon Tra apne for we et? ane at ete nr ome Ann dn nel a pps oe So athe nate Seg eon met Selec feng on toed stead tn en nics at ae ‘econ ts are wate ong mae Reka reeset Saaes won SStieaet meyer ree Semin Gy demeanor tert fre 36 IoC str Pee 8 Tit ml arr oa onde Pct reheated tented Sinton cask nt se ey SRS SEL Sica Dao toe Pon ea et a se Tal a Dag nes hc tytn ee Saas ra ta fe Tee Rc nie Tn, 8 Ieee pig ean ew Sepp le a ge fine pp a re as ey ta reewiungap Balint er Chat pr wn pre mm tee te Se Poem melo ea ne aay ‘Alors And Two Goats a xt 0 o w a 1 ded man to supp the. Mu knew his wile woud fre the raw ones wad prepare his dramatic gry. He ‘Sas wre wt dd happen her ae an ea eter to ale to ets page 65 [A the ect of Hah ug this word oe ther works wil be dates andthe Heemer Wi ame nthe shape fw he Sie el nd see al god pepe we one wi ean "Hw dre te nguoge barr the coneration tween the ‘ner en ht heme Teter to Langage Barer, ner Creal Avreiaton poe 62 “he hing rom a he ogra lrg oka ed th volumes 6 baka Thre ae nk plel toe “The tcgneranien Ml tat he wold ep the ate with {mon cre in his ng tom shout the USA IRep the nt seen in the passage am nce Delete {heres Al qo we rt) ‘Wo spec thse words? I wha coet des he speck ten? Te ge, Mani wat teecng on the end of the world an aaked the {beget hea ny es shen al Ys would en What does Mant ay abot te cf tel inthe ty? hea he ay cbt he cue haar, nn Me Mem? Wh Non ad heard fom paserety that there were tapotl! pened he iy bats the nest ta lon the ihe. Nan! only vecopraed the word “cole” inthe foreigners CSnversaen Hethoupt hae reget wanted todrnk eee Wha hos Must the ond of he wot? Ath end ofthe wed the Redeemer woul come onthe hose Soto wich would ww be ane called Kal. Thee would te ods in ich Hall wos ary god pope sly ad the onl would pr [plan whet Rnd of bushesonan was the forignr ‘The torige chimed tat ewes ode! bina deslng isd Hwee ed soa ing te et ome trac abouts bats He tak cua amare rapes ood Stared tarnng ovr te pro tthe ara "i dr oe lan pon thre Ane? ‘orager planned to cane! hi a cket apd xy ab ‘wh the ove os enki TIO. 38-10 2 a. a «7 av. wy ‘TEACHERS’ HANDBOOK (ICSE-SHORT STORIES) Muni wns ang the red man about his eile, if ay. The Merge Mica tom He noamed thet MMi was the atu so he oe in fndred ropecs fr i "The areas Hee ace ot ofeach one inability to understand The ther Thy exe to be convraing, But I TEAS, they te lang about enseyneted sabe Mur ask ow many chitren doce the man hae. 4 Heeremaks how many ofthe are bos nd ow many gi uni pered erly at the hundred rapes note, He wns amazed fs he nd never seen bebe, ‘Muni thought that the eed ran wanted him to exchange the fot for change ot lughed tts He, ‘The vilage hendman was a moneiener whe daguised himself inrags un fo mislad the publ: Acorn a Muri, 9 realy, the headman had bo asc imoncy tate could even have ‘Snged bk of pes In ud cnr The iger showed intrestin Mun ons mere out ecu. Muni hd reared the gt in he hope of sein them sme day fin with he rote, oping a ata sop on that rey spot oi would et sled milet cocked it it bl long with He won expecting a miracle ood becuse he craved 10 chew drum oot of sauce the sane morning. He Knce Ut Uf he obeyed his wie she would somehow conare fd for hi by the vein Munts wie was fu an secing the handed rupees note thd secu Ment esting ‘Muni and his we heard iting oti, On opening the door, she saw the two goats sod this concuded Muni haw Hoke the mney. Muss annoyance was reveled when he questioned the got “Where that man? Dont you know yo are his? Why conve beck” sa The try ends with a minundertandng betwen Muni and his le theater oocusing fi of seg te tefl MD Refer to Norayan's Use of Humour, under Coal Appreciation weer Chea! Apprei 000 Hearty and Hands 4. Hearts and Hands ©. Henry @ oa on a ) » ™ 0 ‘context Questions ‘The conch ofthe eastbound tein, B:& M. Express. The only vacant seat eft was revered one facing the attractive YOUN sroman.” This fells us that the coach was erowded. Diss Fart, She is described as an cleganty drested, pretty {Joong woman who ha al the ies and who ved wave. 1M. Easton ad the marshal eee ty were hand together. ‘Attest she su them sdferentywltna”dltant, evi disinterest ‘As coon ar she recognised Mr. Easton, she smled at them and ane conversing ‘Thay were old acquaintances, Mr. aston sight hand was engaged as it wae handcufed to he Te hand of the Marsal ‘As soon the Indy saw Mr. Banton being handed, her lole ‘hanget to bewikered Rerer, she wan no longer glad) he {dow faded tom her cheela” and “her pa parted ina vague, relaxing dstzess” ‘The phumfaced an spoke as if Mr. Easton was the marshal ‘The phimiaced man waa a cont being taken to Leavenworth prison for countering. In realy, the gum faced man was the marshal who was taking the convict Mr Easton to the prison. The marshal to save Me, Eason fom embarassment in front of Mise Pairchid, presented himsel a the conv. eter to The Tide, Page 87 She elled astm, a marshal oeause she was told x0 by the real marahal Moreover, het 080 fantasies did not allow hee to ‘npect the real marsbal’sreelatien about Me. Easton Easton, in reality, was @ consict Being taken to a prison on changes of countering He was going to be impetoned at Leavenworth yim te: countertin Bs é « 4 w oo ‘reacHERs’ HANDBOOK (1CSE-SHORT STORIES) o pepmesuanranrontny tts sopintntinngtarat aneemeeeeem eos meee emia ora nseceraentari Se rene Scout es SSR tren aaa car a ee etnies Sicmemercstpteman race Souatonenemamnsine FOE einen Ecrgeginereesnte tae nooner ne ae Bee cracvaurari nal ine che beavis satation Sa Sn ceamtntemntrire te paneer Seapewras pai Sera ee tin ia rater ee [aaa eco eee Sm eatal aces eee ia be wee ‘all dead or pp? Sec antici t Firion mh ‘one wth the ie |A-Feee Ia the Date 4 realy aston was the convict, and the gam facd man Was the Sen (Yes, the sry ends with a surprise, Refer to Sting in the Tal, ‘Under Cnn Apia Page 08 (0) Rel etree Page 87 000 5. A Face in the Dark Ruskin Bond TS ‘Context Questlons (Mr, Olver wo an Anghtndan teacher, who wan teaching ‘choot, ested thee mes eway form Shins. Me would uly walk down t9 the Shinle Bazaar and would turn ale dah by fling shereut tough te pie Wrest ‘The al-tys sched in Shinn wie Me Olver was a teacher Is been sled Bion othe Eas Bien ciloge one of matt reputable and expensive English Tearing soe! for oye in Ban, Bertie, rar Winor Dir Otvers school wom elled on of the East’ because the ‘hol hed been ran oo Engh public whoo! nes an she tne wee snonty om wey Indian amis, (Geter to Sting sein, Page 107 {While walking back to shoal ane night he encountered a boy titing sone en a ros wove eed ws hang down and whose face wae el in ie orm hand ‘ater acing the bor, Olver sapped near the bey asked him ‘that he wae ding thee and why be was ring In) Raler to Cote! Appreciation Pge 110 1) Walking through the pine forest fo return to school, Olver found the bey ating on a rok He noted thatthe boy was cing with is head ung downs tnd hi foc held ie hans 2016 46 (88) Olver told the watetman that he had enc ‘TEACHERS’ HANDBOOK [1CSE-SHORT STORIES) (8) A miscreants person who has dene some mischief. Heys were ‘ot supported to be out after dare Thus the by stingalone on the roo in the night freed the author to call ina miscreant (G8) Me. Oliver ake im what he was be doing there and why he vas crying. The bof ld not respond and eantinued to tb, Oter again enquired what wae troubling him and asked him to lok wp (i) The bey "stange, boundless weeping” hints atthe sopernatural flement of the story. Oliver was concerned for the boy and asked him why he was cing but the bay soundleas weeping ‘made him uneasy. ‘The “strange, souniess weeping” that Oliver heard could be ‘explained on the base that Olver wae lonely man caught to Deychological fears who was imaging fightening and scary things. Thus all Over encountered wae ctoundless weeping” and “fccient aces, When the boy Analy looked up at Otter, wae revealed that {he boy had no ace twas without eyes, eas, nose or mouth, was just around head with scion cap on ft @ Olvers “trembling hand” Is relered t hee 1 was trembling, a8 Olver was hrs to ote that the boy's ‘ce wa fetureles, without eyes, cars, nose of month (i) The “faceless” boy teiied Or 20 much x that he immediately ‘ured andin pani ran binly trod th ora ocl for el cuntered something Dormbie that night—a boy “faceless” bay wecping inthe free (Otter ram amy fom the faceless bay and called for hei. He ‘saw «laste swinging in the middle ofthe path, What followed next was a tiling climax st Olver while running stumbled ‘to & watchman only to fd that he. ton te facelens, with ‘o feature or even eyebrows. The eimas a cached whn the wind blew out the lamp, leaving the readers to imagine what ‘might have happened to Olver (Refer to The Tie section, Page 106, 900 9 ‘hs Angel in Disguise se 6. An Angel in Disguise ‘Timothy Shay Arthur o o 9 os ™ « &) r m Content Questions ‘The mother of thee children John, Kate and Magaje, who wae inated by everyoce in their vlage. The woman died of imoxseaion. ‘She did not have cordial relations with others, She wae hated by nearly everyone in his village. The reason for this could be her idleness, her immoral behaviour and her habit of crcessive dining. Some of all negnbours tok grave clethes for the woman decent bbunal, while some cari food for the starving children ‘The woman ang her there children were subjected to pathetic Tring conditions. Their hut war old and in a tumble down condition. The woman did not even have decent clothes of het ‘un to be used for her burial. “ohn, the oldest, «boy ef weve was adopted by farmer Jones. Kate, gi between ten and eleven es taken in by Ms Ele Maggie who had injured her apine two years ago. and was ccippled fore, was not wanted by anyene. Magee was anced at with ply because she loked innocent tbat nobody Wanted to take her, an she was copped for le, lo) Magee, the youngest child ofthe dead woman looked pale se thin. (b) Maggies innocence and anes attracted everybody requesting them to take her ‘Two years ago Maggie had fallen rom a window and had injured her spine, this made her bed-ridden, was suggested that Magu should be taken tothe poothowse ‘because for here Would bea “blessed change” where she wold ‘be ep clean, given healthy food and provided modienl Con Fefer to Themes page 122. Joe Thompaon and the biackamiths’ wife were dlacussing the ‘options that would be best for Maggie since her mother had ed Te was because she was a ctppled child who hal injured her spine two years ago by fling from a window, 2016- ‘TEACHERS’ HANDBOOK (ICSESHORT STORIES) (0) Toe tought of tring et ane tried Mane She erie out ST hi re He waa pun ecause he dil ot now what to do. Nether oie want fo fave Magpies, or die Be with to tend ber fo the poorhoane. He wos than onfed When he went ite the hovel be supported Mage and tld Terabe wuld aot bei there abe Ne wrapped her gently rdeen bette sd took er howe (0) Reler to lor lompan, under Chaacensatin, page 120 (She ae hr tang he Thonn appranhing, Mae etek au fb bad pring it i ie ‘ (i) Seeing child itis husband's arm, Joe Thompson sharply fgoemoned “wnat have so tere?” Jor dt not reply emmediatety tt pleaded and cautioned is ‘ee othe lnk, that seen bert be ent. lor spoke to Ths ane Be ony afer ceoriy placing Mage on a bed (i) © Joe formed a bond wah the child a non a8 he ed her he a ‘Phan Jee Thmpso kp sg alent in tnt of his wife ‘Bat day be daplayed w frye countenance and 9 reselte pur of re (© He aha aneweed his wf wth tea ndiaton for Maga. emmthing which he never del before (6) Joe told his me that he had trough Maggie hme because she SEL Me ied le tpt he woud take er there the seat day speaking to the puardans ofthe oorhaneceparding () Refer to Love as Redeemer, under Themes section, page 122. The lve and cancer that Joe Thmpnon reece for Mage sae le ore twa Mago tei eer Dad toi Der hat how Chet rebuked those who weld nat Secene children woth happiness He remied en Mace ‘et ether athe ness, pass td seo wach Moog us underoing atthe moment Ths mouteeed hee ed trough « chang a art Mew Those” (6) Than, te lige ‘Teapot shining hag the sondow was scent a - “ihe a ‘ymboaed to tm the sunshine ‘won tee hme ‘The Lite Mate ie ” Joe Thompson aw Magee Ing in a tle rset poston wth the Insp shining fall upon he face He aw hin wile sting Dy the Maggie's bet and Taig 0 hee From Magze'sexpeeasions Jor gathered that Jane was sc and tender but not ter toward the child This elev him and he et aif wright ha ied feo a ea. (0p coming tack. oe acted ignorant: a A he do not know of the love fostering between Maggie and it wile Hei go> Imenediatey o the kt charler tt tothe Rtches. He di not ‘centeter othe chad root of hs nle Acting indierent twa Meoe, be asked dane, How soon wil supper be ready?” 200 7. The Little Match Girl Hans Chetstian Andersen 0 ow i om ow Content Questions Te was New Year's Eve. 1 was ternbty cold, snow was falling tnd darkness wos gathering ‘The slippers thatthe il was wearing belonged to fer dead other: They were too big for her and hence mere of ho tne Reterto Poverty and Heath under Crea Appreciation. Page ‘The gel was tent out i the cold by her later to sell eatches Since she could ot sell any roatchen, she was afat f g buck home beeaine of the fear of bring Beaton by her father Reler to The Tile, Page 129. The protagonist of the story ~ the litle match gi. The hte get tha lost her slippers an ahe ran acona the ste to escape eat tho carriages that were Being deventorily fast. Oe sipgee ‘ould not be found and the other was taken away by an ures ‘She was caring matches as she was sent by her father to ell matcher &o ean some money ‘Rote: panne hn Bok wee ston the etl sary. There a ‘hangin unguge bt the ennnce nthe ume You sre roger ts ae w2O15- (rt Bee & 0 & © ‘TEACHERS’ HANDBOOK (ICSE-SHORT STORIES) She des nt get ey alleeon rch mothe ete De binge sll matenen, Fem hes ntcr bat sent ou 3s spend her entre rghit busi Pe oes? es of cl, marge an ase The gi ir un hay desc on ey ps ON Necmatiens ree he need and desire of poor, hungry Seat eed ie, ae sam fet Ion 8 ae a Te Be, Greaves how bong) the amall el was, and i Tis OPS fae ane wold serey had dled of starvation Refer to Didactic Soy, unter Sie seston, Page 14. ‘Toe it wan siting iva comer formed by tro ROUseS, One of TELE Sgpec tare out ino the set than the other, To TES Rogers ane pled a match fom the packst tight Bip eng on the wall Iwas a hallacnaton which depicted the gi longing for tranmih ne wel ae ve of er fay Retr tosccondpararaphin Clas Difoedton under Themes, Refer to Clase Difventaon, under Themes section, Page 142. eter to Troma of ero nVicorian sce, under Creat Set ee ele ne Chats When shel dhe Gat match, se had a vision of large iron ‘Hove and ise marm and brignt fame upaete of te elings Prmh ane stiey which the longed for reminded her of {he love and sfecsn which she got Hom ber grandmother ‘Wren she Bt the second match, the gol sama feast lid 0 (SHE. dee fest comprised a roast gone emfed wich apples Sed dred pe, ‘eter 1 symbols under Spleseedon page 146. eter 1 Mathes, under Symboton, Page 144. Wan she Egued « match and saw her 4, she dit fot wont to lose her and therein ged te wale bundle f [Basches. She found hope inthe nage ofr loving grendatber ‘Tee baie match ect who din of eld and hanger ie elered tp hae. Her cbecks had tamed Sony beeaute of exreme eld. Morere she has a ting mou becuse ber wish tbe Hr une tna ar he pets toed of ee ugh (Ges rebeved of ber pain roo Fler visions of an ton sue, a munpturss fest, 2 ernkling (Cos en her te ranneter aero tas “oes ‘the Be Bend st thing Ile by leting the matches that abe ges to encounter {have “bet tan (i) Retr to Grandniter, under Characterisation, Page 181. (The gt pleaded with her grandmother oaks htt even and Te of them few in tightcar and in oy to be with God The Bats sang face afer her death tas pbs a beter ater (0) Refer to The Lite Gi, Under Characterisation, Page 140. 000 8. The Blue Bead Norah Burke ‘context Questions ) Soopers — rte to Note, Page 163. The fores fathe yp the “Great iin ee” om where (0) alstodge — Refer to Notes, Page 163. The sleepers can be sloped by two wane: (a) bythe uae of human fore, Le, somebody needs to frceflly remove from their place to send them on heir a. (2) Seods car Hit ther and jostle them along. (i) The croc came out ofdeep waters, torestin the lay shallows ‘Te crocodile balanced himself on Sp-toe on the rippled sand, ‘aise hi ejes and nosis out of water to breathe the clean Suny sit (69 Toeateh prey snd to breathe clean sunny alt (6) Over the years the erode had become so strong and ferocious {hat methine coud perce his inch-duck armoured hide. ‘The tach thick armoured hidotelers tothe thick hard covering tthe crocodile that protects his. @ a Geskwater crocodile of the Indica eubeontnent. (G8) le) Here, elere to the crocodile; avery old rep. (@) The crocodile that is exzemely large and powerful and seem to belong tothe time bere peop coud mre (6) The crocodile wae blackish brown from abore and yellowy white under It was wang for ts loed. The Lite Syeatcher hat was ‘ring and tiling slong made his move. Cy a rracrns’ HANDBOOK (ICSE-SHORT STORIES) eros ant friable — vast free inthe SEE pace emai andesite power Tobe cal ar pt by cries — « 0b fs hat, “Te ccosie tc! Haase on Ste 09 Ne 404 fo the TELGSS sh ons ae pes moni bore the water fs ended years cg that texan Rad ached the coeale [Eraunding Te cncoaie was wry tee even before e was Bub Enel whe was ready © sap at oepthing en hen eis t Ban, Page 168. ‘Toe youne erode eral best prey to bids and reat “The coveie eat ctch athe fod Ne nected, and would ve hil pod se es the The Foun cocodie Boro ds epatcen nar waa te water and food sored ni ‘Te crc’ chin wes cored with neh tice har eovering Es jwutel Rin On hn oes snd sot andorame wee bral atack now 1 pinmerng bine bead wa found net the coco. Ota 1 Sin worms gas that wa prorat ight though the ‘lle and'wan prhap tie neck os bite) “Te gel came a fomn md he fm he sl ley age ‘Bove ford She wan raed isa eanteobure fg. She wang» hppa wrapped rand ema of een ‘Shia the hie gt wan thin starting sd dened in an ‘sete gS had ery da court ha este, Sd brown and oy ‘The gi was thn and sarvelng — was dressed in ree — Side urate ae scm ere en 0 8 oe ‘Sia nos twevegearal child but the hardwork that se ouaged here a supper her tally dpeed ht of be ‘hain ‘Sewn te lnan fre ‘iets ed cn er ns Shei seat Sea wonathe iling 5 People nd the dgs and moneys fl Sean he ha beard Prop gens 2 ne Set es: She ha uve he he bl 8 wane sine She wos amare gee at the susineat stall The honey Sletons mere tnt and Sn ee she saw wee grea and mage ear YE agers ‘ree ne Bead 3 o ue w wy “ a o vm. @ a ‘Av home, She smetines tasted wid honey, or crunched the ‘Srop ou os al of cupncane AL the ch stall Sia ew stacks of eat ras of new coston lah cae tncped edge ote makers ign of Sera eae ‘Ye, Sia Eke th tal She found he sel af the eaten 2ewondera tht abe cold hve ond ya a The sweetncat stall andthe cath sal [or detailed ener, reer ov Ga and “The Kachin merchant used to sll cewr-colored aks and Se jenny mae ar pet md op ‘Te bon when presed, ened fea bel Sing ad» yeow ooten chcker jumps ost” Stee her chithond, Sia was engeged in ard physical abou fuck ac ning corm eunerng seeks, pacing dung to 2 ooking wecting carping and fetching mater an ewan Brass Seder Sia was from a very poor fai. Sib hex “wan marked Sess pei labour evr since she was a oder “he tut ting whe an agent eat om lle Cosions and Slim wa sing with x meter welcome ther woman 1 gst paper pass om te cls above the fest setae ght ore pier mil Shia was acerpaied by her mother and some ether woman Siti euldn't skp uring her return Journey Decatse she as ted snd there was 8 gat bad wo cy “The women aed to wear nesdates made out of Iblal-beeges, the shiny seat Seda, that grew exerywbere in the jungle “They waned to wear several secleaces beet lots of neclaces tegen endearing swt sound, which wan peasant ior Sia wanted to wear varoun oramens made of et and Beads anklet, caring, nowerings and bangles’ ‘They were going a eallest paper a from the cil above the rer oa ine arte Nomads who grazen cate, These nomadic grazirs would Ielarat an place unl ther animale hed gaze al the peg or hey rere abl to ae the ary prods er bus tt Seer ‘reacERs' HANDBOOK (ICSE-SHORT STORIES) ug The Gujar woman were towers, tight and wrinkled atthe anes, se cet ars noe nner rings ade out of rcted rupees, im) The men and oye were cot of camp withthe erd oF gone to {Be tama to el proce (0) Retr 10) above [npostor emi that of shepherds herding lventock around "id acsrding to seonone od the changing Bk @ Sibineaharp von and range compared to that ofa ng bid. (a) St, an cid woed to sore some litle Donts mouled of Se ley nardned ia the cave She i this 90 that she Se tee tem or clouing (a) Shit msher was angry wih her Because Inetend of worn Sib's mother gare at er and any sid — ‘eid, Thin pled Sia back fo work, and they continued to til on in “The women caring the ld had to go back to their Homes Ii ctr elages Tc they rt out to eross the river enn (0) A the end of the day, Sin fet ecstatic as abe had found = ‘iseing Die bead or her necklace. XW) When the Gujr woman walked on tothe stepping ones, ‘ocoe lunged at er and he alae t ere. |i) The woman erenmed, dropped bth Era pos with a cater con large rock (i) The erode lnged atthe Gur woman and caught ere {egy in is jaws, She screamed und red to free here the elpped and felon the none. She ching te ene of the lobe Ings atc between Iwo racks and continued Ses ‘The crocodile Wied hard to pall her into the water: (it Sibiseprang immediately and “rom taulder to boulier she fue lwp ike a ick get” She bericaly came 08 ©3062 Desde the shrieking woman to eave he. fo) Reter t Wild Nase, under Cal Apprecatn, Page 162 {XL 6) Wh al efor, Sita drove the haylr at he era's 7% “The excruciating pain made the croc go nto eonvelt Daring convulsion half of hs body was sill ut of the 1 Then the next moment, be cashed back, expladed the Water and disappeared in pain. yews day dreaming My Greatest Otymple Pri s (i) Sin draped the faning woman out of ster. Ste stoppe ber wounds with snd aed bored tom mith rag Moreover she helped her reach the encaripent sfly ‘Sib left her sickle and fac a the ate where he Gar wera fron aacked bythe socedie. The fork was later found Wa 8 the ver. Sita awa “non cour white ue bean the water [As soon as she saw the strange ebject. the reached er arm ‘Te singe object was a gtering percd te bead ready fF Ue. appeared au "tbe rinaet buted about ina Bee fe-duat” (efor to Poverty, under Memes, Page 159. and rom, ender Sie, Page 1. 000 9. My Greatest Olympic Prize SS a contest Quetions ‘The 1936 Olympic Games, Hell i Berlin in Germans. Jems Bee the Amencan tate waa too wei about them, ‘anned to show the worl that caly white akznnet Tan the cal talent and would (a) ter ‘Agana wh were mane ee” sraval he medals iy Toe apomer sept 0 the gd medal at the fg Fe eee etn er enn he had aay et the wots ed 26 eet Be chen uy Teapeker na arte sce ata German ble, ong Fae erat a Lang won seul a ow upon Wine tas Aen muerte co Omeua ha ored very har o9year ota an aiplne Oxen ettpe Gaal Medal athe Obmpcs. He bad even fetid eur 230 1 seemomenn, the american aie His mind a peoceupied dee ome oe hat Lis Long won, would support the pa the howe ay hry. ean ahAncan Areca Memind wae Bed wath one 5 oo mo w w i w @ ‘TEACHERS’ HANDBOOK {ICSE-SHORT STORIES) (a Jesse Onens was fro (a is ai sora, (Refer tose, page 188. He wan dred te oto the rl to showeate his talent Fur anf smut fce would reno hat they wee Sno ‘ray repre to Ove or com “The peer dnt peso wel neat two atemote atthe Tas ie ued orice borne he aight Usa Long uted Se ogered ee 9 Cal Arprecaton, Page 88. npr perma atthe nh made Nin Bier, He wax troubied wn te howe sa Longs ing the el. So, Ie foie we “he speaker walked fow yrds from the pit and kicked Gapueay atthe dot Lau Lange feelines, oppor and ‘rte ete calmed cera Fete to Ls Lan,tnder Choroctocatn page 185. ts Lang dt, bentae he cold eee Owen was troubled sd biter, Moree he peer perarmance a the tals lo Fisted that someting wn tethering i The spear was avied to py ete and 1 raw tne © few ces in ac ofthe bt and ai taking” is he off an there Ye, 8 proved suena cad Owens gue He wor tense bsaune be ha ade nce a he tals ss be was lt wth onl one chance ‘as Long lesen that “moro ie wht counts” and tid 0 mate ihe Was ot at inthe eee tenon Tt night Jess walked ovr fo Lae Ln’ oom nthe Otc ‘lage to thank him. They sat toner and’ talked for to Doursabout themes, tack and fe, Ge wel alton, td denen ste Cag ee ‘Yes, because Lut Long was rend, gle and support Owene. {er scude pation, Reo as tng nde Character 1s ed Jevse to peak performance, Jense won the 6314 ‘medal and Olympic reard of 26 fet 3/6 het ‘Al Sommer In a Day st o xo w ou ow Refer to Themes section, page 186 Reler to 2¢earatfendsip, onder Notes rection, page 189. Refer to Showeashg True Frendship, under Themes section page 186, La Leng congratulated Owens happy for hs win, He was not Aisppointed for hisel bt happy for Owens. Hee not even hese to shake Owens’ hand hard. It reects that he was a ‘exemplary sportsperson Reler to True Spint of Sponsmanship, under Thames section, page 186 Refer to The Te, page 184 000 10, All Summer in a Day Ray Bradbury Lo cy o 7 mo a ‘Contest Questions tn the above exrct we see children wating eagerty for sn {o come out, This sogget that these chidren lve somewhere ‘where the sight of sun i rare, ‘The characters re geting ready for two houre, when the saa Would come out afer seven years of continuous rain In the story, Venus is depicted as a planet where it rains font, the sun remains hie Behind the loud and cen only once in sven year “The children are peering out fora Took at the hen sun ‘The chilren ace compared intertwined roses and weeds, ‘This hints tat they wee no ll eweet and fanocent. Like the foors ad weeds the ehldren Were looking towards the man Refer 19 Seting page 202. Rete to Hotes, page 207 ‘The planet Vee i refered toa the rning word, beeause itran tere consanly, exeap for we hours every seven year o ro on ” w oi o ‘TEACHERS’ HANDBOOK {ICSE-SHORT STORIES) ‘tee tessa rin which npr oftheir daly ies is finaly Bre tele wn thatthe batante of the planet Venus Berea for eherun to sop 90 that they can bask i the SShatne fort Boar ence ery HER YEE eer to AE Summer In « Day 08 sf Hon under Creat ‘apres, Page 207 ‘The ehldren in the sary are nine years ‘They could ot real the min, a8 they wouldve been only to the lst tne the su came out seven YeaT ED Margot. Refer to Mange, under Characterisation, Page 200, Ray Bradbury makes uve of metaphor to describe the rai. The (ropes ef ruin ender fang pon the foot ase compared fovdean beads of neckaces. ‘Te diearn ofthe ehlren dreaming of the sun. The chien ream etn te warm and a right ta fling on thee face, body. ama and legs ad trembling hands. When it rine on Ven appears tke a heawy storm. The ene i gute sar to that of tial waves coming over the [Stats Mormner the ceases and bear rain on Venn results fot ery in te cusng nero thousand forests ut also in thelr regronth ‘The teacher was expected to fury, beemte the rain wn facening and swe the day when oun would come out and thine fortwo hour. So the children wanted thelr tach 10 orc in tine wo thet hey den mina thee mite re i the ‘he ineeaant rain made i st impact on Margo's physeat snpesane 8 ered tthe ann had wed ut the {ed calor from her fac, the blae ear of her eyes and the fee aa ote ti, She nied ae ak The ihe {Mec her reraly a well She fel mel and never mingle sth other chidren ae ur eyes are associated seth beauty: red colour with ener” tnd stench; and yellow with sunshine snd joy, Av al of ee ‘fe lot these colours ave used to describe Margot she Na ‘ey tee pe, moe and ney tide wold onthe plant Venn where rain non: ‘hie welt oud, beciae the sd ef os ind of the rie ling 82 ‘i Sammer Ins Day ” O uo 22 She was an old photograph’, “vice woul be ghost Here, Margo's appearance and ice han been described. Ater years of endless tain ant devout of sunlight she fas become pale and ack ‘Since Margot had come to Venus ony five years gp from Barth he remembered the sn She eemembered vividly the colour Gat heat of the aun, but others a not ‘She describes un — an a penny — ke a fre im the save — fe a suntower Refer to Margot under Charactersation, Page 200 Ie seemed that she was completely devastate by the relentless fn ao much 90 that she dreaded taking a shower Refer to Jealousy and Bulg, under Temes ection, Page 202 (One day, Margot had refused to take shower ithe school Shower rooms) She had covered her ears and screamed that the water ahould not tue he. ‘The absence af win on Venus had turned Marg pal aa a. “ebing Margot back to arth would have cot thousanda of dollars Tones tanly, which waa seen ax hindrance t this proposal fe Marg nether played games not aang songs of bappiness wih them, fe They fet hontty towards Margot or her experience on Barth Sih the gun that they Longe for and could not remember fe There were rumoura that Margot parents were planning To take her bock to earth. This made her classmates hate her even more Rete to Jealousy and Bulying. under Themes section, Page 202. Margot protested pleaded and vied in front of ther xo that thee tld not to lock her wp. Once locked, ae even tried 19 pen the door by Beating and throwing herself against it. She Kepe crying inne the cnet. ‘She geaced this way Decause she did not want to miss the fan te abine and warmth “The incemant rain Gall stopped which resulted in silence Maron, twos bminenae and unbelievable because if wa ‘apericnced only after waiting fr 2e¥en yeas 2018-4 1 a co vm. 6) @ a o ‘The children were eagerly waiting for raln to stop and sun ‘come out. As soon asthe rain stopped, there was immense ‘unbelievable silence. The door was nally sled open and ‘mashed out Into the alent word of sunshine, ‘© The jungle continued to grow in all directions lke “a of octop” and st looked as i “burned with sunlight. ©The eby for once was clear and fled with sunshine, © Nature wao filed with fresh air and slence. Refer to paragraph 4, under Story in Detait page 199, ‘She was locked in the closet when the sun came ot ‘Wallars and other children told Margot thatthe scientists wrong in thelr predictions of when the sun would ap ‘which forced Margot to panic. Her anxiety only increased ‘the children foreibly took her to a covet and locked her ‘The gil cried in cadness as their lied time enjoy oun ‘it warmth was over She showed to others in the centre other cupped palm, ‘raindrop. She wembled because the thought of rain again her anxious. ‘The weather changed ll of a sudden. The oun faded started blowing, and there was thunder and lighting t raining hard. ‘The children felt sad and hopeless as they would have to walt for next seven years for tun {0 appear again Suddenly they remembered that they locked Margot in a closet before they went out to enjoy In the sun ‘The children fe guy of locking Margot inside the coc. [After experiencing the warmth of the sun, they realced that Margot wae right They gully of what they haa done t0 Margot, They stood frozen and walled slowy towards the closet tnd let Margot out 200

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