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Maura McTighe

September 2, 2020
September 3, 2020

I can identify what a community is.
I can identify different things to do in a community.

Anticipatory Set: 5/6 minutes

(Play Community Song) Alright, kids. We talked about what a community was last time. Can
anyone tell me what they remember about communities from last time? Think about the song.
(Pause for students to respond) Can anyone come up with any other examples that were not in
the song? (Call on a few students) Go to slide 7. What do you see? (Call on a few students) Go
to slide 8. Where do you think people live? Where do you think people work? (Call on students
for answers) Go to slide 9. Where do people play? (Call on students) Where do people solve
community problems? (Call on students and talk about their answers)

Procedure: 15 minutes
I am so happy you all know so much about communities. Today, we are going to look a little
closer into the different parts of communities. I would like each of you to take out your text book
and turn to page 3. (Would anyone like to read/ Or I read out loud) Does everyone live in a
home? (Call on students and talk about their answers) Are there different types of homes?(Call
on students and talk about their answers) Where do people work in our community? Think about
what mom and/or dad do… (Call on students and talk about their answers) Read sections 3 and
4. (Either a volunteer of I read it out loud) Where do we have fun in our community? (Call on
students and talk about their answers) Where do people in our communities go to solve
problems? (Call on students and talk about their answers)

Closing: 2 minutes (with assessment)

Would anyone like to share something about their own community that they can connect with
the information we learned today about communities? (Call on a few students or give an
example of “Loras College” where I live, work and go to school.)

Assessment: 3 minutes
Page 2 in What is a Community Packet.

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