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Morticia Addams is more elegant than grandmother Addams

2. Lucas Addams is older than baby Addams
3. Merlina Addams is badder than Homero Addams
4. Homero Addams is more romantic than Lurch
5. Pericles Addams is fatter than Morticia Addams
6. The cousin itt is hairier than Lucas Addams
7. Lurch is taller than Merlina Addams
8. The grandmother Addams is uglier than cousin itt
9. The Baby Addams is funnier than Merlina Addams
10. The thing is more intelligent than Pericles Addams
11. Lurch is sillier than grandmother Addams
12. Pericles Addams is naughtier than Homero Addams

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