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1.Owning a car has many advantages.

First of all it means that you do not need to

use public transport anymore because you have
your personal vehicle and you can go everywhere and at any time you want.It can
also help you get to work and back home in no time.
Other times you can use it to carry heavy stuff when needed.

2.I do not think that cars should be banned from city centers because all the
streets are already crowded.Blocking traffic in the
center of the city would just make it worst because you will be forced to go
around.Plus,maybe some of the most important shops are
located there and this will make them lose clients.

3.The driving age should not be either raised or lowered.In my opinion the age of
18 is fine because,if lowered, you would be too
young and careless and i do not think a child would pay enough attention.Raising
the age would not be a major problem but some
teens would think that some freedom is being taken away from them.

4.No,driving lessons should not be provided by high schools.I think that learning
for the final exams is already stressful enough,
so adding driving school too would not be a good ideea.Everyone should take their
driving license when they feel prepared.

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