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I will describe about my hometown. namely the city of rembang.

My hometown is rembang Rembang is a city that is not too big. which is located in Central Java,
precisely to the east of the city of Pati and the border between Central Java and East Java. Rembang
is directly adjacent to the North Java Sea, and is traversed by the Pantura line which is the national
route 1.

Rembang has many tourism destinations, such as having many beaches and historical places.
rembang there is the tomb of an Indonesian heroine namely R.A Kartini and all the stories about
Kartini are in rembang. some residents work as fishermen and farmers. rembang is also known for its
religious tolerance which is located in Lasem, an area where some religious people live in harmony,
this area is often called small China.

Rembang is also very famous for its beaches such as Ginger Coral Beach, Caruban Beach, Jatisari
Beach and so on. rembang also has special food that is no less delicious. such as lontong tuyuhan,
satay serepeh, and other traditional foods. besides that, rembang also has a culture that must be
done every year for offering gratitude to God which is often called village alms or sea alms. Village
charity is usually carried out in villages where some of the population work as farmers and have
abundant yields. while sea alms are often held in coastal areas as gratitude for the pleasures given
by Allah.

In the month of Ramadan, to be precise the end of Ramadan in Rembang always holds a musical
tradition, namely Thongthongklek. thongthongklek is a traditional musical instrument made of
bamboo. This tradition is carried out at night after tarawih prayer, usually around the city of
Rembang using a large vehicle. thongthongklek is usually accompanied by other traditional music.
rembang is also famous for its batik, namely batik lasem. Lasem batik is made by writing. with many
motives. Lasem batik motif is also the result of acculturation of Javanese and Chinese cultures.
Lasem batik also has distinctive motifs with bold and striking colors. Lasem batik is also a batik that
has a high selling price.

that's all from my story about the city of Rembang with various traditions and other destinations,
hopefully you can get to know the city of Rembang through the stories I tell. thank you.

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