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1. What is the experience of this kind of treatment in Montenegro?

Herbal medicine has a long tradition in Montenegro , and it is often used nowadays as a treatment in
our country. We have plantations of autochtone medical herbs , from here we get medical herbs for our
traditional medicine . In our traditional medicine we use : Pelim, lavanda, smilja, timijan, matičnjak,
vrijeska, divlje kopljike,ruzmarin etc. .

2.What is your own experience? Do you know of anyone else’s experience? Give examples and your
own vision.

I have never really tried herbal medicine except a herbal tea now and then when I am sick or when I am
trying to boost my immunity, but i have heard some stories about medical herbs and how they did
wonders for somebody.

3.Do you vote for or against this kind of treatment? Give your reasons & arguments.

I definitely think that there should be more research done when it comes to medical herbs and their
efficiency and possible side effects. We also should use herbal medicine more often than conventional
drugs , and only use conventional drugs when really necessary in order to avoid antibiotic

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