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1. What is the paradox of the 21st century paradox and why is it considered to be according to the speaker?

Globalization is the idea to create one nation. We use English language to easily communicate with people in
other parts of the world. Yes, we do understand other people because they're talking in English language but the
way how they we interpret it will be different because of what we called village culture and village culture still
rule. It over. The paradox is that it is easy to understand other people and it has also been easy to
misunderstand them. Like what the speaker said in the video that the 21st century paradox has got two pillars in
it, the first is the dominance of English in concerning the world of Commerce as the lingua franca of the world
and the second is our unrelenting and total reliance on digital communication. Both of these lead to what’s
called a cross cultural dilemma. As the English language is our lingua franca and has been use by the
businessman when they are negotiating with other people. They do understand each other but the way they
interpret it is different from another. The second is the total reliance on digital communication, you can send an
email to other person in other parts of the world and they do receive it in just a couple of seconds. When they
read it there’s a possibility that they can interpret it wrong because in email, its just a letters it is not included
how said it word by word or how is your tone when you’re saying it. The context of the email or letter may
change according to the cultural group does the receiver or reader belongs.

2. What is the global knowledge and what are the issues faced by this?
Global knowledge is the knowledge that is beyond our own cultural context, it is for all people around the world.
We use English as our global knowledge because it is our lingua franca in order to communicate with other. The
Issues face by this are;
The diversity of cultures. We have different cultures though we used same language, our approaches might be
different from another.
We are relying on digitals and high-tech things. We use it communicate to other people and some other parts or
region of the world and those countries that are not globally competitive get affected by these, they are left
behind by those countries that are competitive and have advanced technology.
3. What are the pieces of evidence mentioned in the video that proves that the global village does not exist?"
The pieces of evidence that proves the “global village” does not exist are; When the man realize to his Dutch and
some American friends that directness doesn't necessarily mean rudeness, like what he experienced in the cab
driver at New York . When he was negotiating on Japanese, he thought that they agreed to what he said because
they keep on saying “yes” but their answer “yes” is because they heard and not that they agreed. When he got
mad having conversation with the Italian, he learned that displays of emotion of anger does not necessarily
mean that the deal is off. When he goes to a meeting and he realized that some culture does not start the
meeting at exactly given time. They are putting it as a guideline, and they think that the world would not end if
they start the meeting 20 minutes late.
Global village does not exist is the village culture. Yes, we do have global economy, global warming, global crisis
global communication but we do not have global village. There is no single village, but a lot of village there is.
4. Do you agree with the speaker? Elaborate your answer?
Yes, I do agree with the speaker. I do agree that we need to address the paradox of 21st century, it is not always
the good or positive side of globalization we must also see the possibilities to other problems and we must think
how to navigate this paradox. He said that the key is “cultural intelligence” and I also agreed to that because we
must learn and understand different cultures in order to adapt and improve but not losing our own culture and
identity. I do also agree to the speaker that there is no such a global village nor single village, it has a lot of single
5. What should be developed to become more sensible adept communication?
We should develop our cultural intelligence. It is the key to understand different cultures. Learning different
cultures to adapt in order to improve and not taking away or losing our own cultural identity. Cultural
intelligence is about realizing quite simply that we do not all reason and think the same way. We should be
aware of cultural variables to do not misunderstand one another.

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