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Ashley Wade


Instructor Allison Nazorek

22 November 2020

Career Fair Assignment-10:00am & 10:30am

1. What was your overall reaction to the virtual career fair? It’s not the same as
being in person but overall they packed as much information in as time
3. What employers did you talk to and what did you gain from the interactions?
Boys Town and United States Customs and Border Protection.

4. Were there any employers that you’d be interested in working for in the
future? What skills and experiences will you have to have before you can
work for them? How will develop those skills and gain those experiences? I
would be interested in working for Boys Town and the United States Customs
and Border Protection. Skills and experiences needed would be physical
fitness, quick decision making, investigative skills, work on written
communications and time management. Apply myself more to critical thinking
situations and problem solving.
4. Your recommendations (positive or negative) for this type of activity. Would
you attend similar events in the future? Why/why not? With covid-19 it makes
it hard to focus when everything is over a zoom meeting. I would want to
attend a meeting face to face. I would only attend if it was for a graded
5. Suggestions as to how the event could have been planned more effectively,
what would make this event better in the future, and/or how to encourage
more students to attend. One thing that could be improved is updating the
website to advise if an employer will not show up. I signed up for a slot and
person from the organization never came into the meeting.
6. After attending this virtual career fair, what advice would you give yourself so
that you could be better prepared to attend a career fair in the future? I can
not think of anything outside of getting more rest the night before.

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