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The problem it presents is that we will not get a company to give my professional

residence due to the covid pandemic, it is all closed and most of the oil companies are not
working and do not accept residents, perhaps if we had investigated before contacting a
company where to give my residence.
What I did was investigate on the school page that the companies have an agreement with
the school, so I decided to print the data of the companies and dial by phone to ask what
requirements they requested to prepare or simply if they accepted residents to which a
company asked me. He said that they were going to withdraw the agreement with the
school because many have badly allowed it and it is not convenient for them, so I decided
to investigate with more people from other companies and they gave me data and told
me that they are not accepting anyone for now.
One of my solutions went to the seneder and several companies recommended me, but
they were very far from the municipality and they were very far, but I decided to
investigate the following things again:
How long does it take to arrive?
How much money would you spend on the tickets to go and return?
The way I thought it was not convenient for me to travel so I decided to keep looking and I
got 4 more options in one of them the manager is too problematic so I discarded my next
option sounded very good but I did not count that the branch of the company to the He
would send me this very far and it would be a lot of spending money, in my next option I
think it is perfect because my friends will also be there and I want to believe that it is a
good option because we are going to work together and if we work well maybe they will
hire us for a month .

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