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Ulangan Akhir Semester (UAS) I

Tahun Pelajaran 20../ 20..

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/ Semester : IV (Empat)/ 1 (Satu)

Hari/ Tanggal : ..................................

Waktu : 90 menit

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) on a, b, c, or d !

1. Question : … is your name?

Answer: My name Is Joko.

a. Where b. Why c. What d. When

2. Question : …. do you study?

Answer : I study at Sanjayadira Elementary school.

a. Where b. Why c. What d. When

3. Wawan: Today is my birthday.

Soleh: . . . . Wawan

Wawan: Thank you.

a. I am sorry c. I am fine

b. Happy birthday d. happy holiday

4. Mother: I am going to work, son! Good bye!

Son : …

a. Sorry c. never mind

b. Good bye d. Thanks
5. Can you . . . me to clean the table? Yes, sure.

a. Help c. close

b. Borrow d. open

6. This animal lives in the pond.

a. bird

b. cat

c. dog

d. goldfish

7.Girls like to play ....

a. Car toy

b. yo-yo

c. doll

d. mask

8.Father brushes his teeth with a ....

a. towel

b. toothbrush

c. dipper

d. soap

9. .... is a way to cross a river.

a. crossroads

b. hotel

c. bridge

d. fountain
10.Putri wears .... on her hair.

a. hairband

b. earring

c. bracelet

d. ring

11. Q : Who had born us?


a. Nanny

b. Mother

c. Aunty

d. Grandmother

12. We can keep our books and pencils in the …





13. borrow – I – May – pencil– a – ?

A. May I a pencil borrow? C. May I pencil a borrow?

B. May I borrow a pencil? D. May borrow a pencil I ?

14.What date is the Sumpah Pemuda day of Indonesia? …

A. 17th of August C. 28nd of October

B. 20th May D. 22nd December
15. Eleven + three equals . . . .

A. Sixteen C. Fourteen

B. Ten D. Twenty five

16. Joko: Can I borrow your kite, Beni?

Beni: …, I have only one.


b.I'm sorry



17. Tutik : Can I borrow your pencil, Rina?

Rina : … , here you are.




d.Forgive me

18. Q : Who is the first President in Indonesia?

A : He is …



c.Bung Hatta


19. Today is the 1st of January.
Let’s blow trumpet and say . . . .

a.happy iedul fitri

b.happy new year

c.happy birthday

d.happy holiday

20. Teacher: Congratulation! You get 100 for Mathematic

Student: . . . .

Teacher: You are welcome.

a. Really c. I don’t know

b. Thank you d. Excuse me

21.There is a book. You can use it for ...

a. reading

b. cooking

c. writing

d. eating

22. You ... eating a bread.

a. am

b. is

c. are

d. do

23. Our hobby is playing badminton. We are playing in the ...

a. home

b. farm
c. class

d. field

24. Is this a jacket?

... This is a blanket.

a. Yes, it is

b. No, it is not

c. No, it is

d. Yes, you are right

25. Papa and Mama are my ...

a. friends

b. teacher

c. parents

d. family

II. Fill the blank with suitable words !

26.Can you . . . me to open the door, please?

Answer: Help

27.Irma : Hello, nice to meet you!

Bitun : hello, . . . .

Answer: Nice to meet you too

28.We play football at the ...

Answer: Field

29.Can you . . . your name please?

Answer: Spell
30.A: your name?

B: My name is wawan

Answer: What

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