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STEM 11-1 OCTOBER 24, 2020

Unicellular organisms are believed to be

one of the earliest life forms on Earth. Which then,
gave rise to much complex multicellular organisms
from these unicellular life forms. This is where the
plant cell is classified. In a biosystem, plants are
naturally the food producer while animals are the
consumer, that’s why their cell structures vary a
lot. From the cell structure to the organelles present
in both cells, the distinction of their cellular
structures is the reason behind the difference
between their functions and roles in an ecosystem.
Some of the cell organelles are present in both plant cell and the animal cell, while others
are unique to just one. One of the most important distinguishing features of plant cells is the
presence of a cell wall, a which serves a variety of functions. This protects the overall cellular
structure of the plant cell as it provides rigidity and tensile strength against external foreign bodies
or against the osmotic stress. Its cell wall is formed from fibrils of cellulose molecules, immersed
in a water-saturated mix of matrix of different glycoproteins and polysaccharides. The plant cell
has also a membrane-enclosed nucleus and
organelles since they have the ability to
produce and manufacture their own food. The
nucleus is then surrounded by the cytoplasm
bounded by the cell membrane. The
cytoplasm is the material inside the cell but
outside the nucleus which contains mix of
substances and structures. Meanwhile, the
cell membrane is a semipermeable membrane
the surrounds and encloses the structures and
contents of the cytoplasm. They are primarily
composed of fatty acid-based lipids and
proteins. Its chemical composition makes it
very flexible, which makes the process of dividing cells rapidly grows. The nucleus is then
contained inside of the cytoplasm. This organelle is considered as the “brain” of the cell since it
serves as the information processing and administrative center of the cell. Only eukaryotic
organisms contain a nucleus since prokaryotes doesn’t have one (not to be confused with nucleoid.)
Mitochondria are the oval-shaped, double membrane organelles that have their own
ribosomes and DNA. This organelle is famously
known as “the powerhouse of the cell” as it is
responsible for the production of Adenosine
Triposphate (ATP), which is the cell’s main
energy molecule. Attached near the nucleus, is
the endoplasmic reticulum. This can either be
smooth or rough, wherein its general function is
to modify proteins and synthesize lipids.
Attached to the rough ER are minute particles
consisting of the RNA, which is the ribosomes.
Meanwhile, the smooth ER doesn’t have any
ribosomes on it as it produces other substances
needed by the cell.
Another organelle that can be found in plant cells are the Golgi Apparatus or the Golgi
Body. It is a membrane bound organelle that is responsible for sorting, tagging, packaging, and
distributing of lipids and proteins take place. The body is comprised of five to eight cup-shaped
membrane sacs called cisternae. This modifies the proteins and lipids that have been built in the
endoplasmic reticulum and prepares them for transporting outside the cell to go through other
locations in the cell.
The vacuole is also present in the plant cell. It is an organelle with different varieties of
membrane-bound sacs which are composed of different types of phospholipids. In plants, vacuoles
fill itself with protons from the cytosol, which can then be used to transport materials in and out
of the vacuole. This serves as the main water storage for plants for photosynthetic processes.
Lastly, the chloroplast. It is an organelle that is the site of photosynthesis, it absorbs the
sunlight which is the light energy that is then converted to chemical energy, resulting in the
production of oxygen and other energy compounds.
In this activity, I learned how to plot and create the different structures and organelles that
are contained in a plant cell. With these, I am also able to specify the functions and aspects of a
plant cell as well as its difference to animal cells and prokaryotic cell. I’ve also learned the essence
of resourcefulness as we were required to use either recycled or edible materials. Indeed,
everything is possible around us if we make it happen.


Cell Organelle Description Function Materials Used
Vacuole “Storage/Water - a chamber - Carton ; Poster
Storage of the Plant surrounded by a Paint (excess from
Cell” membrane which past projects),
contains the cytosol
from being exploited
to the contents.

- serves as a
compartment that are
filled with various
organic and inorganic
molecules together
with the water that
sustains the
Chloroplast “Photosynthesis - provides the site for Clay (Green)
Center of the Plant the photosynthetic
Cell” processes in plant

- it converts light
energy (sunlight) into
a chemical energy for
the production of
oxygen and other
energy compounds.

-comprises the green-

coloured pigments
within the plant cell
which are called the
Cytoplasm “Jell-O’ ; “Cell’s - encases, supports, Carton (Light Green
Environment and suspends Poster Paint)
various organelles
and other cellular
molecules while
performing cellular
processes such as
cell respiration,
protein synthesis,
and cell division.

Mitochondrion “Powerhouse of the - generates energy Clay (Red)
Cell” molecules in the form
of Adenosine
Triposphate (ATP).

- also involved in
other tasks such as
signaling between
cells and cell death.
Cell Membrane “The Gatekeeper of - protects the cellular Carton (Dark Green
the Cell” structure from foreign Paint)
bodies trying to enter
the cell as well as the
osmotic pressure.

- serves as a base for

the cytoskeleton (for
others) and cell wall
in the plant cell.

Nuclear Envelope “The Filter of the - protects the cell’s Clay (Orange)
Nucleus in Cell” genetic material from
the chemical
reactions that occurs
outside the area of the

- manages the
materials that enter
and exit the nucleus.
Nucleolus “Center of ribosome - responsible for the Clay (Light Orange)
production” production of
subunits that forms to
make ribosomes.

- also plays an
important role in the
synthesis of proteins

Cell Wall “The Skin” - rigid outer part layer Batik-styled art
that provides support material
and protection to the
cell membrane.
Ribosomes “Protein Factories” - binds to a messenger Clay (red)
ribonucleic acid
(mRNA) and decodes
the information carried
by the nucleotide
sequence of the mRNA.

- responsible for
bringing together
amino acids to form
various types of

Nucleus “Control Center of - contains the Clay (Yellow)

the Cell” hereditary
information of the

- controls the cell’s

growth and

- site where ribosome

synthesis takes place
Smooth Endoplasmic “Lipid Synthesizer” - this organelle is Clay (Red)
Reticulum responsible for
synthesizing lipids
and detoxification of
dangerous metabolic
Round Endoplasmic “Excretory-protein - contains studs of Clay (Red)
Reticulum synthesizer” ribosomes in its

- Responsible for the

production of
secretory proteins and
the formation of
transport vesicles.
Golgi Apparatus “Shipping and - responsible for Clay (Orange)
Transporting Site” ; packaging proteins
“The Shippers” and modifies products
of the endoplasmic GANDA NUNG GUMAWA
reticulum to their final

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