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Five hundred manufacturing companies, with 25 financial data points each, can be a

lot of information to process, so with this chart we've sliced and diced the list
by industry and delivered only a few key financials. A quick glance shows the
largest companies in each industry sector.

Those of you who can't seem to gather enough data can get your fill with
continually updated stock price and financial new updates. Find them in the new
IndustryWeek US 500 Stock Index and related financial news pages.
A. A plaintiff who was injured as as result of some negligent conduct on the part
of a defendant is entitled to recover compensation for such injury from that
defendant.A plaintiff is entitled to a verdict if jury finds1. That a defendant was
negligent, and2. That such negligence was a cause of injury to the plaintiff.


Negligence is the doing of something which a reasonably prudent person would not
do, or the failure to do something which a reasonably prudent person would do,
under circumstances similar to those shown by the evidence.It is the failure to use
ordinary or reasonable care.Ordinary or reasonable care is that care which persons
of ordinary prudence would use in order to avoid injury to themselves or others
under circumstances similar to those shown by the evidence. The person whose
conduct we set up as a standard is not the extraordinarily cautious individual, nor
the exceptionally skillful one, but a person of reasonable and ordinary
prudence.One test that is helpful in determining whether or not a person was
negligent is to ask and answer the question whether or not, if a person of ordinary
prudence had been in the same situation and possessed of the same knowledge, he or
she would have foreseen or anticipated that someone might have been injured by or
as a result of his or her action or inaction. If the answer to that question is
"yes", and if the action or inaction reasonably could have been avoided, then not
to avoid it would be negligence.

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